A/N:OK I am now writing three stories at the sametime...last time that happened I abandoned one but I WILL NOT ABANDONE THIS ONE! The last one I abandoned was cuz...it just wasn a nice story. But this will be good...I hope. Starts around the ending of fifth year. Lily is a nerd. James is popular and um James is always making fun of her and she hates him but then things change when Lilys mother dies. This will be a pretty short story...probably no more than 10 chaps!
Lily sat in the Gryffindor common room reading a book. Her thick pearly glasses were resting at the bridge of her nose as she intently read what happened next. Her bright fiery red hair was in a tight ponytail. Her slighty pudgy hands gripped the book.
Mary apparated to the graveyard and what she saw made her scream. There standing before her was
SPLASH! An orange sticky substance came flying from behind her and landed on her book and loose black robes. She groaned. People all around her were snickering.
'Remember what your anger management counselor said' she repeated to herself. She took deep breaths and turned around. James Potter who had messy black hair and deep blue eyes covered by glasses that made him look even more sophisticated along with his best friends Sirius Black who had black hair which was kind of spiky and dark brown eyes, Remus Lupin with light brown hair and light brown eyes full of wisdom and Peter Pettigrew who was more like a tag along who was short, fat and had blonde hair with glassy blue eyes. The three boys (minus Peter) were some of the schools hottest and popularist boys in school. At the moment three of them were laughing while one (Remus.) stood there disapprovingly and caste Lily a sympathetic glare. Lily just took deep breaths. Her temper usto be out of control all the time but before her parents had moved to England in the beginning of fourth year they'd had her take anger management classes. It just didn't do for her to turn Petunia into a spider or rat whenever she got mad. Lily hated keeping her temper under control because number 1)She always took it out on her parents or Petunia. Number 2) To calm down she usually ate more (explaining her slight pudginess) and number 3) Everyone thought she was some goody-goody two shoes.
Lily just quietly got up and went into her dorm where two of her dorm mates were sitting around giggling. Lily groaned. 'Just my luck to get stuck with the popular bitches' she thought to herself. They were also part of Jameses little clique'. But they were also nice to her unlike James. The reason she called them bitches was because she wasn't in the mood for dealing with them. Sure they were nice to her but still you never knew when they'd turn on you. Her other dorm mate was a girl that mostly kept to herself. To never ever talked to anyone and showed everyone a bitchy attitude. She mostly hung out with Slytherins which was why she was more of an outcast than Lily. They didn't have a fifth because Trishia and Janet had to many clothes and it took up almost all the space for a fifth girl.
"EW! Lily like what the hell is that?" exclaimed Trishia pointing to the orange gunk all over her. She had tight corkscrew curly blonde hair that started from just above her face to just below her shoulders and ocean blue eyes that a guy could stare into for ages.
"Potter." Said Lily simply.
"Oh like that was mean of him. Like maybe we should like talk to him or something." Said Eve. She had long black hair that fell in soft curls down to her back and prominent sparkling dark gray eyes.
"Like ya think?" replied Lily sarcastically and went into the bathroom to wash up. When she came back out the two girl were nowhere in sight. Lily sighed and changed into her night suite. She then picked up the orange gunk filled books he'd been reading and tried to remove it from the book. It didn't come of. Taking her wand she caste a few spells and they didn't work either. The anger in Lily began to grow but she kept it in check and sighed.
"Looks like I'll have to buy another one from diagon alley." Said Lily sighing. She then quietly stole out towards the kitchens after changing back into her to loose robes. 'Maybe' Lily thought to herself 'If mum and dad would let me tighten them, wear makeup and stuff I wouldn't be such an outcast.' Lily didn't need the pearly thick glasses. She just wore them. She'd needed them a while back but she didn't need them now. She just wore them for fun. They were thick but weren't that strong a number. She basically wore them because she was afraid Potter would try to hex her eyes and she prided her eyes. They were a prominent emerald green that other girls would die for. Lilys parents were always the over protective type. Especialy around Lily as she was always gone to a boarding school where boys were. NO tight robes, makeup and long nails were still being debated. Lily sighed. She needed to go on a diet. Reaching the portrait of the fruit bowl she tickled the pear and she went in. There she met the four marauders.
