This is the sequel too Dixon's Hope. I really hope you all enjoy the story.

Please review.

Chapter 1.

They say times a healer but that's a lie and no one knew this fact better than Merle Dixon. Merle lay on a bed drifting in and out of consciousness his dreams were filled with the torment of his lost child. The few seconds that he'd wake from the dark dreams would be filled with searing pain and blurred visions of people he didn't know talking in hushed voices. "How's he doing?" A low voice asked.

"Much better today." Another voice replied. "He keeps calling out for Daryl and a squirt."

"Well just let me know off any improvement." The voice replied.

The next time Merle woke there was no noise no muttered words only a dim light that his eyes took a while to adjust to. Merle let out a dry raspy moan, his throat was so dry he couldn't even form words. He lifted his right arm slightly he noticed two things a drip attached to his arm and his missing hand. Anger flashed through him as he saw the bandaged stub and memories flooded back too him, that prick handcuffing him to the roof and that nigger dropping the god damn keys. Then he remembered why he went with the group in the first place, to find Hope. Merle and Daryl had travelled to Atlanta only to find it completely overrun with geeks but that didn't stop them searching. When the china man went on a scavenging mission Merle tagged along with the hope of finding Hope but instead that dumbass cop caused a geek stampede and all hell broke loose. Even being chained down didn't stop Merle's attempt to find his girl. He cut his hand off and made his way to the Blake's last know address but the house had been empty and that was the last thing Merle remembered.

Merle pulled himself into a sitting position ignoring the pain that burnt through his body; he squinted as he looked around the small room. The room was dimly lit by wall lights and his bed seemed to be the only bed in the room. Medical equipment sat on a small table over the other side of the small room and the room had a clinical smell to it that reminded Merle of a hospital. Merle had no idea where he was or how he'd gotten to the strange place, all he knew was that he need to get out. He needed to get back to Daryl. Merle ripped the drip from his right arm and slowly placed his legs off the side of the bed. As he went to stand his legs buckled under his weight. Merle placed his hands out to break the fall, he'd completely forgotten about his missing right hand and his weight came crashing down on the nub. Merle gave a large animal like growl of pain. His body crumpled into the foetal position and he used his left hand to hold his nub trying to somehow stop the intense pain that moved through his whole body and made him feel violently sick.

The noise had brought people into the room, a man and a woman. The woman rushed to Merle's side and tried to pull Merle back on to the bed but Merle kept swatting at her with his left arm. He didn't want help he just wanted to leave. The tall well dressed man stepped forward. "Leave him to me doctor." The woman left and the man watched Merle squirm on the floor in front of him. He looked like a fish that had just been pulled out of the water flopping around on the floor in pain and anger. Merle eventually managed to sit his body up using the bed behind him to support his back. The well groomed man squatted down next to Merle. "Now I won't have you treating my staff like that." The man's tone was smooth yet firm. Usually Merle would have told him to go fuck himself but there was something lurking behind this man's blue eyes that Merle didn't like. "Are we understood?" Merle just gave a nod in response. "Good." Was the only reply the man gave as he started to hoist Merle back on to the bed.

"" Merle croaked slowly, his dry throat felt like it was tightening by the second.

The man poured Merle a glass of water and Merle gratefully drank it. "You're in Woodbury. We found you half dead and near starving." The man refilled Merle's glass. The water slid quickly down Merle's throat bringing him sweet relief. "I thought you could become an asset too us. Not many people could survive what you did." The man nodded to Merle's stump. "They call me the Governor. What do they call you?"

Merle placed the glass on the table beside him and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "They call me Merle but I ain't stayin'. I got stuff to do." Merle stated bluntly.

The Governor gave a small smile. "Like find Daryl?" Merle thought the man's tone was almost menacing when he said his brothers name.

"How do you know my brother? Is he here? Do you have him?" Merle stood off the bed his whole body swayed but he managed to steady himself.

The Governor placed his hands in his pockets. "You called his name many times. So you have a surname?"

Merle seemed confused they were in the middle of hell surnames weren't important anymore. Hell it didn't matter what your first name was, everyone was going to share the same fate in the end, torn to shreds by geeks. "Dixon." Merle replied. He took a few wobbly steps towards the door. "I gotta go." Merle grunted with effort. He needed more time too heal but he needed to get out and start looking for Daryl right away.

"Merle Dixon." The way the Governor said his name made Merle stop and slowly turn to face him. "That can't be a very popular name now can it?" The Governor moved slowly towards Merle. "And a brother named Daryl. The odds get a little less." The Governor pulled out a chair and offered it to Merle.

Merle refused the invitation to sit. He didn't like this man and his questions. "Where you goin' with this?" Merle asked gruffly.

The Governor pointed to the chair. "Please sit." The words sounded more like an order than a request. Merle let his body fall into the hard chair. "Does the name Maria Blake mean anything to you?" The Governor crossed his arms as he watched Merle's expression change from a menacing snarl into a look of pain and regret. "She was one of the first to contract the virus. My parents were visiting her in hospital when she turned. Maria killed them."

Merle's face twisted into sadness and fear. "No." he whispered in a hushed tone. Merle was sure they would have had Hope with them and that meant Hope was gone.

The Governor paid no attention to Merle's small moan he just circled Merle in the chair like a vulture waiting for its prey to die. "Like I said before you'd be a valued member of our society."

Merle shook his head. He needed to find his brother more than ever. Daryl needed to know that Hope was gone. "Nah I told ya I need to find my brother." Merle's rough tone was filled with sadness and despair; his eyes looked down at the floor.

The Governor gave a twisted smile. "I have her Merle." Merle's eyes flicked up and locked on to the Governors ice blue eyes. "I have Hope."

Merle stood up a little too fast and the Governor steadied Merle's body. "I wanna see her." Merle demanded.

Merle was eased back down into the chair and the Governor stood above him. "And you will. All I ask is that you stay here in the safety of Woodbury."

"Daryl." Merle muttered.

The Governor raised his hands silencing Merle. "We will find your brother and bring him here but before you see Hope I need you too do something for me. Can you do that Merle?" Merle clenched his jaw tightly he never been anyone's bitch and he didn't want to start now but this man held the trump card. This man had Hope. Merle just gave a firm nod. "Good." The Governor patted Merle's shoulder. "I'll send the doctor to check on you and then I suggest you rest because tomorrow you head back to Atlanta."

Merle gritted his teeth. "And then I see her." Merle was trying to hold his temper. He knew one wrong word or one wrong action and he'd lose his girl.

The Governor gave a sick and evil grin. "Once the job is done then you can see Hope." The man strode out of the room and left Merle sitting in the room alone. Merle shivered he'd only just realised how cold the room was.