Kon'nichiwa! So thanks for the reviews, favs, and alerts! Also, thanks for the advice! I get that having the exact plot can be boring and not that much different. And I should try it differently, because when I read stories that are similar, I skip the information to the interesting scenes. So I'll edit it to my own way, I'll add the plot but with my ideas~! Gomen for being boring and for any mistakes, but I'll work hard!

Kinda early, but Happy Thanksgiving!

Please read on!

Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroko no Basket (but any OCs & OOCness are definitely mines)

Both different, whether its styles and builds, but they both aim for the seat of the "Strongest"!






"Is this the basketball club?"

"Y-your Kuroko…Tetsumi?" Riko asked, pointing a shaking finger at the teal haired girl. "Yup" Kuroko answered simply.

"I'm not looking to play Basketball for fun. I want to play a more serious game that really gets me going" Kagami said.

'She's the invisible regular of Teiko who excelled at passing. I'd heard those rumors, but since they kept changing it a lot, I didn't think it was true!' Riko looked over at the teal haired girl, 'the sixth Generation of Miracles, The Phantom Princess!'

"That's why I hate the weak!" Kagami was in the air and dunked the ball! "You have to make the shot, dumbass!" Kuroko couldn't help but smile a small smile, she seemed really happy, even when others found her impassive.

Kagami was walking around school looking for his sempai, 'Oh man, I'm so excited. I can't sit still' Kagami grinned to himself. He was scaring the students he passed by since he did have a very…stoic face?

'I don't care if it's not an official match. I just wanna play them!' Kagami's excited aura vibe, scaring everyone off. 'If the Generation of Miracles are so amazing…I really wanna play them!' Kagami really did look terrifying when he's happy. Then the red head noticed his sempai, Hyuga, up ahead.

"Captain!" he called, the glasses wearing boy looked back at him. "When can I play in a match?" Kagami asked eagerly, "Match? You can' play yet" Hyuga answered simply.

"Wha-what!? Why, Captain?" Kagami demanded. "How am I not good enough?" Kagami yelled, "You're still a trial member. You're not an official member yet" Hyuga explained.


2. I'm Serious! It's My Goal!

Meanwhile, Riko was in her class, drooling over some basketball characters in her handheld system. When she began sipping her juice, "Coach!" Kagami yelled, instantly Riko had a spit take on his face.

Kagami wiped it off, "Coach, give me an official club membership form" Kagami demanded. "What is it with today? You, too?" Riko complained, wiping the juice from her mouth.


Riko sipping juice, "I'd like an official membership form" Kuroko asked, standing at the side of Riko's table. Spit-take in front, missing the teal haired girl, "safe" Kuroko thumbed up at you, "Who're are you thumbing up too!?"

'She came here without me…' Kagami growled to himself, "just how impatient are you rascals?" Riko said.

"What'd you call me!?"

Riko pulled out the form and handed it to the red head, "well, you both have potential, and we've got room on the bench, so we'd be happy to have you" Riko said.

"Yosh, now I can play in a game, right?" Kagami grinned, "Wait a second. I'll only accept your form on Monday at 8:40 on the roof" Riko explained, Kagami just blinked in confusion but nodded.

Kagami walked down the hall by himself, since break was still on. He needed a quiet place to fill out the sheet; he noticed he was passing by the school Library.

'I'll just fill it out here' Kagami thought, he walked in and sat at one of the empty tables, which became empty since some students that feared him ran off at the sight of the giant. Kagami filled out the sheet quietly, not wavering a bit.

'Wonder why Coach wants us to give it to her on Monday at exactly 8:40, on the roof no less…is there something I should be remembering?' Kagami wondered, but shook off the worry. Once he completed the sheet, he grinned happily, but scared many students there.

He sighed, then realized break still isn't over, 'guess it just took a couple of seconds…' Kagami thought. He looked back down at his sheet, his cheek resting on his palm as he stared at it with a bored expression.

'Coach mentioned Kuroko came asking too…' He thought, a sudden image of Kuroko's blank face passed by. 'Guess someone as emotionless as her is eager to join' Kagami laughed at the thought.

"I don't accept that"

"First of all, I love Basketball"

"And I don't share your opinion. I don't care who's strong or who's weak"

'Don't share my opinion, huh?' Kagami thought, his eyes dazed.

"I will be the shadow to your light, and make you the best player in Japan."

Kagami smirked, 'very interesting' he thought in amusement. "Is Kagami-kun thinking of something perverted?" Kuroko wondered, sitting across from the male. "AH!" Kagami yelled, his heart shooting out in fear.

"Shhh!" the librarian shh'd Kagami; the red head flinched and bowed to her in apology. He turned back to the teal haired girl confused of his sudden outburst.

"Damn Brat, why can't you show up normally!? You almost gave me a heart attack! Stop coming out of nowhere!" Kagami yelled-whispered. "But I was here for a while" Kuroko answered impassively.

'Yet you didn't say anything!?' Kagami held back from punching the girl on the head. Kagami sighed and hung his head in his hands, too tired to deal with the teal haired girl. He looked back up at her; he blinked and noticed the teal haired girl was focused in a book in her hand.

