A/N: Hello everyone, just a few quick things.

I'm ball-parking physical description in regards to age.

And I'm ball-parking in the time in which things are set.



The sleek grey Audi hummed as Ryan Samuel Potter drove towards the Leaky Cauldron. He was so happy that he had finally gotten leave to go home and visit his family again. Work abroad had been difficult, to say the least.

Ryan's occupation is a CIA Special Activities Division, liaison officer with the magical world. The path to how he got into the CIA, now that was a bit more difficult to explain. But it could be summed up into this; Ryan attended an Australian Grammar School, and was home-schooled in magic by his Aunt Hermione. After graduating, Ryan had applied for ASIO, as he realised he wanted to be as far away from the British Wizarding World as much as possible. From ASIO, he was given the opportunity to be transferred into the CIA as a liaison between the two respective nations. But by some unknown method (which was actually expected), the CIA and ASIO had learnt of Ryan's hidden talents, and unveiled a new world for him to see.

That unseen world, was absolutely breathtaking. Every mythical creature or being that had been mentioned in old literature existed or had existed in this world. Ryan had spent months in China with the monks and the High Elves of Europe, perfecting the arts of wandless magic and studying the powers that lay beyond the infinite universe.

The Wizarding world foolishly thought that itself invisible. They were so wrong, the powers of the world carefully monitored each magical society, and the one that presented the greatest threat had been and still is, the British Wizarding World.

Even after the defeat of Voldemort at the hands of Harry Potter, Britain still remained bigoted and remained in the firm grip of purebloods. That being said, most muggleborn find it difficult to find a life after Hogwarts and have to reintegrate themselves into muggle society, probably why Aunt Hermione and Harry insisted that Ryan be sent to an institution far away from fame and bigotry.

Oddly enough, Ryan's mother, Ginerva Potter nee Weasley, seemed to thrive in the spotlight. How dad fell for mum, I'll never know, the youngest Potter child thought. Out of all his siblings, he never had the best of relations with his mother, and for that fact, he was more distant to the rest of his family.

But Harry, he loved Ryan with all his heart. Ryan was practically the spitting image of his father, except he was taller (having received the correct nourishment from Grandma Molly), his face was slightly slimmer, he didn't wear glasses, his eyes were blue and his hair was neatly cut. By all definitions, he was considered to be a strikingly attractive man. He didn't have the looks that would make a woman drool on the spot, but he did have the looks to linger in plenty of people's minds for a very long time.

Pulling up the car into a CIA facility, Ryan turned off the engine and decided to walk on foot the rest of the way to the Leaky Cauldron. The two locations were quite close to one another, the reason being plainly obvious to see. Inside the CIA owned building, would be a team of muggleborn and squib Tier One operators, to act as a contingency unit against any outbreak at the gatehouse of the two worlds.

From a distance equally far away, were the British Secret Service and their cadre of Elite. The Crown in particular wanted to make sure that should the Wizarding wold become a threat, it could be neutralised quickly and efficiently. Everyone who worked behind the scenes knew how close a total war was.

Ryan's black conservative suit, fluttered against the English winter winds, forcing him to button up the jacket in order to conceal his customised M57 SOCOM sidearm.

Walking along the road, and moving through the crowds at lunchbreak, Ryan had time to reflect on his career. For any wide-eyed child, they would have no idea what being a spy would truly be like. It was not like James Bond, where one could go around tearing up the place. Being a spy, or to be more accurate, an asset, required skill, efficiency and subtlety. But importantly, recognition was only within the organisation.

Walking through the doors of the Leaky Cauldron, Ryan's polished dress shoes clicked as he stepped across the tiled floor. Neville and Hannah really had cleaned up the place and turned it into something with more class.

"Hello Ryan," Hannah greeted with a smile, "I haven't seen you in a long time."

"Mrs Longbottom," Ryan said with a soft smile, "a pleasure to see you again."

"Looking sharp as always, how have you been?"

"I've been better," Ryan answered cryptically. Knowing that there would be gossipers in the bar, the young man preferred not to have his life published on the next edition.

The dark haired man continued to talk with Hannah for another few minutes before making his way into the crowded streets of Diagon Alley.

Ryan's attire made him immediately standout in the crowd. He looked avant-garde in this world, and many were throwing him looks because of it.

"That man dresses like a muggle," a woman said with contempt.

"Quiet! He's Ryan Potter," said another, clearly on Ryan's side.

"His father must be so ashamed of him."

"What in Merlin's name is wrong with you?"

Stay calm, Ryan thought, they don't know any better.

Without a moment's notice, Camera flashes flooded the streets… the paparazzi was here.

I'm rarely in the country, and I'm still a bloody star… brilliant!

"Mr Potter, how do you feel about your sister being engaged to Lucilia Malfoy?"

