Chapter Eighteen: April Showers brings May Flowers.

It's been one month since the fight with Blueblood. Celestia has been sending me letters saying that Blueblood still hasn't finished his punishment causing me to wonder how many victims his group as targeted. Unfortunately word got out about the EPA being disbanded thus causing the media to find the reason why and they found it by none other than a former EPA member. The guy went off saying how I brutally attacked Double Slice and killed Blueblood then brought him back to life. The media could believe the whole 'attacking' part of the story but killing Blueblood was something else. I got questioned about the whole thing to see if it was true, naturally I told them the truth… well half-truth that is but I digress. After hearing Rainbow Dash say 'Heat Season' I decide to do some research well… the only thing I could say is that, heat ties into the whole life and rejuvenation part of spring. I first started to panic after all I am seventeen years old but when the days went along I felt… alright about it then again back on Earth I was a furry.

It was now the first week of May but I could tell something was off. "Why is it so hot today?" I asked myself out loud as if the answer would come to me. I decided to not wear a sweater because of how hot it was; I instead opted to wear a light blue, short sleeve shirt from A&E but for pants I went with standard blue jeans. "All done with getting ready for the day let's see what we can do." I thought for a moment to see what I could do until I heard my door opening, naturally I turned around to see who it was and I saw Trixie at my door but something was off with her. "Hey Trixie, how did you sleep?" I asked her.

"Oh, I slept well but it would've been better if you were with me." She said in a seductive tone but at first I was oblivious to it.

"O-okay… Trixie are you feeling alright and why are you giving me that look?" She had her eyes half closed and had a really seductive smile on.

"I'm alright but I feel really hot right now and the only one who can help me is you." Then it hit me, like a ton of rocks. The smile, the eyes, the whole everything; It was heat season.

"Oh look at the time I gotta go and do the thing at the place… yeah." I tried to run but I was stopped by magic.

"Ah don't leave. I promise it'll be fun!" She said, you could hear the real reason why she didn't want me to leave.

'Shit man, I gotta get out of here but how… wait I can just shadow step out of this.' I concentrated on the shadows around me and brought them to me, the next thing I knew was I didn't feel the tingly feeling I get when I'm surrounded by magic. "That was too close." I said quietly. I knew this was a bad move on my part but I decided to go into town. The town reminded me of that one movie called '28 Days Later' because there was nopony outside and just to add how desalinate it was a tumbleweed tumbled through my line of sight. "Funny, I thought that only happened in movies and cartoons?" I kept on walking into town and the deeper I went, the creepier it got, not one sound was heard and the wind was blowing ominously that was until a stallion broke out of a window with five or six mares chasing him down.

"Somepony help me!" the stallion called out for help but all of that was in vain because a Pegasus mare swooped in and carried him back inside the house. I was stunned by what just happened, not only did that stallion jump out a window, he had about five or so mares after him but the thing that took the cake was the looks they had… by god the looks, all heat crazed almost like they were enjoying his failed attempt to run.

"Look girls, the human came out to play." A mare said behind me.

"Your right Rose, I just hope he last longer than the others did." Another mare said; she too was behind me.

"Let's find out." That was what Rose said before I felt weight on my back.

"Holy shit." Was the only thing I said before I fell on to the ground, the two mares started to drag me to a house, with flower beds outside of it. "Girls, girls, let's be reasonable here?"

"Reasonable about what, were in heat and it's your job to help us." Well there goes talking my way out.

"Don't worry Solaris I got you!" I heard a voice above me; I look up and see Rainbow Dash flying at me.

'Thank you Dashie.' I mentally said. Rainbow swooped in and kicked the two mares off of me. I was about to thank Dash for saving me but then I figured out here true motives for saving me.

"He's all mine you sluts!" Dash said to the pair of knocked out mares. I felt myself shiver a bit because Rainbow was under the effects of heat. I slowly started to walk away from Dashie but I stepped on a twig causing it to brake and I swear that the sound it made when it snapped was louder need it needed to be. Rainbow turned around and saw me trying to walk away from her. "Oh no you don't, your coming with me to help me and the rest of your marefriends."

"I would love to but I got… something to do, at that one place." She slowly started to hover up to me and I started to retreat a bit but I was stopped by a tree.

"Don't make me get AJ out here!" She said with a seductive tone.

"I love you girls but I got to run." I jumped up to one of the branches of the tree and I jumped off it to get more space from Rainbow Dash.

"Get back here and help us!" Rainbow yelled out before giving chase.

I don't know why but the song for the Mach speed section of Wave Ocean came into my mind. Unlike the terrible controls for it, I could move left right, jump and move at the same time and stop when I need to. 'Why couldn't they do 06 like this… wait SEGA rushed Sonic team and almost killed them.' I wasn't paying enough attention because I was about to hit a wall head on. "Ah that's smarts." I said rubbing my head.

