I know this is probably going to excite some of you assuming I'm updating a chapter but unfortunately in my absence from here doc manager expired and deleted a mass amount of word count that I hadn't backed up and that's my fault. Though I'm thankful for my photographic memory, I still can't find the motivation to rewrite what was lost just yet. It's one of those things, once a writer gets something out of their head, its out, and really hard to get back to rewrite. That being said, I am venturing back on Marley and diving more into her past before she ran into Paige and the show. It's not something meant to be huge and perfect, I honestly have no idea what it will turn into and I love writing not knowing, it's meant to be a raw mess because essentially, that's just always been Marley. So seeing as you all have known Marley in a way thats very dear to my heart, I'm linking you to the story, really really rough 'thing' I'm going to updating on fictionpress. If you'd like to follow along with that its there for you, you all, through feedback, and reviews, and your messages, have always poured out such a love for her and I wanted to share it with you all, knowing that I expect nothing in return but just let you see further into her life. Thank you all for the support you've show for me and yes I know this isn't a chapter update and will likely be deleted by fanfiction but I'm hoping it reaches some of the beautiful RV followers well. So with that, here is the link, and again, thank you to all of you who've stood by me and supported me as a writer, as well as the growth of a girl who's become very vital to my life.

Finding Brooklyn (go to fictionpress and paste the url to the end)