"You actually came to the library to read? Dorky~" Kagami teased, hoping to strike a nerve in the impassive girl.

"Actually, I always go to the library, it has many fascinating stories and information that not many notice" Kuroko's eyes sparkled, but her voice still blank. "Eh?" Kagami paled slightly, 'she has an emotion but its only happiness to books, how lame~' Kagami thought.

"Guess you didn't have many friends if you cooped yourself up in the library" Kagami said, looking away from her, somewhat tiredly. "I had friends" Kuroko said, "really?" Kagami said, somewhat surprised slightly.

"My teammates" Kuroko held a finger up as emphasis, "I meant real friends!" Kagami yelled. "Shhh!" the librarian shh'd again, Kagami flinched.

"My teammates are my friends, aren't they?" Kuroko had a question mark over her head. "Sigh, how should I know, you're the one who said so" Kagami looked away lazily. Kuroko froze, 'I'm the one saying it…' she thought.

Kagami didn't hear a retort and turned back curiously and noticed the teal haired girl had her eyes shadowed, her mouth in a firm line.

"Kuroko?" Kagami called. 'It has been me…was I…'

An image of five teammates white jerseys' backs walking away from her, passed her mind.

'…The only one who said that?' Kuroko eyes looked down sadly. "Kuroko!" The teal haired girl flinched and looked up, meeting concerned red eyes. "Are you okay?" Kagami asked, Kuroko blinked at the concern.

"Kagami-kun…" Kuroko mumbled, her voice soft, Kagami blushed lightly, "y-yeah?" Kagami stuttered. "…I thought you left already" Kuroko deadpanned, Kagami face planted onto the table.

"You damn brat! You're the one who always disappears!" Kagami yelled, slamming his hands on the table. "Ah, Kagami-kun" Kuroko called, "What!?" he yelled.

"Behind you" Kuroko pointed, Kagami froze, feeling a dark aura behind him. The librarian was behind him, glaring at the red head. Kagami was sweating nervously.


Kuroko and Kagami stared at the library door that was just slammed in their faces. "…Kagami-kun, you got us kicked out" Kuroko said blankly, "It was your fault! You instigated me!" Kagami yelled angrily, he panted heavily from anger exhaustion, a vein throbbing on his head.

Kuroko tilted her head slightly, catching the red head's attention; she put her frail index finger over her small lips, which she puckered slightly. Kagami turned red at the sudden movements, 'that's so…! So…!' Kagami covered his face in embarrassment. Then Kuroko's lips began to move, catching the red head's full attention.

"Shh, we're still outside the library" Kuroko pointed to the sign. Kagami's eyebrow twitched, he punched his fist onto her head, as lightly as the teal haired girl could take. "You making fun of me? You're making fun of me, aren't you!?" Kagami growled, nooging the teal haired girl's head. "No, and that hurts, Kagami-kun" Kuroko said still monotone.

Kagami sighed and released her; she tried fixing her now messed up hair. 'Those rumors of the amazing Generation of Miracles and Kuroko being the Phantom six…that has got to be a lie, right?' Kagami prayed, looking away from the Teal haired girl. 'I don't believe it. How could anyone call an invisible brat like her the sixth phantom princess?' Kagami growled, glancing back at the small girl.

Kuroko had a small tear in her eye as she fixed her hair. Kagami felt an arrow shoot threw his heart, 'w-well…maybe the princess part…' Kagami looked away with a red face. Kuroko wiped the exhausted tear and yawned tiredly, 'I'm so tired…' Kuroko thought.

Kagami blinked, noticing a bulletin board beside the Library door. Kuroko finished fixing her dull looking hair, she noticed the giant step away from her, his attention somewhere else. "Hey, Kuroko, check this out" Kagami waved his hand for her to come over; Kuroko blinked but nodded and walked over.

She noticed a large poster of last year's basketball team qualifying for the Kanto tournament. "Since the school is new, it was surprising that they qualified" Kuroko said, reading the article. "They really are strong!" Kagami said, excitement in his voice.

Kuroko blinked at the tone other than anger. She looked to the large athlete. Kagami was grinning, admiration in his eyes, truly getting excited for basketball. Kuroko's eyes were shadowed, but she continued to stare at Kagami.

'Excited for Basketball…?'

'This is getting me excited! Soon I'll be able to play the Generation of Miracles!' Kagami thought excitedly, 'which reminds me…the rest of the Generation of Miracles all went on to play for strong schools.' Kagami regained his composure, 'why didn't Kuroko go with them?' Kagami wondered.

'Then again, she wouldn't be here and…' Kagami's face then lit up red again, 'what am I thinking!? She's just some snot nosed brat! Why would I care if she's here or not!? What's up with me!?' Kagami panicked in his head.

'But I am still kinda curious' Kagami thought, he closed his eyes and turned back to the girl. "Hey, Kuroko-" but when he opened his eyes, no one was there.