"Moony...you sure you alright?" asked Sirius. Remus nodded wearily. He was pale and looked sick. 'Probably because the full moon is tommorrow' Lily thought to herself. She knew Remus was a warewolf. She'd figured it out around the beginning of fourth year when she'd first moved.
"Oh look who it is." James said looking at Lily.
Lily ignored him.
"Finally get that orange stuff out of your hair?" asked Remus good naturedly.
Lily nodded and started eating a sandwich.
"Hey that's our plate of sandwiches." Said James.
"James shutup." Said Remus sharply.
"Why? Remus she's a nobody! Why are you sticking up for her?" he asked
Lilys anger started to go out of control. She started taking deep breaths. 'i'm not going to let them get the better of me' she thought to herself 'Let them know you can hit back harder'.
"So Moony. I hear it's a full moon tomorrow." Said Lily carelessly using the name Sirius had called Remus.
All four boys paled.
"Y-yes It is." Said Remus.
Then she leaned in close to Remus. "Your secrets safe with me." She whispered so the other three didn't hear. Satisfied she got up and left smirking at James.
* * *
Lily sat there eating her breakfast. She was fingering her prefect badge. She looked over her O.W.Ls results. One more week until school was out and then she could go home. 'Is it really a home to me though?' Lily thought to herself. 'More like a prison. Mum and dad are the gaurds Petunias the torturer and I'm the prisoner.' She concluded. 'Then where is home?' she asked herself. 'Surely not Hogwarts where I'm shunned to the side all the time, picked on by James Potter who has vowed to make my life miserable, treated as an outcaste, liked by no one and friendless...atleast mum and dad love me and mum...she's kind of like a friend. Maybe homes not so bad compared to Hogwarts.' She looked over at the marauders laughing along with Tania and Eve. 'Bet they have perfect lives.' Lily thought bitterly. 'No overprotective parents, no mean older sisters hating you for being what you are...being popular and the school hanging on your every word...' Lily trailed off in thought and looked at her O.W.L. results again. 'Atleast I've got good grades.' Lily thought to herself sighing. Then laughed at herself. 'What normal 15 year old girl says that?'. Owls then swooped in giving letters to their masters or mistresses so when a brown owl dropped a letter in Lilys lap she was surprised. Opening the letter she read
Dear Miss Evans,
We regret to inform you that your mother Mary Evans died. Voldemort in one of his attacks at a muggle shop murdered her along with hundreds of other people.
Our deepest sympathies
Ministry Of Magic
John Dobberby.
Lily paled. Her hands started shaking uncontrollably.
"Oh what's wrong you a little cold?" asked James mockingly from a few seats away. The teachers had finished their breakfast and it was pretty late as today was Saturday and only her along with some other students were in the Great Hall. Lily just started shaking more. "Here let me warm you up." Said James and shot a spell at her. She looked at her shaking hands and found her skin had turned red.
"Oh my bad sorry. I forgot that spell didn't work on dorks." Said James not sounding sorry at all.
Lily burst into tears surprising James. She ran out of the Great Hall in tears and ran. She ran until her legs gave way and she found herself at Dumbledores office entrance. She noticed her skin wasn't red anymore.
"Fizzing Whizbees." Said Lily and the gargoyle jumped aside. She walked up the stairs her eyes still streaming with tears tying to calm down. Opening Dumbledores office door she saw him sitting at his desk.
"P-Professor." Lily choked out. "My-my mother she-she passed away a-and I was wondering if-if I c-could-" Lily choked and hiccupped after every two minutes and Dumbledore held up a hand for silence. The twinkle in his eyes was no longer there and his eyes were filled with sympathy.
"Miss. Evans you have my permission to leave for her funeral. As school is almost over you can leave for the rest of the week. I hope to see you in good health next year. I'll have a train come tomorrow and pick you up."He said.
"Th-thank you-p-professor." Lily choked out and walked down the stairs. She walked down the halls and tears fell down her cheeks silently. She then bumped into someone. It was James.
"Lily listen I'm sorry." He said.
Lily brushed past him.
"I read the letter and I'm sorry about your parents. It was just meant as a harmless little joke." He said.
