Um... Well I know everyone is expecting more than this from me...

Well you may want to skip certain parts depending on which of my stories you read. (This same text file is going into each of my current stories) (Oh and the last part is going to be for all of my readers) (P.S. if you want to read my rant go the the "Røsario Vampire: Together at Last" section of this)

If you don't want to have to take a while looking through all the other pieces for the other stories use the key and the steps below.

1. Press Ctrl+F
2. In the bar that opens put in the corresponding symbol for the different sections of this AN
3. Press Enter or click find to go to the section.
4. Start reading the section you want.

A1 - Twins Of Perseus
B1 - Røsario Vampire: Together at Last
C1 - The Exousians
D1 - Everyone

First up is my AN for The Twins Of Perseus.

Sorry... I know I'm probably really disappointing you but don't worry I actually have half of the next chapter ready. I would post it but It's not good enough yet; in my opinion at least.
Anyway the story is going to be on Hiatus for a while longer sorry again. I do love the story and I do love my readers it's just that I can't right anything for this story yet, not yet. SORRY!

Ok time for the AN for Røsario Vampire: Together at Last.

Sup everyone. Sorry for the next chapter I promised that I would put up not being here yet. It's just that I lost alot of my enthusiasm after writing it.
You see I lost some friends due to this asswhole who was cheating on his girlfriend with a LOT of other girls. Because my pet peeve is seeing girls hurt or betrayed I couldn't take it anymore. I told the asswhole's Ex-girlfriend(who was his girlfriend at the time) and they broke up. The asswhole ran back to his girlfriend saying he's sorry and to take him back. She took him back. He cheated more and did worse things with other girls. That pissed me off. I told his Ex-girlfriend(who again was his girlfriend at the time) they broke up again; and guess what happened next. THEY GOT BACK TOGETHER! After they got back together for the THIRD time the asswhole sent me a message on facebook telling me not to talk to his girlfriend anymore, that she would be moving her seat in one of our classes so that she wouldn't be sitting next to me anymore and that I had to take my stuff out of the locker his girlfriend and I shared or else he would throw my work away. Of course at first I was pissed but instead I took the calm approach saying that his girlfriend didn't have to move and that I would When we got to class the next school day I moved to the desk that was secluded in the corner of the room and took all my stuff out of the locker. About last week a friend of mine who was also friends with the asswholes Ex-girlfriend convinced the ASSWHOLES Ex-girlfriend into breaking up with him. When they finally did break up the asswhole made a seen and said somethings that left him with no friends. After they broke up He thought that we could be friends again; realizing this I decided that I would fake being his friend so that I could get back at him when he would least expect it. I moved back into the locker and moved back to my seat and I am finally happy again.

Thanks for reading my rant. (if you did like a GOOD reader would)

Anyway this story is on Hiatus but I have pieces of it ready. I just lost my place at some point and lost all my inspiration. LIke my other stories I love this one and I love my readers no matter what. SORRY!

Last and definitely not the least. My readers from the Exocians.

Hey guys... There's not that many of you. All I can say is I'm sorry for not posting. But I lost my inspiration. If you want to know what read the "Røsario Vampire: Together at Last" section of this.

Love the story, love you readers. PEACE! (SORRY!)


I just want to say sorry to everyone. I'm going to be continuing each of these stories eventually. But DON'T get your hopes up!

I've decided on writing in a new writing style I've made up. From now on I'll write a chapter or two of some story and anyone and everyone who likes it can come along and "adopt" it of course it's still MY story but someone else is writing it and posting it on their page. You'll of course have to credit me for the starting up ideas and what not. I call it Flash Adopting; terrible name I know but until I come up with something different that's what it's called.

For those of you who don't know, when I write something I start it with a burst of inspiration and I continue to write it until I lose my inspiration; if I get that burst back I continue to write.

Guess who got a burst of inspiration? ME!







Guess who's about to be disappointed? You!
Lets find out why.

The burst of inspiration wasn't for any of the stories I've already started. It was for a story I dreamnt(fuck you that is a word;)) up for Fairy Tail, and I'm currently working on the story. Sorry!

That's the end of this. Bye everyone.

Wait I want 1k words. So... Yeah... Hmm... Yeah... Uhh... Sssss... hugh... Ugh... I DON'T HAVE THE PATIENCE FOR THIS.

Hey look I went in to revise it and now I'm over 1k. :D Cookies for everyone! (::)(::)(::)x200