Rosario + Akatosh's Chosen
Chapter 9
"I am Lord Horkon, a god among vampires."
Darkness. Darkness is not alive. Darkness is not primordial or elemental. It does not lurk, slink, or stalk. Darkness has not teeth to bite, nor claws to slice. Darkness does not seeth or hunger. It is nothing more than the lack of light and to regard it as anything more is just foolish romantic nonsense. Or so Tsukune had been lead to believe.
As Tsukune cautiously stepped down the age worn steps, he found himself drowning in a darkness more profound than any other he had ever encountered in his entire life. It was compounded by the state of the ruins of the once proud temple of Meridia. The entire complex was covered in a peculiar black fog that seemed to raise up from the very ground. The air tasted stale and more than once Tsukune began to wonder how many centuries had passed since the last time a living soul had walked these halls.
True to her word, Meridia had provided Tsukune with a guide of sorts, a solitary beam of light which emanated from the beacon currently resting in it's cradle at the base of the time-worn statue at the peak of the mountain. This light shot through the entrance, giving Tsukune a path to follow in the otherwise all consuming darkness.
While intensely uncomfortable, the main passageway revealed little in the way of opposition. As the corridor gave way to a large chamber. Tsukune heard the sound of movement in the oppressive gloom. With shocking suddenness, a man lurched forward and attacked Tsukune with a blade covered in sickly green energy. With a quick parry, Tsukune returned the blow, slicing deep into the chest of dark figure. As he collapsed in a puddle of black not-blood, the man turned his face up to look at Tsukune. He was surprised to see that the man was actually semi transparent, but most shocking of all was the man's peaceful face as he gazed upon Tsukune's horrified expression with a smile.
"ThAnK YoU. My SoUl Is fReE..At lAsT."
After speaking these words, the prone soul simply faded away into nothingness.
Tsukune felt something inside of himself began to smoulder.
Along with his companions, Tsukune had been in the ancient temple for sometime. The light of Meridia continued to show them the way, as it changed course and bent through the clever application of refracting crystals. After navigating through the maze of collapsed hallways and open chambers, and fighting their way through several ambushes and assaults by more of what Tsukune had mentally coined 'Shadowmen', the group finally made their way in the innermost chamber, the most sacred part of the temple.
As always, Moka was indefatigable, and showed no sign of slowing down, even after the waves of enemies that she had mowed down. Kurumu was favoring her left now, a lingering result of an injury she had taken. Yukari was fine, physically, but was showing clear signs of panic as her hands visibly trembled. Tsukune was also uninjured, however, he was harboring a great and terrible rage in his heart, the result of seeing so many innocent people twisted into undead monsters by the Lich Lord.
As he walked into the open chamber, Tsukune's eye widened in surprise, as he was greeted by a terrible sight. A horrific throne of bones had been assembled in the center of the room, and upon it, eyeing his group with a blank stare, sat an animate skeleton, adorned with the tattered remains of once rich garments and a small golden crown. At the side of the throne, a man kneeled in deference to his skeletal master. The man was as pale as death, also dressed in finery, and possessed bright glowing eyes.
The Skeleton's mouth opened and words issued forth in a mocking tone.
"Tell me, Horkon, when was the last time you tasted the blood of a living, breathing, man?"
Horkon turned his head to look at the group with a terrible hunger reflecting in his eyes, one denied for too long. Moka gasped with horrified recognition.
"Many, many ages ago, my master."
"Then feast. I want you to drain them dry. Except for the Daywalker. I've always been curious about their kind, and I'm in the mood to...experiment."
"As you wish, my master."
So saying, the darkly aristocratic man rose and simply disappeared.
Tsukune looked about in confusion, before his gaze focused on the skeleton on the throne. Tsukune got the impression that, if it was capable, it would be smiling right now.
Then, there was only pain, as Horkon simply appeared in front of him and lashed out with quick jab of his fist, that nonetheless, was so powerful that Tsukune went flying into a nearby wall, to land with stars of pain flashing in his eyes.
His confused mind scrambled to quickly put itself back together as he heard the sounds of Moka, Kurumu, and Yukari cry out in pain. After a moment, he shook his head clear and looked up to see that Moka was lying facedown on the floor and Yukari was standing next to her, desperately begging her to get back up.
Tsukune spotted Harkon, who was casually holding Kuruku up into the air with one negligent arm. Blood was flowing down from her neck. The same blood that now stained the vampire's teeth red.
"Tiid Klo!"
Tsukune was up and off the floor in an instant. Kurumu seemed to simply vanish from Horkon's grasp. As he looked down at Kurumu, who was now deathly pale, Tsukune's rage became a towering inferno. He gently set her down on the floor as he turned his rage upon the dark vampire. It was now Horkon's turn to be surprised as Tsukune attacked him from all sides at once. Horkon desperately tried to ward off the lightning quick slashes but weathered the assault badly and by the time Tsukune's speed enhanced blitz ended, was covered with deep, possibly lethal wounds.
