Ric Grayson picks up a fare, and the two begin to talk. This is a "What If" story from the Earth 14 Universe. Dick Grayson in our world would never suffer from the same fate.
Relate III: Revelation
"You were drugged, Richard," the second voice said.
They fed you drugs to make you forget about us. Doctor Haas is more than likely with the Court of Owls. So, you can wake up, Richard. This was never a dream."
"What!?" Ric Grayson was alarmed, and angered. He didn't want to believe that his own doctor had drugged him, drugged him to make him forget. His own memories of Dr. Haas were of her insisting he take "his medication" telling him that it would help in his recovery. She sounded so reasonable. In fact, she had given him a prescription with an unlimited number of refills. What doctor did that?
"I recognize that look," the first person said.
"What look?" Ric asked.
"It means you're pissed."
"You know that?" Ric questioned.
"Of course. We met when I was 13," the older figure in the darkened corner of the room stated. "You have lived in Gotham since you were eight years old, after your parents fell. Actually, we met when I was little. I saw them fall. I was there. And so was the man who took you in and gave you a home and a purpose."
"I don't know you," Ric replied. "The man who took me in was my great-grandfather."
"That's not the truth and you know it." The figure moved out of the darkness and pulled off the mask that he wore.
"You're the guy who stepping into my cab," Ric exclaimed. "I don't understand. How is it that you know all of these things?"
Red Robin moved over and gave Ric a photo. "Do you recognize this, even remember this event?"
Ric took the photo and stared at it. "Yeah, so. He was just a kid who happened to be there when my parents and I were heading to the big top."
"Do you remember what you said," Red Robin stated.
"I . . ."
"You said you would dedicate your performance to me," Red Robin said.
Ric's eyes went wide when their eyes met, and a memory flashed in his mind. "You showed me this picture, at the circus. You're the kid in the photo. Why was I at the circus, I don't remember going back there."
"You and Bruce had a fight, about Jason."
"Jason? Who's Jason?" Ric asked.
"He's our brother," Red Robin answered.
"I don't remember having any brothers."
"That's one of the things the Court wanted you to forget."
"I'm confused," Ric said. "I've got two sets of memories, and I don't know which ones to believe. Both are strong memories."
"You do believe in this," Red Robin tapped the photo. "You do believe this happened."
"Yes, of course. This is right in front of me. It's undisputed. I just don't remember what happened after my parents fell. That is, I remember someone approaching me, and telling me I needed to go to my great-grandfather's home."
"Richard, most great-grandfathers don't look like they haven't aged in a day," Robin pointed out. "How can you explain that?"
"I . . . I can't."
"It's because of what is given to a Talon when he is a child. Your great-grandfather shouldn't be alive."
"I still don't understand."
Robin pulled something out of his utility belt and showed it to Ric. Ric took it and stared at the object. "I remember this. I knocked out a molar and my parents took me to see a dentist. The dentist put a new tooth in my mouth. What are you doing with my old tooth?"
"Turn the tooth over," Robin instructed.
Ric did as Robin instructed and his eyes narrowed when he saw a small metal button with the symbol of an owl on it. The button looked a little worn. "I don't understand."
"That is not your old tooth. That is the tooth that was put in your mouth. That tooth was knocked out by our father to show you that you had been chosen by the Court to be their new Talon."
The End?
A/N: There could be one more .