I am sosososososo sorry this took so long I'm also sorry about the crappiness of the Romance parts...I'm a bit shit at that sort of thing but I am trying my best...but seriously suggestions are beyond welcome!, Thanks for reading, reviewing, favoriting and following ^_^ sorry it's short.

After the craptacular first date Antonio had been worried that Lovino wouldn't want anything to do with him. But Lovi had been very nice about it...or as nice as could be expected considering the fact that he'd had an entire teapot spilled over him by an over enthusiastic Welshman and forced to drink tea (A fate worse than death in Antonio's book) and eat dry Victoria Sponge cake and watch Arthur(to quote Lovino "Bastard")'s mother treat him like a child and got dragged down the road in his Pajamas and Antonio got him lost...so he was surprised that Lovino had just taken his hand and started leading him home, he hadn't even said anything but his face was bright red and it was so cuuuuuuuuute!

Let's get one thing straight, Lovino had not taken Antonio's hand because he wanted to and was all stressed and DAMMIT okay! He just wanted to get out of that mad house as fast as possible and he couldn't just leave the Bastard alone! So he grabbed his hand and dragged him off...AND HE WASN'T BLUSHING! He was just flushed from the heat of the tea which had been dumped in his lap and all the stress from his traumatic first date! And so what if they had left the Tea house some considerable time ago and they were nearly at Lovino's flat.

He heard chuckling behind him "What!" he snapped

"you're so cute Lovi" Antonio beamed, speeding up so he was walking parallel to Lovino.

"I'm not cute, dammit!"

"I think this is going to have to be one of those things that we disagree on" Antonio laughed, letting go of Lovino's hand and instead wrapping an arm around his shoulder.

"I think it's going to have to be one of the things you're wrong about, Bastard" Lovino hissed

"Same right back at you...but without the Bastard bit, Lovi"

"If you don't don't shut up right now you aren't coming in for some real coffee, also I will be sick all over you!"

Antonio pulled a face "ewwww"

Lovino grinned, but that didn't make the threat any less real.

Lovino did end up making Antonio coffee, and he didn't spit in it because Antonio had refrained from his cooing for long enough for them to get back to Lovino's flat.

Lovino shoved the coffee into Antonio's hands, Antonio smirked "Does this mean I can call you cute again?"

"Only if you like a knee to the crotch" Lovino retorted, sitting down with his mug.

Antonio pouted "It's a tough decision"

Lovino raised an eyebrow "Really? I thought there wouldn't be any competition, Bastard"

Antonio grinned "Okay, I don't actually want to get hurt, but it's really hard not saying anything, especially with you going all red like that"

Lovino groaned and leaned back in his chair "It's like you have a death wish"

"It's like you don't want any compliments" Antonio replied with a smile.

He had no idea how in the hell it had happened, but one moment Lovino was safely sat in the armchair whilst Antonio was happily sat on the sofa and the next Lovino was on the sofa with his arms around his shoulders "You're an absolute Bastard, you know that?"

Antonio shrugged "If Bastards get hugs then yes, I am the king of the Bastards"

He heard a snort of what might have been laughter and then Lovino pecked him on the cheek

"That's enough of the girly shit, I'm going to wash up" Lovino announced, standing up and making to move off to the kitchen.

Antonio couldn't just let him go...He was still coming up with a reason for this when he realised that he'd pulled Lovino back onto the sofa.

"What in the name of fuck do you think you are doing?" Lovino hissed from his new place on the sofa.

"Um..." Antonio struggled to think for a few moments "This?"

And then he pulled Lovino into a kiss which didn't really last long because Antonio was just as surprised by it as Lovino was...and also because Lovino had started laughing.
Antonio pulled back, bewildered and a little bit hurt "what...Lovi?"

Lovino fell off the sofa and continued laughing upside down

"Lovi? What did I do?" Sure it had been a while but he was sure that his kissing wasn't funny last time he'd tried it.

Lovino finally composed himself "The gap between my question and your question was too long to be as smooth as you thought it would be, you..." But then Lovino broke off into sniggering again.

Oh...alright then...no actually, not alright! He'd wanted to give Lovino a proper kiss for a long time and now he was being laughed at. It must have shown on his face because Lovino stopped laughing abruptly "Sorry," he mumbled "I was shocked"

Antonio nodded slowly "So...is it okay to kiss you this time?"

"You don't have to ask!" Lovino muttered, looking at the floor

Antonio frowned "Last time I did that you laughed"

I'm sorry, I'm craptacular at this sort of thing, so again, suggestions are welcome.