This is my one shot!
I hope you all love it!
Or like it.
Or don't want to burn me alive for writing it….
Let's just begin ok?
Everyone was standing in shock in front of the burning mansion. Today was supposed to be wonderful! The mentors had been cleared and had returned today! Why were they here? Why was everyone now thinking that they needed one more hologram memorial? Why did this happen today of all days? Why? Why? Why?
Megan smiled in relief. She removed her hand and smiled as Kaldur took a deep breath and was out of his state of shock.
"Thanks Meg." Artemis said. Megan nodded. They had planned this secret healing of Kaldur for about two weeks. Kaldur looked at Megan and smiled in appreciation. When they returned, it would look like the medicine Kaldur had been on had worked. No one would know that Megan had even seen Kaldur since putting him in the catatonic state one month ago.
Will you join us to greet the mentors?" Megan knew the answer, but she had to ask.
"We can't Megan. We will see you soon I hope without the need for secrecy." Kaldur whispered. Artemis lead Kaldur out, and Megan disappeared as well. Megan then called Nightwing to tell him of the success.
Tim called Nightwing again on the com units. He growled in frustration when he got disconnected, again.
"Barbra, He won't answer the com unit!" whined the 14 year old.
"I'll call his cell." Barbra answered. She did just that and on the seventh ring, he answered.
"Dick Grayson. Said a groggy voice.
"Dick, it's Barbra, were you asleep?"
"Hm? Yeah… Dammit. Babs, make it quick please, I have school in an hour." Barbra rolled her eyes and Tim snickered. The phone was on speaker.
"Well, did you at least hear the news?" she asked.
"Um," there was shuffling as Dick Grayson got ready for college. "No."
"Dick! It was release an hour ago! Where were you? Sleeping?"
"No, tough night in Bloodhaven." Barbra and Tim exchanged looks. If Nightwing was working until 6 am…
"Um, well Batman is coming back today!" Barbra said happily. Tim and Barbra heard Dick pause.
"Oh! Gah, I'll be over right after my last class ok?"
"Go to the Watchtower, not the mansion. Alfred is off visiting his niece and Tim and I won't be here. They are scheduled to arrive at ten tonight!" Barbra couldn't keep out her excitement. She missed Bruce.
"I'll make sure to make it appear that Bruce is returning from his private cruise in the Bahamas tomorrow." Nightwing said. "See you all tonight!" the phones disconnected.
Barbra smiled at Tim.
"Patience is virtue, Tim." Barbra laughed as Tim huffed. "Go to school.' She said, as she herself went off to her own college.
Everyone waited in the Watchtower and 9:30 pm. Well, everyone but Nightwing.
"Where is he?" Asked Wally. Everyone knew Nightwing had not so patiently waited for Batman to return. Just then, Batgirl's cell phone went off. She answered it.
"Hey, Babs, I'm using a rain-check." Nightwing said immediately. Once again, Barbra had put Nightwing on speaker.
"What?" Everyone yelled.
"Am I on speaker? Batgirl! Never mind. Tell Batman I'll meet him at the Bat-cave tonight." The people waiting for the mentors heard something exploded in the background. "Uh, got to go! See you all later!" Nightwing hung up and static filled the silence.
"Has anyone actually talked face to face with Nightwing this past week?" Blue Beetle asked. Everyone shook their heads.
"He is such a work-a-holic." Red Robin muttered. Another Robin was huffing next to Red Rbin.
"Stupid Nightwing." The new Robin growled. Everyone noticed this Robin acted a lot more like Batman than was normal. The kid also had a black hood on his uniform.
"Who are you?" Cassie asked.
"I'm Robin." The kid snapped. Red Robin/Tim sighed.
"Yeah, he is only ever polite around Batman or Nightwing." Explained Red Robin.
"Wait, is this kid joining us?" Lagon asked.
"Not yet.' Batgirl said.
"Not like I want to ever join you losers." Growled Robin. Just than Robin's phone rang. He answered it on speaker.
"Yo, is this on speaker again? Really guys, can't people have private conversations over their phones anymore? Anyway, Robin, be nice! Otherwise Bats won't let you patrol!' Nightwing's cackle sounded through the phone. Then a loud explosion sounded again. "Can't thugs ever sleep!" the phone cut connection and everyone stared at it.