Lily turned around. "Harmless?!" Lily exclaimed. "Oh I can understand if you played one or two jokes on me but I'm always your number one target next to Snape and his little gang! You call that harmless?! You've had it in for me since day one! WHY?!" Lily screamed.
James hung his head.
"Thought so." Said Lily and stormed up to the common room and into her dorm. Eve and Trishia were standing there.
"Lily we heard and we're like really sorry." Said Eve.
"Yea like you wanna talk about it?" asked Trishia.
"No." said Lily and started stuffing clothes into her trunk.
There was a knock at the door.
"Can I come in?" asked James.
"No!" Lily yelled.
Eve and Trishia opened the door for James and both girls went out.
"Tell her James." Said Trishia gently and left.
"Tell me what?" asked Lily stuffing books in her trunk and crying.
"Lily I've never really hated you." Said James.
"Could've fooled me." Lily retorted laying out a black robe for tomorrow.
"Listen!" said James and grabbed her hands. "Lily I've liked you for a long time-"
Lily snorted. "I doubt anyone could like me because of my looks."
"I don't care about your looks." Said James. "I like the way you take deep breaths trying to control your temper. I like the way you smile while reading. I like the way you're always helping first years but most of all I like you and Lily even if you were a one legged hag I'd still like you a lot." James finished of.
"Nice joke." Said Lily. "If you really liked me then you would've never tried to make my life miserable."
"Lily I didn't know I was making your life miserable." Said James. "Those jokes were to show everyone I didn't like you because...because every person I truly care for dies."
Lily laughed a cold, twisted laugh that didn't meet her eyes. "Nice try."
"It's true!" James exclaimed looking her in the eye. "You think I'm so perfect. No problems or worries. Well you're wrong! Voldemort has been after my family for ages. He's killed my father and now he's after me. He wants the Potter line to die."
Lily believed him this time. "Why?" she asked .
"I-I can't tell you." He said. "Maybe I'll tell you some other time but not now. You have to much on your mind right now."
"But-" and before Lily could continue James pressed his lips against hers.
'This isn't supposed to happen to me.' Lily thought to herself. 'This only happens to popular girls like Eve or Trishia. This only happens to pretty girls not ugly pudgy girls like me. But it is happening. It's happening to me.'
When they finally pulled away Lily felt dizzy.
"This a joke." Said Lily quietly. "You're planning on making me into a fool when go downstairs."
"Lily look at me. It's not a joke." Said James grabbing her hand.
By that afternoon the whole school was in a flurry that James and Lily were a couple.
"He probably just felt sorry for her and is going to dump her by the end of the week." Said a fifth year Ravenclaw at lunch.
Lily didn't know what to feel. She was happy yet sad. Sad for her mother but happy because she felt that someone liked her. She picked at her food still depressed about her mother.
"Lily eat something." Said James.
Lily shook her head and got up. Taking her thick glasses of she rubbed her red dry eyes.
"I have a head ache and I feel like laying down." She said.
James nodded and walked her to her dorm.
"Thanks." She said and made a move to put her thick glasses back on but James grabbed the glasses.
"No wonder you have a headache you're wearing glasses that you don't even need." He said and flung them away. He guided her into her dorm.
"Can you see?" he asked testing her eyesight.
"Yes I'm not blind." Lily replied. James kissed her forehead and left the dorm.
* * *
"I don't know what James sees in you." Sneered a very pretty sixth year hufflepuff.
Lily turned around. It was breakfast and Lily hadn't eaten anything since yesterday. She'd been to depressed.
James stood up to tell the sixth year of but Lily stopped him. "In me he sees sincerity and a brain." Lily said looking the girl up and down. "Which is more than I can say for a two timed failed sixth year."
Everyone laughed.
"Miss Evans." Said Professor McGonagoll. "Your train has arrived."
Lily nodded.
"Bye." Lily said to everyone. Sirius and Remus hugged her while Eve and Trishia waved her bye. Lily stood up and James carried her trunk.
"Bye James." Said Lily once they reached the train.
"Lily wait." He said grabbing her arm. Lily turned. He kissed her and put a note into her hand. "Read it on the way home." He whispered and Lily climbed into the train waving bye to James until he was a little black dot against the horizon. Lily leaned back and opened the letter.
