Authors Note: I am SO sorry that I haven't updated in so long. It's been a month right? Things have just been really crazy around my house lately. My mum got a job hemming those large panels of fabric that they have in showrooms, plus she can do them at home. The pay is really good. The first shipment she did for the company she works for, she got paid about $916! But she said she wouldn't use some of that for the TV and wifi :( She told me to research other companies because Charter are being complete assholes. They charged us about an extra $200 just because we didn't return their equipment. We didn't know, they usually call us to tell us, but they shut off our phone as well. It's like the fucking Stone Age at my house, I swear. At least we still have power, though. If we didn't, I'd probably go Cray Cray. We took my brother to Bradley International so he could ship off to Missouri for his National Guard Basic Training, but then he texted my mum from a friends phone, saying that he might be getting a medical discharge for stress fractures and mental issues. So he won't be graduating, because he texted my mum today as well saying that he was taking the discharge. He's planning on instead enlisting in the Air force in a couple years now. Work has been busy, I got paid $93 for this past week I worked! One of my bosses, Magda, always degrades my work though :( She says I don't open up enough Macy's store cards. Oh well, shit happens. I think that is about it. I postponed my Palisades Mall trip until October, for during my birthday weekend. Just don't think I'll be able to raise the amount of money that I want for shopping by June :( Oh well, oopsies. I feel like I always tell you guys my life story every time! Shit. I talk way too much. Anyways, I apologize if this chapter is shitty, and I apologize if anyone has ever written something like this before. Love you guys!

The year is 2015. A lot has changed over the past couple years on Earth. The supernatural have made their presence known. Werewolves, faeries, and vampires. Imps, goblins and trolls. Merpeople, leprechauns, and dragons. Elves, dwarves, and centaurs. Dryads, elementals, and many more were unveiling themselves to the public. Many people were okay with these new changes, embraced them with open arms. However, many were scared of them, afraid of the dangers they would bring with them.

But it isn't the supernatural creatures that the human population should be afraid of. It's the secret societies that have also come out of hiding. They claim that they want to protect the humans, but they had a secret agenda. They desired to destroy the supernatural beings, to send them back into the shadows.

There was one in particular that was hell bent on achieving such a goal. They were called The League Against Mythical Beings. They had made numerous threats against mythical beings before. They did not even care to hide their distaste for their kind. Once they wanted one of them dead or captured, there was no one that could stop them.

Only days ago, The League Against Mythical Beings picked their new target. A witch named James Crawford, who was head of the High Council. The High Council was the governing body for the mythical community and it consisted of James, a dwarf named Peter, a leprechaun named Paddy, a shape shifter named Moon, an elf known as Syrielle and a fairy known as Emilia. The League recently made a new threat against their leader. Either go back in hiding or one of their own would be taken.

First, we have the handsome vampire Jack. And no, this is not something like Twilight. He was one of the best students in the dojo. He was very good-looking, with shaggy brown hair, brown puppy dog eyes and a lean, tanned torso. He always stuck up for his best friends. He lived with his mom and younger sister and was dating a faerie named Kim Crawford, who also happened to be the daughter of the head of the High Council. She could control the elements with a simple thought or flick of her wrist, and sometimes her mood and emotions would have a say in what the weather was like that day. She was as tough as a girl could get, a real spitfire. Kim was one of the prettiest girls at school with long honey blonde hair, green eyes, and a thin body that she had achieved through cheerleading and karate. She was the kind of girl that you would go to if you needed help. She lived with her mom, dad, and younger brother Cade.

Now, we have the free-spirited werewolf Jerry. He was a latino boy who was known around school for his pranks and often being confused. He was dating a human girl named Mika, whom he had met through Phil, whose restaurant him and his best friends went to frequently. Mika was a sweet girl, and she talked English but with a foreign sound to it. She was pretty, with medium length brown hair and big doe like eyes.

Then we have the super smart imp Milton. He had an IQ of 251 and he could remember anything he has ever seen, read or watched. Due to his families mischievous imp nature, he sometimes didn't get along with them, but he had been known to give into his imp status and pull a couple pranks at school. He was also dating a human girl named Julie, and they were so alike. She had medium length light brown hair and wore glasses and excelled in school, just like Milton. Their first week of their relationship was kind of rocky, what with the whole Kim kissing him incident and her being the niece of the owner of the rival dojo, The Black Dragons, who were ironically enough, literally dragons.

Last but not least there was Eddie "The Iceman" He had the power to control all things winter related, which was really useful during the hot summer days in the dojo. He could also freeze things solid with a touch of his finger if he thought hard enough and he could throw ninja stars, only in an ice form, making them twice as deadly. He was a kind African American boy, who had a sense of humor and liked to flirt with the girls at school, seeing as he was unfortunately, the only one still single in the dojo.

