Chapter 1

"Keep that pretty little head down, Gould!" Bond called to me over noise of the gunfire.
"Oh please," I said, aiming a shot at one of the guards and he fell to the ground, into the guard behind him who fell backwards off of the balustrade.
Bond gave me an approving glance, eyebrows raised, and muttered, "Fair enough."
I checked to see that all the guards were down and sprinted across the landing, flipped over the banister and landed on the stairs below and ran down them, not hesitating.
"Show off!" James called down after me as he did the same, running after me down the stairs. We stood side by side at the bottom of the stairs, guns out, looking around. Everything was quiet but then I heard something thrown into the room near to us and then there came a beeping noise.
"Shit," I muttered under my breath. James heard me and grinned, "We better be going then."
I nodded, "I suppose."
As one, we turned and ran towards the window. James smashed it with his fist and I jumped through first then he followed. As we fell to the ground, the grenade exploded inside the house and some debris flew out of the window. I landed on the ground, making my legs embrace the impact, managing to stay upright. Hearing James land next to me, I straightened up, brushing some dust off of my shoulder, and then round and spotting some more guards running for us.
"Let's get out of here, the jet's waiting for us on the other side of those woods." James said, after taking his hand away from his earpiece.
I nodded and we ran into the forest, shooting the guards down as we ran. I flipped over a large tree root as a loud explosion came from behind us and the trees around us were illuminated momentarily. I looked over my shoulder and saw the remaining three guards fall to the ground. James and I reached the edge of the forest and sure enough, there was the jet with Nick standing at the door, waiting for us. We ran over and jumped into jet. Nick jumped in after us and we took off, soaring away above the trees.
Once I'd got my breath back, I nudged James and he smiled, "Alright there Amy?"
I grinned, "Yep. Thinking how I'm going to upstage you next."
James dived on me and started to tickle me.
"No!" I gasped in between fits of hysterical giggles. "My one weakness!"
"Agents!" a voice barked.
We jumped and sat up, James fixing his tie awkwardly.
M was standing there.
I cleared my throat, "Hello ma'am."
She nodded, "Nice of you to join us 009, 007."
James coughed hastily, and I knew he was hiding a laugh. I bit my lip, holding back a grin that was threatening to spread over my face.

One boring lecture from M later, she finally congratulated us on completing our mission.
I turned to James, "So what now?"
"We've got some down time in Marseilles and then back to base."
I grinned, "Down time? Sounds fun."
James chuckled and shook his head at me.
I got changed out of my dusty, blood stained clothes, into a short black dress and black heels.