A/N: Hello again. So this chapter started a few months ago. And the season finale was the push I needed to finally finish it. To everyone who has read this story - thanks for being so patient with me! This one goes out to my fellow NCIS: LA fans who will be spending the next few months wallowing in fear, excitement, anxiety, and anticipation for the start of season 5.

"You get Hetty's text?"

"Yep. Should we be worried?"

"With Hetty? Always. I'll pick you up on my way through."


Kensi and Deeks both sat across from Hetty at her desk. Kensi was pretending to focus on her fingernails. Deeks was examining the detail on the light fixture above. And Hetty – Hetty was calmly, intently staring at her two agents. Well, her agent and… detective.

"Am I to understand neither of you have anything to say?" She finally broke the silence, causing both agents to look at her.

Deeks looked over at Kensi, then back at Hetty. "Is there something you'd like us to say?"

"Well, I would like to know why Agent Brookes picked up her belongings this morning and left the premises without a word. NCIS has acquired another agent to fill her position."

Kensi looked as surprised as Deeks felt. She'd left? She'd quit?

Deeks was the first to attempt to answer Hetty. "She never expressed any displeasure at the work we did."

"Mmm." Hetty was clearly skeptical. "And what about your little undercover display yesterday?"

Deeks tried and failed to suppress a grin. "Display?"

"You know very well to what I am referring, Mister Deeks."

Kensi winced, and if he wasn't mistaken, her cheeks seemed to turn a slightly deeper shade of pink.

"Yeah, that was my fault, Hetty," Deeks claimed. "We needed something quick and that was the first thing that came to mind."

"Interesting tactic."

"It worked, didn't it?" Deeks recalled a very similar conversation he and Kensi had a few months ago. Back then, she had refused to talk about it. And now… well she had initiated talking about it. That was a good sign, right?

Hetty was evidently satisfied with Deeks' answers as she shifted subjects. "Special Agent Paul Logan will be Agent Brookes' replacement."

Deeks groaned. "Can't Kensi be her replacement?"

"Hetty, I'm fine to go back out there. You don't need a replacement." Kensi insisted.

Hetty shook her head adamantly. "Not until your doctor clears you."

Kensi sighed, clearly frustrated, and turned to Deeks for support. The kind of support he wasn't quite ready to offer. "What do you want me to say, Kens? As much as I want my partner back, I don't want to put you in danger."

"I won't be in danger."

"You will be if you can't move properly out there."


"I'm afraid, Miss Blye, that Mr. Deeks doesn't have a say in the matter. You will remain on desk operations until you are medically cleared to return to the field."

Deeks knew that wouldn't sit well with Kens. She'd nod and say 'fine', but he'd pay for not defending her later. She wouldn't let him get away with it. He was sure about that.

"Kens, did you want some lunch?" Deeks looked up from his report and over to his pouting partner sitting across from him.

No reply.


She flipped the page of whatever she was reading and continued ignoring him.


So she was giving him the silent treatment this time?

Challenge accepted.

Deeks stood from his desk chair and approached her, leaning both his palms on the desk and bending towards her. "You there?"

Briefly, and probably unintentionally, she glanced up at him and then returned her eyes to her work. Deeks leaned closer, realizing somewhere in the back of his mind that if she looked up right now, he would be dangerously close to being too close to her to control himself. "Kensi? Kensi-pie? Princess? Honey-bee? Sugarplum?"

Still no response.

Suddenly feeling even more daring than normal, Deeks lifted his right hand to her jaw, tenderly running his thumb along it before lifting her chin so that her eyes met his. He heard her breath catch when he touched her, and he had to force himself to keep their lips just a few inches apart as his fingers lingered softly on her jaw. He kept his voice low, almost a whisper, as he spoke. "You going to talk to me, sweetheart?"

Defying all of his expectations, Kensi leaned even closer to him. Instinctively, he drew back a few inches as she moved forward, but then he stopped. She was playing with him as much as he was with her. And he was determined to win this one.

She wasn't going to kiss him. He knew that. Not at work. She'd never take it that far. Would she?

"Kens…" He wasn't sure why he whispered her name. Maybe it was a warning. Because Deeks knew that if she did try to kiss him, he was not going to fight it. And that would get them both in trouble.

She leaned back into her seat, slowly withdrawing from him. He followed her for several inches, then forced himself to pull back and straighten.

A menacing smile crossed Kensi's mouth, and she bit her bottom lip teasingly.

Deeks sighed and shook his head, unable to keep the smile from his lips. He then retreated to his desk.