"Are all Bats physic like Batman?" Impulse asked. Nods throughout the gathered group was the answer. The group went back to waiting.
At 10:00 pm exactly, the zeta tubes powered up and the 16 heroes that had been called away returned.
"Whoo-hoo!" The Flashes yelled. They went up and randomly hugged the returned heroes. Somehow they all stopped just before hugging Batman at the same time. Robin however just went up and hugged his mentor.
"Hello Red Robin. Robin?" Batman spotted the hooded kid across the room.
"Hey da- Batman." The kid said. Batman huffed and walked over to the kid. The Bats had a silent conversation.
"So, where is Nightwing?" Wonder Woman asked. She wanted to make sure everyone was ok… and there were two missing heroes. Artemis and Nightwing.
"Is he… like Artemis?" The 16 heroes had all been told of Artemis's death upon arrival.
"No, he is just busy tonight." Zatanna said sourly. Batman pulled out a facny com unit and made a call. Once again on speaker phone.
"Hello? Is this important, I'm a little busy." They heard a bunch of gunfire, a grunt and then the gunfire stopped.
"Nightwing, This is Batman."
"Oh! Hey! You stupid jerk!" Every dropped their jaws. "That is an old lady's purse, how cliché can you get? Sorry, um…Hey how's it going? Oh, I'll meet you at the Bat-cave later ok? Got to go! Dude, stop setting buildings in fire!" A thunk was heard, and the line was cut.
"He is fine." Batman said. Everyone snickered.
"I heard there was an arson in Bludhaven, seems Nightwing is busy." Rocket said.
"Oh, Batman I have quite the story for you!" Impulse said. Batman glared at him.
"Do you know how Nightwing acts when he is high?" Everyone grabbed Impulse and smacked their hands over his mouth. Batman's frown deepened while the other heroes who had returned stared in shock.
"Red Robin…"
"yeah… Well"
"I got Punch!" Blue Beetle said, not realizing the situation.
"Party!" Impulse yelled and everyone followed. Red Robin stayed behind.
"Can we talk about this later?" asked the young vigilante. Batman nodded, and his frown lessened.
"Poor Nightwing, he is going to miss the party."
Nightwing was in his apartment at midnight when he remembered he said he was going to the Wayne manor. He cursed and changed into Dick Grayson. He combed his hair and wore a nice cotton shirt and khakis. He also praised that it was now Saturday.
Dick got into his nice red Porsche that Bruce had given to him as an 18th birthday gift. He was speeding the whole way to Gotham. He parked in the private parking spot on the property. He was whistling as he entered the mansion. He was so tired. The arson had been clever and had taken Nightwing three nights to capture. It didn't help that his college classes gave so much homework.
"Home sweet home." Dick sang as he went into the kitchen. He remembered that Alfred was in England, so he would have to make his own meal. Before he did that…
Dick went up to his room. He hadn't slept here for almost a year now, but the room had obviously been used. Dick went into Tim's room; it had a stale air suggesting it hadn't been used.
"Oh Tim." Dick muttered.
Dick went into Damian's room next. Damian was still in training to become Robin. Damian was also Batman's biological son, though Damian was more of a tube baby. Ra a Ghul's daughter had taken Batman's DNA to create a son. Helena was also Batman's son, but Silena had kept her in her apartment. Dick ideally wondered if Bruce would propose to Silena now that he was back.
Damian's room looked used, but Dick's trained eye could see the stiffness in the mattress that suggested it wasn't being slept in.
"Both of you?" Dick said. He Went to Bruce's room. The bedroom was neat and unused. That was expected since Batman and the others had been gone for about two months. Just then, the house line rang. Dick picked up the phone in Bruce's room. He checked the number, and recognized Tim's cell phone. He clicked accept and put the phone up to his ear.
"Hey Tim." Then the first bombs went off.
Tim took Zatanna's suggestion to invite Nightwing over since the news had just announced that he had captured the arson. The party was still going strong, so Tim pulled out his cell phone and dialed the manor number. He assumed that Dick would go straight there. Half the people at the party walked over to hear the conversation. The phone, once again on speaker, rang twice.
Tim smiled as he heard his brother pick-up the phone. Damian stood right next to the speaker.