"Look girls it's the human." I heard somepony say behind me but what I didn't like about this was that I could hear several mares chanting, 'get the stallion.' I was too afraid to look but curiosity got the better of me.

"Holy Mother of God!" I yelled out, I usually wouldn't mind having two or three mares chase me down but not a fucking army. I slowly got back up and started to look for a route to exit but no such luck because not only was I surrounded on the ground, I was also surrounded in the air was well.

"How long do you think he can last?" One of the mares said in the group.

"I don't know but it looks like where going to find out." Another one said.

"Can we talk about this?" I don't know why I keep trying that line because the answer well always be, no or…

"We can talk when you're helping us." Or that.

'Shit I got to think of a way out but what… I got it, I could try vile of mist but it's cutting it a bit short but anything is good right now.' Using my Celestial Brush powers I drew four dots in the air.

"What's he…" The rest of that sentence was cut off but the time stopping abilities of Mist went into effect.

"Thank you Vile of Mist." I ran at top speed hoping to put enough distends from me and the whole female population of Ponyville but luck wasn't on my side still because I got spotted as soon as Mist was finished.

"He's getting away!" A Pegasus mare said. I got a better look at her and to my surprise I got spotted by Ditzy Doo.

"Shit!" I started to run even faster but instead opted to jump from roof to roof, leaving me open to one kind of race of pony instead of three. Get up to the roof was going to be risky because I need a dead end to climb, not only was it easier but it was a lot faster as well. I turned right and found myself at a dead end ally way.

"We have him now girls." A light pink pony with a light blue mane said.

"Sorry girls but I'm not trapped just yet." I ran up the right wall and once I started to lose momentum, I jumped to the left wall. I only needed to do it twice because the houses of Ponyville are smaller than the ones on Earth. "See yea!" I said before jumping to the next roof top.

"Get him!" A Pegasus mare yelled and causing all the Pegasi to give chase.

"Why do I feel like I'm in a bad Anime right now?" I said out loud but I knew I need to find a way to lose these mares for good. "Ah an open window, that'll work." I saw an open window a good twenty feet ahead of me and I didn't need an invitation to use that to get away from these mares. I was coming up to the window in question and I could feel time slowing down, as if I was in bullet time. I dauphine dived through the window and landed with a grunt. "That was too close." I said as I got back up but something was off once again about this room I was in.

"Hi Solaris." I heard a voice say in front of me, it took a while for my eyes to adjust to the lighting change but when they adjusted I saw Pinkie Pie on her bed with… Socks on. "You're just in time, Solaris. I needed somepony for this gag." I felt my blood go cold when Pinkie pulled out a red ball from her back.

"Great Pinkie Pie during heat is now Kinkie Pie." From one bad situation to another, what are the odds of that happening?

"Please Solaris, I need your help. This heat is unbearable." Pinkie Pie was now on her knees beg me to help her.

"Sorry Pinkie but I can't help you." I started to backing away from her.

"Why can't you… I thought you liked me and the rest of my friends." Now she was on the verge of crying.

"No it's not like that Pinkie-" I couldn't finish because Pinkie interrupted me.

"Or is it because you're a Colt Cuddler !" Pinkie said in a fit of anger.

"W-what?! Hell no! I don't roll that way!" I was completely caught off guard on that question.

"Then why won't you help me." She said, her eyes were getting all watery.

"Because I'm still a teen and I don't want to make a connection with any of you too strong when I have to leave!" I yelled at her but soon covered my mouth because I might have let out what will happen in the future.

"W-what?" I panicked and Shadow Stepped out of Pinkie's house and into the apple felid I first came into.

"Why am I having so many close calls today?" I said out loud while looking up at the sky, "Why me? Why does it have to be me?"

"Because your-"

"I already know! 'I was chosen to save Equestria from Shadows, a unicorn mage that somehow lived for one thousand years and knows who I am and it's my destiny to stop him by sacrificing myself and use the Ban Hammer on him.' But why did I have to make a romantic bond with the Elements of Harmony?" I asked Fate.

"Because there needed to help you win the fight with Shadows." Fate answered.

"How can they help me? I have limitless power don't I?" I asked Fate.

"All in do time Solaris but I can tell you one thing, it deals with the Chaos Emerald you have and the Elements themselves."

"What does the jewelry have to do with my destiny? You know what, whatever. I don't care right now." I said before giving out a sigh of defeat.

"Just do what they ask you Solaris. It needs to be done." Fate told me.

"What!? You're telling me that I need to mate with them… I'm not saying anything against it but still."

