Hi guys! So this is the first fic I've ever written, I apologize for it in advance. Fair warning: It's written from first person POV and switches between Dean and Cas. I tried to keep the same format throughout though so it shouldn't be too hard to read. This is a college AU in which Cas isn't an angel, obviously, which leads me to my next and final authors note: If Cas seems a little OOC it's because I'm drawing more from 2014!Castiel than Angel!Cas or Jimmy. And the internal monologue Cas has at the beginning, think Scrubs and JD, might make more sense then.

Anyway, hope you guys like it. :)

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters mentioned, just the plot, but man I wish I did. Because if I did Dean would get more hugs.

(Cas POV)

I'm so fucking tired

I'm sitting in my first class of the semester at a(nother) new school. This is my third college in four years and because of all the times I've transferred at this new place I'm not a senior like I'm supposed to be. Here, I'm a junior and I've got to make up six credits if I want to graduate on time. Honestly, I don't mind. As long as I stay on the pre-med track, my family will pay for school for however long I want to be in it. Which, by the way, is not that long.

The funny thing? I don't even want to be a doctor. It's too much responsibility for my liking. Too much opportunity to develop a god complex and then all hell breaks loose (with my luck), literally and figuratively. And if I'm being completely honest here, I care too much. I can barely watch in movies or TV shows when a character dies, how am I going to deal with real people dying because of (or around) me? I imagine not well.

But for right now I'm taking the proper classes that you need to get into med school. My family is kind of… crazy. Well, no, not crazy – they mean well, but they're very opinionated and… actually I stand by that adjective, crazy basically sums up my siblings. Almost everyone in my family is a doctor. My parents opened a practice with their friend Lucifer when most of my older siblings were still in school. Then Lucifer apparently had some sort of issue with how they were running the practice and left to create his own practice (I'm the worst person to ask about this honestly).

When I was a senior in high school my mom was killed in a car accident. Ironically enough, my dad was in the car with her and couldn't save her. He blames himself. About six months after her funeral dad bolted. He left without a note or so much of an explanation or anything, just stopped by the lawyer's office on his way out of town to sign away his paternal rights over me, Anna, and Gabriel as well as the ownership of the practice to my older brothers Raphael and Balthazar. We haven't heard from dad since. Balthazar and Raphael butt heads all the time over how to raise us. Balthazar (thank god) is in charge of the trusts we each have from our parents.

Gabriel is three years older than me and is the only one in our family who isn't a doctor. He moved out after he graduated from college because he didn't want to go to med school. Balthazar doesn't think we should have to become doctors and join the practice if we don't want to but Raphael is the oldest and disagrees. Our parents wrote in their wills that if anything were to happen to either of them, our trusts could not be touched for anything other than school until we finished our residency and passed the boards. Raphael intends to stick to that because "that's what they'd want" even though Dad's not dead (I really hope he's not dead) and if he really wanted to, he could just go find him and ask.

Anna is the youngest out of all of us. She's starting her freshman year of college this semester. Here actually. It's one of the reasons why I transferred. She & I have an apartment off campus. It's not much and we're still unpacking, but so far it's really awesome if I do say so myself.

I'm rambling aren't I? Where am I? Oh, right, English. This is a really small classroom –

"Earth to the baby in the trench coat, you alive?"

What the hell who comes into a room and taps someone on the shoulder, scaring them half to death (I can't believe I just jumped) and that's the first thing they choose to – Oh. This guy is… wow. I don't know where to look first, his (obviously) muscled chest or his green eyes or his hair and oh shit, he's talking again, what's he saying?

"Not for nothing man but the last time somebody looked at me like that, I got laid. Seriously dude, are you alright? You look out of it."

Wait, I'm staring at his lips, this isn't good, stop staring at his lips Castiel. "Sorry, what?" Yeah that's smooth. Quick thinking there, Casanova.

"Are – you – all – right?"

Green eyes has a lovely smile. Why is he speaking to me as if I'm an idiot? Ok, I don't care how pretty you are, that's rude. "I'm fine. What do you want?" I sound much angrier than I am. Good.

"Whoa, watch the attitude new guy."

That damn smile, wait – no, why are you sitting next to me damn it, this is going to be so distracting. Hang on a second, "How did you know I'm new?"

Green eyes is leaning over and pulling my schedule out from under my backpack and oh my god, I can actually smell him. He smells like… he smells like sex. Damn it all to hell. "Ah. Right." Shit, I'm blushing. Look anywhere else Cas, not at his face okay, he can't see you blush.

"I'm Dean."

Dean is a much better name than green eyes, I'll give him that. "I'm Castiel."

