I'm Seme, Your Uke
Disclaimer: I don't own Durarara nor any of its fantastic characters.
Warning: This story contains mature content; yaoi (Boys romance), sex (Between two guys), swearing and small amounts of violence
Summary: Izaya is worried about how much longer he will be able to hold his 'Seme' title over his beloved Shizuo. Naturally he goes to Shrina's and of course the doctor holds the perfect answer.
Chapter Summary- The introduction of my new guy! Aren't you all excited now?
Authors Note: Yuki- Okay so I did actually write this yesterday but I'm barely allowed on the internet at home, soo I update it at school XD Ahh, but for this chappy I'm excited, because really I didn't/don't have much of a plan for this, I was even tempted just to put all the other chappies before this one together and just make it a big one-shot but I think I'll go with the flow and see how it goes. So in light of my new decision read on to find out about my new character!
Mifune- *Munches Chips while nodding*
Chapter Five- Eye Catching
Shizuo glanced around again, probably for the tenth time since he left his apartment oh around ONE MINUTE AGO! Growling slightly to cover up his slight fear Shizuo made a conscious effort to stay close to sign posts and lamps, just in case he needed them. The street was mostly empty and the kids that ran past laughing barely acknowledged his existence, it was overall a nice day.
The new clothes Izaya had brought him were very comfortable and he did like them, but the bad part was that other people seemed to like them as well, I mean come on! He just bashed how many people yesterday? Sighing in annoyance Shizuo turned the corner onto a near empty street, the concrete glared into his eyes and he realized that with his new look Izaya had neglected to get him sunglasses, frowning he made a mental note to buy some after work. He looked up at his blonde hair as a strand decided to fall in his eyes and shut that eye as he brushed the strand away, that was something that he hadn't really noticed, his hair had gotten longer, and was sitting differently. When he had looked in the mirror this morning he was shocked by how similar his hair style was to his brothers.
Just as the thought passed through his mind his phone went off, vibrating in his pocket and beeping loudly, reaching into his left pocket he felt it stop before suddenly starting again, letting him know he'd just gotten another message. Flipping it open he read the first one before moving onto the second.
From: Tom
Hey Shizuo, boss has given us the week off. Try to relax for a bit, maybe go somewhere with Izaya-kun.
Shizuo smiled at that and lent onto the wall near him, deleting the message and opening the next one.
From: Izaya
Hey Shizu-chan~ I found a mouse under the sink so I called some people in, the house is going to be closed off until around eight tonight, so if you knock off early go hang at Shrina's. Looovvvee youuu~~~ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Shizuo felt a slight blush creep up his cheeks as he quickly deleted the message and shoved his phone back in his pocket, taking care not to crush the metallic orange device. He looked around again and puffed his cheeks out childishly, he didn't want to go to Shrina's. He'd been avoiding it for as long as he could, the doctor was his friend but he was just so annoying! Letting the air out of his cheeks Shizuo pushed off the brick wall and strolled casually down the street, no real destination in mind.
He tilted his head back and cushioned it with his hands, looking up at the sky, it was a bright blue today, not a cloud in sight. Days like this were nice to just walk around on, maybe he could sent Celty a text and see what she was doing, she was always such lovely company. Pulling out his phone again he flicked through his contacts until he found Celty's and sent her a quick message asking if she was busy. The Dullahan only took moments to reply, apologizing firstly before telling Shizuo that she was busy until late that day. The blonde felt slightly dejected at this but shrugged it off and continued his aimless walking.
Before he knew it he was in a beautiful park, the fountain in the centre was creating a cool atmosphere, calling out to weary passer-by's to come and site on its edge. Shizuo did just that, walking over and sitting on the cool white stone, dangling his hand in the cold water and swirling it around, off in his own little world and feeling completely relaxed. He barely even cared about the stares anymore, but then again people weren't really staring that much anymore anyway. Just as he was about to pull his hand out of the water Shizuo felt a tap on his shoulder and jumped so high he almost fell into the fountain, the strong arm around his waist was the only thing that stopped him from doing so. Quickly turning around Shizuo was met with a pair of emerald green eyes, he quickly pulled out of the strangers grip and pushed down his embarrassed blush.
"Ah! I'm sorry! Thank-you for catching me." He said quickly, once again brushing his hair out of his face as the stranger smiled at him, his green eyes sparkling in amusement as his brown hair waved slightly in the soft breeze.
