A/N: Some of you readers probably would have heard a different version of this tale already, because it's not exactly a secret. I just wanted to do a Halloween special when I say that this fit perfectly with Ranger's Apprentice.

Happy Halloween, everybody!

The little group of people laughed at something that was said about some random topic that they would never remember. Sometimes, idle conversation is what bonds friends together even closer than before. The cold wind howled and the full moon cast dappled shadows on the landscape of Whitby fief; but on this side of the walls of the cabin, the cheerful fire crackled merrily, dispelling any chill from outside.

Will took another sip from the mug he warmed his hands around. Looking out the window at the bleak night, he smiled softly, glad of the separating wall. Horace reached down and patted Ebony, who had just given a wide, splitting yawn. "Getting too late for you, Eb?" the young knight chuckled, ruffling the collie's fur. She simply thumped her tail and yawned again.

"I think it's about too late for all of us," Halt commented, setting his own mug down on the end table.

Will grinned. "Getting too old for staying-"

But before he could finish, a long, hard scraping sound was heard from directly behind Will. The young man jumped, startled, before turning sharply to look out the window. He turned back sheepishly, however, when he noticed the branch scratching against the unglazed glass.

Gilan very obviously hid a grin-something the others failed to do. "I've been meaning to trim that tree," he said innocently. "Keeps waking me up in the middle of the night."

"Yes, trim your trees, Gil," Horace said with mock exasperation, grinning widely. "We don't want the little boys frightened, now do we?"

Will rolled his eyes, but said nothing.

Taking this as the cue, Halt stood, stretching his back. "Where are we sleeping, Gilan?" he asked.

"You can take my room," he said to Halt, who nodded. "Horace and I can stay here in the living room." Looking to Will, he grinned and said, "You can go ahead and have the other bedroom, Will; we wouldn't want you to get scared by the tree here in the window."

Taking the jibe with a smile, Will shrugged and said, "I won't complain; I have nothing against sleeping in a bed."

They all laughed. "Don't worry," Horace comforted jokingly. "Ebony can keep you safe. She sleeps under your bed anyway-if you get scared, you can let her lick your hand. Then you'll be safe," he added with a waggle of his eyebrows.

Will laughed. "Of course she will." He reached down and ruffled his dog's fur. "Won't you, Eb?"

Ebony thumped her tail twice, and they said their good-nights.

The very first thing he heard when he woke was a creaking in the adjacent room.

Will started awake, doing his best not to bolt upright. The young Ranger felt his stomach twist in knots and his bladder tighten. The door coming off this bedroom led to the bathroom, and there was an unmistakable creak coming from the other side of that door.

But just as soon as it began, it stopped.


Will's eyes roamed the bedroom, but there was nothing abnormal to see. Seconds ticked by, but there was nothing. Slowly, he draped his hand over the side of the bed for Ebony, and he felt the wetness of a warm lick over his fingers. He forced himself to calm down, and relaxed in his bed.

It wasn't until minutes later that the creaking came again.

And stopped.


The familiar tightening of muscles tensed Will's entire body, and he couldn't believe how badly he wanted to spring into action. But there was nothing, so he couldn't justify barging into the bathroom and maybe walking in on one of his friends in the process; because that would have absolutely no good explanation.

Quietly, he reached his hand off the side of the bed and once again felt the warm lick. Funny how something so simple could be so comforting.

So when, minutes later, the creak was heard again, Will was more than ready to justify investigation.

As quiet as he could manage (which is quite quiet for a Ranger like himself) he edged himself off the mattress and stole across the room, making his way cautiously to the door. Just as Will reached for the knobā€¦the noise stopped. Complete silence reigned. Steeling himself for the thing-or nothing-beyond, he turned the knob and thrust open the door.

The image is something he'll never forget.

There on the bathroom floor next to a trailing puddle of scarlet red, lied Ebony, prone on her side. And in the same scarlet red, in big block letters, was a message on the wall:


A/N: So, what did you think? Thought I've got this marked as complete, if I get reviews that ask for the resolution, I may continue for one more chapter tomorrow or the day after. But it all depends on you readers; please review!