I have been gone a very long time. I apologise for that, but I've been very sick:( If you follow me on Instagram you could keep up with that (rayrawl)
I also had some pretty mean comments about me being a 'rude author' and about a slash warning I didn't give. I just wanted to clear this up, because I don't actually think I was being rude, but I don't ever label things slash/het etc. I think it takes away from the fact that this is a story that doesn't revolve around the sex lives of two men, or a woman and a man, or two women. I also think that in 2015, if you can't cope with reading a story that involves two men in a relationship, then fanfiction isn't really the place for you. As a gay woman, this is quite a strong issue for me, and I'd rather not be labelled as rude for not singling out the sexuality, gender or relationship status of the characters.
Anyways, I am sorry this took so long and that this chapter is quite short! As I left this so long, this might feel a little rushed because I'm hoping to get it finished up soon. Love ya xo
Behind him, Tony can hear Gibbs' sharp voice shouting commands to whomever they pass. He can hear the buzz of voices in the background, the echo of footsteps following him in a fast jog down the stairs of the Hoover Building. A little further away, he can hear McGee tapping away on his tablet, muttering lowly to someone over the comms as they move towards the exit.
Tony can't focus on any of that, only on trying to force down the sick feeling rising in his throat and ignoring the way his vision is clouding dark at the corners from his panic. He's throwing open the door to his SUV when a hand clamps down on his shoulder, twisting and turning him until he's pressed against the door with Gibbs about an inch from his face. Gibb's body was a thick line of heat along the front of his body, pulling him back into the here and now, lending him the strength to take a breath and just think.
Gibbs gives him a moment until Tony feels like he can function again, gasping in soft breaths that puff out against the collar of Gibbs' coat. The man smirks at him a little, letting the hand on his shoulder drift down until he can give Tony's fingers a small squeeze before letting go completely and stepping back a foot or two.
"You feelin' better now?" Gibbs inquired around his smirk, mouth twisted up in such a familiar way that Tony's heart gives a pained thump. He hasn't seen that smirk since before the accident. Tony ducked his head, trying to hide his smile, except that never worked with Gibbs before and he doesn't know why he thought it would now. His hand comes into view, touch warm as he tilts Tony's face upwards quickly before he lets go.
"What're you smiling about?" Tony looked away, glancing back for a second before shrugging and turning to climb into the car. Gibbs just stared at him for a moment before shaking his head, moving out of the way so that Tony could close his door. Tony took a deep breath as Gibbs disappeared from view, shaking his head as the rest of the world seemed to come back into view.
The panic bled back into the edges of his vision quickly, abating a little when Gibbs and McGee both climbed into the car in quick succession. Trying to focus on the here and now, he turned the ignition and pressed on the gas, glancing in his side mirrors to see two other FBI SUV's speeding along right behind him.
As they drew closer to Gibbs' house, Tony felt himself slipping into the headspace he went to when he knew it would be a difficult case or assignment. It was a cold place, empty and hard, and was what allowed him to put a bullet through a person's head without feeling horror or guilt. It was what allowed him to wish for his own father's downfall, and what allowed him to now head towards this house and know there was a possibility he would find what was left of his family dead. Bullets in their heads like the others.
It took another ten minutes to reach Gibbs' house, and the lack of guards standing in the shadows made Tony's fingers itch towards his holstered gun as they climbed out of the car. Without a word, only glances and pointed fingers, he guided the teams of agents to the back and sides of the house, taking Gibbs and McGee with himself towards the front door. With a quiet countdown over the comms, and one last glance over his shoulder towards his old team, they pushed forwards.
Gibbs watched with some trepidation and a lot of pride as Tony sunk into himself, leading them towards their target with a cold calculation that he knew had taken him a good long while to achieve. It was strange to be silently storming his own home, but following Tony into the unknown felt a strange kind of familiar that he was becoming used to these days. Like a memory on the edge of his awareness. These days, instead of the terrifying way it felt when his memories first started to come back, it was a comforting warmth to know that there was still more to know about this confident and strong man leading him forwards.