"Hey Tim!" Tim realized he had used his cell phone just as the bombs explosion went off. The party went silent as the main computer showed the Wayne Manor as three rounds of explosions went off. The image showed the bottom, then the second, and finally the third floor get blown to smithereens. Tim felt his blood grow cold. All the Bats just stared and everyone else who knew their identities.
"Dick…" Tim muttered. Batman whipped his head to look at Red Robin. "I used the land line." Tim said, answering the unasked question. For just a second, Batman's face was slack in shock, then he and Superman, followed by Flash, Green Arrow and Wonder Woman raced to the zeta tubes. Red Robin, Robin, Batgirl, Wally, and both Roys followed the mentors. Martian Manhunter mentally told everyone to stay.
"Isn't Bruce a huge supporter of the League?" Lagon asked. Megan nodded. "But, he is returning from his cruise later today right? Why would someone bomb his house?" No one had an answer. The team watched as the heroes who went down to the wreckage. Somehow, no police or alarms went off.
"Where are the police?" Blue asked. Just then Red Robin came back.
"Guys, I'm sorry.' He said dropping a canister. The YJ and other Leaguers fell unconscious, except for the Martians, who had gotten a mental message to hold their breaths. "Come with me please." Red Robin asked.
The house looked like a war zone. The grounds were trashed, and there was no sigh of life.
J'hn and M'gan arrived in the Batcave. Red Robin led them out of the cave onto the property. M'gan saw Superman scanning the ground. She noticed her uncle sending out mental waves, looking for a life under the debris.
"Oh, Nightiwng!" Megan felt tears sting her eyes.
"M'gan." Batman called her over. "Can you shape-shift into a boy?" Batman asked. Megan nodded that she could. "To protect Nightwing's identity… Can you pose as Nightwing?" Megan nodded. She took a deep breath, and changed into Nightwing. She noticed that Batman was really studying this shape. She felt uncomfortable, knowing he was just looking for mistakes and flaws, signs that she wasn't his ward/son.
"The hair is a little long… or has he cut it?" Batman asked. Megan felt a jolt of pity, she remembered Batman hadn't seen Nightwing in two months.
"He cut it." Red Robin answered.
"Batman." Superman called. Batman stopped his examination and looked up to Superman. "Um, I think I found him. Also, I sent the Flashes and Batgirl after some men who were running away into the woods." Batman nodded. "I hear sirens, so let's hurry." Superman said.
Using Megan's and J'hn's telepathic abilities and Superman's and Wonder Woman's super strength, a floor worth's of house was removed to reveal a crumpled body in a long dark detective coat.
"Red Arrow, drive Dick's car away, I want to seem like no one was here during this." Batman ordered. Arsenal and Green Arrow followed Red Arrow. Batman picked up the limp body and flipped it over to reveal the badly burned face of Dick Grayson.
"Dick… Dick wake up!" Batman said. Dick stirred, and blinked his eyes.
"oh, hi Batman. Welcome home." Dick fell back into unconsciousness. Batman grit his teeth.
"New plan, M'gan, pose as Dick Grayson. Everyone, we are taking Nightwing back to the Watchtower.
"Batman, how will we explain this to his teammates?" Wonder Woman asked.
"We'll say he had intelligence on this, I want to get him to safety first." Batman growled. Wonder Woman watched Batman disappear into the cave with Dick Grayson.
"I hate this situation, but I love it when he puts family first.' Wonder Woman said. Superman smiled sadly and nodded. When the Arrows returned, Superman led them to the Bat-cave and up to the Watchtower.
Two weeks. That's how long it took for Nightwing to regain consciousness. He awake suddenly and punched Arsenal in the face, since Arsenal was keeping watch.
"Ow! What was that for?" Arsenal yelled, bringing in Batman and Wonder Woman. Batman was immediately in front of Nightwing, staring into h te uncovered blue orbs.
"Nightwing, how do you feel?" Batman asked. Nightwing didn't respond at all. "Nightwing?" Batman said a little louder. Nightwing just stared and blinked his eyes slowly. Batman watched the eyes widen with realization. Batman, whose face was just five inches from Nightwing's, put one hand on Nightwing's face; the other began to snap right in Nightwing's ear. Still no response.
Arsenal frowned at the closeness at the two he was watching. Wonder Woman Pulled him into the hall.
