AN: Hey well don't be mad at me I have been having work and computer problems. Now I have a computer so lets get everything started we are now on chapter 50 and it looks like its going to be past chapter 50 to get my 1K. However, the drama is coming up soon now after this is over .

Disclaimer: I do not own Mai Hime.

Warnings: Futanari Shizuru and Natsuki with smut references, sorry for any mistakes it's been a while on this story.


With Natsuki working it was hard for the two to see each other seeing as the day was busy. Shizuru was now out the office leaving Natsuki to work on her own, with the older male Fujino watching over her he liked her work progress. Although the man found it strange that the teen was not at school, and why his daughter would promote Natsuki's knew that it was something that he would have to ask Shizuru later. Seconds turned into hours as the work day was over .Shizuru came to the office to get the rest of her stuff only to see Natsuki waiting for her with bag in hand. Shizuru swung a large arm around her lovers shoulders before taking her bag from the teen. Kissing her cheek, they walked out of the now empty office together.

"Thanks for waiting up, I had a lot of fixing up to do with the Taisho account."

" are good at fixing things just look at us."

"That was something I damaged my dear Natsuki."

"Still you came back to fix it. Now we are going to have to fix the situation of my little "vacation" from class when we get home."

"About that you dont mind if you take one for the team when your mother yells at me love," asked Shizuru with pouting eyes and a pounding headache from earlier business plans."Don't worry we have a back up plan."

"What is that?" As Shizuru lifted her eyebrows in surprise she liked where Natsuki was going with her plan. Although, Natsuki was left homeless in the streets without really getting to know her mother. Now it seemed more than ever Natsuki knew Seako. "Shizuka..."

"Our Daughter...How is she going to help?"

"Yeah she's our little 's no way my mom is going to yell at us when Shizuka is in the house," explained Natsuki. Smiling, Shizuru and the teen got into the car. With hopes that the plan was going to work still doubt was there making Shizuru invent a back up plan if things went sour. The Fujino knew there was a high possibility that she would have to stay in the motel until the older Kuga cooled down. Seako's anger was something that she was not looking forward to. The thought made her feel caged like an animal ready for chopping block. With the older woman picking up Shizuka, Natsuki and Shizuru headed for home, she just hoped that Shizuka's first day of school served as a buffer against Seako's anger.



"I was thinking about home. I mean I like living with your mother and all but don't you think its time we should get our own place?"

"Yeah...I know my mom could be a little to much. I agree with moving I really want to get somewhere that's near Shizuka's school, but that neighborhood is too fancy."

"You know money is no issue."

"That's not what I'm saying," grimaced Natsuki.

"Then what are you saying sweetie?"

"What I'm trying to say is I don't want to be in the neighborhood because its not me. Like I don't want to become on of those stiff housewives always gossiping you know? However, I don't want Shizuka missing out on her schooling just because I don't want to become a trophy wife. Everything is just really confusing."

"Ara...let me lighten the load by telling you something." "Whats that my lovely Shizuru?" "You can become any kind of wife you want as along as you don't leave me."

"Even a hippie," said Natsuki with a hopeful pout. Shizuru laughed at the randomness that her wife to be contained Shizuru wanted to march her down the aisle right then and there.

"Yes even a hippie."

"Ok...So how do we get this house thing started?"

"I'll call someone and set up everything they are going to show you some pictures and your going to look inside the house. If you want it call me, and I'll have the paper work faxed over to me, mostly likely I will be away at the office this weekend so I'm trusting you tso ladies with the house picking."

"Wait isn't there anything you want in the house?"

"Yeah three things I want you to feel happy and secure, and safe." With Natsuki smiling ridiculously she enjoyed the romantic expression, still she needed to know what Shizuru wanted. It was her money going into the place she wanted the father/mother of her child to feel as welcomed as she did. "Come on Shizuru think more tangible. Look sweetie I want this to be your home too no short cuts or mushy stuff say what you want. For me please." Never able to resist a puppy dog pout Shizuru gave in as she tapped the stirring wheel.

"Ara...well I guess an office could be of big use and a lot of bedrooms for our kids." Natsuki blushed at the admission from the thought of more kids.A foreshadowing of uneasiness and insecurity came along with her excitement. Natsuki didn't want to crash the cloud of excitement she was on, but the emotions were there. Still things seemed concerning Shizuru had more experience with the rich and elite. Suddenly Natsuki found herself questioning what would be her place once she mingled in Shizuru's world. She had no worries that Shizuka and if they had other children would have no problems adjusting. Despite unease she knew staying in the slums was no way to go for her child and future childern that Natsuki was sure of.

"Well thats great, but what will I be doing, besides having the babies and making sure your tea and steak are done?" As Shizuru gave her a kiss on the cheek she looked dreamily into her lovers eyes, she just hoped that her answer would quell the storm of nervousness in her heart and head. "You dont have to do anything Natsuki. I wouldn't want you to besides you've done enough. Which is why I want to talk to you about something important."

"Yeah what is it?"