Dear Lily,
I don't know how to say this. I'm not good at this type of stuff but here it is I love you. Yes I love you. I've loved you since the day I saw you and can't think about anyone else. Please say you love me to. I know it's to early to be saying this but I do. I truly love you and I hope you love me to.
Love James.
Lily felt tears spring to her eyes. She was going to write a letter as soon as she got home.
* * *
"Daddy!" Lily exclaimed when she saw him in the train station.
"Lily!" he said and hugged her. Neither of them smiled but each knew the other was happy to see him/her.
"Come on." Said her dad grabbing her trunk. He then saw the letter in Lilys hands.
"What's that?" he inquired.
"Oh." Said Lily blushing. "Nothing just a letter from my friend."
Her father nodded.
* * *
"James she's a dork! A nerd! In other words not one of us!" shrieked Mary a tall blonde with blue eyes. "You are like going against everything we all stand for! You even wrote her a note?! I can't believe you!"
"Shut up Mary! Just shut up before I hex you! You are no one to tell me who to love and who not to love! Go shag your boyfriend and leave me alone!" he yelled back.
"What do you see in her? She's a fat, short little idiot and you-" but Mary couldn't say anymore because James had punched her. Sirius and Remus were holding him back and Mary ran away in tears.
* * *
A month had passed and Lily had become pale and nothing but skin and bones. She'd stopped eating and her usually rosy cheeks were pale. Her father and older sister were all wrapped up in their own pain and nobody really cared about the other. They were just to depressed about what had happened to Rose Evans.
Then Lilys aunt came to visit.
"Lily!" she exclaimed when she'd seen the state her youngest neice was in.
"I know Roses death was a but of a shock but...Lily you look like you haven't had a proper meal for weeks."
"A month to be exact." Said Lily.
"Michael! I can't believe you've been such a careless father! Lily dear come on I'm taking you to diagon alley for the day go get ready." Her aunt said.
Lily happily obliged. Her aunt (Fathers sister) was also a witch.
An hour later the two women were in diagon alley.
"Now Lily I was thinking maybe we could get you some nice dress robes. I hear this year there's going to be a big convention at your school where all the schools are going to get together. There will be dances! For Halloween and Christmas. Then I was thinking we could get some ice cream and then go muggle shopping!"
Lily agreed right away and she was feeling more like herself. By the time they got back from Diagon alley and muggle shopping Lily was carrying 5 bags full of clothes.
"After all now that you've er...gotten weaker these clothes will look stunning on you." Her aunt had said picking up a short tank top and capris.
Then they'd gone a few places and gotten makeup and other things. On the way home in her aunts Porsche they talked.
"Now Lily all this stuff...think of it as a knew beginning. Your mother would've never wanted you to be depressed like this. Lily Petunia isn't strong enough to handle this so I'm asking you...Lily be strong and be happy. You're the one that's going to have to be a pillar of strength for you father and Petunia. Start out a new life. Don't be afraid to be yourself." Her aunt finished of as they parked into the drive way.
"Now of you go. Smile...there that's my angel. Bye Lily." She said. Lily hugged her fiercly.
"Thank you Aunt Martha. Thank you." Said Lily.
"Anytime dear. Now run along." She said. Lily smiled and went into her house.
"Lily!" her father exclaimed. "My my haven't you become a beauty!"
"Thanks dad." She said blushing.
"Now Lily I'm warning you be careful. I know now that many guys are going to be asking you out and your going to have a boyfriend every week-"
"Dad I um already have one." Said Lily blushing.
"What?" her dad asked.
"Yes. At school. The note that you asked about when I got of the train...it was from him."
"Well-I-" her dad was surprised.
Lily hugged her father and went upstairs to sort out her clothes. Lily sighed. Even if she'd gotten clothes and some makeup mainly consisting of lipsticks, glosses, eye shadows and eye liners (you're to young for blush and foundation. Her aunt said.) she still looked pale and weak.
* * *
"What's wrong Prongs?" asked Remus. Sirius and him were over at Jameses house but James had his thoughts on a certain red head.
"He's thinking about a short, redheaded, green eyed, slightly pudgy-"
"Sirius!" James exclaimed. "Sirius she's not fat! She's perfect."
