Disclaimer: I do not own anyone you know of.
"Granger!" The toddler exclaimed as he shook the toy wand he held in his little hand.
"No, darling. You call me mummy." Hermione corrected the little boy, trust Hermione to do that.
"Granger!" The toddler, exclaimed once more, laughing. He shook the wand even harder, causing a ray of golden light to erupt from the tip of the wand for a few seconds.
"Mummy," Hermione paused, "Ma-mmy." Hermione said slowly, pausing in each syllabus.
"Granger!" Hermione huffed and set the laughing toddler down in his high chair. Hermione positioned herself on the chair next to the toddler and shifted herself in front of the toddler, focusing on him.
"You are not going trick-or-treating if you don't say Mummy, young man." Hermione threatened.
"Granger!" The toddler yelled pointing at a figure standing behind his mother. Hermione didn't need to turn her head to clarify who was standing behind her, as the figure walked towards the baby and carried him out from his high chair.
"Granger," Draco Malfoy whispered to the baby, chuckling.
"Draco!" Hermione gasped. "Look what you did!"
"What did I do? Little Scorpius has Slytherin in him. Ain't I right?" Draco said, ticking the toddler. "Now, what is that Gryffindor scarf doing wrapped around your neck?"
Within a flick of a wand, the scarf turned into the colours of the Slytherin house in immediate. "That's more like-, Granger!" Draco said in a loud tone as the colours of the scarf changed back to it's original colour.
"Granger!" The toddler echoed his father in excitement.
"You wish that our little Scorpius will end up a Slytherin," Hermione said as stood on the tip of her toes and 'stole' Scorpius away from Draco.
"And you wish that Scorpius will be end up in that house of yours," Draco said and changed the scarf's colour back to his former house colours. "Why is he in the Hogwarts uniform anyways?"
"He's going trick-or-treating around the neighbourhood!" Hermione squealed in excitement and she spun the baby in her hand. "Aren't you excited, Scorpius?"
Let's just say, Hermione didn't exactly get the answer she hoped as Scorpius frown and shook his head in response. Draco couldn't help but let out a laugh.
"He's getting more and more like you every day!"
"What can I say, Granger? He is a Malfoy."
"Granger!" A shout rang through the Malfoy kitchen as another ray of golden light illuminated.