STORY SUMMARY: Is there more to Harry than Snape thinks? Umbridge tortures Harry and Severus steps in. Eventually Harry!Abused by Dursley's.
Chapter 1
A/N: This story will contain no slash. It is set in the middle of Harry's fifth year at Hogwarts.
Harry Potter was walking down the dimly-lit corridor at Hogwarts well after midnight with his left hand bleeding heavily. "Damn Umbridge and her detentions," he thought to himself as he hurried to the Gryffindor common room desperately hoping not to get caught by Filch or Snape.
Harry was about to round a corner when he heard footsteps coming from around it. He froze and pressed himself flat against the wall, hoping that it would somehow make him invisible. The footsteps suddenly stopped and Harry peeked around the corner only to see Snape standing there with robes billowing and wand pointing in his face.
"Just my luck," Harry muttered.
"What was that Potter? Another one of your inane reasons for why you were wandering the halls at this time like your arrogant father would?"
Harry was too tired and in too much pain to argue.
"Professor; assign me detention for two weeks, take away fifty house points. Do whatever you want, but please let me go back to my dormitory."
Severus examined Harry and saw how tired and weary he looked. His emerald green eyes no longer held that mischievous spark that they once did. Then he noticed that Harry's left hand was bleeding profusely. Harry Potter looked utterly worn out.
"Well that I will do, but first tell me Potter why you are wandering the halls at this time with your hand bleeding so heavily? Did you go to play quidditch and you fell off of your broom because of your lack of skills?" Snape smirked.
"No, Professor," Harry gritted his teeth from the pain. "And if you don't mind I'm going to the common room." He began to walk away and was surprised that Snape didn't stop him until he was halfway down the corridor.
"Potter, come with me to my office." Snape said less angrily than Harry expected him to.
Harry followed Snape several feet behind him to the dungeons. They entered the potions classroom and went through a door near the back. This led to Snape's personal potions lab with a huge wall of potions ingredients…many that Harry hadn't even heard of.
Then they went through another door, to which Snape muttered a password in Latin. Snape entered and Harry followed, surprised that Snape would let him even near his potions lab, let alone his personal quarters.
Snape then said, "While I am healing you tell me how you came across this injury," as he took a moist towel and held it against Harry's arm as he quietly hissed from pain.
"I," Harry hesitated, "fell off my broom and my hand took the impact." Harry chastised himself for the horrible lie that he knew Snape would see right through.
"Well then please explain to me where your broom is, why you do not have any broken bones, and why 'I will not tell lies' is carved over and over again on your hand? You know Potter that self-harm is n-"
"Professor, I'm not harming myself!" Harry exclaimed and then mumbled under his breath, "Not intentionally anyways."
"What was that Potter? I didn't hear that last part, but I am unsure if your miniscule brain is able to even understand what you are saying-"
"Fine," Harry sighed. "It's Umbridge."
"What? You let that Ministry hag carve words into your hand?" Snape said surprised and Harry, surprised that he called Umbridge a hag.
"No, well at our detentions she would-"
The door to Snape's private quarters burst open and Umbridge came in.
"Excuse me, but I do not appreciate people bursting into my private quarters without invite," Snape said coldly to Umbridge.
"How different it was when Snape's anger wasn't directed towards himself," Harry thought.
Umbridge glared at Harry and said in her squeaky voice, "I was not aware that social gatherings between students and teachers are allowed outside of the classroom and detention."
Snape began to say in a monotone voice, "I was asking Potter about his bleeding ha- "he hesitated when he looked at Harry and saw him pleading for him to stop talking. Snape cleared his throat, "-his failed potions assignment." Snape saw Harry sigh in relief.
"Well then," said Umbridge disapprovingly. "I believe this conversation is over and I will escort Mr. Potter back to his dormitory. Good night Professor Snape." She left, pushing Harry ahead of her and closed the door behind them.
Snape didn't know why but he had a bad feeling about leaving Harry alone with Umbridge. Then he remembered that Harry was saying something about Umbridge doing something to his hand. He made up his mind as he left his personal quarters to go find Harry and Umbridge.
With his skills of being quiet from spying he made his way down the empty corridors of Hogwarts. He was about to round a corner when he heard a voice and he hid in the shadows as he walked closer to Umbridge's high-pitched voice, which was unusually quiet.
"Probably doesn't want anyone to overhear," Snape thought to himself.
He heard Umbridge whispering heatedly and Harry just standing there, not saying anything. Umbridge then shoved the boy up a wall quite harshly and Harry gasped in pain. He slid to the ground.
Snape wanted to do something to stop this treatment of Harry. "Why won't he fight back?" Snape thought to himself. "What did she use to threaten him with?"
He knew that soon Albus will be forced to leave the school. Maybe even Minerva, but if he would make himself known and come out of the shadows, Umbridge would find some reason to fire him. He couldn't risk leaving the school and students at Umbridge's mercy without any Order members.
