First of all, thanks for taking the time to view this.

Hope you read it.

Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail as you all know.

Chapter 1: Sorry

It's been a week since the Grand Magic Games ended. Fairy Tail have been partying for almost a week for placing first in the Grand Magic Games.

It was already evening and as usual Fairy Tail is having a party for no reason. That's how they are, right?

Everyone were having their drinking contest when they heard a loud explosion. Dust and pieces of wood were flying around. They turned to the guild door where the explosion originated. As the dust subsided, they saw the ever so pissed blonde dragon slayer, Sting Eucliffe, with Rouge Cheney who was standing behind him who has an unreadable expression. They also saw the red and suited exceeds behind Rouge.

"What the- the hell you want bastards?!" Max shouted. All the men in Fairy Tail prepared for battle.

"Shut up, you piece of Trash!" Sting backfired and looked around. "Where's Natsu?!" He asked trying to spot the pink-haired dragon slayer. "Show yourself, weakling!"

"Oi oi, bastard! Don't you dare call me weak! Don't forget that I beat the crap out of your ass!" Natsu taunted as he showed himself.

"You finally showed yourself." Sting's face darkened as he saw Natsu. "Because of you…" Sting continued dripping venom with every words. "Because of a weakling like you we were excommunicated from our guild!" As he finished his sentence, he used the Roar of the White Dragon which caught Natsu and the others off guard sending them flying to the stage.

"Natsu!" Lucy and others called. Lucy ran towards Natsu and helped him.

Natsu dusted the dust and wood chips on his head and clothes. "Bastard!" Natsu was about to charge to Sting when a loud sound boomed making everyone startle including Sting and Rouge. Frosch and Lector trembled and hugged Rouge's feet.

"Stop this at once!" Everyone turned to where the voice came from and saw Fairy Tail's Master, Makarov Dreyar, with his enlarged arm. His arm slowly shrank back to its normal size. Master Makarov turned to the intruders and started walking towards them.

"I see that you were excommunicated because you two were defeated…"

"Hey, old man!" Sting yelled to Master Makarov.

"Watch your mouth!" Erza warned to Sting.

"You're making it sound that we are weak!" Sting continued brushing off Erza's warning.

"I'm sorry for that." Master Makarov apologized.

"Master! Why are you apologizing to them?!" Erza questioned to their master.

"But don't you think it's unfair for us?" Master Makarov continued. "We were only doing what we are supposed to do. We were all complying to the rules including you two, is it not?" Master Makarov halted in front of Sting.

"…" Sting only gritted his teeth because what the old man's saying is true.

"If you don't have anywhere else to go, you are most welcome here!"

"Master!" All the fairies complained.

"Be quiet!" Master Makarov roared silencing the fairies.

"Tsk! As if we'll group ourselves to those weak fairies." Sting then turned around and walked away tucking his hands on his pockets. "Let's go!" He motioned to his team. Rouge and the exceeds followed him silently but before they complete left, Rouge turned back to them and bowed showing apology and followed his partner again.

"I guess they're not that bad." Lucy commented which made her earn complains from the others.

"Don't get fooled by them, Lucy!" Jet reminded to her.

The next day, Natsu came to Lucy who was sitting in her usual spot on Fairy Tail's bar.

"Lucy! Let's go to a job!" Natsu said as he handed the paper which stated about investigating and capturing a dark guild named "Dark Scythe". (Lame name I know)

"Hmmm. Ok!" Lucy agreed while still looking at the job request.

"Yosh! Let's meet up at the town entrance before lunch!" Natsu said as he walked away.

Later, Lucy arrived at the town entrance before lunch. She saw Erza, Gray, Happy, Natsu and Lisanna. Yes, Lisanna joined their team.

'Well, she's originally Natsu's partner.' Lucy frowned at what she thought.

"You're late!" Gray cut to whatever Lucy is thinking.

"I'm not! You only arrived earlier!" Lucy fought back.

After some time of bickering which was ended by Erza, they went off to meet their client. As they finished talking to their client about the job, they went off to the forest to start investigating. Night quickly came and they had to camp out.

They were gathered around the bonfire eating dinner. Natsu and Lisanna were chatting and laughing non-stop which made a pang of hurt and jealousy to Lucy's heart. Yep, she have a crush on the stupid and dense flame-brain so as Lisanna. She was also aware that Natsu likes Lisanna though he doesn't seem to notice it.

