Chapter 4: Remembering

Hey everyone! I hope you guys like this. This is the last chapter! I know this is a short story. There will be more to come though! I do not own House of Anubis or Hurricane Sandy.

Nina's POV:

We went to bed and then I woke up shortly after. I remembered everything. I got hit in the head by Rufus and I couldn't remember anything. No I remember everything. I get up and walk to my closet and I look to see Amber still sleeping. I decided to change here. I got dressed and put my pajama's in my hamper. I looked at the clock and it was 9am. Wow. I overslept as did Amber. I go over to Amber and gently shake her. She jumped up and took off her pink night mask. The storm has ended finally.

"Amber. Its 9o'clock." I stated. She hopped out of bed. She went over to her closet and changed. She took did her makeup.

"Did you get your memory back?" she asked. I chuckled that she actually remembered.

"Yes." I said.

"How do I know?" she questioned facing me now.

"I am Nina Marie Martin and I am from America. I am the chosen one and am dating Fabian Rutter. Rufus Zeno is the one who made me lose my memory." I answered. She then opened our door and dragged me out of the room. She opened the second door that leads to the staircase and we went downstairs. Everyone was eating breakfast.

"Finally you guys are up." Patricia said.

"Never mind that. Nina got her memory back!" she squealed. Everyone clapped and Fabian jumped up and kissed me passionately. We broke apart.

"Wait are you sure?" Fabian asked.

"Yes. I am Nina Marie Martin and I am from America. My parents died in a car crash and I live with my gran. I lost my memory by a guy named Rufus hitting me over the head with a brick." I explained. Everyone squealed. Fabian twirled me around and I was back to standing normally.

"This defiantly calls for a celebration! I will make cinnamon buns!" she exclaimed and went into the kitchen. Amber and I sat down and Trudy came back in a half hour with the cinnamon buns. We ate them .

"Trudy I need the recipe." I exclaimed. She laughed

"I will get it for you." she stated and went to get the recipe. She brought it back and Patricia laughed.

"What?" I asked with a smile.

"Suck-up." she replied. I laughed.

"I am not. I love cinnamon buns! They are one of my favorite desserts!" I exclaimed. We all laughed. The rest of the day went by quick. We had a fun day!

That's it! I hope you like it. Please read my other stories and leave a review! Also leave a review on how you liked this story! Thanks!