'Heh, it doesn't matter…' Kagami smiled as he walked away, 'Cause I'll glue her to the ground the next time I see her' Kagami had an evil dark aura around him, still smiling but almost evilly. Any student that past by flinched or shivered in fear.


"Why're you following right behind me? "Kagami growled, "I'm going to the roof top too," Kuroko answered. "But you're standing right beside me, people will misunderstand!" Kagami blushed lightly, growling. "Misunderstand what? "Kuroko tilted her head, "…!" Kagami was speechless, too embarrassed to explain.

"They're ignoring us" Furihata finally said, him and his two companions along with any others who are heading to the roof. "Its amazing how Kagami and Kuroko-chan are in their own world when they fight" Kawahara smiled nervously.

"Yeah~ But I think its cause Kagami doesn't know how to deal with girls" Furihata guessed. "Shhh!" Fukuda shh'd him, "don't say that, or else he'll get mad!" Fukuda scolded him. The three looked back to the red head, only to see him still deep in his one-sided argument with Kuroko.

"Guess Kuroko-chan really is tough against someone as big as Kagami" Kawahara said, the other two nodded. They finally reached the roof, Kagami reached for the door handle. "Ah. I just remembered something" Kuroko said, "huh? What is it?" Kagami said as he opened the door and began to walk onto the roof.


"Fufufu, I've been waiting for you" Riko said, smiling and cross arms, standing in front of the railing, she looked determined and a bit mischievous. "…Are you stupid?" Kagami deadpanned, "is this a duel? "Kuroko said in a monotone voice.

"Coach is kinda weird" Furihata whispered, his two friends nodded. "Coach" Kuroko called, "hmm?" Riko answered, "The morning assembly is in five minutes" Kuroko said, "Eh!? I totally forgot it was today!" Kagami yelled, the other freshmen sweat dropped.

"Forget it, just take the form already" Kagami said, holding out the sheet. "Before that, I have something to tell you" Riko said, "Huh?" the freshmen said in union, Kuroko blinked.

"I made a promise when the captain asked me to become the coach last year." Riko began, "I focus on only pushing the team toward the national championship!" Riko said, "if you don't think you're ready for that, there are other clubs better suited for you" Riko smiled.

"Huh? Of course I'm-"

"I know you're strong" Riko cut off Kagami, "but I need to know you have something even more important. No matter how hard you practice, someday and maybe aren't good enough" Riko explained. "I need to know you have ambitious goals and the will to accomplish them" Riko smiled.

'She's insane!' the freshmen thought, 'she's a little off…' Kagami paled, 'Coach is really enthusiastic' Kuroko thought in admiration.

"Now, give me your year, class, and name. Announce your goals here and now" Riko said, "and if you fail to achieve them, you'll come back up here and…" Riko smirked, "strip naked, and confess your feeling for the girl you love."

"Eh!?" The males paled, excluding Kagami, who was deep in thought. "All the 2nd years did it last year" Riko added, "What? No one told me about this" Furihata whispered, "I heard about it a while back" Fukuda admitted, "but I didn't think they'd actually…" Kawahara looked unsure.

"Like I said before, I'm looking for something concrete and reasonably ambitious" Riko explained, "You'll have to do better than play my first game or do my best" Riko smiled. Kuroko blinked, 'my ambition…?' she thought, she looked down to her frail hands for answers.

'Concrete reason…' she repeated in her mind. She then lifted her dainty hand and played with a short strand of her hair, her eyes softening. 'My reason…?' Then the larger athlete beside her cut Kuroko's thoughts.

"This'll be easy" Kagami smirked, he began walk forward, "this isn't even a test" Kagami then hopped up on top of the railing, surprising them a bit, Kuroko blinked. Kagami took a deep breath in and-

"Class 1-B, number 5, Kagami Taiga!" Kagami yelled, the freshmen were surprised to actually see someone do it. "I will defeat the Generation of Miracles and become the best player in Japan!" Kagami yelled.

Hyuga down below sighed, 'is she doing that again this year?' he thought tiredly. Kuroko felt her heart thump and red rise in her cheeks. 'Amazing…' she thought of his declaration, thinking the feeling was of admiration. Kagami hopped down, Riko smiled at him, the red head walked back.

"Who's next?" Riko called, some of the freshmen were still scared. Kuroko noticed how some were too terrified to try. 'Don't they have a reason?' Kuroko wondered. "U-um…" Kuroko and Riko turned to Kawahara.

"I-I've got one" Kawahara stuttered, Riko nodded, his friends cheered him as he walked to the railing. "Class 1-A, Kawahara Koichi, from Chuo-ku, Tokyo. I was a sickly kid, so I couldn't play sports. I later saw some basketball games, and I really thought they were cool and…" Kawahara began with some long speech about basketball in his life, but was then later kicked by Riko. (Poor guy)

"Next!" Riko ordered, Furihata asked earlier if it could be about a girlfriend, but was quickly refused. "Class 1-D, Fukuda Hiroshi. I like helping others, so when I heard Upperclassman asking for help, I immediately offered my assistance!" Fukuda yelled. "Who knew he'd take my joke seriously?" Izuki said, "He must not have understood how you joke" Koganei said, beside him.

