"Dr. Vargas, patient in Room E-109 is calling for you."

Romano tilted a hand up to adjust his glasses as he put down the folder in his hands," Can't you deal with nurse?"

The nurse, who had called him, fidgeted on her feet as she looked about uncomfortably," um..well, sir.. I tried but he's being very vocal about it."

Sighing, Romano turned to pick up a new patient's folder. He waved a dismissive hand at her as he quickly skimmed a patient's symptoms, " He's always vocal. Give him 2 cc of sedatives to shut him up...wait make that 5 cc-."

But his instructions were suddenly interrupted as a melodically accented voice rang out through the hospital's white halls," Roma~! Ayuda me!~ Roma! Where are you!~"

Romano's eyes twitched at the annoying call coming from an equally annoying man. Clenching the folder tightly in anger, Romano quickly turned around and handed the crumpled folder to the nurse. Swishing his white doctor's coat, he stomped down to the East wing with a fierce scowl on his face, "Forget it ragazza. I'll deal with him myself."

Entering room 109, Romano threw a glare at the man currently occupying the room. In response, the man smiled brightly as he threw his arms out, expecting a hug," Oh Roma. There you are~." Romano instead, promptly headbutted the poor fellow, and as the man clutched his stomach in pain, he was scolded by an angry italian," You idiota! I can't just come at your beck and call. I have responsibilities you know. You're not my only patient. And just because I won't come, don't you'a dare harass the pretty nurses either."

Antonio simply smiled at the fuming doctor in front of him," Roma, no need to get so worked up.~ I'a wasn't bothering anyone. Although, if I was I'a don't mind it because it got you here."

Flushing a beet red color, Romano mumbled incoherently as he went about checking the spaniard's vitals. The italian's slender fingers lightly maneuvered about the wires and tubings and then, putting on his stethoscope, he gestured for Antonio to expose his chest. Romano leaned down slowly over the spaniard as he pressed the cold metal bell to Antonio's toned chest. He could feel the heat radiating from the spaniard's form as Romano's lips barely brushed against Antonio's cheeks," Alright, your heartbeat has steadied...A little fast, but it's steady."

Antonio squirmed at feel of the cold metal on his skin. But as he glanced up at Italian lips hovering over his, a mischievous idea formed in his head. Adjusting his position so he had a better view of Romano's face, Antonio enacted his plan," Oww...Roma. It hurts."

Romano removed the stethoscope, and appeared genuinely concerned as he glanced at the beeping machines, trying to see an irregularity, "Where does it hurt? Damn it Toni, if you were in pain why didn't you tell me sooner?"

Smiling wickedly, Antonio purposely deepened his breathes and whimpered out, " Roma, come closer... it hurts here..."

Lovino frowned as he lowered himself and when their faces were mere centimeters apart from each other Antonio sprung. Wrapping his bandaged hands around Romano's neck, Antonio pulled himself up to meet the other in a passionate kiss. Although Romano initially resisted, Antonio couldn't help but smile into the kiss as Romano complied and responded with equal fervor. As they pulled away, huffing with the loss of oxygen, Antonio smiled cheerily as he finished his sentence,".. it hurt here on my lips, but now it's all better."

Ohhh that was cheesy~

This is what I did during Hurricane Sandy xD
I thought I needed more fluff in my writing~!

Reviews are always loved!~