(Dean's POV)

Why didn't I get coffee this morning? That's right, Samantha decided he needed the whole fucking pot of coffee to bring to school. For himself. And nobody else. Huh, looks like they painted the hallway while everyone was on break…

I had a class in this room last semester. Japanese. Took two semesters of the damn class and all I can say is that I know enough to get by. I hope my seat isn't taken already, that was a good fucking seat man. Far enough away from the front that I didn't have to pay attention 100% of the time but close enough that I could see without going blind or squinting or wearing my glasses. Not under an air vent but two desks away from one – close enough to feel the AC without freezing to death. And of course there was the memory of the course TA Lisa doing unspeakable things to me after class and

DAMN IT, SOMEBODY'S SITTING IN MY SEAT. I'm going to ask him to move. He doesn't look like he'd put up a fight or anything.

"Hey man, you're in my spot." Shit wait what if he remembers that it's the first day and I can't actually have a spot yet,

"Hey dude, can you move over one? Please?" ….fucking seriously, is this guy high? He's just staring off into space with a frown – no, he definitely just smiled. He's either high or crazy. Oh, no, not high (well he still could be). He's new. Got his schedule hidden under his backpack, telltale sign of a freshman or a transfer. Ok, let's try this again but with some physical contact, maybe that'll snap him out of it.

"Earth to the baby in the trench coat, you alive?" Maybe he is high, he's taking an awfully – hold the phone, this guy's staring at my chest… is this what girls feel like? Ugh, I feel dirty.

Holy shit, those eyes, that's literally the bluest blue I've ever seen. Is this what that dude in the bowtie had been talking about on Sam's show? The bluest blue you've ever seen or some shit? Has to be. I feel like he's staring into my soul… – "Not for nothing man but the last time somebody looked at me like that, I got laid. Seriously dude, are you all right? You look out of it."

"Sorry, what?"

Well damn, I wasn't expecting that voice – sonofabitch, he's staring at my lips. "Are – you – all – right?" Why am I speaking so slowly? I probably sound like a dick.

"I'm fine. What do you want?"

You. Heh. Shit, wait, am I blushing? No, face not hot, we're safe. "Whoa watch the attitude, new guy." The desk right next to him is close enough. For now. Aw, he looks cute when he's annoyed and oh right, words.

"How did you know I'm new?"

Oh my god, he's tilting his head to the side. Why is he doing that? More importantly, why is that so cute? Words how do I… oh hey good thinking little Dean, lean over and pull his schedule out, get all up in his space. Yes. He smells… lovely. Shit, did I just think he smells lovely?

THAT MOTHER FUCKER - HE'S BLUSHING. DAMN IT. "I'm Dean." Wow, ten points to me, that came out much calmer than I was expecting it to.

Why does that name sound familiar… oh!

"Castiel, like the angel of Thursdays?" Finally something Sam read came in handy in real life – about damn time. Aaannnddd he's doing the head tilt again.

"Yes, actually. How did you –"

I think the classroom door just opened but I don't want to look and… fuck. Professor.

"I'm Ash, I'll be your professor this semester, and welcome to English 221. If this isn't your class, get the fuck out because I didn't have time to get coffee this morning and I'm not awake enough to deal with your bullshit."

I'm sorry, did someone say spirit animal?

"Today we'll be going over the syllabus for this semester. And by going over it, I mean I'm going to leave it up here on my desk for you all to grab on your way out. But let me say something before you all get up to leave."

I love you.

"This is not going to be an easy class. I know what you all are thinking, 'Not an easy class? Bro, you've got a mullet.' Yes I do and that is because it is business up front and a party in the back, got it? Do not judge me by my hair, pupils. I am the be all end all of this class. I control the grade book and I have the power to kick you out because I feel like it, so no bullshit. Attendance is not mandatory but the two tests I'm giving you guys this semester for my own enjoyment are mandatory and they will be over fifty percent classroom discussions and fifty percent outside reading."

All right, love you a little less.

"You all are adults and I'm going to treat you as such. That means no pussyfooting around with papers or emails or face-to-face discussions, like this one. I expect you all to read the syllabus tonight and do what you need to do with it. You've been in college for a couple of years, you should know. And with that… I'm out. Later bitches."

(Cas POV)

"Castiel, like the angel of Thursdays?"

What the hell, how does he know that? Nobody ever knows that! "Yes actually, how did you kn –" That door means I should turn around but eyes.

"I'm Ash, I'll be your professor this semester, and welcome to English 221. If this isn't your class, get the fuck out because I didn't have time to get coffee this morning and I'm not awake enough to deal with your bullshit."

Wait a second this dude with a mullet is the professor? Are you kidding me?