"Class 1-D, Furihata Koki. The girl I like said she'd go out with me if I became the best at something. I joined the basketball team to become number one!" Furihata declared.

Hyuga couldn't help but smile, 'doing this really helped us focus last year. This could be a good tradition' Hyuga thought. "If that's not good enough, I don't mind if I can't join the team" Furihata said, "I guess I'm moved" Riko nodded.

"So who's next?" Riko turned around; she wasn't that surprised to see that everyone else had left. 'Guess they really can't handle it' Riko sighed, 'but…Kuroko-chan should at least be here' Riko looked around for the girl.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not good at speaking loudly" Riko flinched, she looked beside her to see the teal haired girl there, Kagami sighed at the girl. "Can I use this?" Kuroko held up a megaphone, "where'd you get that?" Riko smiled nervously.

'Kuroko does have a soft voice, I guess it would be hard for her to yell' Kagami thought. 'A really soft voice…gentle too…its really harmonious…like an angel's and-' Kagami banged his head on a nearby wall, "Ka-Kagami?" Kawahara called out worriedly.

Kuroko turned to the railing and looked out at everyone, the freshmen and coach watched. They were surprised to see the sun shine on her pale skin, the teal hair and eyes actually glowing with the sun, the wind blowing her hair.

'So pretty…!' the three freshmen blushed, but the coach and Kagami paid more attention to Kuroko's facial expression. Her eyes were dead serious, not wavering of feelings; she took a deep breath and-


"Hey! The Basketball club again!? "a sensei barged onto the rooftop, stopping Kuroko from speaking. "Crap, we were almost finished" Riko groaned.

"I warned you last year. Didn't you say you'd never do this again? You should know what's right and wrong at your age!" the teacher blabbed and scolded the tired looking students. Kagami glanced at the still impassive Kuroko, 'I'm kinda curious…what is her reason…' Kagami wondered before yawning and looking at the sky tiredly.

Kuroko glanced back at the red head and looked down to the ground.

'What was I gonna say anyways…?'

~ Kuroko no Basket ~

At Maji Burger again, Kagami grabbed a whole tray of a large amount of burgers, again. He walked towards the table he sat at last time, and sighed tiredly.

"Che, I can't believe he got so mad over a little shouting" Kagami grumbled, biting on his burger and looking out the window. "I didn't even finish, and I got in trouble, too" Kuroko said, sipping her milkshake.

Kagami gasped in shock, accidently swallowing too fast, again!

"You again?" Kagami swallowed hard, 'maybe I should start going somewhere else' Kagami thought. "We aren't allowed on the roof anymore" Kuroko continued, Kagami blinked and turned to the smaller girl. Kagami's eyes widen, Kuroko was pouting, looking down at her drink.

Kagami flushed, his mouth gaping, 'h-how come she's acting so cute!?' Kagami blushed madly, 'w-wait sh-she's n-not-th-that is…!' Kagami was lost in his own mind.

"What am I gonna do if I can't join the basketball team?" Kuroko said, her voice still impassive, but Kagami could tell she was at least a bit worried. Kagami looked at her then sighed; Kuroko heard him and looked up. She was surprised to feel a light jab on her forehead.

Kagami's finger poking her forehead, "Itta" Kuroko said impassively, Kagami smiled and pulled his finger away. Kuroko rubbed her forehead, "heh" Kuroko blinked and looked to the larger male.

"That's not gonna happen" Kagami said confidently, smiling at her, and for once, trying to cheer her up. Kuroko's eyes widen, her cheek turning a bit red.

"Of course you're important to the team!"

Kuroko smiled softly, but went unnoticed by the larger athlete. "Kagami-kun is being a little ahead of himself, it might not happen" Kuroko deadpanned, 'she ruined such a heart felt moment!' Kagami glared at her. 'Ugh why does that matter to me?' Kagami blushed, 'oh yeah…' Kagami remembered.

"By the way" Kuroko blinked, "why didn't you go to some big name school like the other five guys? "Kagami asked, "you were good enough to be known as the Phantom sixth princess, the only girl on the famous basketball team, so why?" Kagami asked. Kuroko's eyes flickered with an unknown emotion then it disappeared, the red head noticed, surprised. Kuroko put her straw up to her mouth and sipped some more of her milkshake.

"…Is there some reason you play basketball?" Kagami asked, Kuroko stopped and placed her shake back on the table. "My middle school's basketball team had one core principle. Winning is everything" Kuroko explained, "instead of teamwork, we needed to push the individual talents of the Generation of Miracles to win. Nothing could beat us, but we weren't a team."

"The five of them approved, but I felt we lacked something important…" Kuroko looked out the window, her eyes becoming distant. Kagami was surprised to see Kuroko becoming sad, "so…what? Are you gonna beat the Generation of Miracles your own way?" Kagami asked.

"That's what I was thinking" Kuroko looked back at him, "Seriously?" Kagami said surprised. "…Your's and coach's words…" Kagami blinked, "they really stuck to me" Kuroko said, looking back into Kagami's eyes.