Lily is engaged? To a Malfoy? And she's… a lesbian? Did not see that one coming. Wonder what Draco's stance is in all of this is.

Realising that the British Wizarding World is extremely bigoted and discriminative, Ryan decided to save his sister, instead of telling them that the truth, that he had no idea she was engaged.

"My opinion does not matter," Ryan began, "whoever my sister finds happiness and love in, I will support her."

"But it's unnatural!" Cried a few people.

"Does it harm you? Does it inhibit your free will?" Ryan asked.

A few people murmured "no."

"Then you have your answer."

"Where have you been Mr Potter?" asked a reporter from Teen Witch Weekly. "Your mother says that you're rarely in Britain, and you have distaste for the Wizarding World."

I haven't even taken five steps and I'm already hounded by controversy. I'm so going to kill mum when I get home.

"I will say this plainly," Ryan projected his voice into the crowd, "the Wizarding World of Britain is very far behind the rest of the world, in terms of cultural and scientific evolution. The fact that it's very difficult to find some privacy adds more insult."

Apparently the people surrounding him had failed to take the message. So Ryan just decided to leave and disappear into Gringotts.

Truth be told, Ryan never liked Diagon Alley, it looked so run down, the lack of order and symmetry seemed to only further imply that. He quickly tended to some bank transactions before Apparating to The Burrow.

Mum and dad are giving these people way too much money, Ryan thought. The Burrow was nothing short of a manor, equipped with its own Qudditch pitch and English Gardens.

Ryan didn't care all that much with what his parents did with their wealth, according to Wizarding Law; he would never get full access of the family vaults because the chances of him becoming Head of House would be extremely slim.

A car backfiring sound came from behind Ryan indicated that another had Apparated to The Burrow.

"Ryan!" Hermione beamed, "It's so good to see you. I haven't seen you in years! You're so grown up now!"

"Aunty!" Ryan cried happily, before pulling his father's best friend into a hug. He always viewed Hermione as more of a mother figure than Ginny, and that was saying something. What was more stunning was that the once bushy haired witch still looked no older than twenty-five. Hell, Ryan looked older than his own Aunty who was almost twice his age. The youngest Potter guessed that it had to do with the older generation's magic and relatively stress free lives that allowed them to look so youthful.

She still had looks that women would literally kill to have. Last Ryan heard, Hermione was on the Witches' Day magazine list of best women of the ages.

"How are you Ryan?"

"I've been better."

"Tired?" Hermione's tone of voice seemed to reveal that she knew a lot more about Ryan than he thought she did.

"A bit," Ryan shrugged.

"Should we go inside?"

"Not yet, I want to ask you a few questions," Ryan said, gesturing to a redwood bench, perched in front of the frozen lake.

"Okay, but let's be quick, I'm getting cold."

Hermione plopped herself onto the bench, while Ryan eased himself down, and let out a small sigh. It was a sure sign of his weariness.

"Ryan, what's wrong?" Hermione asked softly.

The young Potter pulled the gloves of his hand, and gently created a Patronus charm without uttering a single word. His creation was a thick mist with radiant tendrils that looked like electricity. The soft glow it cast gave warm to the area, melting away the snow and bringing in spring into the small patch of grass.

"Where'd you learn that?"

"My travels, but to answer your first question, everything is wrong."

"Why do you say that?"

"I can't thank you enough for sending me to Australia."

"Your father did, not me."

"You convinced him," Ryan paused. "Mum has been sending me owls, telling me to come home and find a wife."

"Your mother can be a bit difficult at times," Hermione said, treading carefully, "but she only wants what's best for you."

"Want what's best for me," Ryan muttered. "Can I ask you a question?"


"What happened between you and Uncle Ron?"

Hermione smiled sadly. "It just didn't work out between us. We tried to, but it just didn't work. One day I came home from work, and I saw that Lavender was in our apartment. I wasn't angry at him or anything. We'd been estranged for a long time before that."

"Did you ever want to have a family?"

"I have one right now," Hermione smiled, "that's why I'm here."

"My brothers and sisters are nice people, but James and Lily, they are a bit haughty," Ryan said, "I think they got it from mum."

"You never really connected with your siblings, did you?" Hermione asked.

Ryan nodded. "I was only close with dad, but sometimes, I think everything could have been so much different."

"What do you mean?" Hermione whispered, placing her slender hand on Ryan's arm.

"Do you love my father?" Ryan gazed at her, begging her to tell the truth. He had his father's uncanny ability to bend anyone to their will, with only a single gaze. Albeit, this time, Ryan's eyes were filled with pain.

"Yes, I love your father," Hermione said without hesitation.

