Okay, ummm. Thank you for reading this fic and for those of you who have reviewed I love you! I am going to respond to a review that there was too much fluff in this fic. I apologize and this next chapter will most definitely NOT be fluffy. In fact, some of you may cry (okay I take that back, I am not that good an author) BUT this chapter does contain mentions of severe child abuse and rape.

REVIEW please. Oh and how was you people's Thanksgivings? If you celebrate that holiday of course.

Chapter 4

Dumbledore, Narcissa and Lucius had stayed up most of that night discussing what was going to happen to Harry and how they should go about helping him.

"That poor boy has been through so much already, how can we fix him emotionally?" Narcissa lamented

Dumbledore pondered that before his eyes lit up with their usual twinkle and he said "We will need to get him a mind healer and a normal healer so we can heal his physical and emotional body, then give him love and a family. Harry needs to know that we will always protect him and try to keep him from harm. In time, a warm family environment will help him open up and I am sure that with young Mr. Draco, Harry should be feeling happy in no time."

They all looked at each other before Lucius stood to go fire-call his personal healer. The man walked through the fire place and Dumbledore gasped.

"Sirius Black?" he burst out shocked "The serial killer? How did you get out of Azkaban prison?"

"Lucius has his connections and when he heard that I was one of the best healers who received an Order of Merlin during the war he decided that he would use his connections to get me a real trial and they found me not guilty after I took veritaserum."

Lucius looked down at his lap and said sadly "Sirius, I have a young boy in my home that is in desperate need of medical attention. You see, he has been beaten and had innumerable bad things happen to him; we need you to record his injuries and heal them. This case will be very difficult for your because he is the son of James and Lily."

"Harry? My godson? Was being abused? By who, god damnit! I'll kill whoever thought it would be a good idea to lay their hands on that precious child."

A small whimper could be heard from the entrance to the living room. They turned to see the origin for the pitiful noise and were shocked when they saw Harry standing before them cowering in the corner.

Narcissa walked slowly towards the frightened young boy and talked quietly in a soft voice "Harry dear, we don't want to hurt you. Sirius was just sad that he couldn't protect you from those bad muggles you lived with. We promise we won't ever hurt you." And with that she gathered up the scared boy in her arms and proceeded to rock him back and forth until he was lulled to sleep.

"Sirius" Narcissa looked pleadingly at her cousin and said "Please, heal him."

"Of course! You do not even have to ask." Sirius stated with a grim look in his eyes

He gingerly picked the boy up out of Narcissa's arms; the boy stirred and shifted in his sleep but didn't move. Sirius removed Harry's shirt and gasped at what he unveiled. Dumbledore, Narcissa and Lucius crowded into look at the boy's chest and Narcissa fainted. Harry's torso was littered with old and new scars, there even appeared to be long thin welts almost as though Harry was whipped over and over again.

Sirius took out a muggle camera and when the others looked at him, he said "It's good for cataloging injuries so we can put those Dursleys away for life."

He snapped picture after picture of Harry's severely mutilated chest and waved his wand over it. All of the superficial wounds were healed, but the deeper injuries were still open and some were oozing a strange pus like substance.

"I need an antibiotic and nutrition potion." He said quietly his voice shaking with rage over the condition of this poor boy.

Lucius who was busy tending to his still unconscious wife swept over to the potion cabinet and removed two thick looking potions which he then handed to Sirius. The normally stoic man was looking unusually overwhelmed with emotions, while Dumbledore was just standing silently weeping. Sirius fed the antibiotic potion to Harry first and you could see a noticeable difference in seconds after it was administered. The medi-wizard waved his wand over Harry and a 3D image of Harry popped up complete with the color red over the spots most hurt.

Sirius gasped and stepped back tears in his eyes and whispered "No, not Harry. Please dear God not my boy."

"What? What is it?!" Lucius yelled hoarsely

All Sirius could do was point to a spot on Harry's body that was quite red.

"He was raped?!" Lucius asked shocked

Sirius could only nod dumbly and collapsed on the love seat next to Harry.

Suddenly his eyes burnt with a strange gleam and he stood with his wand clutched so hard in his hand that it was quivering.

"No one will ever touch him that way again." He muttered looking half-crazed with the thought that someone would ever do that to his godson. Lucius rushed to the shaking animagus and gripped his shoulders forcing him to look at Lucius.

"No they won't" Lucius reassured "Not just because Harry has Draco, but because none of us in this room will allow it. We do not want Harry to ever be hurt like this again."

"Thank you sir" a small voice piped up from behind them "I feel safer with you guys than with my own flesh and blood."

Both men turned around shocked to see Harry sitting up gingerly trying to not put much weight on his butt. Draco had managed to sneak into the room undetected during their conversation and was snuggled up next to Harry stroking the brunette's hair as though to verify the boy was still there.