"I focus on only pushing the team toward the national championship!"

"I will defeat the Generation of Miracles and become the best player in Japan!"

"Now…my biggest reason to play is trying to make you and our team the best in Japan" Kuroko said in determination, her eyes showing the burning passion even when she remain expressionless. Kagami stared at her, then he put his large hand onto her hair and ruffled it. Slightly surprising Kuroko, but she remained impassive.

"We're not gonna try" Kuroko looked up as the giant let go and stood up. She looked up at him as he glowered at her, "we're gonna be the best" Kuroko couldn't help but smile at the giant. 'Yeah…' she thought, her heart warming again.

Kagami blushed at the sweet smile she showed, 'th-that smile…she can actually show such expressions…?' Kagami tried to push down his blush with fail. "Kagami-kun really is getting ahead of himself" Kuroko deadpanned, "Oi!" Kagami growled.

The Next Day

'Damn brat…' Kagami had a vein throbbing on his head, still angry at the impassive insults Kuroko said. He walked down the hall with his hands in his pockets, still thinking of the small girl.

'She really is weird, especially her being unnoticeable' Kagami thought, 'although I do know her a little bit more…' Kagami thought. '…Actually all I know is that she likes Vanilla milkshakes, reading, and was on the Generation of Miracles…' Kagami paled, the images coming to mind.

'But I also know…' an image of Kuroko's soft smile passed by his mind, 'she can actually smile like that…' Kagami smiled a bit, a light blush dusted his cheeks. 'Gah! Why am I thinking this way!?' Kagami ruffled his hair in frustration, his cheeks growing warmer.

He walked into his classroom with the distressed look; he then noticed his classmates' attention out the window. 'What's all the commotion?' Kagami walked over to the window, being taller than everyone, he could see easily over everyone. Kagami's eyes widen a bit, then he smirked, chuckling a bit.

On the courtyard in big (Kanji) letters was written, "We Will Be the Best in Japan".

Riko, in her class, watched as the students looked out the window, she smiled. "This could be interesting enough to work" Riko said.

Kagami looked toward the shorthaired girl, noticing some light dirt on Kuroko's sleeve of her sweater, as she read her book impassively as always. Kagami smiled, grinning at the girl who may seem emotionless, but has a ton of passion.

Scene Change

(Basketball Club's Locker room)

"Its too bad many of the guys who signed up just up and quit" Izuki sighed, "if they don't have the guts to deal with Coach's demands, they'll never survive" Hyuga said honestly. "The way you said that, makes it sound like she's a monster" Koganei smiled nervously.

"But we still got these guys" Koganei looked over to the freshmen trio and Kagami, who were changing. The freshmen trio blushed in embarrassment, Kagami just finished putting on his shirt.

"And since that phenomenon everyone was talking about is done, Kuroko too!" Koganei smiled, Mitobe beside him smiled and nodded. "Hai?" Kuroko said, the boys froze; they looked over to see Kuroko sitting at the end of the bench, reading her novel without looking up.

"Kuroko!" they yelled, all of them turning red. Kagami gaped at the girl and blushed, 'd-did she see me change?' he panicked.

"H-how long have you been there!? "Hyuga yelled, "a while, but don't worry, I haven't looked up since I got here" Kuroko said impassively, still not looking up. "That's not the point! A girl can't come into the boy's locker room!" Hyuga yelled.

"But, our team's stuff is in here, and I don't feel like waiting outside" Kuroko answered, turning the page in her book. Hyuga gritted his teeth at the apparently stubborn girl, "fine then" he said.

He walked over to a bin of fresh towels; he picked them up in his arms and walked back to the girl, he threw them all over her. "Stay under there until were done!" Hyuga ordered. "…Okay" she answered, the girl a small lump under the towels.

'Captain really had to go that far…' Furihata and his companion sweat dropped. Koganei sighed; he looked to his side and noticed something.

"Huh? Is this…" Koganei picked up a magazine that was called "Basketball Monthly".

"Didn't this issue come out when Kuroko was at Teiko?" Koganei said, looking through the issue. "Oh" Hyuga looked into the magazine as well, "all the players are featured" Hyuga said. They turned page by page, "Kuroko…you're not mentioned even once" Hyuga said.

"Even though you were the only girl and was known as the Phantom Princess?" Koganei said, "They would've definitely interview you" Koganei added. "…They forgot about me" Kuroko mumbled under the towels. 'So sad' Hyuga, Koganei, and Izuki pitied the small lump.

"Besides, everyone mostly thought it was a rumor or a myth, even if I was on the court a lot of people thought they imagined it" Kuroko added, "is that so?" Izuki said. "That…and other reasons" Kuroko mumbled even quieter, Kagami raised an eyebrow.

"Besides, I'm nothing like the other five. They're true prodigies" Kuroko said, her voice not wavering. The team blinked, they wondered just how powerful were Kuroko's old teammates.

"Anyway, we're done so you can start changing" Hyuga said, trying to get everyone to file out. Kuroko wasted no time, threw the towels off and began to unbutton her shirt before any of them got the chance to leave.

