Chapter 25: The End

Yuki's POV

They say when you die, your whole life flashes before you.


As I lay on the floor, half-awake, all I can think about it Trafalgar Law. Fate works in mysterious ways. There was a point in my life where Ace was my world. And now it's Law. How ironic that I'm dying the same way as Ace, a blow to the back, trying to save someone we love. The only difference was to Ace, his back was his pride and joy, while mine was my pain and grief. There's a huge commotion around me but I feel like I'm in a dream. I can faintly see Nami, ripping my jacket apart, screaming anxiously at someone.

"It looks pretty bad!"

"Yuki? Can you hear me?"

All their voices seem to blend into a huge blur. My head is throbbing. "Law..." I whisper weakly. "What?" Nami asks. "Trafalgar Law..." My throat constricts, making it hard to talk. There's tears somewhere. Nami shouts and gestures at her crew before Law comes. He kneels in front of me, holding me by the shoulders so that I don't collapse. He looks at me calmly but I can see the fear in his eyes.

"That was a foolish thing to do Yuki,"

"Please don't hate me Law-"

"Yuki shut up, you're injured so stop talking! We need to get you somewhere safe so I can treat you!"

"Law- I'm sorry I lied to you. I never should have-"

"Stop talking, please!" Law almost screams in frustration as he wraps his hands around my waist, pulling me close to him. I can practically feel his heart beating rapidly like he's getting a heart attack. "Yuki, please stay with me. Fight the sleep." Law urges. My eyes were barely open at this point. It was an inner battle, trying to keep my eyes open. "Bare with it, it'll be okay," he hushes me.

"It's cold, Law.."

He tightens his grip around me, not wanting to let ago. It's funny, amid all the chaos, I feel at peace, wrapped in his arms.

My world goes dim.


Soon, I'm awake again, lying face down on a bed. The pain on my back seems less intense. It's pretty dark, there's only a small lamp by the bed for lighting. I pull myself to a push up position, trying to get up. I'm back in the hearts pirate submarine. Something or someone stirs from a nearby chair. It's Law. He's asleep, his head drooping forward. I notice how dirty and tired he looks, and guilt overwhelms me.

I crept towards him, with a blanket in my hands. As I gently place the blanket on top of him, his eyes open sleepily. He takes one look at me and opens his mouth in shock. "Y-Yuki? Sit down! You're injured!" He says in a annoyed tone. My heart sinks. Does he still hate me? I obediently sit on his bed again. He leaps up and glares at me.

"Do you know how stupid you were? Taking a blow like that for me? Thanks to you I had to leave Punk Hazard. I've been busy none stop.." His voice trails off as I close my eyes, biting my lip in an effort not to cry. "Oh Law, I'm so sorry-"

Then a strange thing happens.

Law bends down and hugs me hard.

"I'm so glad you're safe." He buries his face in my hair. "It was a nightmare. You've been drifting in and out of conscious so often. Don't you dare do that again!" He pulls away from me, giving me an angry glare, but smiling nonstop.

"Huh? You're not mad at me?"

Law flicks my head teasingly. "Of course I'm still angry at you for leaving me like that." He plants a kiss on my lips, making me blush. "But, what matters now, is that you're here," he smiles. I kiss him back, pushing him down on the bed. "Whao, your back.." He cautious. "I don't want to hurt you,"

I roll my eyes at him. "Oh Trafalgar-kun," I say, giggling as I notice a slight blush on his face. "I need a doctor who can help me with my injuries," I purr. His eyes seemed to grow darker with lust. "Of course, I won't hesitate to help a patient in need," he replies with a straight face. "But not now, you need your rest okay? When you're feeling better. Do you want to eat?"

I give him a little pout. "No, I'm not hungry. But my back feels a little uncomfortable," I say. "I'll help you change them," he says, getting up. I stare at him in alarm. "-no! I'll change them myself!" I protest. Law stops and sighs. He places his hands on my face, looking into my eyes as if in a trance. "Yuki, I didn't mean what I said...about your back. It was all in a fit of anger. Please?"


Law turns me around and gently starts to unwrap my bandages. I'm shaking again. It's so nerve-wrecking that he is going to look at my back again. His words still make my heart feel stabbed and hurt. I don't think I can ever forget those words, even though I've forgiven him. "It's healing up pretty good," Law says. He stands up and goes to the bathroom. I hear the tap run as I sit there, with only a pillow retaining my modesty.

Law comes back shortly, with a small basin of water and a cloth. "I'm going to wash your wound now," Law gently starts to clean my back, telling me ever so often how beautiful I was. Tears begin to roll down my face. I don't know why I'm so emotional right now. "Yuki," Law says, sorrow and guilt in his voice. "I really meant what I said. You have a beautiful back," he starts to bind my back again with clean bandages.

"What's so beautiful about it? It's all scars! I'm so ugly, a devil's child," I blurt out. I reach out, trying to tear my bandages apart. I want to get rid of these scars once and for all. Law swipes my hand away. He starts to kiss my back, the scars that the bandages didn't cover up. "What are you doing?" I gasp in between sobs.

"I love you, scars and all."


"Ahem." He says in a annoyed tone.

"Heh," I smile, despite my tears. "I mean Trafalgar-kun, I need to tell you something too,"

"What's that?"

"I really love you too."

"I know that,"


So, this is the End of the story! I really hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I have enjoyed writing this story! Please do review, and tell me your thoughts on this, it really motivates me, knowing that people enjoy reading my fanfics.

On a side note, I will be writing a new one piece fanfic, this time, set in high school. I'm planing on Zoro and/or Trafalgar. So do give me your opinions on the main characters! Much loves~