"You done now?" He asked her, hoping she'd given up on the whole silent treatment thing.

With a wide grin, Kensi returned to her work without responding.

"Okay then."

"Hey." A voice interrupted the continuing silence and both Kensi and Deeks turned in its direction.

"Paul." The man moved towards Deeks, hand outstretched, a friendly smile on his face.

Deeks stood and shook Paul's hand. "Deeks. I'm guessing you're the new Kensi?"

Paul laughed. "That's me."

Kensi also stood and stepped towards Paul as he turned in her direction.

"I'm guessing you're the original Kensi?" Paul smiled and shook her hand as well.

"Yeah. Good luck with this one." She said to Paul, nodding in Deeks' direction.

Paul responded with a laugh.

Kensi then excused herself, saying she was off to get lunch. Deeks watched as she left the room, her limp only barely noticeable today. He hoped it'd only be a week or so till he'd have her back. Wishful thinking maybe.

"You can put your stuff down here," Deeks said, gesturing to the desk that Sandy had yesterday occupied. "Has Hetty told you about the rest of the team?"

Paul nodded. "Yeah, a little bit. Callen and Sam, right?"

"Yep. They should be around here somewhere. And then there's Nell and Eric – our resident geniuses. They're probably upstairs. And then there's Kensi, who you already met."

"Man, if I had her for a partner, I'd never get any work done," Paul commented.

Deeks tried not to express his shock at the words as he stopped typing and looked up at Paul. "What was that?"

"Hey, I'm just saying."

"Yeah, well maybe don't." Deeks wasn't in the mood to deal with someone making stupid comments about his partner. He returned his eyes to his laptop screen to find a very eloquent 'jdhgdusj;ajeh' at the end of his last sentence. He backspaced and began trying to focus on his report, trying to decide how detailed he should be about the distraction method used by he and Kensi to help Callen out. Probably not very detailed. At all. That might be best.

An hour later, Paul had disappeared for some weapons orientation thing, and Kensi had returned to the desk opposite him. Still silent. But he noticed her looking up at him every minute or so.

Since she wasn't talking, Deeks picked up his phone and began to type. "Kens, you mad at me?"

She looked up at him after reading the message and also began texting. "Nope. Just punishing you."

"I'm being punished for protecting my partner. Makes sense."

"Your partner doesn't need protecting."

Deeks looked up at her. She was staring at him, elbows leaning on her desk. He felt like he was receiving a challenge of some sort. He just wasn't sure what he was being challenged to.

"Kens," he said out loud. "We still on for tonight?"

"I'm afraid not," came a reply. Just not a reply from the person he was expecting.

Deeks whirled around in his chair to find Hetty standing, arms crossed, behind him.


"Mister Deeks, Miss Blye, you are both required on an operation this evening. I do apologize, but any plans you have made will have to be postponed."

Deeks pointed a finger at Kensi. "She's required on an operation? I thought she—"

"It's merely a surveillance operation at this point, Mister Deeks."

"What are we surveiling?"

"Mister Beale is waiting for both of you in ops."

Kensi and Deeks both nodded and stood, immediately heading upstairs to hear their instructions.

They'd been sitting in the car for an hour, waiting for any sign of movement coming from the factory where a navy lieutenant's body had recently been found. Eric and Nell had set a devious trap to lure in whoever it was that killed their victim. And now it was up to Kensi and Deeks to lie in wait.

Hetty had assured them that the only reason Kensi was allowed on the field instead of Logan was that it was merely a stake-out which would require her to sit and wait, then call on Deeks and a nearby Logan to apprehend him if necessary.

Kensi looked at her watch again. Six-thirty. And no sign of him. Looks like whatever Deeks had planned for tonight was officially cancelled. And she was surprised at the level of disappointment she felt.

After another few minutes had passed, Deeks released an exaggerated groan. "Hetty is really cramping my style. I swear dates with me are usually a lot more fun than this."

Kensi looked over at Deeks and shrugged. "At least it's unique. No guy has ever taken me out on a date where we sit in a car for several hours without moving."

"I'm glad you're having fun then."

"Oh, I wouldn't go that far." Kensi grinned. After a beat of silence, she asked, "So is this a better story to tell the grandkids?"

That got a laugh out of Deeks. "'Hey kids, want to hear about the time Grandpa sat in a car for several hours watching Nana eat Twinkies?' That'll be the story of their childhood."

"Nana?" Kensi grimaced. "No one will ever call me 'Nana'. I'm so not a 'Nana' person."