"AH!" everyone yelled with red faces, except for Mitobe who flinched back with a red face.

"N-not yet, Kuroko! Wait for us to leave!" Hyuga yelled, "Eh? But you said-"

"Until we leave!" Hyuga hissed. The whole team ran out with red faces, even Kagami's face was almost as red as his hair. Kuroko blinked at being left alone after getting yelled at for no reason, in her opinion. The team walked down the hall, each of them trying to push down their blushes.

"Kuroko really is too much…" Kawahara sighed, "doesn't she realize she's the only girl" Koganei sighed as well. "I think because she hasn't realized that she's acting like this…" Hyuga paled. 'That Kuroko…' Kagami blushed still.

"By the way, where's the coach? "Furihata asked, "she went out to look for an opponent for a practice match" Hyuga explained. "Ah! I saw her a little while ago, she was skipping when I saw her" Fukuda said. "She was skipping!?" Hyuga yelled, his face filled with dread.

"Be ready, everyone. If she's skipping, our next opponent's gonna be real tough" Hyuga warned, him and the other upperclassman paled. 'Is the opponent really gonna be tough?' Kagami thought, the freshmen panicked.

Kuroko, dressed in her baggy black short and baggy white shirt, walked towards them. She noticed they're pale faces and tilted her head in confusion.

A Seirin's Front Gate

"Ah~ This is Seirin?" a handsome blond, wearing a gray but nice uniform, hummed. "New and pristine, just like I expected" the blond chuckled to himself. He began t walk inside, his hand in his pockets, he gained glances from boys and mostly girls.

"Isn't he hot?"

"He's really good looking!"

"And tall. Wait, is he…"

"The Model!"

The girls murmured, blushes present as the blond walked by them with a smile on his handsome face. In the gym, it was Freshmen vs. Seniors again. Kawahara passed the ball to Kuroko; she passed the ball quickly to Kagami. Izuki blocked him, but Kagami turned left and passed him.

Awestruck for a couple of seconds, Izuki followed, "not yet!" he grunted, trying to keep up with the giant's speed. Right under the basket, Kagami spun around Izuki and dunked into the basket. "So fast!" Furihata said amazed. On the sidelines, the blond smiled.

"Oh! Nice shot!" Kawahara cheered, "he's amazing. Such a quick turn at full speed! He's no ordinary human" Koganei said, "He might even beat the Generation of Miracles" Satoshi said. "He might really be able to beat them with that" Furihata said, "that's not an easy maneuver" Kawahara said, "maybe he's better than them already" Fukuda said.

Kuroko gasped slightly at hearing that.

"If you have hidden talent, I wouldn't know. But, from what I've seen, you wouldn't even reach their feet."

"That's what I said, but…" Kuroko had second thoughts, she looked over to the smiling confidently Kagami. She walked over to him and poked the giant's arm; he looked down to her in confusion. Kuroko then tried poking Kagami on his forehead, but accidently poked him in the eye.

"Itte!" Kagami held his eye, "oops, I missed" Kuroko said blankly. "What was that for!?" Kagami yelled, "Kagami-kun's getting a bit big headed" Kuroko deadpanned, "you didn't have to poke me in the eye!" Kagami yelled.

"…Sumimasen" she apologized, but with a dead emotion. "The way you said that irritates me!" Kagami gritted his teeth, ready to noogie the girl's head harshly. "Should we separate them?" Fukuda asked nervously, "I really don't want to be in the middle of that…" Furihata sweat dropped.

"Gather around everyone!" Riko called as she entered the room, "yes, ma'am!" they yelled. They stood around her, Hyuga sweat nervously at seeing the grin on their coach's face. "I got us a match with Kaijou" Riko announced, "R-really?" Hyuga said.

"They won't disappoint us. We'll put plenty of first years on the court" Riko said. "Disappoint us? They're way better than us" Koganei said, "Are they really that good?" Kawahara asked. "They're strong at the national level. They play in the Inter-High every year" Hyuga explained.

"And this year, Kaijou got their hands on one of the Generation of Miracles, Kise Ryota" Riko added.



"The Generation of Miracles?"

The freshmen gasped, Kuroko's eye twitched. 'I never thought I'd get to play them so soon' Kagami grinned, 'what a blessing. I'm getting excited!'

"Apparently, Kise works as a model" Hyuga added, "Seriously?" Izuki said. "Good looking and good at Basketball? That's brutal" Koganei sighed in dismay. "Idiots…" Riko sighed, Kuroko twitched and moved behind Kagami, no one noticing. Riko heard some murmurs and turned to the door, she was surprised to see a long line of blushing girls in the gym.

"Huh? What?" Riko said in surprise, "what are all these people doing here?" Riko wondered. "Uh, I didn't mean for this to happen" a voice said tiredly. "That's…" Hyuga said, "One of the Generation of Miracles! Kise Ryota!" Riko yelled, 'what is he doing here?' Riko wondered.

