Across the universe, there are a wide variety of souls.

These were always the most important.

A SuperWhoLockFormersOmens fan fiction by Nan00k.



Overall Notes:

Yes, this is a SuperWhoLockFormersOmens fic. Yes. Yes, you read that correctly. Here is the prologue of the insanely long series called Small World, in which I've blended about five different fandoms (plus many cameos in the background of others), which focuses mainly on Superwholock. Small World, the actual main story, will debut once the fourteen prologue stories are published here. They are all separate one-shots that create the basis of this little world you are soon to fall head over heels into.

This is a slow building story, but I did this as an attempt to do the impossible: to blend all of the fandoms I enjoy. Personally, I think I accomplished that impossible task. ;)