"It's tomorrow night, I took the liberty to ask my parents to have us over for dinner at thier place. I would like Shizuka and you to be there, because I-I would like Shizuka to meet her grandparents." The conforming silence came in the car as things felt fragile.

Natsuki grimaced the news and her answer. She knew Shizuru wouldn't be prefect and she didn't expect her to know all the answers to her heart. The teenager knew a lot of guilt came from Shizuru when it came to her actions now. Regardless of what she thought the real fight had started it was Natsuki's fight with her lovers guilt. Noticing the hesitation Shizuru rubbed her hand thought Natsuki's hair.

"Hey are you in there?"

"Y-Yeah...I'm all for Shizuka meeting her grandparents. Now lets get home before my mom burns a village down to get to us."

Natsuki's heart clenched for the second time, it was so amazing how she was able to call it the second time seeing as she never took account of the first time. It was now past midnight and Seako dished the lecturing out as if they were Christmas gifts when the couple returned regardless of Shizuka being around. It seemed like the teenage mom still wasn't as keen when it came to certain plans involving avoiding her mother's anger. As the lecture went on for hours ,Seako seemed to bathe in the fact that it was showing Shizuka right from wrong when it came to education. Actually Natsuki was sure she saw a tinkle within the elder Kuga's eye when she spoke on education, that and the collection of extra homework that was assigned to Natsuki.

Now she sat late within the night looking over the math assignment in front of her. There was no fuel within her burner to start the homework, still it added to her current bitterness and frustration. The mentioning of being away in another area that was far from her social class seemed to scrape like nails on a chalkboard. How can I cope with all of this I want Shizuka to have the best, but I wanted to be the one that gives her the best. How can I when Shizuru is able to take care of everything in one swoop! Fuck I'm the worst ever!'

"Wow up all night doing homework?" Glancing at the sound of the chair scraping of the chair against the linoleum kitchen tile on the floor Natsuki came in face to face view with Seako. Hopeful eyes looked up at Seako as Natsuki smirked. "How did you guess..."

"Well I notice a lot of things, like your homework is kicking your ass without you even picking up a pencil. Or like I notice that there is something more than my homework bothering you. Wanna talk about it champ?"

"I don''s nothing really..." Taking a deep uneven breath, she knew hiding this would coming to problematic situations later. This was really where motherly advice would come in however the emotion felt stupid really. "I've been having these thoughts..."


"Yea, really its not a thought its more of an emotion, I mean I thought I got it out of my system really."

"Honey..." Standing up Natsuki paced, as she bit her lip she bent her middle finger lightly as Seako waited patiently. "I guess...ugh...what I'm feeling is jealously, mostly with Shizuru among other things. I mean I thought when we reunited I got everything out especially with how pissed I was about Shizuru leaving me pregnant with Shizuka. I know you and me have crossed our bridge, still I feel like I'm just waiting on the edge of that bridge with Shizuru. Then there's that school we are sending Shizuka too, as well as Shizuru is talking about moving and knowing her its not going to be just any old neighborhood. The point is I wanted to be the one to do that with Shizuka, I guess I feel robbed of my heroism now that Shizuru is here."

"I see...Have you talked Shizuru about this I mean the moving thing."

"Yeah, but she told me pick a house and go with it and I don't want her to do things like that with her not having any choice in the matter. Still I agreed to it somewhat and hated the fact that I opened my mouth and forced Shizuru to pick out something that she wanted in the house. I know I'm just playing on her guilt to make her pay without talking about it. I'm a shitty mother."

"No your not, I think it's best that you talk about these things with Shizuru. The more they play out without you speaking the more painful it can be for the both of you. As for Shizuka she loves both of you dearly so much so that she wants to get into the science's and business so she can keep you two alive longer."

"My baby wants to do science?"

"Yeah these were her words earlier she said that she wanted to learn more about science so she could keep you guys around forever." Smiling at the comment Natsuki sat back down shaking her head silently at her daughters idea she looked to Seako again before taking her awaiting hand across the table. "I guess I have no choice, but to move her into that fancy neighborhood now."

"I don't think that part should be a concern, the life of the rich and pampered seems dream like.."

"I see a problem with that. I mean you hear it in the stories all the time, I mean pampered housewife of no value comes into a relationship with her spouse. Everything is going great then things die off the romance, the sex, everything. Then next thing I catch Shizuru with her pants around her ankles in some twenty-three year old. Which I'm sure by that time she'll be half my age. You see it all the time in rich society mom."

"Well what do you want out of everything Natsuki?"

"I just want to prove my value to Shizuru that's all, but how can I even match up as an upper class girl. Then I'm meeting the queen of snobs tomorrow night for dinner."

"What do you mean?"

"Shizuru wants Shizuka and me to meet her parents."

"I see..."

"I think the whole situation is what triggered how I felt. I mean they are Fujino's and I didn't make the best impression on the mother. Basically I told Shizuru's mother to fuck off."

"So now she's going to put a face to the voice."

"Yep..." As Natsuki got up she needed another round of coffee, she felt better talking about her problems, but still it didn't solve out everything she wished it did.

AN: Hey well I don't know when this will update, but I will try to push it in that direction thanks for all of your patience.