Kim's POV

"Hiya! Keeya!" I yelled out as I delivered a powerful roundhouse kick to one of the training dummies. I was letting out my frustrations on them.

"What's got you all angry? You do realize that you are making it storm pretty badly out there don't you?" Jack said, walking in the front doors and shaking water out of his hair.

"Not in the mood Jack." I responded, whilst karate chopping the throat of a punching dummy.

"Seriously, Kim. What's wrong? You never get this upset, not even when Lindsay flirts with me." Jack asked, whilst putting a comforting arm around my waist and burying his face into my neck.

"I DON'T CARE IF LINDSAY FLIRTS WITH YOU! And the League keeps threatening us. It just makes me so mad!" I yelled, whilst throwing my arms up in the air in exasperation and sparking a loud clap of thunder to echo in the sky.

"What did the League threaten this time?" he asked, whilst tensing up.

"Either we all go back into hiding again, or one of us will be taken." I explained.

"WHAT!?" he yelled.

"Yeah, I know." I sighed.

"Did they say who they would take?" Jack asked, whilst looking at me and tightening his hold on me.

"No. But I think they are going to kidnap my father. I mean he has power and it would send the message that the League wants." I muttered, a tear sliding down my cheek.

"Hey. I won't let anything happen to you. I promise." Jack whispered to me, and then gently pecked me on the lips. In an effort to cheer me up, Jack started tickling me and kissing all over my face.

"Okay, Okay. I get it, you dork." I said whilst laughing and squirming.

"Come on. I'll walk you home babe. There's no way I'm leaving you alone." Jack said, grabbing our stuff and interlocking our fingers.

"Okay. Are you staying for dinner tonight? Mom's making Sloppy Joes." I said.

"YES!" Jack shouted, doing a weird happy dance.

"You are such a dork." I said, whilst chuckling.

Jack just stuck his tongue out at me in response.

We walked into my house and threw our stuff by the front door before I walked into the kitchen and Jack went to say hi to my father.

"Hi, Mom. Is it alright if Jack stays for dinner?" I asked.

"Sure, honey. I don't know why you ask, Jack's practically family already." my mom said to me, whilst winking and waggling her eyebrows.

"Okay, I'm going to end this conversation now." I said, whilst blushing.

"Why are you blushing? What did I miss?" Jack asked, as he walked back in from talking with my father. My parents were so loved up, it was kind of ridiculous. I'm technically half witch and half faerie. Sometimes, it's such a pain. My powers seriously mess with my emotions.

"You really don't want to know. Trust me. You'll be embarrassed for life." I said, whilst glaring at my mom, who was trying incredibly hard not to laugh, but instead just looked constipated. It was very amusing, I have to say.

"Nope, I really do." he proclaimed whilst staring at me with his puppy dog eyes.

"Fine. Mom said that you were practically family already." I mumbled.

"That's it? Kim, I know I'm going to marry you someday. You might as well get used to that." Jack told me.

"Awwww!" my mom gushed.

"Is there anything I can help you with mom?" I asked, with a blush still adorning my face.

"Just set the table please, darling." Mom said.

All of sudden, we head loud crashed and loud thumps from within the living room. We all rushed into the living room to see masked men taking my father.

"HEY! LET MY DAD GO!" I screamed, whilst charging at them.

Two of the largest men stepped forward and I started fighting them. I dodged a kick to the leg, only to receive a harsh punch to the head. I fell backwards in pain, clutching my head. My mother was using her powers to defend herself, and us, against the masked intruders. Jack had already defeated the three men who he had been up against. He ran up to help me. I was trying to fight, but I was quickly losing consciousness. The last thing I remember is the men taking my father, and Jack screaming my name and rushing to my side.

I woke up in my bed the next day, barely remembering what happened the night before. What I did remember was that my father was gone, that the League had kidnapped him. I knew it was them, no one else hated our family that much to do something so serious. I brought my knees up to my chest, buried my face in them and started to cry softly.

I felt a pair of muscular arms wrap themselves around me and cradle me against a hard chest. I looked up through blurry vision to see Jack comforting me.

"He's gone. He's actually gone." I cried.

"I promise we'll get him back. I promise. We won't let the League get away with this." Jack whispered to me.

"Do you know how powerful they are? We can't defeat them and get my father back all by ourselves Jack." I said.

"Come on. Let's go. We're going to get the gang and we're going to come up with a plan. Two of us might not be able to defeat the League, but maybe 7 of us will." he said.

I quickly threw on some clothes, walked downstairs and kissed my mom goodbye. Jack and I started the walk to the dojo, it taking us about 15 minutes. As we were walking through the glass doors, we threw out things down on the mats.

"Guys, can you all come here for a second? We need to tell you something." I said, whilst sitting down.

"You guy are getting married?" Jerry asked.