"And I'm sorry for startling you so, I just saw you here and you just looked so eye catching that I wanted to ask you something." He said, the voice was smooth and kind making Shizuo relax as he smiled back, silently telling the man to continue. "Would you mind if I took a few photographs of you?" The taller male asked, and only now did Shizuo see the big professional looking camera hanging off the brunette's neck. Shizuo blinked at the man as he slowly processed what had been asked…. This man wanted a photo of him? "Ah! How rude of me! My name is Juugo Lionsee" The man introduced himself as he stuck his hand out, Shizuo hesitantly took it yet shook it firmly.
"My name is Shizuo Heiwagima, it's nice to meet you. And okay I suppose, I don't really know what to do though." He said letting go and scratching the back of his head nervously. Juugo smiled at him as he placed his hands on Shizuo's shoulders and gently sat him back on the stone bench.
"Just do what you were doing before and pretend I'm not here." He said happily before walking a few meters away, leaving Shizuo alone once again. The blonde looked at Juugo once more before looking back at the clear water, it wasn't that hard to get back into his previous state of mind, and before he knew it the world blurred out again as he slowly dipped his hand back into the cool water, loving the feel of it as it ran through his fingers. Slowly he felt a smile pulling at the corners of his mouth as he cupped a bit of water in his hand and held it out of the fountain, letting it trickle between his fingers. After all the water had run out of his hand Shizuo lifted his head and gazed unseeingly at the sky as his thoughts wondered to Izaya, wondering what his raven haired lover was doing if he wasn't in the house.
A genuine and sweet smile took over his entire face at the thought of his boyfriend as he glanced back around the park, his caramel eyes landing once again on those jade eyes, he let a small laugh escape his mouth as Juugo smiled at him and took one last photo before walking back over to the blonde.
"These are some great photo's, if you like I could give you a copy." He said as he sat beside Shizuo. The blonde nodded as he looked over at his newly found friend.
"Sure, there's a camera shop nearby and I'm pretty sure they print photo's." He said as they both stood and walked out of the park, chatting happily between each other.
~Izaya POV~
Izaya ran down the alley way and climbed skilfully up the fence, using it as a foot hold as he quickly jumped onto a fire escape and climbed up to the top of the building. Once at the top he looked over the buildings, it was around mid-day now and he had just finished a meeting with a rather strange client. The guy had paid Izaya in advance and had promised more after he go the information, but that wasn't what was strange, no that type of thing happened all the time. What was strange was the way the man kept shuffling around, it was as if he was in pain.
The raven frowned in thought, this was one of his regular customers, he worked for an old pharmaceutical company, one that was awfully similar to the one Namine used to work at. Izaya sat on the roof and lent against the wall looking at the view as he tried to think of what it could be, there was just so many possibilities. Ah but he didn't really have time for that right now, he had about two minutes to get to the roof of the building across from him to meet with a suicidal man. Standing Izaya jumped over to the buildings fire escape and climbed it another three stories before he reached the top, once his feet were safely on the ground he waited and smiled brightly when the door slowly swung open revealing a man with long silver hair and bright blue eyes. The man walked over to him with no expression on his face as he called out. "Are you Hainiko?" Izaya made his smile more kind as he nodded and stepped onto the ledge of the building.
"I'm Hainiko, your escort to death." He said timidly and he gestured to the ground thirteen stories below. The man simply nodded as he to stepped onto the ledge, leaning forward slightly he turned to Izaya a mere second before he fell as a maniacal smile spread across his face as he reached his hand out and attempted to grab the raven. But Izaya had been expecting this and simply stepped back as he waved mockingly at the man who was now falling alone to his death on the pavement below. Izaya's red eyes watched as his body flattened out like a pancake and an unfortunate person who had been passing the alley got splattered with blood.
The person screamed as Izaya laughed twirling joyously on the edge before hopping off and heading to Shrina's, Shizuo should be arriving there soon since he got the week off from Tom and had probably finished his aimless wondering by now. Yes Izaya knew that small bit of information; why else would he have messaged the blonde as soon as he left for work? Shaking his head Izaya jumped the roofs as he made his way to the underground doctor's apartment, his grin stayed plastered to his face the entire way.
Yuki- So you like my new character? I do but I'm telling you now, he is going to become a big part of this story so I hope you're all ready for some mystery and action :3
Mifune- Hehe I've heard her plot for this, it honestly sounds good, so give us a review to let us know whatcha think
Yuki- Till next time~ chuu~
Xx Yuki xX