Sirius sniggered.
"Hey we're going next week to diagonally lets invite Lily! We'll meet her their. Only two more weeks 'till school starts!" said James.
A/N: Os what'd you think about this chappie? Review! PLEASE!
Lily sat in the Gryffindor common room reading a book. Her thick pearly glasses were resting at the bridge of her nose as she intently read what happened next. Her bright fiery red hair was in a tight ponytail. Her slighty pudgy hands gripped the book.
Mary apparated to the graveyard and what she saw made her scream. There standing before her was
SPLASH! An orange sticky substance came flying from behind her and landed on her book and loose black robes. She groaned. People all around her were snickering.
'Remember what your anger management counselor said' she repeated to herself. She took deep breaths and turned around. James Potter who had messy black hair and deep blue eyes covered by glasses that made him look even more sophisticated along with his best friends Sirius Black who had black hair which was kind of spiky and dark brown eyes, Remus Lupin with light brown hair and light brown eyes full of wisdom and Peter Pettigrew who was more like a tag along who was short, fat and had blonde hair with glassy blue eyes. The three boys (minus Peter) were some of the schools hottest and popularist boys in school. At the moment three of them were laughing while one (Remus.) stood there disapprovingly and caste Lily a sympathetic glare. Lily just took deep breaths. Her temper usto be out of control all the time but before her parents had moved to England in the beginning of fourth year they'd had her take anger management classes. It just didn't do for her to turn Petunia into a spider or rat whenever she got mad. Lily hated keeping her temper under control because number 1)She always took it out on her parents or Petunia. Number 2) To calm down she usually ate more (explaining her slight pudginess) and number 3) Everyone thought she was some goody-goody two shoes.
Lily just quietly got up and went into her dorm where two of her dorm mates were sitting around giggling. Lily groaned. 'Just my luck to get stuck with the popular bitches' she thought to herself. They were also part of Jameses little clique'. But they were also nice to her unlike James. The reason she called them bitches was because she wasn't in the mood for dealing with them. Sure they were nice to her but still you never knew when they'd turn on you. Her other dorm mate was a girl that mostly kept to herself. To never ever talked to anyone and showed everyone a bitchy attitude. She mostly hung out with Slytherins which was why she was more of an outcast than Lily. They didn't have a fifth because Trishia and Janet had to many clothes and it took up almost all the space for a fifth girl.
"EW! Lily like what the hell is that?" exclaimed Trishia pointing to the orange gunk all over her. She had tight corkscrew curly blonde hair that started from just above her face to just below her shoulders and ocean blue eyes that a guy could stare into for ages.
"Potter." Said Lily simply.
"Oh like that was mean of him. Like maybe we should like talk to him or something." Said Eve. She had long black hair that fell in soft curls down to her back and prominent sparkling dark gray eyes.
"Like ya think?" replied Lily sarcastically and went into the bathroom to wash up. When she came back out the two girl were nowhere in sight. Lily sighed and changed into her night suite. She then picked up the orange gunk filled books he'd been reading and tried to remove it from the book. It didn't come of. Taking her wand she caste a few spells and they didn't work either. The anger in Lily began to grow but she kept it in check and sighed.
"Looks like I'll have to buy another one from diagon alley." Said Lily sighing. She then quietly stole out towards the kitchens after changing back into her to loose robes. 'Maybe' Lily thought to herself 'If mum and dad would let me tighten them, wear makeup and stuff I wouldn't be such an outcast.' Lily didn't need the pearly thick glasses. She just wore them. She'd needed them a while back but she didn't need them now. She just wore them for fun. They were thick but weren't that strong a number. She basically wore them because she was afraid Potter would try to hex her eyes and she prided her eyes. They were a prominent emerald green that other girls would die for. Lilys parents were always the over protective type. Especialy around Lily as she was always gone to a boarding school where boys were. NO tight robes, makeup and long nails were still being debated. Lily sighed. She needed to go on a diet. Reaching the portrait of the fruit bowl she tickled the pear and she went in. There she met the four marauders.
"Moony...you sure you alright?" asked Sirius. Remus nodded wearily. He was pale and looked sick. 'Probably because the full moon is tommorrow' Lily thought to herself. She knew Remus was a warewolf. She'd figured it out around the beginning of fourth year when she'd first moved.