Later that night, everyone was sleeping inside the tent except for Lucy. She was sitting on the ground staring at the barely lit bonfire. Then suddenly a hand tapped her shoulder which made her stutter. She looked back to see who the arm belonged to.

"Lisanna!" She blurted as she saw the white-haired take-over mage.

"Shhh!" Lisanna shushed to her as she placed her index finger in front of her lips. "You might wake them up." She said as she made her way to sit beside Lucy.

"Why are you still awake?" Lucy lowering her voice.

"Same goes to you." She smiled at the blondie. Then silence followed.

"Hey Lucy…" Lisanna called as she broke the silence. "Do you like Natsu?" She asked not bothering to look at Lucy.

While Lucy felt like she swallowed her tongue because of the sudden question. "O-Only a crush." She answered when she regained her composure.

"I'm sorry but I like Natsu…" Lisanna said with sincereness on her voice as she turned to Lucy with teary eyes.

"H-Hey! Don't cry!" Lucy panicked. "I know you like him and I also know that he likes you but doesn't notice it." Lucy felt like her heart was being ripped apart as she said those words.


"Don't worry. I only have a small crush on him. It will eventually disappear." Lucy said. Of course it was a lie. She doesn't only have a crush on Natsu. She LOVES him.

"Thank you…" The white-haired mage said as hugs Lucy. Lucy could only hug back and held back her tears.

Still on that night, they maged to capture the dark guild members. Finished with their job, they headed back to Magnolia.

The sun was already up when they reached Magnolia. They were walking down the path to the guild when Lucy's eye caught a glimpse of a certain blonde-haired dragon slayer.

'Is that Sting?' She thought as she narrowed her eyes to get a much clearer view. Her eyes widened as she confirmed it was Sting.

'It's really Sting! And from the looks of it, he's fighting with someone!'

"-cy! Lucy!" Erza was now shouting.


"Is there any problem? You're spacing."

"N-None!" She was looking at Sting in the corner of her eyes. " you guys can go to guild ahead. I still have some errands." She felt guilty for lying to her teammates.

"Ok. Be careful!" Natsu said as he turned around and continued to walk with Erza, Happy, and Lisanna.

"Be back before lunch, ok?" Gray said.

"Ok!" Lucy answered with a smile. Gray then turned around to follow the four.

"Phew" Lucy breathed as she quickly turned to the park where Sting is fighting. She ran for it and when she reached the park, she saw Sting holding the man on his neck.

"Sting!" Lucy fearlessly called. Sting turned his head to her showing a glint of anger in his eyes. She trembled at the sight. She then saw a bloodied red exceed laying on the ground unconscious.

"L-Lector?!" Her eyes widened as she saw the bloodied exceed. When she recovered from the shock, she ran towards the exceed. She was about to touch Lector when someone slapped her hands. She looked up and saw Sting.

"Don't touch him, trash!" Sting yelled to her as he carried Lector. Seeing the state of his partner almost dying made him tear up.

"H-Hey Lector…" His voice was shaking. The ever so great Sting Eucliffe is crying. "Wake up…" He kept on calling Lector when a pair of hands grabbed the exceed from his hands. He looked forward and saw the blondie celestial mage.

"Crying won't help!" Lucy yelled slapping some senses to him. "We have to bring him to Wendy!" Lucy then started to run to their guild. Sting followed her with a tint of pink in his face because of the humiliation awhile ago.

Everyone in the guild were having fun as usual when the guild door bursts open. They saw Lucy panting with a bloodied exceed in her arms.

"Where's Wendy?!" Lucy asked as she walks inside the guild. Then Sting followed her inside. As soon as they saw him, everyone were on their fighting stance.

"Why are you with him, Lucy?!" Natsu roared.

"There's no time for that! Where's Wendy?!" Lucy also roared silencing them. Then the blue-haired dragon slayer showed up.

"W-What is it, Lucy-san?"

"Wendy!" Lucy then ran towards her. "Help him please!" Lucy then showed Lector who was barely breathing.

"Let's bring him to the infirmary!" Wendy ordered with seriousness in her face and voice.


Sorry if it's bad! *cries* but I hope you liked it!

If there are some words missing… I don't know the reason behind it! I'm sorry!

I posted some of my stories before *which I already deleted* in the document there were no missing words but when it was posted… there were missing words. If you know the problem and solution please tell it to me!

Thank you!

Thank for reading the first chapter!

R&R please