"Then why didn't you two be together? You have so much in common, and you're best friends. The perfect mix for a long standing relationship. Dad and mum's relationship seems to be based purely on lust and Qudditch." Ryan said with a pained voice. "What makes it worse is that mum, looks a lot like the first Lily."

Tears welled up in Hermione's eyes. "I thought he would never want someone like me."

"You know you're wrong."

"Your father told me that last year," Hermione said, her message laced with an underlying message.

"Well, I'm happy that it happened," Ryan smiled. "Can I ask you another question?"

"Since we're spilling our hearts out, might as well," Hermione said, trying to lighten the mood.

"Do you love me as a son?"

"Yes," Hermione hugged him immediately.

"You don't know how much that means to me," Ryan whispered.

"I know that there's a lot more bothering you, spill," Hermione said in her slightly bossy tone.

Ryan quickly thought if it was wise to tell Hermione everything. Well aside from his closest friends from school, his psychiatrist and father, Hermione was the only available confidant.

"You know how I'm a liaison?"

Hermione nodded.

"Well, my travels were actually a part of an extensive training program. I visited every magical culture on the planet, and learned what they had to offer. I travelled to the forests of Germany, where I met the High Elves; they took me to the islands in the pacific where they trained me. The concept of time at Minas Illien is so different to ours. What felt like years of studying, was only a few seconds. The same could be said for the Shaolin Monks in China. I practiced their arts until I fully mastered it, and returned to this world a few moments later."

"Go on," Hermione urged.

"When I returned, I was posted for deployment. I've seen things, done things that would make the Death Eaters look like street punks."

"Whatever you did, you didn't have a choice," Hermione reassured. It brought a small measure of comfort to Ryan, though it was still very little.

"I don't know, but it got me thinking."

"Thinking abot what?" Hermione asked.

"I'm running around, 'saving' the world. But I can't improve the world that my family lives in," Ryan answered solemnly. "Lily didn't tell me that she was engaged. And I just found out that I have a nephew who is only a few weeks old."

Hermione breathed out softly, she understood the pain and anguish that Ryan was feeling. She knew that feeling all too well. Isolation and alienation.

"I feel like I don't really belong anywhere, except when I'm out in the field."

"You have a home here, with me, your father and the rest of your family," Hermione consoled, bringing in Ryan for another hug.

"Do I really have a family?" Ryan asked rhetorically, "Do I really belong? Do you know how hard it is, trying to settle into a normal life?"

"Ryan, you know that a normal life was never meant for us," Hermione said, "but we make do."

"Look, aunty, when I go home, it kills me a little inside to see that I will never experience the same joys and happiness that everyone else experiences."

"What do you mean Ryan? You're scaring me," Hermione whispered.

"I've destroyed so many families, killed hostages to stop the enemy," Ryan answered, "I'm not like dad. Dad fights against the odds and still remains an exemplar. I've journeyed into the darkness, and now the light is blinding. It's just it feels like I'll never see retirement, that I'll never belong in some place safe."

"You will."

"Do you know why we are afraid of the dark?"

"A primal sense, because we don't know what lurks in it," Hermione answered.

"Exactly. I was afraid of the dark once. But I stayed in it, thrived in it. In time, I could see everything. In time, I was no longer I was afraid of the dark. Why? Because I am the predator that lurks in the dark, now. It doesn't help that the British Wizarding World is still so far behind. Every time I return, it doesn't help that I'm hounded by reporters, waiting to get some controversy going. I absolutely hate subjectivity."

"It is a blind world we live in," Hermione agreed.

"I had no delusions that I would be like James Bond when I signed up. How could you court a woman or sleep at all, after all you've been through?"

"You have no desire to just give in to your primal instincts?" Hermione asked, "or to find a family?"

"They drill it out of you," Ryan answered.

"Why don't you just leave?"

"It's not that easy," Ryan said, "a world like this, it haunts you. Leaving doesn't help. Not when you in this deep."

"So why did you join? You never gave me the full story," Hermione said. She never knew this much about Ryan before.

"Career choice at first. The job description sounded perfect. I get to be in both worlds."

"But nothing is perfect."

"Precisely, first I was a liaison, now I'm an asset."

It didn't take a genius to figure out what the difference between the two was. One a link, the other a killer.

"It's difficult to come back home, feeling so different, and finding out that everyone has moved on," Ryan finished.

"I know there is no easy solution to all of it. But believe me when I say you're doing good work. I'm proud of you, and your father is too."

"Thank you, that means a lot," Ryan said, pulling himself off the bench. Hermione stood as well, and gave him a quick hug.

"Come on, they'll be wondering why we took so long."

"Aunty, I would appreciate it if you told no one about this."

"Sure, it'll be between just you and me."

As they got closer to the door, Ryan noticed that something was wrong. By now, one of the Weasleys would've opened the door and greeted him.

