
This is the story of a woman who dared to take the leap of faith, and steps away from her loveless marriage and follow an improbable love.

Most women endure unfulfilling marriages regardless of love or lack thereof. They persevere, but for what and for whom? Some women will use "because of the children" other will use "what will my family and friends say"; bottom line, we make excuses to stay even when we know it's time to leave.

There is life after a failed marriage; the universe can change things in the blink of an eye, and even when things might seem improbable, they are never impossible. This book will follow true friendship between a woman and her friends. True friendship is priceless and nothing is impossible.


Tricia stayed married to a very nice successful business man for seven years. They have tried to have a baby for seven years with no success. The marriage has been going downhill for a few years, they stuck with it hoping things will change. Things did change, not what they expected though. She leaves her unhappy marriage after she falls in love with an actor on the TV screen. She had watched him for countless times over the years; why was she feeling this way about him, she wonders. She enters a contest anyway, and fortunately wins a week trip to visit with a very good friend of this particular actor.

While there she meets him and their meeting solidifies her feelings for him. They had an affair even though he is engaged to be married to a very famous model. The press gets a hold of the relationship and blows it wide open. He leaves to go deal with his fiancée, who is furious with him. She had to go back home to her life and deal with the embarrassment, as their relationship became front page news. A few months after her return back home, she finds out she is pregnant. She becomes pregnant with no assist from any fertility doctor. She is excited and sad at the same time. Then she sees on the news one day, he is going to marry his fiancée, and she descends into a deep depression, even with her pregnancy.

Her friends come to her rescue and call the actor's friend, who had introduced her to him. The actor's friend takes her into her home, to keep an eye on her and the twins. He comes to see her. He asks for forgiveness and she refuses to speak to him. She believes the only reason for his being there is because of her pregnancy. They find out she is having twins and he refuses to leave because he claims to honestly love her. The actor's ex finds out she is pregnant and where they both live and pays her a visit. His ex tries to kill her, even though she is heavily pregnant. She is taken in to hospital unconscious and fighting not just for her life, but for the lives of her twins. She survives and so do the children. He working with her family and friends plan their wedding without telling her. They surprised her with the best wedding you can possibly have in the hospital, for someone as famous as he is.