"Oh look who it is." James said looking at Lily.
Lily ignored him.
"Finally get that orange stuff out of your hair?" asked Remus good naturedly.
Lily nodded and started eating a sandwich.
"Hey that's our plate of sandwiches." Said James.
"James shutup." Said Remus sharply.
"Why? Remus she's a nobody! Why are you sticking up for her?" he asked
Lilys anger started to go out of control. She started taking deep breaths. 'i'm not going to let them get the better of me' she thought to herself 'Let them know you can hit back harder'.
"So Moony. I hear it's a full moon tomorrow." Said Lily carelessly using the name Sirius had called Remus.
All four boys paled.
"Y-yes It is." Said Remus.
Then she leaned in close to Remus. "Your secrets safe with me." She whispered so the other three didn't hear. Satisfied she got up and left smirking at James.
* * *
Lily sat there eating her breakfast. She was fingering her prefect badge. She looked over her O.W.Ls results. One more week until school was out and then she could go home. 'Is it really a home to me though?' Lily thought to herself. 'More like a prison. Mum and dad are the gaurds Petunias the torturer and I'm the prisoner.' She concluded. 'Then where is home?' she asked herself. 'Surely not Hogwarts where I'm shunned to the side all the time, picked on by James Potter who has vowed to make my life miserable, treated as an outcaste, liked by no one and friendless...atleast mum and dad love me and mum...she's kind of like a friend. Maybe homes not so bad compared to Hogwarts.' She looked over at the marauders laughing along with Tania and Eve. 'Bet they have perfect lives.' Lily thought bitterly. 'No overprotective parents, no mean older sisters hating you for being what you are...being popular and the school hanging on your every word...' Lily trailed off in thought and looked at her O.W.L. results again. 'Atleast I've got good grades.' Lily thought to herself sighing. Then laughed at herself. 'What normal 15 year old girl says that?'. Owls then swooped in giving letters to their masters or mistresses so when a brown owl dropped a letter in Lilys lap she was surprised. Opening the letter she read
Dear Miss Evans,
We regret to inform you that your mother Mary Evans died. Voldemort in one of his attacks at a muggle shop murdered her along with hundreds of other people.
Our deepest sympathies
Ministry Of Magic
John Dobberby.
Lily paled. Her hands started shaking uncontrollably.
"Oh what's wrong you a little cold?" asked James mockingly from a few seats away. The teachers had finished their breakfast and it was pretty late as today was Saturday and only her along with some other students were in the Great Hall. Lily just started shaking more. "Here let me warm you up." Said James and shot a spell at her. She looked at her shaking hands and found her skin had turned red.
"Oh my bad sorry. I forgot that spell didn't work on dorks." Said James not sounding sorry at all.
Lily burst into tears surprising James. She ran out of the Great Hall in tears and ran. She ran until her legs gave way and she found herself at Dumbledores office entrance. She noticed her skin wasn't red anymore.
"Fizzing Whizbees." Said Lily and the gargoyle jumped aside. She walked up the stairs her eyes still streaming with tears tying to calm down. Opening Dumbledores office door she saw him sitting at his desk.
"P-Professor." Lily choked out. "My-my mother she-she passed away a-and I was wondering if-if I c-could-" Lily choked and hiccupped after every two minutes and Dumbledore held up a hand for silence. The twinkle in his eyes was no longer there and his eyes were filled with sympathy.
"Miss. Evans you have my permission to leave for her funeral. As school is almost over you can leave for the rest of the week. I hope to see you in good health next year. I'll have a train come tomorrow and pick you up."He said.
"Th-thank you-p-professor." Lily choked out and walked down the stairs. She walked down the halls and tears fell down her cheeks silently. She then bumped into someone. It was James.
"Lily listen I'm sorry." He said.
Lily brushed past him.
"I read the letter and I'm sorry about your parents. It was just meant as a harmless little joke." He said.
Lily turned around. "Harmless?!" Lily exclaimed. "Oh I can understand if you played one or two jokes on me but I'm always your number one target next to Snape and his little gang! You call that harmless?! You've had it in for me since day one! WHY?!" Lily screamed.
James hung his head.