However, Horkon showed now sign of concern for his injuries. And Tsukune watched with stunned eyes as his enemy's wounds began to heal. Horkon simply fixed Tsukune with a piercing gaze.
"I'm impressed, warrior. I cannot recall the last time that I have been injured by a mortal hand. But this is all pointless. You will never see your accursed sunlight ever again. Master Malkoran has decreed your death, and so shall it be. But, I will grant to you a small boon, I will allow you to die by my true hand. I as Lord Horkon, a God among vampires. I shall be your doom."
Horkon exploded in a shroud of darkness, appearing in a four-armed form that was just as much bat as man. Had Tsukune encountered him before his enrollment to Youkai, he would have been terrified, but now simply fought to keep his growing sense of helplessness from overwhelming him. Horkon suddenly leaped forward.
"Stop! Not so fast!"
Tsukune looked over at the throne of bones with disbelief. Kurumu and Moka, having somehow managed to recover, had somehow managed to creep over to the throne undetected and now held the skeleton as hostage.
Horkon simply lifted an inhuman eyebrow.
The skelton responded with laughter.
"Hah hah, hah, HAh HAH! Horkon, I want you to make an example of these fools. You may use... .The Sword.'
Horkon responded so quickly that Tsukune barely had time to react at all.
In another cloud of darkness, Horkon dissolved into a small swarm of bats. The swarm dodged the blast of Fire Breathe that Tsukune unleashed and dove forward. Horkon reassembled at the throne and with breathtaking speed, struck both of the girls simultaneously. Kurumu dropped like a stone, but Moka managed to cartwheel away, where she dropped at Tsukune's feet.
"No! Moka!"
Before he could stop her, Yukari charged at the hulking batman. Tsukune could only watch as Harkon causally deflected the blow from her wand, seized her with both hands, and then plunged his teeth deep into her neck.
Harkon then dropped the witch uncaringly onto the ground before disappearing in another cloud of darkness and resuming his original shape. He then turned his gaze behind him.
"The Sword, master? Do you not feel that it would be somewhat...excessive?"
"It's time that I made a statement. I want Meridia to understand that her time has passed and that this time now belongs to me. I want her to understand exacting how much chance any so-called champion of hers will have. None."
"As you wish, my master."
Horkon reached into his belt and drew a blade that was covered in darkness. It was shorter than Tsukune's Katana, and was clearly intended more for impaling one's foe, verses slashing at them. The core of the short sword contained a curious orb that was so black that it seemed to erase all light that touched it.
Tsukune was badly startled by Meridia's outburst but the skeleton just laughed. At his feet, Moka began to stir, and distractedly, Tsukune reached down to help her up. Only for his hand to unthinkingly reach around the rosario that she habitually wore around her neck.
The resulting explosion of Youkai sent Tsukune to his knees. The Lich Lord tilted his head to the side in confusion as Horkon flew forward, intending to end the shift in power before it began. However, his speed and strength were equalled by the now silver haired Moka, who caught the tip of the Dawnbreaker with her bare hands.
"A god among vampires? You? Don't make me laugh."
Moka flicked the sword out of his grasp and then spun around in place, using her momentum to strike out with a spinning kick. The force of the blow sent Horkon flying backwards with such force that he struck the throne and sent it's bones flying to all four corners of the room.
Moka then turned to look down at Tsukune with a hungry expression. Tsukune was taken completely by surprise when she grabbed him and bit in his neck. The sensation was painful but she showed some restraint and set him back down after a few moments. Tsukune stared in horror, which made Moka smile, her teeth stained red with his blood.
"You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do that. I was somewhat expecting that you'd let my mask drink your blood, but you never did. I suppose that I approve. She never really deserved you. But don't make the mistake of thinking that she's the real me. "
Moka wasn't real? Sweet, simple Moka, was just a mask? Tsukune was having a hard time adjusting to the idea.
Moka and Tsukune both turned to look at Horkon, who had risen from the rumble of the throne and was fixing them with a hatefilled stare.
"Sorry to interrupt this fascinating revelation, but I do believe that we have some unfinished business, here?"
Moka fixed him with a disdainful gaze.
"How very true. Well, Tsukune? Isn't it time?"
"Time for what?"
Moka's face softened for just a brief moment as she nodded toward the Dawnbreaker that was now resting at Tsukune's side.
"Didn't you tell me that you were doing this for me? To protect me? Well then, get on with it. You're supposed to be the champion here, right? I'm rarely in the mood to play damsel in distress, so I'd hurry if I were you."
Tsukune stared at this strange and dangerous Moka with disbelief.