"Is there something wrong?" Hermione asked, noticing Ryan's shift in body language.

"Something is not right," Ryan whispered.

"I'm pretty sure they're out in the back," Hermione reassured.

"Okay," Ryan frowned, his instincts literally roared at him to pull out his sidearm.

Hermione walked up to the door and knocked, but no answer came. She knocked again, but still no reply.

Ryan knew that his father would've placed powerful protection wards and charms on the estate. Simply unlocking the door with magic wouldn't work. Thankfully, there were more conventional methods at Ryan's disposal.

"Move aside aunty."

"Ryan, I'm sure…"

"No one has answered," Ryan interrupted, "something is wrong."

Agreeing with his analysis, Hermione decided to draw her wand.

The High Elves had taught Ryan how to combine magic, with ballistics. Using this knowledge, Ryan pulled out his M57 and aimed it at the door. A quick burst was sufficient, the pistol coughed silently as specialised munitions tore through the enchanted door. Brushing aside the splinters, Ryan eased the door open, and entered the mansion.

He was welcomed be the redwood themed home, but everything was still.

"Stay close to me," Ryan said as training kicked in, "if anything happens, go get help."

Hermione nodded. "It seems everyone in the portraits ran."

With his gun levelled, Ryan slowly moved across the large foyer and into a corridor leading towards the back.

"I hear something," Hermione whispered.

Ryan heard it too. It sound like someone was thrashing about in pain, ripping the surroundings apart.

"It's coming from the lounge," Ryan said.

Since Hermione was in a senior position at the DMLE, it meant that she was an excellent duellist and absolutely no pushover. In Ryan's eyes, she would be helpful and not a liability.

The sound seem to grow louder, Ryan could hear the pots and vase crash onto the ground, while the furniture shattered. He could hear the muffled cries now. It sounded like Lily.

Upon reaching the closed door to the lounge, Ryan and Hermione stacked up on the right-side.

"Might be a good idea to call for back up," Ryan suggested.

"Already have, the Aurors are busy, but they'll be here soon."

"Not soon enough."

Sidearm in his gloved right hand, Ryan placed his left onto the door, willed a spell and felt it shatter, showering the room with splinters. He quickly entered the lounge and swept the area, a perfect textbook execution. To the right side of the room, was his family. Ginny was out cold, the rest of the Weasley clan and the Potters were incapacitated but conscious. They were all cowering in fear or watching Ryan in a stunned expression.

Before Ryan could say anything, he felt something hurl him across the room. A dull pain coursed through his body as he slammed into the wall and crash onto the timber floor. Ryan heard Hermione cast an array of spells as she fought against the assailant.

"Harry! What are you doing?" Hermione cried.

Upon hearing Hermione shouting, Ryan pulled himself up and peered over the couch. The sight he saw, shocked him to his very core. There in the centre of the room was Harry and Hermione having the most viscous duel he had ever seen.

Ryan's mind ran through numerous scenarios. He ruled out affair because everything that had transpired so far was far to elaborate for that. That left bewitched or something similar, left.

Quickly, Ryan casted a few disarming and binding spells. But Harry was faster, and swatted aside the attack.

That's not going to work, Ryan thought. He levelled his sidearm at his father, aimed for a non-lethal shot, and fired. Harry seemed to smirk as the bullet stopped in mid-air, before clattering onto the floor harmlessly.

Onto plan c.

Ryan holstered his pistol, ran across the room, and lunged at his father. Harry was unprepared for this course of action, and was sent crashing into the coffee table. The two proceeded to fight in a savage melee battle, using their surroundings to gain the upper hand. Hermione could only watch helplessly as the two most important men in her life fight with everything they had.

Harry grabbed a leg of the coffee table, and smashed it across Ryan's face, splitting the skin on his right cheek. Dazed, Ryan slackened his guard, allowing Harry to easily kick his son aside.

Ryan recovered, and struck at Harry with two punches and a side kick. Harry stumbled back, providing Ryan with a much needed opening. He casted a body binding spell, but swore when he realised that his father had countermeasures.

Resorting to the pistol again, Ryan aimed for another non-lethal shot. But Harry moved along a different path to what Ryan had predicted. It was too late now; the youngest Potter had squeezed the trigger.

With a wand, Harry would've had the shield charms powerful enough to stop a bullet. Without the wand, he was helpless to stop the bullet.

Ryan could watch in horror as his father's head bucked back under the impact, and the body careen lifeless onto the timber.

A deathly silence gripped everyone in the room.

"I-I killed him," Ryan stammered, he collapsed onto the timber, still looking at his father.

"Oh god, Ryan." Hermione was the first to move. She quickly wrapped her arms around Ryan and attempted to comfort the shell-shocked man.

"I killed him," Ryan repeated.


A/N: Well that's all for now.

Please review