"Thought so." Said Lily and stormed up to the common room and into her dorm. Eve and Trishia were standing there.
"Lily we heard and we're like really sorry." Said Eve.
"Yea like you wanna talk about it?" asked Trishia.
"No." said Lily and started stuffing clothes into her trunk.
There was a knock at the door.
"Can I come in?" asked James.
"No!" Lily yelled.
Eve and Trishia opened the door for James and both girls went out.
"Tell her James." Said Trishia gently and left.
"Tell me what?" asked Lily stuffing books in her trunk and crying.
"Lily I've never really hated you." Said James.
"Could've fooled me." Lily retorted laying out a black robe for tomorrow.
"Listen!" said James and grabbed her hands. "Lily I've liked you for a long time-"
Lily snorted. "I doubt anyone could like me because of my looks."
"I don't care about your looks." Said James. "I like the way you take deep breaths trying to control your temper. I like the way you smile while reading. I like the way you're always helping first years but most of all I like you and Lily even if you were a one legged hag I'd still like you a lot." James finished of.
"Nice joke." Said Lily. "If you really liked me then you would've never tried to make my life miserable."
"Lily I didn't know I was making your life miserable." Said James. "Those jokes were to show everyone I didn't like you because...because every person I truly care for dies."
Lily laughed a cold, twisted laugh that didn't meet her eyes. "Nice try."
"It's true!" James exclaimed looking her in the eye. "You think I'm so perfect. No problems or worries. Well you're wrong! Voldemort has been after my family for ages. He's killed my father and now he's after me. He wants the Potter line to die."
Lily believed him this time. "Why?" she asked .
"I-I can't tell you." He said. "Maybe I'll tell you some other time but not now. You have to much on your mind right now."
"But-" and before Lily could continue James pressed his lips against hers.
'This isn't supposed to happen to me.' Lily thought to herself. 'This only happens to popular girls like Eve or Trishia. This only happens to pretty girls not ugly pudgy girls like me. But it is happening. It's happening to me.'
When they finally pulled away Lily felt dizzy.
"This a joke." Said Lily quietly. "You're planning on making me into a fool when go downstairs."
"Lily look at me. It's not a joke." Said James grabbing her hand.
By that afternoon the whole school was in a flurry that James and Lily were a couple.
"He probably just felt sorry for her and is going to dump her by the end of the week." Said a fifth year Ravenclaw at lunch.
Lily didn't know what to feel. She was happy yet sad. Sad for her mother but happy because she felt that someone liked her. She picked at her food still depressed about her mother.
"Lily eat something." Said James.
Lily shook her head and got up. Taking her thick glasses of she rubbed her red dry eyes.
"I have a head ache and I feel like laying down." She said.
James nodded and walked her to her dorm.
"Thanks." She said and made a move to put her thick glasses back on but James grabbed the glasses.
"No wonder you have a headache you're wearing glasses that you don't even need." He said and flung them away. He guided her into her dorm.
"Can you see?" he asked testing her eyesight.
"Yes I'm not blind." Lily replied. James kissed her forehead and left the dorm.
* * *
"I don't know what James sees in you." Sneered a very pretty sixth year hufflepuff.
Lily turned around. It was breakfast and Lily hadn't eaten anything since yesterday. She'd been to depressed.
James stood up to tell the sixth year of but Lily stopped him. "In me he sees sincerity and a brain." Lily said looking the girl up and down. "Which is more than I can say for a two timed failed sixth year."
Everyone laughed.
"Miss Evans." Said Professor McGonagoll. "Your train has arrived."
Lily nodded.
"Bye." Lily said to everyone. Sirius and Remus hugged her while Eve and Trishia waved her bye. Lily stood up and James carried her trunk.
"Bye James." Said Lily once they reached the train.
"Lily wait." He said grabbing her arm. Lily turned. He kissed her and put a note into her hand. "Read it on the way home." He whispered and Lily climbed into the train waving bye to James until he was a little black dot against the horizon. Lily leaned back and opened the letter.
Dear Lily,
I don't know how to say this. I'm not good at this type of stuff but here it is I love you. Yes I love you. I've loved you since the day I saw you and can't think about anyone else. Please say you love me to. I know it's to early to be saying this but I do. I truly love you and I hope you love me to.