Gibbs pulled himself out of his thoughts as they moved into his house, McGee and himself fanning out to the left and right of Tony to have his six. He watched as one team descended the stairs to the basement, re-emerging a moment later with shakes of their head. The second team made their way for the stairs, and then the rest of the team made their way in pairs through the rooms downstairs, few as there were. The living room, kitchen and diner, the half bath and the small office just off to the right of the staircase. Each came back with a shake of their head, leaving everyone on edge and waiting for the upstairs team to shout or return. It felt like forever waiting before Tony took a step towards, the rest of them falling into line behind him. They moved slowly towards the stairs, Gibbs' own heartbeat loud in his ears as he watched Tony's steady hand turn the gun upwards and into the staircase before he himself turned to look up.
"Cahill, report." Tony hissed over the comms, all of them on edge waiting for a response. None came, and Tony's shoulders tensed a little. Something was wrong, they all knew it and could feel it in the dangerous parts of their own instincts.
"Cahill! Warsh. Anyone respond?" There was the gush of air as usual over the comms, and another moment without a response before a voice called out from above them.
"Come on up, my boy! We're having a swell time up here." There was a thump, a small cry, and then Gibbs watched as Tony took off up the stairs. He and McGee were a second behind him, gesturing behind to tell the others to stay down here and on guard in case of more possible attacks from the outside. The proceeded up a little slower than Tony, who had already rounded the landing at the top of the stairs and was fast vanishing from their sight.
McGee almost ran into Tony's back where he had stopped in the doorway to Gibbs' own rarely used bedroom, his shoulders heaving with the quick breaths he must have been taking. Gibbs watched as Tony's shoulders tensed more and more until the same voice found them again.
"Well, Anthony, it is rude to keep guests waiting out in the hallway. Move a little further in; let your father meet your friends." Tony stood stock still for a moment, gun in his right hand and trembling by his leg, before he took one measured step forwards and two the side to open up the room for them to move forwards.
Gibbs was last into the room, last to see, but once he was in he froze like Tony had. In front of him, perched on the bed he had most certainly once shared with Tony, was his father. Beneath him, on their knees and bound tightly were Tony's girls, and there off to the side where three guards, stood over three unconscious bodies. Yet they had sent four men up here.
Slowly, Gibbs raised his head, glancing around and trying to remember the faces of the men they had sent up here and .. yes. There he was. Their fourth team member, Ward, stood at the centre of the three men DiNozzo sr. obviously had working for him, strong and imposing.
Holding a gun right centre towards little Maria's head.
"Y'know. I've missed you." Tony mumbled, pushing his nose into the crease of Gibbs' neck, breathing in the musk and earth of the man who had just curled up in bed next to him.
"Mmm, me too." Gibbs gave himself a second to press a kiss into the sleep mussed hair tickling his nose before letting out a sigh, relaxing a little into the bed.
"How've the team been since I left?" He inquires; fingers dragging a slow line along Tony's shoulders, making the younger man tremble softly.
"Good. A little bitchy. They hate it when you leave me in charge. I'd rather not talk about them when I finally have you back in our bed. You've been gone longer than expected. I didn't think you'd make it back in time." Gibbs grumbles, pulling Tony tighter in against him, smoothing the sensual line along his shoulders away with a flat palm along his spine, settling as a secure weight in the dip of Tony's hip.
"Mission got a little complicated, I'm sure you'll hear all about it at the office tomorrow. Glad to be back though, we've got to finish up the paperwork if we're both going to be out of the country for two weeks." Tony twists his face, pressing in against the warm body he has missed so much.
"Urgh, paperwork. I can't wait until that's over and done with and we can go chill out in Italy. Pasta, pizza, beer and the girls. What more could I possibly want?" Gibbs huffed out a laugh against Tony's head.
"I could think of a couple of things you could possibly want." Tony tilts his head up, familiar smirk and heated gaze turned up to full power, cheeky and seductive all at once.
"Oh, yeah? And what might those things be?" His voice had dropped an octave of two, husky and deep in a way that set Gibbs on fire, burning low in his stomach and spreading across his whole being. Quickly, twisting sharply so that Tony won't have time to react, he flips them. He gazes down at the stunned man beneath him, Tony's wrists trapped underneath his strong hands and his legs trapped between his knees and hips. Gibbs drops down, tracing lips over lips, over cheeks and down along Tony's jaw line before nipping an earlobe with sharp teeth.
"Why don't you let me show you?"