Kise, a blond, medium long hair, with pure yellow eyes, is left ear pierced and a silver earing present. He has a very handsome face and the height of 189 cm., he sat at the front stage, signing autograph after autograph.

'So lucky~' Koganei cried anime tears, him and some of the teammates envious of the blond surrounded by girls. While in the midst of crying, Furihata finally noticed Kuroko hiding behind the thought-occupied Kagami, her back facing the giant's.

'Kuroko?' he thought confused, Kuroko noticed his gaze. She put her finger on her puckered lips and made a sign for him to stay quiet. Furihata blushed at such a cute gesture he never expected to see on the impassive girl's face. He nodded furiously, his face still red.

"Kurokocchi~ I know you're here~" Kise hummed, still signing autographs. Kuroko flinched, "I've been found" Kuroko said blankly, "Huh? How long have you been behind me!?" Kagami yelled, realizing the teal haired girl hid behind him.

"A while" Kuroko answered, Kagami blushed. Kuroko looked to the blond, she nodded, "Good to see you again" Kuroko said. Kise's eyes widen, but he continued to smile, "good to see you too" Kise smiled warmly. The team looked between the two then just stared at the blond.

"Sorry, really. Um…do you think you could wait five minutes? "Kise asked, scratching the back of his head and smiling nervously. Then the girls pile in even further at seeing his nervous smile, all of them squealing. "Kise-kun has always been popular with the ladies" Kuroko said, "r-really? I couldn't tell…" Koganei smiled nervously, kind of jealous.

After the girls were forced out of the gym, Kise hopped down from the stage, "there" he smiled at the group. "Wh-what are you doing here?" Hyuga asked, "When I heard our next opponent was Seirin, I remembered Kurokocchi went here, so I thought I'd say hi" Kise explained, walking towards the short girl.

Kise smiled and brought Kuroko into a hug, which didn't surprise the teal haired girl. But the team was surprised, and lets just say, the big red monster's angry.

"I've missed you, Kurokocchi…" Kise whispered, "…" Kuroko didn't answer. Kise brought his hand up to Kuroko's hair, he twiddled a strand of her hair. "How cruel…" he mumbled, Kuroko's eyes were half lidded, as if she was in a daze. "…Sumimasen…" Kuroko mumbled.

"Kise Ryota" Hyuga called again, this cut their embrace short, Kuroko pulled away from the blond. Kise had a sad smile present before he was cheerful again.

"Guess you and Kuroko are really close" Izuki guessed. "You could say we were the best of friends in middle school" Kise grinned. "Friends?" Riko mumbled, "actually…" Kise grin widen. "Kurokocchi was my girlfriend" Kise smiled, a happy aura around him.

"EH!?" the whole team yelled, very surprised. "The usual impassive Kuroko!?" Koganei yelled, "the one who brushes off every little thing and doesn't get embarrassed!?" Satoshi yelled, "was dating a model!?" Kawahara yelled.

"Stop lying, Kise-kun" Kuroko scolded, pulling at the blond's ear, an angry mark on her head but her face still impassive. "Itte~ Sorry, Kurokocchi~ It was a joke~! A joke~!" Kise whined, tears gathered in the corner of his eyes.

'He was joking!?' the team paled, Kagami was shaking in anger. 'W-why do I feel angry? Its not like I care if Kuroko dated or not' Kagami thought, but he still gritted his teeth. After holding his ear for a while, Kuroko released him, and Kise smiled nervously while rubbing his bruised ear.

"Ehehe, I wasn't lying about us being best friends though" Kise said. "Not any more than anyone else" Kuroko deadpanned, "you're so mean~!" Kise cried anime tears. The team sweat dropped at the model acting like a child, Kagami felt his anger build.

"Kise Ryota, though he started basketball his second year of middle school, his exceptional physical ability and sense got him on the Teiko team as a regular in a heartbeat" Furihata read the article in the magazine. "While he has less experience than he other four, he's a rapidly improving all-rounder" Furihata said.

"Since your second year?" Hyuga gaped, "that article exaggerated quite a bit" Kise said, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment. "I'm glad to be called part of the Generation of Miracles, but I'm the worst of the bunch" Kise said.

"They bullied me and Kurokocchi for it all the time" Kise laughed, "Hmm, that never happened to me" Kuroko deadpanned. "What~!? It was just me?" Kise cried anime tears again. "Kise-kun has always been a crybaby" Kuroko said blankly, "maybe I was alone~! You bullied me too~!" Kise cried.

Kise's eyes then narrowed, he stood in front of Kuroko and stopped a basketball aimed for him with one hand. "Itte~! What was that for?" Kise whined, Kagami being the one who threw the ball.



His teammates gaped at him, Kuroko being the only one staring at him blankly. "Sorry for interrupting your little reunion. Don't tell me you came all the way here just to greet us" Kagami grinned excitedly. "Why don't you play with me a little, pretty boy?" Kagami waved his hand, smiling.