Lost in his own thoughts, Snape didn't pay attention to Umbridge taking out her wand and doing a silencing charm on the hallway they were in. He also didn't notice her digging her wand into Harry's neck. Snape shook himself out of his thoughts when Harry made a gagging noise because of how deep Umbridge was digging her wand into his neck. Oh how badly he wanted to curse that hag, but refrained from doing so. Nobody should deserve that treatment, not even Potter. Umbridge squealed from delight at Harry's pain.
Then she happily and quietly said, "Crucio."
She had the most evil look upon her face. Snape had even rarely seen Voldemort have that much pleasure from torturing muggles. He was completely shocked that Umbridge would dare use the Cruciatus in Hogwarts, on Harry Bloody Potter! At first he was surprised that nobody was running towards the sound of Harry's screams. He realized Umbridge must have used a silencing charm on the hallway when he wasn't paying attention and he mentally kicked himself. He tried muttering the counter-spell for the silencing charm, but it didn't work. "Must have been one of the silencing charms that only the caster could undo," he thought angrily to himself.
"She'll stop soon and I'll give Harry some anti-cruciatus potion and he will be fine." Severus thought to himself. "Wait…since when did he become Harry?"
But Umbridge did not stop and kept holding the cruciatus on Harry an incredibly long time. As the time would go on, Umbridge's grin turn into an evil laugh and Harry's screams turned into begging for mercy. Also his screams sounded so terrible because his throat was raw from screaming that Snape hated himself for not intervening. Eventually it got so long that Severus had lost track of time and never in his life seen such a long Cruciatus being held. Finally, she stopped and looked down at Harry on the floor panting and curled up in a ball.
"Hope that'll teach you a lesson Potter," she giggled. "I will be back in ten minutes and if I see you are not yet in your dormitory, well, we will have serious consequences."
Severus wanted to punch that foul woman. How could she do the cruciatus for so long on an innocent boy and giggle at the end? He saw Umbridge walking in his direction and tried to become a part of the shadows as he pressed himself as close to the wall as possible. She passed by without noticing and he almost sighed with relief. Just as Umbridge rounded the next corner, Severus nearly ran to Harry.
He saw him lying on his stomach and shivering. Severus knelt down next to him.
No answer.
No answer.
Harry lifted his head slightly and opened his eyes halfway. "Professor…" he whispered, "please…" when he started coughing up blood.
"What the bloody hell is this?" Snape muttered to himself.
He'd have to turn Harry over to be able to properly heal him. This was hard because he was coughing up blood very harshly. While he was turning Harry over, he saw a puddle of blood on the ground and blood staining his robes on his stomach.
Snape nearly tore Harry's robes off and saw a terribly gory stab wound on the right side of his stomach and gasped. He realized Harry would die soon if he didn't do something. Snape applied pressure to the wound and saw Harry closing his eyes. Snape yelled at him, "Harry! Do NOT fall asleep!" He could tell that Harry was trying. He really was, but too much blood had been lost and his eyes slowly rolled back in his head.
"Damn Umbridge," Snape muttered over and over under his breath as he picked up Harry and carried him as fast as he could to the hospital wing.
When he finally got there, he gently placed Harry on a hospital bed and called out to Madame Pomfrey. He checked the boy's pulse and was terrified to see that it was barely there. She didn't come and this time, very panicked, he yelled out, "Poppy! The savior of the Wizarding world is dying right now."
"Calm down!" She yelled back. "What were you going on about?"
"The bloody chosen one is dying, if not dead, right now."
Poppy's annoyed expression changed to a concerned and serious one as she ran over to the boy.
"I'm afraid he might not make it…" Severus felt his heart skip a beat from anxiety. "Severus, go get the blood-replenishing potion from my storage."
Poppy started waving her wand and chanting Latin incantations as Severus sprinted to get two potions, just in case if Harry would need them. He was making his way back when Albus came in looking very cheerful. Being in the mood he currently was, this made Severus want to strangle the old man.
"Hello Severus," he said awfully cheerfully. "Well, you seem to be in a hurry."
"Your precious Boy Who Lived is dying, so unless you would like that to be his fate please move out of the way and help me keep him alive."
Severus hurried back to the bed with Dumbledore following and hoped he wasn't too late.
"What took you so long?" Poppy yelled.
Handing her the vials Severus said, "Sorry. I was…distracted" with a pointed look at Dumbledore, but he didn't notice, being too occupied with checking Harry's pulse.
Poppy propped pillows under Harry's back and got him to swallow both vials while he was unconscious.
Suddenly, Umbridge burst through the door. The Minister of Magic, several Aurors, and a bunch of students were being held captive by the Inquisitorial Squad.
"What happened now?" Severus groaned.
A/N: And that's the first chapter. Tell me what you think in the reviews. Thanks for reading :)