"What? No. Not yet anyway. Last night my dad was kidnapped. I think the League had something to do with it. I mean, they have threatened us before." I said.

"WHAT!?" they yelled out.

"We'll help you rescue him." Milton said.

"We'll help too. We may be humans, but we still are good at fighting. Kind of. There's no way we can let them get away with us." Mika said for her and Julie.

*The Next Day*

Today was the day. I was supposed to be meeting the gang at Falafel Phil's so we could come up with a plan as to how we were going to rescue my father. I put on a pair of dark wash jeans, a white short sleeved t-shirt, a black leather jacket and a pair of vintage boots. I threw my hair into a ponytail and applied some eye shadow, mascara and lip gloss. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. I walked up to my mom and kissed her on the cheek after grabbing a pack of Strawberry Pop tarts. Before I could leave, she grabbed my arm and hugged me tightly.

"I know what you and your friends are going to do tonight and knowing how stubborn you are, I won't be able to stop you. Just promise me that you'll be careful, darling?" my mom asked.

"I promise. I love you." I told her.

"Bye sweetie. I love you too." she responded.

I grabbed my skateboard and rode the 15 minutes to the mall. I walked into Falafel Phil's and looked for my friends. I quickly found them sitting in our usual table

"Hi guys." I said, as I sat next to Jack and quickly kissed Jack on the cheek.

"Okay, so we all know why we're here. We need to come up with a plan to save Kim's dad. Any ideas?" Jack said.

"Well, I found out where their base is. So we could go and rescue him tonight." Milton stated.

"How did you find that out?" I asked.

"You seriously doubt my investigative skills. Are you forgetting I have an IQ of 251?" he queried.

"You have a good point there. So what exactly are we going up against?" I asked.

"Well, the League is pretty powerful. Their base is highly secured. They have password encryptions on every door and around the clock surveillance. It'll be hard to get in." Milton said.

"I'm not leaving my father to those monsters. I'm going, even if I have to go alone. Are you guys in or not?" I asked.

"I never said I wasn't in." Milton said to me.

"There's no way I'm letting you go without me." Jack stated, whilst crossing his arms.

"We're in." Eddie and Jerry said.

"Us too." Julie and Mika said.

"So what we're going to do is this. Tonight we're going to go to their base and attack. Milton, do they have fences? A gate? Anything like that?" Jack asked.

"They don't have fences, which I found odd. But they do have 4 ways to gain entrance, with three armed guards posted at each one. So we have to take out 12 guards total if we're going in separate entrances." Milton stated.

"Jack and I will take one entrance, Milton, Julie and Eddie will take another, and Jerry and Mika will take the third, whilst pointing at the blueprint that Milton had somehow gotten. He sometimes really scared me. Seriously.

"Once we get in, we have to find what room my father is being held in, get him and get out. We'll have our phones with us for communication. I'll bring some walkie talkies with me just in case." I said.

"Everyone good on the plan?" Jack questioned.

Murmurs of assent and agreements were heard around the table.

*Time Skip*

It was 9 pm and Jack and I were packing some gear into a couple backpacks. Some flashlights, rope, the walkie talkies, a first aid kit and some weapons. Milton, Julie, Jerry and Mika were already here, we were just waiting for Eddie. I heard a knock at the door. I ran downstairs and found Eddie standing there.

"Okay, we're all here. Everybody know the plan?" Jack asked.

A chorus of yeses and yeahs were heard. We gathered out gear and headed outside to Jack's car. We threw the stuff in the trunk and all piled into his car. It took us about 50 minutes to get to the League's headquarters. Jack parked his car down the road. We quickly grabbed the backpacks and hid behind the trees. I notice a small pond in front of the building.

"What are you thinking, Kim?" Jack asked.

"I'm going to distract them. Once they are disoriented, can you go and knock them out for me?" I asked.

"Okay, but how exactly do you plan on distracting them?" he asked.

I took off my gear, kissed Jack soundly on the lips and walked out into the open. I looked back and saw the others trying to hold back Jack. I noticed the guards hadn't seen me yet.

"HEY! OVER HERE!" I yelled out to the guards.

"WE'VE GOT INTRUDERS!" a burly one with a fleshy scar over his right eye shouted into a walkie talkie.

I held my arms out by my side, making the water from the pond raise up into the air, making it look similar to a tidal wave on land. The men took a step forward and just as they did, I pushed my arms forward, forcing the wave of water to rush forward and douse the men. As per request, Jack rushed out and subdued the three guards.

"Okay, that was cool. I don't think I will ever get used to that." Mika said, whilst chuckling.

"Don't you ever scare me like that again. I thought that they were going to take you!" Jack said, whilst crushing me into a hug.

"Sorry, I scared you babe." I said before kissing him on the cheek.

We heard the thumps of boots hitting pavement.