"Is this all some kind of joke to you?"
"Oh course not. I'm merely... showing you your place."
Whatever that's supposed to mean.
"Tiid Klo!"
Tsukune was shocked to see how quick that Moka was, even compared to the speed he was now going, she seemed quick. Horkon, though, actually seemed to be slowing down.
Which is odd, because based on what I know about vampires, he should have ridiculous amounts of stamina too. But I guess I shouldn't be complaining.
Moka and Tsukune both flanked the alleged vampire god, and Horton was again devastated by the speed of the blows. His wounds again seemed to heal at a unthinkable rate, but between himself and Moka, it wasn't enough. Forced back, Horton was beginning to get desperate.
"No more games. I'm going to end this now!"
Once again, Horton disappeared in a cloud of smoke and assumed his monstrous batman form. He raised a hand covered in going energy and pointed at Kurumu. But nothing seemed to happen, to Tsukune's relief and Horkon's dismay.
"What? Still alive? How can she have survived my attack?"
This time, the distracted vampire did not evade the breath of fire a column of flame shot directly into his face, seeming damaging his flesh to the point that it stopped healing quickly. Moka then struck with a well time kick to the lower back.
"Know your place!"
The monstrous figure stumbled forward, completely unable to protect himself. Tsukune recognized an opening and took advantage. The Dawnbreaker flew forward, aiming straight for the vampire's heart.
"This is for my friends!"
Tsukune stumbled through the open doors out into the sunlight at long last. It felt like he'd been in the darkness for ages and the noonday sun just felt so good, that he could resist basking for a moment. On his back, Kurumu stirred slightly.
"Did we win?"
Tsukune answered with a slight sigh.
"Well, we destroyed the Lich Lord and his vampire servant."
"Which is a good thing, right?"
"But the Dawnbreaker and the temple's hopelessly corrupted. It's going to take some serious magics to get everything back to the way it was. Meridia keeps trying to get me to go on some kind of quest to find some holy relic to restore it, but I think that I'm getting better at tuning her out."
"You're just going to ignore her?"
"Kurumu, she's a totally heartless bitch."
"But, like, she's a goddess. Her help could be very handy."
"She wanted me to leave you and Yukari down there to rot."
"That Bitch!"
As they walked down the road towards the lands that held the remains of the ancient city of Solitude, Tsukune couldn't help but keep sneaking quick glances at the 'unmasked' vampire in the party. This Moka was as different as night and day in temperament, compared to the old one, but every once and awhile, the similarities would confuse him. Apparently, they could also communicate with each other. But this, of course, called into question, again, the very idea of who or what the other personality really was. The concept was baffling to Tsukune, who eventually decided to just drop the entire thing and firmly resolved to never think about it, ever again.
Yukari was hanging around the rear of the group, her expression revealing that she was even more lost about the whole Moka subject then even Tsukune. He gave her an encouraging pat on the shoulder, causing her to look up at him with a look a gratefulness. At least, until she suddenly recalled that he was her mortal enemy, that she would one day defeat and steal Moka's heart away. She slapped his hand away and stuck her tongue out at Tsukune. He had no way of knowing that the gesture was totally lacking her former venom, which had been replaced with youthful playfulness.
Moka, herself was in really good spirits. She showed no interest in donning her 'mask' again, and seemed to view the entire trip as a form of vacation. Other than her morning demand for fresh blood, she caused little conflict. Tsukune was okay with the idea of giving her a little blood, as she had shown total restraint before, but Kurum was completely opposed to the idea of Tsukune's blood being drank, and even stood up to not-so subtle threats of violence to defend him.
As usual, it always surprised him how genuinely nice she was. Even when she was obviously going through some kind of distress.
Kurumu, for reasons completely lost on Tsukune, looked like her best friend just died. She periodically looked up Moka with anger or at Tsukune with confusion, or even guilt. He'd asked her if she wanted to talk, but she'd just gotten kinda pale and shook her her, simply saying that she "wasn't ready, yet, but that she'd be soon." He finally decided to ignore it, convinced that she would soon return to her normal fun loving behavior, convinced if nothing else, that all girls as a whole, were simply quite insane. Apparently for monster-girls, that went double.
AUTHOR'S NOTES: Ta-daaa! Inner Moka makes an appearance at long last. I'm honestly curious that nobody has expressed even the slightest interest in her thus far. Needless to say, she's not going to be another carbon copy of her cannon counterpart, but that doesn't mean that she's going to give up on Tsukune without a fight, either. The number of people who successfully answered phylactery is... getting a little unwieldy. You know how you are. Internet high-fives for all winning contestants! The next question is going to be.."Who is Kurumu's homeroom teacher?" (Not really part of the quiz but, lol, how pissed do you think he/she's going to be when Kurumu finally makes it back?)