"Oh? What are you then? Grandma? Granny?"

"I feel like I have little time to decide." Kensi still couldn't believe they were talking about this. "Besides, aren't there other things we should talk about first?"

Deeks shrugged innocently. "Like what?"

"I don't know." Kensi tilted her head.

"Honestly can't think of anything?"



Kensi rolled her eyes. He was going to do this the hard way, wasn't he? Not that there really was an easy way. Never had been with the two of them. But she had to know what he stopped himself from saying last night. What it was that was so important that it couldn't be said on the couch in her living room.

She looked over at him and studied the features she'd gotten to know so well over the last couple of years. He was thinking deeply about something. Lines creased his forehead and his lips were pursed tightly. A very strong part of her wished she could see or hear what was going on in his head. Another part of her wondered if it might scare her too much. Or disappoint her.

"It's getting increasingly difficult to pretend I haven't noticed you staring at me." Deeks commented, a small smile on his lips.

"What are you thinking about?" Kensi ventured.

He didn't answer at first. It was as if he was deciding whether or not he should. "I don't know if you want to know, Kens."

It was a rare moment when he answered an uncomfortable question seriously, no attempts at humor or distraction. He was serious this time though. And the look in his eyes when he turned to her was unnerving.

"Why wouldn't I want to know?"

The look on his face clearly conveyed the fact that he had no idea how to answer her question. But she wasn't gonna start going easy on him now.

"Because I think the idea of having someone who genuinely cares about you scares you. And I'm not keen on scaring you away."

That somewhat answered her question. He was thinking about her. Thinking about how he cared for her maybe? Men were confusing. Usually, Deeks would never shut up. Now, he wouldn't talk to her. Not properly anyway. Usually, he was the one pushing and prodding into this thing of theirs. Now, she was the one asking questions and he didn't seem to want to answer them.

She hesitated for several minutes before saying, "I don't think I'm as scared as I used to be."

He turned back to her, eyes wide, a small smile growing on his lips. "You really want to do this now, Kens? On a stake-out? At work? You want to talk about us?"

"Seems fitting. We met at work. Got to know each other at work."

"Had our first kiss at work," he added in, just to annoy her.

Choosing not to get annoyed, she responded with, "and our second."

He had to laugh at that response.

"Come, on Deeks." She turned so that her whole body was facing his direction. "Aren't you tired of this? Let's just… I just want to… Can we just…"

She rolled her eyes in frustration at the words that weren't coming, and at the fact that he wasn't helping her out even a little bit. In fact, he seemed amused by her struggle.

"I'm finding you very adorable right now."

She narrowed her eyes.

"A death glare? Really, Kens? Not the most convincing way to seduce me, but I suppose—"

"You're disgusting."

"Okay. Mhhmm. I call you 'adorable' and I get 'disgusting'? You sure know how to talk to a man, don't ya, sweet-cheeks?"

"Why are you being annoying?"

He took a deep breath and released it slowly. "You know I'm not good at this."

She allowed a small smile to escape to her lips. "I know. Me either."

"I—uh… I don't know if I can do this."

Disappointment washed over her. "Do what?"

He ran a hand through his hair and leaned his head back against the headrest of the car. Then he turned to her. "Be… enough for you."

Enough for her? He was more than enough for her! So much more than she'd ever dared to wish for. But somehow, she couldn't find a way to say that out loud in a way she knew would convince him.

"What do you think it is that I want?" She asked, the question surprising even herself.

"I don't know if you've noticed, Kens, but I have a tendency to mess things up. I honestly don't know what it is you want, but I don't know why I'd be it."

"But you are it. All of it. All that I want."

And there it was. She couldn't believe she'd said it. Those words that had been on her lips for so long.

She'd finally said it.

Deeks was stunned. Did she really just say that? Did he imagine that? Were they really talking about this?

What was he supposed to say?

Think, man. Think.

I love you.

No. No way. Too soon for that.

Marry me?

He needed to pull his head together. Fast.

But Kensi's voice interrupted his undeveloped thoughts. She had her fingers pressed against the earwig in her left ear. "Suspect just appeared around the corner. He's heading in. We'll follow him."

Deeks blinked. Work. They were at work. He could murder this suspect for his untimely interruption.

He reached his arm across to Kensi's waist as she moved to leave the car, pulling her back into her seat. "No, you don't." He switched his on earwig on. "Logan, did you get that?"

"Copy. Let's get in there."

