Aubrey: Must you shout?
Me: YES!
Aubrey: Whatever...
Me: Don't be so mean, its a new story
Aubrey: Yeah, so? Just get on with it!
Me: aishachase97 DOESN'T own Naruto just the oc's and fuzzy panda's that are all around the disclaimer room!
Aubrey: I think you've lost your mind...
~ Chapter 1 ~
I dodged another punch to my face, and countered with an upper-cut. He backed away holding his face, before glaring at mewith his red eyes. I pulled out my katana and grinned at him.
"Bring it, ya blood sucking bastard!" I growled. He lunged forward, teeth gleaming in the moonlight. I feinted to the right and stabbed him in the chest. Blood bubbled in his mouth as he coughed and tried to take the sword out of his chest. I brought my gun and shot him in the face, blood spattering my new leather jacket. The vampire turned to dust.
I sighed and wiped my katana on my pants before hopping across the roof tops heading home. 'What a wonderful 19th birth day...' I growled to myself. I landed in front of an apartment building and smiled. I stayed in the shadows, heading up to my room. I quickly unlocked the door and stepped inside. The lights where on, meaning one thing...AUBREY WAS HOME...
I glanced around nervously, as I made my way to the bathroom. I stripped off my blood covered clothes and threw them into the hamper, trying to brush out my hair before-
"TAYLOR! WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?" I groaned. Her temper was going to kill me... Why is she, of all people, my roommate? I washed my face screaming back at her.
"WORK DOESN'T MEAN COMMING HOME AND SMELLING LIKE BLOOD!" I growled drying my face and unlocking the door. Aubrey stopped yelling and banging on the door.
"Can I get some clothes on before I tell ya what I was up too?" She nodded and moved back, heading to the living room. I jogged into my room and pulled on another pair of jeans and a black tank top with red strips. I came back out and sat next to Aubrey on the couch.
"What happened?" She asked turning on the small T.V. I glanced at it as she passed the channels, looking for the music. I sighed and pulled my knees up to my chest. I had FINALLY gotten taller, a good 5 feet 7 inches.
"I was on my way home from visiting dad, ya know how he is on my birth day, and I was attacked... By a vampire," She looked at me sharply.
"Thats the 4th time this week! What's going on?" She hissed turning down the music.
"I don't know, and dad doesn't either. Sheesh almost nothing for 4 years and then all of a sudden, BOOM! They all come out looking for revenge." Aubrey looked around the room.
"Do you think somethings going to happen?" She whispered. I shivered.
"Because if it is, its only you and I. The others are useless and don't remember shit," I looked up at her and saw that she was glaring at an old photo of us, Joey, Meagan, Lexi, Bailey and Ethan. I felt my heart tighten.
After we got back form the Naruto world Joey, Meagan, Lexi and Bailey didn't remember anything, and Ethan was still missing. But it was almost like he didn't exist to any one but Aubrey and I. We tried to get them to remember but it got us put in a mental hospital for 3 months. After that my dad home schooled both Aubrey and I while giving us extra martial arts lessons.
Aubrey and I rarely talked about what happened in the Naruto world, mostly because it hurt to much to even think about it, but with all the vampires coming after me, I cant help but think about all the times we fought there. And to think about Gaara, it almost became a physical pain. That and I still didn't have my I pod...
Aubrey of course lied all the time, saying that she was glad that she didn't have to see that " Purple make-u wearing freak". But once in a while, I heard her calling out to him in her sleep. If we where to fight, it would only be Aubrey and I. No one else could stand a chance against them.
~ In Suna ~
Gaara's POV:
I stared blankly at the damn devise. She should have come for it by now! Temari and Kankuro sat across from me, refusing to look at the I pod. I glared, not looking at anything in paticular.
"It's been four years..." Temari whispered, gaining our attention. I watched her as she stood up and walked over to me, taking the I pod from my grasp.
"And they haven't come for us," Kankuro stated angrily. Temari sighed.
"Maybe we can get to them..." She murmured. I glanced at her as she turned on the devise and a song blasted through the room. I jumped up, and ended up on the floor. The song was loud, and i was starting to have trouble breathing. I looked around, and saw that Kankuro and Temari where holding onto the table, trying not to fall like I did. Next thing I new we were all standing in the middleof what looked like an ally.
"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TEMARI!" Kankuro screamed. I glared at him, making him shut his mouth.
"Where are we?" Temari asked glancing at the walls that surrounded us. Kankuro coughed.
"I don't know Temari, you tell us. Looked like you knew what you where doing when you turned on that stupid thing," Temari glared at him. I shook my head.
"This isn't the time to be fighting. We need to know where we are-"
"Your in my town, baby," We looked up to see a male figure with a cape looking down at us with blood red eyes. I growled out loud. It had been four years sense I had seen one of his kind. And they had left us broken.
"Vampire," I barked, before he jumped down in front of Temari, making her scream.
~ Taylor's apartment ~
"Did you hear that?" Aubrey asked standing up, looking out the window. I stood up and stretched.
"It was probubly nothing. God, you got to be worked up over something all the time don't ya," she glared at me, and went to pull on her shoes. I sighed grabbing my black combat boots and sliding them on. I fallowed her out into the road.
"This isn't what I wanted to do on my birth day," I muttered. She looked back at me.
"Quit your complaining," I scoffed and shuffled my feet. We walked down the street, and I picked up a random stick that had been kicked aside. I swung it around like I would my katana, that I left back in my room. We stopped for a moment, looking around, before a scream rang out. I took lead, running in the direction of the terrified scream. I slid to a stop at the opening of an ally. When my eyes met the cold red ones of a vampire, I sprung up, striking the man vampire in the head.
He grabbed the stick and kicked me in the stomache, sending me back. A loud growl erupted from behind me, and Aubrey sent a flurry of punches at the vampire. He laughed, dodging them all, before catching her fist and throwing her into the air. I got up and and went to stabe him in the face, but he grabbed it braking it in two pieces. I went for an upper-cut, missing him by an inch. He grabbed me by the waist, pulling me closer to him. I could smell the blood on his breath.
"So your the princess every one has been looking for. Your scent is beautiful," I glared at him and spit in his eyes. He release me, wiping at his face.
"Go to hell," I growled picking up one end of the stick, and behind the vampire Aubrey picked up the other half. With a swift movement, I sent the stick into his chest, and Aubrey sent it to the back of his head. He turned to dust almost instently. I glared at the pile of ashes at my feet. The wind picked up, spreading it along the ground. I turned around to look at the victim or victims. I felt the blood in my face drain, and my heart started to pound. Aubrey stalked up to me and took a in a sharp breath.
"What are you three doing here?" She whispered, ans the wind picked up again.
~ Chapter 1 end ~
Aubrey: There it is poeple, chapter 1
Me:I really hope you enjoyed it! Please read and Review! :D
Aubrey: And we will get the next chapter out to you ASAP!