"What~? I don't know if I'm ready~" Kise said tiredly, 'Damn pretty boy…!' Kagami growled. "But…" Kagami blinked, "just because your form of challenge almost hit Kurokocchi, I'll accept" Kise glared at him. Kagami was surprised to see him dead serious, he glanced at the impassive Kuroko then the smiling playfully Kise.

'I don't understand, but as long as I get a match' Kagami grinned. "Unbelievable~" Riko sighed tiredly, "This could be bad" Kuroko said, surprising Riko. "Huh?" Riko said, Kuroko glanced back at the two.

Kise took off his coat and handed it to Kuroko, "keep it safe, k~" Kise grinned. "Ok" Kuroko nodded, 'still so cute~' Kise hummed in his mind, grinning at the smaller girl. Kagami was holding the ball and waited for the blond, but he glared at him from behind, getting irritated.

"Lets go already!" Kagami growled, "ah, coming~" Kise went over to the red head. Kise began to dribble, and just as quickly Kise passed him, Kagami following. Kagami kept up but then easily Kise spun around Kagami, then jumped for a dunk. Riko gasped.

"He learns plays as soon as he sees them and makes them his own" Kuroko said, 'but, this is beyond simple imitation' Riko thought. 'This is ridiculous! I just did that, but…you've gotta be kidding!' Kagami jumped up to knock the ball out of the blonde's grasp.

"Kagami's on fire, too!" Fukuda exclaimed.

Kagami grabbed the ball about to be dunked and tried to push it off, but then it was shoved in harshly, pushing the giant away. 'He's quicker than me. Stronger, too!' Kagami fell on his back, Kise landed on his feet flawlessly.

"This is the Generation of Miracles" Kawahara said in awe, "Kuroko, your friend's way too good" Kawahara said to the small girl.

"…I don't know that person" Kuroko said, "huh?" Kawahara responded. "To be honest, I may have underestimated him until now" Kuroko said, "It's only been a few months since I left them, but the Generation of Miracles have been evolving far more quickly than I expected" Kuroko explained.

'It really is how I thought…' Kuroko stared at the blond smiling at Kagami, '…I don't know him or any of them anymore' Kuroko thought, her eyes still emotionless.

"I don't know about this" Kise sighed, scratching the back of his head. "Huh?" Kagami said confused, he then stood up. "After something so disappointing, I can't just leave now" Kise said loud enough for the whole team to hear. 'Huh?' they all thought confused.

Kise walked over to the teal haired girl still holding his jacket. He stood in front of her and smiled, "give us Kurokocchi~" Kise hummed. The team was confused. "Come join us" Kise said simply, his hands in his pockets, "lets play basketball together again" Kise said. 'Eh!?' they all thought surprised, Kagami flinched.

"I seriously respect you, Kurokocchi" Kise said honestly, "it's a waste of your talent to stay here" Kise said honestly. 'What!?' Riko growled in her mind, 'h-he's trying to take Kuroko?' Kagami felt his heart clench painfully, but he had no idea why.

"And I do miss you very much. Lets play together again, ne?" Kise smiled his beautiful model smile no women could ever refuse. "Sorry. But I refuse" Kuroko immediately answered and bowed.

"EH!?" everyone yelled at the girl's dead and quick response. Instead of acting childishly and cry, Kise was seriously surprised. "That doesn't make any sense. Besides, this isn't like you. Winning was everything! Why didn't you go somewhere better!? Or better yet, with one of us!?" Kise asked, 'one of them?' Kagami kept that in mind.

"My thinking has changed since then" Kuroko answered, "Eh?" Kise said. "More importantly, I made a promise to Kagami-kun" Kuroko said, "a promise?" Kise repeated. "A promise…to defeat the Generation of Miracles" Kuroko said. "It really isn't like you to joke around like that" Kise said disbelieving.

"Hehehe" Kise blinked and turned to Kagami, who chuckled from behind him. 'This is the Generation of Miracles? They really are amazing! And there are four more guys stronger than him! I can't help but smile!' Kagami was smiling excitedly.

"Kagami-kun's acting like a predatorily animal" Kuroko deadpanned, "What do you mean by that!? "Kagami yelled. "What are you saying, Kuroko?" Kagami walked passed the blond and towards the small girl. "I was going to say that" Kagami grinned, jabbing a finger on Kuroko's forehead with a little force.

'That's for earlier, Baka' Kagami thought. Kuroko rubbed her forehead, 'She wants to help him defeat us?' Kise thought in disbelief, then Kuroko's eyes stared straight into Kise, he could tell, Kuroko was dead serious.

"I still have no sense of humor. I'm serious" Kuroko said, her feeling not wavering. Kise blinked in surprise, to actually see Kuroko determined after a long time. 'Those eyes…I've missed the determination in them…' Kise thought.

Kise smiled, Kagami grinned, Kuroko remained impassive but determined.






"We're not backing down!"

I don't know why, but I still doubt this is good. Again, trying to add in everything, but kinda in a mental break down. Oh well, thanks for reading~ Anyone wanting to tell me of anything I did or will do wrong, please review. If good at all, please review~

I have a question, I can't really tell, but what's this about Midorima's weird accent or something? I might need it soon~

Until next time
