Fix You – Chapter Seven

This was most certainly awkward.

Kate quickly tossed the blanket on the floor before getting off Castle. She exchanged a brief sympathetic glance aimed at Castle while avoiding all eye contact with Caitlyn.

"I'm going to give you too some space" meekly spoke Kate as she quickly dashed up the staircase and into her room. She went to shut the door but something told her to leave it ajar. She collapsed on the bed listening to the conversation and argument that will surely ensue.

Back downstairs, the door slammed shut. Caitlyn stood just inside with her arms were folded over her chest and her posture standing tall. She certainly did not look the slightest bit happy.

Castle was scared to turn around. He knew hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. He already knew where this was heading. He slid of the couch, before slightly turning his neck to see Caitlyn.

"What the hell Rick?!" yelled Caitlyn as she furiously threw her coat and bag onto the adjacent couch. "I leave you alone with her for half a day and she has already made her move on you. I knew it was a mistake to that that slut into our home."

He wasn't going to respond at first but seeing her disrespect his friends like that cause anger to bubble up inside.

"Caitlyn!" he practically yelled. "First of all you have no idea the bravery and courage of Katherine Beckett. She is probably the most, no she is, strongest woman I have ever met. And sec-"

"Oh what, nothing happened" interrupted Caitlyn as she strode across the room.

"I wasn't going to say that. I was going to say I can explain."

"Amuse me."

"We were just watching the TV" stated Castle as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Oh, so it that how two people, one of which is in a serious committed relationship and the other just a poor broken orphan watch TV?"

"It just kind of happened?"

"It just happened?" queried Caitlyn. She was certainly not impressed right now.

"I don't know what happened or how it happened but I certainly wasn't going to sleep with her if that's what you're wondering."

"If I hadn't walked in I'm pretty sure you would have" mumbled Caitlyn. Caitlyn was standing there a determined woman. She was certainly not letting her guard down. And she certainly wasn't leaving until that woman was gone.

"Look, Kate's just a friend that has been though a lot lately. She has always been there for me and it's my turn to repay the favour. I'm just trying to comfort her during this difficult time."

"Is that what the kids are calling it now these days?"

"Nothing happened" retaliated Rick.

"Oh so it was nothing. You girl you followed around for 4 years, wrote several books, books you are still writing to this date is lying onto of your chest on the couch and it was nothing. Oh I'm sorry" sarcastically spoke Caitlyn as she began pacing the room.

Rick was getting frustrated. Yes it did look bad that he and Kate were cuddling on the couch, but his girlfriend didn't have to feel threatened. All he wanted to do was make her feel safe again. As if she had a place she belonged. Yes, it probably wasn't the most idealistic way but for at least one night it made Kate smile again. And she couldn't be held accountable for trying to make someone forgot the pain that filled their chest.

"Tell me that you don't love Kate" demanded Caitlyn. Rick was a bit taken aback. Caitlyn asked the question out of nowhere. "Tell me" she practically screamed.

There was a moment of silence. Castle sighed as he ran his fingers though his hair. "I can't." It was barley a whisper but it was enough for Caitlyn to understand, and surprisingly Kate too who was sitting with her back against the wall of the guest room. "Truth is I do love her. I always have and always will."

"Do you really think she love you? She probably just obsessed fan who just wants to sleep with you for your money."

"Not that's you Caitlyn." Castle had had enough. It's one thing to bad mouth him but to go and attack a woman she had known for all but 5 minutes is definitely another. Especially when that woman is Katherine Beckett. "Ever since you came into my life all you have done is make me buy you expensive gifts and take you to fancy dinners. And I just looked over that because I couldn't face being alone. But now, I feel that there is just isn't anything between us anymore. We're done."

And that was the last words spoken between the two. Caitlyn grabbed her bag and walked out trying to hold back the tears. However, the tears were mainly just a show. She knew perfectly well that Kate had been listening to the entire conversation and couldn't resist making her feel guilty about what happened between her and Castle.

Though she couldn't say she wasn't surprised. The way Rick would talk about Kate she had known that it they were more than just partners. She had also been one to believe that she was dead and that Richard now loved her. She was mistaken.

Castle collapsed on the couch once he heard the door slam shut. He buried his face into his hands. Yet another failed relationship he thought.

His eyes adverted to the staircase as he heard the sound of footsteps. It was of course Kate, looking as solemnly as possible. But before Kate could speak, Castle interjected.

"How much of that did you hear?"

"Enough." Kate smiled as she stepped forward closing the space between them.

Castle was hesitant and Beckett could see that. But four simple words that washed away any doubt. "I just want you."

Finally! Thoughts?