\ "If you are wondering, Batman is like Nightwing's father. Nightwing is one of the few people Batman allows physical contact with. Most of us sing with joy when we see Batman ruffle Nightwing's hair, or even put a hand on his shoulder." Wonder Woman said sharply.
"Don't lecture me. I was just jealous that I don't have such an intimate relationship with Ollie anymore." The original Roy said, clenching his fists. Wonder Woman raised her eyebrows in surprise.
"Oh." Roy looked up at Wonder Woman who was smiling. He felt just a little closer to this kind hero now, and just a little more relaxed.
Meanwhile in the room, Batman had just used sign-language to tell Nightwing the news.
"Barry was worried this might have happened, but you seem to be temporarily deaf." Batman signed. Nightwing shoved Batman away.
"What! How can you be so relaxed? How do we know this is 'temporary'? This CAN'T be right." Nightwing actually yelled. Arsenal and Wonder Woman popped their heads in. Nightwing quickly grabbed some sunglasses and plopped them on his face.
"You shouldn't do that, the burns on your face need to heal." Batman signed. Nightwing gave a very good version of the bat-glare.
"I can't live with this!" Nightwing said. Already you could hear the sloppiness of the words. Nightwing seemed to know his words were poorly enunciated. He grit his teeth together and jumped out of the bed.
"Can you get me other clothes?" signed the young heroes angrily. Batman left, Wonder Woman and Arsenal followed. Batman gave Nightwing a cotton red shirt and black sweats. Nightwing changed quickly and headed off to the gym. Batman followed him. JL-ers didn't bother them. Everyone had been told. No one could help but glance over. No one had ever seen Nightwing really mad.
When Nightwing made it to the gym he went to the parallel bars that had been recently added. As Nightwing did a simple routine, Batman watched to make sure that he didn't over-do himself after just waking. Nightwing only worked for half and hour. Nightwing dropped to his knees, shaking with rage and the weakness of his tired, unused muscles. Batman went up to him and put a reassuring hand on his son's shoulders. Nightwing rapidly stood up and quickly walked out of the gym.
This time everyone stared as Batman stopped Nightwing and signed him something. They were shocked when Nightwing flipped off Batman. Batman frowned. Nightwing huffed, tilted his head and leaned back a bit. Batman signed something and Nightwing rolled his head slightly and signed something back. Everyone watched, their heads going back and forth like watching a tennis match. No one really knew what was being said. Finally Nightwing threw up his hands and turned around back to the medical wing. Batman sighed and seemed to deflate a bit. After a second he started to sign something else, but stopped and started again, this time speaking so everyone could understand him.
"Nightwing is temporarily deaf; make sure he doesn't leave the tower." With that Batman turned and followed Nightwing down the medical hallway. In two days, the Leaguers would successfully fail at keeping Nightwing in the Watchtower.
Dick Grayson stood at his parent's grave, letting his whole being wallow in anger and frustration. He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see Bruce.
"I'm not mad at you, but more impressed that even without hearing you snuck out of the Watchtower." Bruce signed. Dick smiled slightly.
"Wasn't hard. I just walked out during dinner." Bruce smiled.
"How did you know I was here?" Dick asked.
"I know you, son." Bruce signed. Dick looked right into Bruce's eyes and smiled.
"Should have guessed. Dad." Bruce smiled. Neither noticed the red archer in the tree. After a few more minutes, with some laughing and lots of signing, the two walked away. Roy Harper the original jumped out of the tree.
"Wonder Woman, why did I have to hide in the tree and take the pictures?" he asked as Wonder Woman, Superman, Flash, Green Arrow, The Hawk couple, and J'hn appeared.
"Well, you said you wanted a dangerous job." Ollie said. Roy glared at him and handed them the camera.
"What ever."
"I'll take that." Bruce said, appearing out of no where and taking the camera."
"Bruce!" Diana was glad everyone was in their civies. She saw Dick laughing just outside the group.
"Hmm, if heroing doesn't work you can always join the paparazzi." Bruce said to Roy. Roy's face was red.
"See you all at working tomorrow." Bruce said after deleting the pictures and giving Roy the camera. Once again Dick and Bruce walked away, leaving the group of Leaguers with their mouths dropped.
"My hearing returned pretty quickly didn't it?" Dick said.
"Yeah, it was fun seeing their plan ruined." Bruce said. "Glad you over heard them today.
"Yup. Now, how do we explain the manor to Alfred?"