"Today we'll be going over the syllabus for this semester. And by going over it, I mean I'm going to leave it up here on my desk for you all to grab on your way out. But let me say something before you all get up to leave."

Okay maybe he won't be so bad.

"This is not going to be an easy class. I know what you all are thinking, 'Not an easy class? Bro, you've got a mullet.' Yes I do and that is because it is business up front and a party in the back, got it? Do not judge me by my hair, pupils. I am the be all end all of this class. I control the grade book and I have the power to kick you out because I feel like it, so no bullshit. Attendance is not mandatory but the two tests I'm giving you guys this semester for my own enjoyment are mandatory and they will be over fifty percent classroom discussions and fifty percent outside reading."

I don't know if I should laugh or cry.

"You all are adults and I'm going to treat you as such. That means no pussyfooting around with papers or emails or face-to-face discussions, like this one. I expect you all to read the syllabus tonight and do what you need to do with it. You've been in college for a couple of years, you should know. And with that… I'm out. Later bitches."

What the

"Oh man, I think I love him."

Yeah, definitely don't like this guy that Dean "loves". Wait what where did that come from, who said that I don't, I mean, Cas get it together. "Yeah he seems, uh… like he'll be interesting."

Stop looking at me like that Dean. Stop. Seriously you're making me nervous I can't… damn I could get lost in those eyes. Wow that was gay even for me, glad that wasn't out loud. Oh, everyone else left. Except us. Awkward?

"So Castiel, angel of Thursday, when's your next class?"

Oh good lord if he's going to smile at me like that all the time I don't know how long I can keep this platonic. "Not until this afternoon. Why?" NO DEAN NO DON'T SIT ON THE DESK LIKE THAT I Ngharieorjoadfaf – I think my brain just short-circuited.

"Well I've got a couple hours… would you, uh,"

Sweet baby Jesus he's blushing oh my god he's actually blushing.

"Want to go get some coffee or… something?"

Did he just… no, he couldn't have. But I think he did? And he's smiling at me again and sTOP THAT. Why is he leaning on the desk like that, his shirt OH GOOD LORD ABS NO CASTIEL DON'T LOOK AT THE ABS FOCUS, FO… Not to be crude or anything but I wouldn't mind spending all day licking those.

"Or you know uh lunch or not I mean if you're, erm, not into that it doesn't have to be a, shit, I'm sorry, I'll just leave."

CASTIEL FOCUS HE SAID LEAVE. "I'd love to get coffee or… something." Okay, that was good, now just look at his eyes Castiel, not his mouth, his eyes. Eye contact is important. And smile. Good.


I think my heart just melted he sounds so fucking happy and oh god, can I keep him forever please? He's so… oh right shit, "Yeah. Do you want to go now or…?" That's good, keep the options open - because you're flexible like that Castiel.

"Yeah. I can take you to the café in the library if you want but I have to warn you they have terrible coffee and it's really loud, like Metallica concert loud."

"I do not understand that reference but wherever you want to go is fine Dean." Why is he staring at me like I have three heads? Did I suddenly grow another head? No I think I'd be able to tell…

"Wait, seriously?"

I… don't know? Am I doing the head tilt thing again? Damn it I really need to stop that.

"You don't know who Metallica is?"

Oh. "Not really, no…"

"Oh man, we're going somewhere we have to drive. And I can show you my baby!"

I need to find out who made those jeans so I can thank them. I mean jeSUS, they look like they were made for his ass. On a scale of one to wow-that's-creepy, how inappropriate would it be for me to touch his ass right now? I don't think – "Did you say you have a baby?" Please say no please say no please say no, kids suck.

"Unless you count my little brother who would be an extremely tall baby, no, no kids. That's what I, uh…"


"That's what I call my car."

That's… weird. But better than a kid. I wonder what kind of car he dri – Ho-ly Shit. "THAT'S YOURS?"

(Dean's POV)

"Oh man, I think I love him!" Did… did Cas just frown?

Did I just call him Cas?


"Yeah he seems, uh… like he'll be interesting."

I could be wrong here but he looks jealous. And he's very cute when he's jealous. I wonder how long I have to stare at him until he starts to blush and squirm… wow he has gorgeous eyes. And his hair should be illegal. No, scratch that, it should never be illegal, it should be open for touching and tugging and pulling and smelling and – wow that escalated quickly. Calm yourself Dean. "So Castiel, angel of Thursdays, when's your next class?"

"Not until this afternoon. Why?"