Love James.
Lily felt tears spring to her eyes. She was going to write a letter as soon as she got home.
* * *
"Daddy!" Lily exclaimed when she saw him in the train station.
"Lily!" he said and hugged her. Neither of them smiled but each knew the other was happy to see him/her.
"Come on." Said her dad grabbing her trunk. He then saw the letter in Lilys hands.
"What's that?" he inquired.
"Oh." Said Lily blushing. "Nothing just a letter from my friend."
Her father nodded.
* * *
"James she's a dork! A nerd! In other words not one of us!" shrieked Mary a tall blonde with blue eyes. "You are like going against everything we all stand for! You even wrote her a note?! I can't believe you!"
"Shut up Mary! Just shut up before I hex you! You are no one to tell me who to love and who not to love! Go shag your boyfriend and leave me alone!" he yelled back.
"What do you see in her? She's a fat, short little idiot and you-" but Mary couldn't say anymore because James had punched her. Sirius and Remus were holding him back and Mary ran away in tears.
* * *
A month had passed and Lily had become pale and nothing but skin and bones. She'd stopped eating and her usually rosy cheeks were pale. Her father and older sister were all wrapped up in their own pain and nobody really cared about the other. They were just to depressed about what had happened to Rose Evans.
Then Lilys aunt came to visit.
"Lily!" she exclaimed when she'd seen the state her youngest neice was in.
"I know Roses death was a but of a shock but...Lily you look like you haven't had a proper meal for weeks."
"A month to be exact." Said Lily.
"Michael! I can't believe you've been such a careless father! Lily dear come on I'm taking you to diagon alley for the day go get ready." Her aunt said.
Lily happily obliged. Her aunt (Fathers sister) was also a witch.
An hour later the two women were in diagon alley.
"Now Lily I was thinking maybe we could get you some nice dress robes. I hear this year there's going to be a big convention at your school where all the schools are going to get together. There will be dances! For Halloween and Christmas. Then I was thinking we could get some ice cream and then go muggle shopping!"
Lily agreed right away and she was feeling more like herself. By the time they got back from Diagon alley and muggle shopping Lily was carrying 5 bags full of clothes.
"After all now that you've er...gotten weaker these clothes will look stunning on you." Her aunt had said picking up a short tank top and capris.
Then they'd gone a few places and gotten makeup and other things. On the way home in her aunts Porsche they talked.
"Now Lily all this stuff...think of it as a knew beginning. Your mother would've never wanted you to be depressed like this. Lily Petunia isn't strong enough to handle this so I'm asking you...Lily be strong and be happy. You're the one that's going to have to be a pillar of strength for you father and Petunia. Start out a new life. Don't be afraid to be yourself." Her aunt finished of as they parked into the drive way.
"Now of you go. Smile...there that's my angel. Bye Lily." She said. Lily hugged her fiercly.
"Thank you Aunt Martha. Thank you." Said Lily.
"Anytime dear. Now run along." She said. Lily smiled and went into her house.
"Lily!" her father exclaimed. "My my haven't you become a beauty!"
"Thanks dad." She said blushing.
"Now Lily I'm warning you be careful. I know now that many guys are going to be asking you out and your going to have a boyfriend every week-"
"Dad I um already have one." Said Lily blushing.
"What?" her dad asked.
"Yes. At school. The note that you asked about when I got of the train...it was from him."
"Well-I-" her dad was surprised.
Lily hugged her father and went upstairs to sort out her clothes. Lily sighed. Even if she'd gotten clothes and some makeup mainly consisting of lipsticks, glosses, eye shadows and eye liners (you're to young for blush and foundation. Her aunt said.) she still looked pale and weak.
* * *
"What's wrong Prongs?" asked Remus. Sirius and him were over at Jameses house but James had his thoughts on a certain red head.
"He's thinking about a short, redheaded, green eyed, slightly pudgy-"
"Sirius!" James exclaimed. "Sirius she's not fat! She's perfect."
Sirius sniggered.
"Hey we're going next week to diagonally lets invite Lily! We'll meet her their. Only two more weeks 'till school starts!" said James.
A/N: Os what'd you think about this chappie? Review! PLEASE!