"trust me when I say this Solaris but this needs to be done." Fate tried to reassure me.

"You know what… I don't know what to do right now but I know I need time to think this over man." I said to Fate and as always he was understating.

"Very well Solaris, take as much time as you need." I just nod my head and I could feel him leave my head.

"What does he mean that I need the Chaos Emeralds and the Elements of Harmony?" I asked out loud but I'll soon would regret it.

"Sergio is that you?" I heard a southern accent say close by.

'Shit got to hide.' I started to look around and try to find a hiding spot. 'Ah ha, I'll hide in the trees.' I jumped to a branch, I made sure that the leaves where covering me.

"Sergio are you here?" I saw Apple Bloom walk into the clearing.

"Apple Bloom, I'm over here." I called out to Apple Bloom.

"What are you doing up there Sergio?"

"I'm hiding AB."

"From what?" Apple Bloom asked me.

"It's an adult thing you won't understand it." I said trying to preserver her innocence.

"Are you hiding from the mares that are in heat?" I feel out of the tree and landed on my face.

"You know about that?" I asked her as I got back up.

"Applejack gave me the talk last year." At such a young age… Well AB is a smart little filly.

"Wow just wow." I was at a loose of words right now.

"You know… my sister waiting for you." Apple Bloom said out of the blue but I didn't react much to it.

"Yeah… I know… AB I have a question for you?" I asked Apple Bloom without looking at her.

"What is it Sergio?" Apple Bloom said with her big amber eyes.

"… What would you do if you know that you have to leave Ponyville and never come back to see all the ponies that love you?" I said while looking up at the blue cloudless sky.

"I don't know Sergio but I do know that no matter how far away you are from them you are, they will always love you no matter what." I could help myself and add a 'believe it!' at the end of it.

"Thanks AB… that helps a lot." I said while messing up her mane.

"No problem Sergio, what are friends for?" Apple Bloom said while fixing her mane and her bow.

"Yeah," I sighed a bit, "Friends." I stretched a bit because I finally decided what to do. "Hey AB can you tell your sister and if you do see them, her friends to meet me at my place?" I asked her.

"Sure Sergio." Apple Bloom said eagerly.

"Also call me Solaris, that's my real name."

"Sure can do Solaris… glad I could help you!" She yelled out to me as she ran to AJ's location.

"I'm glad too, AB!" I yelled back to her. I started to walk back to my place to get ready for what was about to happen to me.

I decided to teleport back to my place to save myself a walk and quite possibly any unwanted mares. I concentrated on the common area of my house and in a matter of seconds I was back inside my house. "I'm I really going to go through with this?" I asked myself. "I'm still a teen an all but still something in me is saying that this it the right thing to do but… why does it have to be me?" I sighed and went over to the kitchen and grabbed myself a bottle of milk. "You know what screw this; let's just make the best of the situation and go with it." I said while I opened the bottle of milk. The front door to my house got knocked down.

"Solaris we're here." This sounded like Twilight, I turn and I see her horn steaming.

"Ah piss, I have to fix that later." I said in a sour tone.

"Don't worry we'll make sure to get rid of all your stress." Pinkie Pie said with her eyes half close and with a seductive smile.

"You're going to love me!" Fluttershy yelled out, which quite frankly scared the shit out of me. They all started to move in closer to me, AJ by some unknown force brought out her lasso and throw it at me, for someone with no fingers she as really good aim. I got caught by the lasso and with one jerk of her head she pulled me down on the floor. Pinkie still being in Kinkie mode brought out a gag and some tape.

"Ahhh!" I yelled out as my hammock did half a rotation and made me fall on to the ground. I looked around and found that my room was dark with a small glow coming from the cloud pillars which comes naturally with the Celestial Plain. "It… was all a dream?" I said to myself out loud, Chibi came up to me and licked my face he looked up to me and I could see in his eyes that he was worried about me. "Don't worry Chibi, it was just a dream." I told him while I scratched his chin, his tail began to wag. "Go back to sleep Chibi, I need to go get some fresh air." He nods and goes back to his cloud bed. I opened my bedroom door and went downstairs and out the front door. I jumped up to the top of my house and looked up to the full moon. "What was that all about?" I asked myself. I don't know why I was dreaming that but there must be a reason for it but for now I think I would like to enjoy Lulu's moon and stars.

Hey Everypony how's it going. I would like to say one thing and that is, I loved making this chapter, I always wanted to do a heat Chapter and now i got to do it. Other then that stuff has been really good for me. Like always review it, if you want to and where almost at the finial strech of this story, so i would like to recive some OVA ideas. Take care everypony and have a nice day.

~Silver Shots.