Shit okay, more nervous, more on edge, and need to move. Yes lean against the desk, perfect. Okay Dean, just bite the bullet and do it. "Well I've got a couple hours… would you, uh,"

Oh good lord he's so cute. STOP IT DEAN. Damn it, I'm blushing. Stupid body betraying me. I thought we were in this together, body. Oh right, I have to finish the question, "Want to go get some coffee or… something?"

…He's not even looking at me. Is he ignoring me? Oh god what if he's straight? What if he's like completely freaking out right now? Shit, damage control Dean, you got this. "Or you know uh lunch or not I mean if you're, erm, not into that it doesn't have to be a, shit, I'm sorry, I'll just leave." Real smooth jackass.

"I'd love to get coffee or… something."



Did that seriously…

"Really?" Try not to look like you're four Dean. Oh Christ, I sound like a little kid don't I? First rule of dating Dean: NEVER LET THEM KNOW HOW MUCH YOU LIKE THEM.

"Yeah. Do you want to go now or…?"

SMILE. HIS SMILE. Okay Dean, play it cool man. "Yeah. I can take you to the café in the library if you want but I have to warn you they have terrible coffee and it's really loud, like Metallica concert loud."

"I do not understand that reference but wherever you want to go is fine Dean."

THAT MOTHER FUCKER HE'S DOING THE HEAD TILT AGAIN and hold up, "Wait, seriously?" He doesn't know who Metallica is? HOW?

"Not really, no."

Bless all the gods in all the heavens; this is an excuse to show him BABY. "Oh man, we're going somewhere we have to drive. And I can show you my baby!" Okay Dean, walk towards the door before he can change his mind. That's right Cas follow me out the – sonofabitch, he's checking out my ass.

"Did you say you have a baby?"

HAH DEFINITELY CHECKING OUT MY ASS. "Unless you count my little brother who would be an extremely tall baby, no, no kids. That's what I, uh… that's what I call my car." Sam would be proud of me, admitting my love for baby on the first date. Oh I should probably get my keys out…


Not sure if good reaction or bad… "Yeah. Why? Too much awesome for your tastes?" That's good Dean, resort to eighth grade comebacks.

"I was checking… her,"



"Out this morning when I got here. She's beautiful."

This must be why women find guys who are good with kids so hot. "Thanks! Baby was my dad's before he gave her to me. She's been all over the place and still runs like a champ." Well… most of the time, but Cas doesn't need to know about Baby's problems right now. That's more like a fifth date conversation. All right, start the car Dean.

"So… is this yours or your brother's?"

Huh, I thought we just – oh shit. Of fucking course. GRAB IT DEAN QUICK MAYBE IF YOU GRAB IT FAST ENOUGH WE CAN PRETEND THIS WHOLE THING NEVER HAPPENED. No, no such luck. Stupid bra is out in the parking lot and Cas is still staring at me with those damn eyes waiting for an answer. "Would you believe me if I said it was Sam's?" That's great jackass, really smooth.

"Probably not. But then again I have not met this brother, so there's no way to be sure…"

Oh Christ, he's doing that damn smile where he's looking at me out of the corner of his eye but not actually looking at me and ugh, perfect eyelashes. To match his perfect eyes. Holy shit, that was horrendously girly. "This is embarrassing but… I'm not sure who it belongs to…" Okay, this is good, get the past out in the open right at the start. Honesty is the best policy right?


Cas why is your hand on the door?

"Dean can I ask you something?"

Okay Dean, deciding moment here, whether he stays or runs away like everyone else. In other words: don't fuck up this question. "Yeah you can ask me anything you want Cas." Fuck I sound super gay.

"What's your deal?"

Um… what does that mean? "I'm not sure what you mean…" Puppy dog eyes Dean, channel Sammy, okay.

"Are you gay? Bi? Straight? Pan? What? Because I gotta tell you, as much as I like you, I don't really do the whole closeted thing or straight guys."

I'm not even going to try and process the second half of that right now because I think he said something about liking me and doing other guys and no, focus Dean. Of course it's that question. The one thing that I'm not totally sure of - no that's not true, I know what I am but ugh, must I say it out loud? Okay. Obviously I really like this guy so just come out and say it. Pun intended. "Honestly?" Wow what a great and honest answer Dean, your mother would be so proud.

"Yes, honestly Dean."

Fucking head tilt thing, it's so distracting. Don't look at him. Okay this is better, I can actually think clearly now. "I try not to label it. I guess technically I would be pansexual but I just don't like the term. I've never thought about it too much, I just like who I like." Shit okay, he's going to run away now or say something about it and I'm going to be upset for the rest of the day. Brace for impact.

"Oh. Okay."

Wait… what?

"So are we going to get coffee or are you going to stare at me like I have three heads the whole time?"

Shit, I'm in trouble.