I don't own Hetalia, thanks for reading...or at least clicking on this

Antonio was still a relatively new teacher at Hetalia Gakuen, he'd been teaching there for a week.

He already knew three other teachers when he joined the school, Francis who taught cookery, Femke who taught Health education, and her brother Dann who taught ICT...he didn't like Dann and Dann didn't like him.

However the school had been hit with a pretty bad illness, it was running with the minimum amount of staff for them to legally, which meant that a lot of teachers were covering other subjects. Including Antonio, he was supposed to be covering a year ten (14-15) History lesson...He honestly had no idea where the History block was, he got lost regularly.

He had no idea where he was headed.

He was going to have to swallow his pride and ask for directions,He approached an almost deafeningly noisy class room, he opened the door and was nearly hit in the face with a lump of clay.

"Peter Kirkland, can you stop that please!" exclaimed the tiny teacher, trying desperately to restore order to the class room, Antonio felt sorry for the man, he was softly spoken and not physically imposing, no wonder the kids were running rings around him.

"Just look at what you've done to her work!"

Antonio winced, he was about to help the man when the tiny blonde snapped "KIRKLAND!, HOLM! DETENTION! AND IF ANYONE SPEAKS FOR THE NEXT HOUR YOU'LL BE IN DETENTION TOO!" he roared, the entire class stopped what they were doing and stared at the man wide eyed.

Antonio backed out of the class room and made a mental note not to get in Mr Väinämöinen's way.

Antonio drifted through the corridors worriedly, he'd forgotten his map, and the way back to the main reception. He sighed, at this rate he'd never get to the class on time, he was already nearly ten minutes late.

"'R Y' 'Lr'ght?" Antonio turned around to see a scary looking man with blonde hair and glasses

"do you know where H4 is?" he asked desperately, the scary man smiled...sort of

"F'll'w m'" Antonio followed the man out of the building and across to the other side of the school.

"What subject do you teach?" Antonio asked, struggling to make small talk

"W'dw'rk," replied the man "y'?"


They walked on in uneasy silence until they passed the Gym "For Goodness sake Jones, I don't care if you saw it in a film, it doesn't work here!".

The man, who it turned out was called Berwald (and was apparently married to Mr Väinämöinen) eventually led Antonio to his class room.

Stood outside the door was a small group of chilly looking Year tens, Antonio recognized two of them from one of his Maths lessons, Lili Zwingli and Im Yong Soo.

"W, where's Mr Vargas?" stammered a terrified looking boy,

Antonio had no idea what he'd done to scare him, so he smiled as kindly as he could "He's sick today".

Yong Soo twisted his face into an evil grin "so you're covering for him?"

"yes" Antonio smiled brightly.

Antonio let the shivering depleted class into the room, he set them to work with the lesson plan that Mr Vargas had left (with some difficulty, his hand writing was terrible), he sat back in his chair, there was a small scuffle at the back of the class room, he looked up to see Lili and Yong Soo squabbling over a piece of paper. He was known for being pretty oblivious, but even he wasn't oblivious enough to not notice the argument...he was shocked by Lili being involved, she always seemed so quiet. Much as it pained him it appeared that he'd have to give out his first ever detention.

"Lili, Yong Soo, detention, Thursday after school" he hated trying to be brusque, he'd much rather be a happy teacher than a strict one.

Lili sat down immediately with a miserable look on her face, A blonde girl with a bow on top of her head glared at Yong Soo and elbowed him in the ribs, "OW!, Natalia!".

After the first incident the class had been fairly well behaved, there was the odd note passed around, but they were still brilliantly behaved...Yong Soo was never that quiet in his lessons.

Roughly half way through the lesson the door was almost wrenched from it's hinges as the door flew open.

"LOVINOOOOOO!, I GOT A JOB, I got a job, I got a job, I got a jooooob!" the whole class looked to the source of the disturbance, A cute young man with reddish hair and a weird curl stood in the doorway looking thoroughly pleased with himself...until he saw Antonio sat behind the desk

"ve, where's Lovino?"

"Who's Lovino?" Antonio asked

Yong Soo cackled at the back of the room "That's Mr Vargas' first name"

Antonio nodded before turning to the cheerful but anxious boy in the doorway "he's sick today"

Abruptly large tears appeared in the young man's eyes "oh noooooo!, L, Lovi's gonna diiiiiie!" he wailed, before sobbing loudly and leaving the room.

...apart from that the lesson was pretty boring.

Antonio half ran to the staff room, Francis had also been told to cover a lesson, he was teaching Textiles for Mr Kirkland.

Francis was covered in oil, parts of his hair were standing up and his hands were covered in bandages.

Antonio laughed, he couldn't help it..."Stop laughing, Toni, you have no idea what I've been through" Francis snapped

"well what did happen?"

Francis put his face in his hands "I don't know, the machine wasn't working properly, I tried to fix it and the next thing I know, this happened!" he cried gesturing to his hands and hair furiously.

After school Antonio was starting his marking at the top of the Maths block, when he heard a gentle knock at the door, "come in" he beamed, A quiet looking man entered the room...Antonio knew that he was related to Francis somehow, what was his name, Michael?, yeah Michael, that was right.

"Hola, Michael"

"Mathew," corrected the man "I'm here to collect Lovino's marking, you gave the test, right?"

Antonio nodded and handed him the stack of paper "Thank you" Murmured Mathew.