Deeks turned back to Kensi and placed a hand on her shoulder. "You stay here. You don't leave this car. Got it?"

With a simple nod, Kensi responded. "Yeah. I got it."

And then Deeks left. Left behind the best chance he'd had to tell this woman how he felt.

Hang in there, Kens. We will talk about this eventually.

When Deeks finally returned to the car, Kensi was standing outside of it, leaning against the door.

"I'm guessing it went well?"

"Yep. We've got him in custody." He paused and walked around the car to where she was standing. "Thanks, Kens."

She raised an eyebrow. "For…?"

"For staying put."

She shrugged in response, like it was no big deal.

Forcing himself not to think twice about his next move, Deeks stepped forward and reached for her waist, wrapping both arms firmly around her. Moments later, she finally responded, reaching up and circling his neck with her own arms. His lips fell to her neck and rested there as he pulled her tighter still.

This felt like home. Like this was where they both belonged. And he found himself wondering if, should they become a real couple, they could end every assignment like this.

Pulling back just a little, till her lips were touching his ear, he could feel her breath on his skin as she spoke softly. "I really hate to ruin this. But we're getting some interesting looks from Callen, Sam and Logan."

"Mmm." Deeks didn't have interest in any of those names right now. "Odd."

He felt her breathe a laugh and forced himself to loosen his hold on her. They both wondered over to their fellow team members, neither failing to notice the smirks on Callen's and Sam's faces.

"You two okay?" Sam asked.

"Yeah." Kensi shrugged as though she had no idea what he was referring to. "Howcome?"

Sam began to respond, but Callen interrupted. "Nothing. Good work in there, Deeks."


"Hetty said to take the rest of the night off. Reports can wait till morning."

Finally some good news!

"Thank-you, Hetty!" Deeks exclaimed.

"Amen," agreed Callen.

He and Kensi both headed back to the car.

"I'm driving." She stated, holding her hand out to Deeks expectantly.

He took the keys from his pocket and dangled them in his fingers. "Not without keys, missy."

"Give 'em to me, Deeks."

"Ask nicely, darling."

She stepped toward him and swiped at the keys, but he was quick. Too quick for her.

"Deeks. Give me the keys."

"Come on, sweetheart, you can do better than that." He stepped closer to her, daring her to grab at them. And she did. But not before he moved his hand behind his back.

With both hands, she reached around him for the keys, and Deeks felt a sense of pride at the position he'd accidentally put them in.

"Baby, if you wanted another hug, you just had to ask."

She stepped back and glared at him as he winked at her.

So, so cute.


"Just say please."

"Please, Deeks."

But he had to keep pushing.

"Come on, princess. 'Deeks' is all I ever get from you. Try something creative."

She turned and took three steps away, before whirling around. "I can't believe you're making me do this."

For a brief moment, he considered back down. He considered the fact that she might not be enjoying this as much as he was. But he'd let it go on just a little longer.

She took a breath and rolled her eyes as she released it. "Please, give me the keys, Marty."

Deeks raised his eyebrows. "Marty. Interesting. Weird hearing it from you. You can do better than that."

"Well, what do you want me to call you?"

Now he was getting somewhere.

"Let's try honey."



"Not going to happen."

"Hey, you're the one insisting we talk about our relationship. This is what people in relationships do, baby girl."

"I should just shoot you in the hand."

"Just try it. Come on, Kens. Repeat after me. Please, honey, could you give me the keys?"

She released what sounded like some sort of strange mix between a groan, a growl, and a scowl. Then she finally relented, speaking each word like it was a language she was completely unfamiliar with. "Please, honey…" She released a loud breath, pursed her lips, then continued. "Could you give me the keys?"

He wanted desperately to kiss her for that. But he was already pushing his luck. He did allow a broad smile to show on his lips though. "Of course, dear."

He threw keys towards her and she caught them, jumping straight into the driver's side of the car. Deeks jumped in also, still smiling triumphantly.

Once they were both in, she placed the keys in the ignition. But she didn't start the car. Instead she turned towards him, reached her hand over and placed it softly on his thigh, a sweet smile painted across her beautiful lips. "You're going to regret that, sweetheart.

He knew that. Of course he did. But it was so, so worth it.

"I know, Kens. I know."

A/N: I do realise they still haven't talked. I refused, for a long while, to post this chapter until they had. But it got very long, and it still hadn't come, and I thought you might like to read what I have so far. Don't worry, this isn't over. Hang in there with me. I'll get there. I'd love to hear what you think :)