If any of the other men noticed both Gibbs and Tony shaking off old memories, no one commented. Tony's gaze was stuck on Maria's terrified face, her tears burning scars into his brain. Gibbs' however was focused on DiNozzo SR.'s face, the smug and self satisfied twist to his mouth and arrogant tilt to his jaw. He thought he had already won whatever twisted, fucked up game he had been playing for years, but Gibbs knew the men behind him. Ward had been a surprise he hadn't wanted, but he hadn't exactly spent a lot of time with him at the FBI building. The others had been around since Tony got back into the country, and he had let his gut tell him how to deal with them, whether they could trust them. These were strong, reliable men that followed Tony without question, who were loyal to their country and to the innocents they were sworn to protect. He knew that whatever plays Tony would set out for them in secretive looks and small gestures would be followed with dedication and pure intentions.
DiNozzo SR. had no idea what his son had grown in to, had no idea the kind of loyalty he inspired, had no idea that there were people in this room who would do anything for him.
That would be his downfall.
"Dad." Tony's voice twisted the word into some vicious and vile, disgust etched into every frozen line of his face.
"Son, what a pleasure it is to be in the same room with you again after all these years. Although, it is a disappointment that it is under these circumstances." Senior chuckled out a sickening laugh. "For a while, I held out hope that you would realise your mistakes and come back to your family willingly. I have, of course, since given up on that pipe dream. So now, I'm going to give you a choice. You put down that weapon, come over here and apologise for your years of disobedience, or I have these good men take the last of what you love, and drag you home kicking and screaming."
"I don't know how you da-"
"Ah, ah, ah! Anthony, you know better than that. You have thirty seconds. Choose wisely." Tony froze, and Gibbs could see the bitter indecision in the tense lines of his shoulders, the stiff way his fingers gripped his gun. It felt like it took forever, and yet no time at all, before Tony bent down to lay his gun on the floor, kicking it a little away from himself. The men behind them stayed silent, but Gibbs could feel their outrage and disappointment rippling around his room. Senior grinned, sickening and disturbing, as Tony took small and measured steps across the room until he stood in front of his father. They stared at each other for a moment, before Tony's father stood and swung his son into a tight hug, putting Tony back facing Gibbs and the FBI teams. Gibbs and Tony stared at each other for a moment that dragged out, McGee shifting nervously behind him, before there was a tight smile and an almost invisible nod and the room erupted.
As soon as Tony nodded, Gibbs had swung himself to the left, gun raised and aimed, his bullet landing in the shoulder and again in the leg of the first of Senior's guards. He then moved into the room quickly, gun still raised and aimed as the men spilled into the room behind him, moving quickly to incapacitate the other guards.
Out of the corner of his eye he saw Maria being awkwardly shuffled behind a wardrobe by her mother, both of them still bound tightly. To his left, Tony and his father were fighting viciously, punches, kicks, elbows flying into each other's bodies. His attention was drawn away from them for a moment as the rouge agent Ward began fighting back with new vigour, knocking two agents out in quick succession before advancing on McGee, who appeared to have lost his gun in an earlier scuffle. Gibbs moved forward quickly, his own gun aimed at the advancing agent. Ward took one lunge towards McGee, and Gibbs shot. His bullet landed in its intended place, a shocking gaping wound developing between the eyes of that traitor bastard.
The room went silent for a moment, the way it often does after a fire fight in a small space, before there was a gasp behind him. He whirled quickly, assessing on the move. Senior had hold of an abandoned gun, pointing straight for Tony's heart. Gibbs' own heart was in his throat, hands a little unsteady around the handle of his 9 mil.
"Senior, don't.." The shot erupted before Tony had a chance to finish, another just a fraction of a second later, and Senior went down in a splash of red erupting from his throat as he crashed backwards onto Gibbs' own bed.
Whirling quickly, Gibbs looked for the source of the shot that took out Senior, only to find Alexis kneeling, wrists bound in front of her, fingers crushed awkwardly around the gun she still had front and aimed. It looked like Tony's abandoned weapon.
Tony himself seemed to have realised where the shot had come from, whirling around suddenly, face white and skin obviously clammy.
"Alexis.." He choked out, looking shocked, and the woman in question screamed.
"Tony! Mio Dio, Tony! No!" As the young man collapsed onto his knees, hands clutching his abdomen, before falling silent and still onto the bedroom floor.