A/N - written for the Things I Must Not Do at Hogwarts Challenge while under the influence of cold medicine. Number 7 is: The Giant Squid is not an appropriate date to the Yule Ball.
"Hermione, I'd like to talk to you about your house elf movement." Luna approached the Gryffindor in the library.
"You would?" Hermione's eyes widened in delight.
"Yes, in particular about this literature." Luna held out a pamphlet emblazoned 'It's Not Fair!' "You see, you do make an excellent point about house elves being forced to work to create the ball, but being forbidden to attend themselves."
"Exactly!" Hermione interjected. "It's barbaric! We're condemning another race of magical creatures to slavery! Who gave us humans the right to decide we were superior to house elves?"
"But I think your focus is too small," Luna continued as if Hermione hadn't spoken. "There are many other magical creatures being discriminated against by being denied entrance to the ball."
Hermione frowned as Luna became more animated.
"The centaurs! Why should they be denied entrance to the ball! They are sentient creatures, just as much as house elves!" Luna's eyes shone with excitement.
"Luna, I think you may be carrying things a bit far." Hermione took a step backwards.
"Of course not!" Luna shook her head vehemently. "You're not seeing the full scope of our potential. We can make a difference in the lives of dozens of species of creatures! In fact, we should lobby the administration of the school to hold the dance around the Black Lake! That way, the Giant Squid can attend!"
"Luna, I don't think a squid can dance." Hermione shook her head, now actively backing away from the younger girl.
"You must not be very observant" Luna shrugged. "He's actually a brilliant dancer. And he's older than all the students and some of the professors, so why shouldn't he be allowed to attend?"
"Because he's a water creature?" Hermione suggested uneasily.
"Who gave land creatures the right to suggest they were superior to water creatures?" Luna turned Hermione's argument on her.
"But it's winter." Hermione gestured desperately. "And the Black Lake will be freezing!"
"Is this a magic school or not?" Luna asked. "I'll even solve the next problem you were going to suggest. I'll be the Giant Squid's date."
"Look at the time." Hermione jerked her head toward the clock. "I really must be going! I need to meet … um … Professor McGonagall about … something! See you Luna!"
"Speak to her about my idea, will you?" Luna called after her. "I'll create some literature and a petition!"
In the shadows, Ron turned to Harry. "Maybe we should start promoting Giant Squid rights. It would at least get Hermione off our backs about S.P.E.W."