"Get ready guys." Jack shouted, whilst getting into a fighting stance. Jerry transformed into his werewolf form, Eddie got his ice stars ready, Milton, Julie and Mika got out weapons and I made fireballs in my palms.

As soon as the guards rounded the corner, I launched fireball after fireball at them, taking out 4 of them already. Jerry launched forward and knocked out 2 more with swift and powerful kicks. Jack sped forward and started fighting two more of the guards. One of them attempted to punch him in the stomach, but he grabbed his arm and flipped him over onto his back. He grabbed the other one by the throat and lifted him up into the air.

"Where is James Crawford? WHERE IS HE!?" Jack roared.

"I'll never tell you." The guard choked out.

"Oh yeah?" he asked, as he made his fangs click out.

"Okay, okay, okay! He's being held in Room 127A. The pass code is 1011. Just let me go!" the guard stammered.

Jack threw him down on the ground, just as Milton and Eddie made the last two guards surrender. We tied them all up, gagged them and stole their walkie talkies so they couldn't radio for help in case one of them got free. We walked to the front entrance of the building. Jerry tried to open them, but couldn't.

"Why won't they open?" he said, whilst tugging on the doors.

"There's a keypad. Hold on a second." Jack said, whilst walking over to one of the guards and removing his gag, whilst making his fangs come out once again.

"What's the password for the door? And don't you dare lie to me." Jack threatened.

"2010." the guard said, voice trembling and eyes wide as he stared at Jack's fangs.

"Thank you." Jack said, before shoving the gag back into his mouth.

I entered the code into the keypad and opened the door. We all walked inside.

"Jack and I will go down this hallway on the left, Milton, Eddie and Julie will go down the hallway on the right, and Mika and Jerry, you guys go straight." I explained.

Everyone went off in their different directions. Jack and I started looking at the numbers on each of the doors. Just as we passed one, I read the number 127A.

" Jack, in here!" I yelled as I typed in 2010 and flinging open the door, only to see the head of the League holding a knife to my dad's throat.

"Let him go!" I roared, the ground shaking and the walls crumbling.

"You think you scare me? You're just a silly little girl with supernatural powers." he said.

"Oh yeah? But you seem to be forgetting something. That's my father you kidnapped. We will always fight for what we believe in, against adversity. We supernatural beings are here for good. We're not going anywhere. We will not go quietly into the night, we will survive. Now let my dad go!" I said.

"Not a chance." he muttered.

Next thing I know, a powerful beam of light shoots up into his face, blowing him backwards.

"You seem to be forgetting what weapon I have on my side. Love." my dad said, as my mother walked over to his side and Jack and I joined them.

"I can make you forget all your memories. I can even make you forget your very inner self. I want you to look me in the eyes. You will leave my family alone. You will disband the League and you will no longer attack any mythical creatures." my dad stated, whilst staring into his eyes.

"I will leave your family alone. I will disband the League. I will no longer attack any mythical creatures." Edwards said, with a vacant look in his eyes.

*Small Time Skip*

"I'm so happy you're okay, Dad." I said, whilst hugging him.

"I should have known that you would come after me. You got your stubborn-ness from me, unfortunately." he chuckled.

"You have one amazing girl there, sir." Jack said, after we had all gathered back at my house to celebrate.

"Yes, I do. And I have quite the heroic future son-in-law too." my dad said, then laughed hysterically.

"I have a family of psychos, oh my god. I'm going to kill you, Dad!" I yelled, whilst chasing him into the living room. We collapsed onto the floor and started wrestling.

"I just wanted to thank you for bringing them both back safe. Those two and Cade are my whole world, I don't know how I would function without them." my mom said, whilst gazing fondly at me and dad messing around whilst we were walking over to where my mom and Jack were again.

"I know how you feel. If anything happened to Kim, I would be devastated." Jack responded, whilst blushing.

"Awwww!" I cooed, whilst pinching his cheeks.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Come on, we're going to watch Rise of the Guardians in the living room." Jack asked whilst trying to stop me from pinching his cheeks.

"I'll be right there. I'm just going to get some Strawberry Cheesecake Ben and Jerry's." I said.

"Bring two spoons. You know I can't resist ice cream sometimes." Jack said over his shoulder whilst walking into the living room.

I walked over to the freezer, grabbed my pint of ice cream out, and got a spoon out of the drawer. I walked into the living room and admired the view in front of me.

As I watched a fairy, a witch, two humans, a vampire, an imp, a werewolf and an iceman all goof around together, I realized something. I may not be a truly normal girl, but no one is, not really at least. I was happy with my life. We had no more League to threaten us and others of our kinds, and I had amazing family and friends. Everything was just...


The End

Authors Note: What did you guys think? I'm kind of proud of this chapter, but think it's kind of bad at the same time. Oh well. I'll start thinking for new idea for the next two chapters and start writing them and try to get them up as soon as possible. Love you!