A/N: Super short one shot, answering the daily Avengers challenge posted on !

"Bring coffee to me!" Tony called at Steve's back. Steve turned back to Tony, who was still lying in bed.

"You can come and get it," Steve said simply, before walking out and closing the door behind him, perhaps more forcefully than he'd intended.

"Lovers tiff?" Clint smirked, as Steve walked in to the communal kitchen.

"No, just not entirely used to the strength thing," Steve confessed. Natasha's eyebrows shot straight up.

"You've been defrosted for seven months," She stated, her fingers curled around her steaming mug.

"And for most of that time I've been fighting battles," Steve pointed out. Natasha nodded her head to one side in casual acceptance.

"And the rest of the time, you've been in Tony's bed," Clint added. Natasha snorted beside him. Steve could already feel the blush creeping up onto his cheeks, so instead of meeting their gaze, he busied himself in the kitchen.
Still preferring to make coffee the old way, Steve spooned instant coffee into a mug for Tony, and set some water in a pan onto the stove.

"We have machines that do that now," Clint called over, having now moved to the couch.

"Leave him be," Natasha chided. Steve ignored the bickering pair, until Natasha eventually came and stood in the kitchen area with him.
By this point, Steve had made Tony's coffee and had begun making scrambled eggs for himself.

"You almost done? You're taking your time," Steve heard Tony's voice behind him.

"Put some pants on, Stark!" Natasha shouted, sounding horrified. Steve had had one hand on the cupboard door, when he spun to see Tony.
There was a loud cracking noise, as Steve's arms caught up with him, and the entire marble cupboard door was ripped off it's hinges.
Steve watched in shock as arm continued to move with the momentum, holding the heavy cupboard door like a weapon, swinging round in a clockwise direction.
Natasha, stood to Steve's left, barely had time to register this, let alone duck, before she was brutally hit square in the side of the head with the flat of the cupboard door.

"Holy shit, Steve. She irritated me but that was a bit much," Tony drawled, watching the now unconscious Natasha crumple to the floor. Steve gaped.

"Super strength, huh?" Clint shouted from the couch.