"Ow!" Em snapped as the hair stylist pulled a brush though her tangled wet hair. The woman made no comments as she continued to work on the teenage. Em glared at the reflection of Sunstreaker. The holoform mech was leaning against the opposite wall looking bored. She could hear the other woman in the salon talking about him. Em snorted and tried to focus on pushing away the annoying pain.
Sunstreaker shifted in his spot. Truly he didn't like using his holoform. It made him feel vulnerable and he swore his plating was itching. Sideswipe loved his holoform. He liked being around all the humans, interacting with them. Sunstreaker shivered. His brother was a glitch head.
"Sun just spend time with her. Humans aren't really that bad."
His brother had said that morning while the human girl was still asleep. To which Sunstreaker had listed off several reasons why humans and Earth in general were really that bad. Most had consisted with the dirt and filth that was on everything. He quickly pushed off the wall remembering how disgusting this planet was.
"I'm going outside." He said low.
Em opened her eyes and studied Sunstreaker as he walked out. The doorbell chimed followed by the click of the door and the room erupted with squealing women. Flinching at the change Em had pulled forward out of the stylists reach. Two hands firmly grabbed her shoulders and pulled her back.
"You have to hold still." The older woman scolded.
About to respond Em was cut off by several other voices with questions.
"Is he single?"
"Do you think he would go out with me?"
"What's his name?"
"Does he like blonds?"
Em blinked and turned her attention back to the mirror. "Please hurry up." She said trying not to shrink down in the chair. She hated being the center of attention. It always reminded her that she had someone on her tail chasing her. Her apprehension faded into annoyance. The twins knew they were being followed by Cons but still they wanted to piss the day away in a city. It was decided. When she saw Sideswipe she would tear into him.
Sunstreaker stepped away from the building. He could still hear the humans talking about him and truly it made his tanks churn. It felt like he was back in the Pits, the gladiator rings of Kaon. The questions were far different but they were still just as prying. He and his brother had been gladiators and were the best. He wasn't bragging it was just true.
They had fought and scrapped their way out of there. It had been dirty and filthy. The battle damage left marks that they couldn't fully get rid of do to the poor medical care. The energon stained his armor. Sunstreaker ideally rubbed him holoform arm. Even in this form he could see the energon dripping from his arm. He knew it wasn't really but it never stopped him from rubbing at it or trying to wash it off.
Em had left marks on his dash earlier and he wanted to wash them off. Clean them from his body, forget that there was filth on him again. Staining him; letting the universe know what he had done. He shook his head clearing his thoughts. Trying to distance himself from the memories.
"She's not that much different than us."
Sunstreaker scowled. The girl was different no matter what his brother said. She hadn't had to kill anyone to survive. All she ever had to do was run and steal a little. He servos never twisted a mech's arm out of the socket or snapped a main energon line then had to wait as the mech bled out. No she was very different and he didn't even want to have her with them but Sideswipe being the hero had to help. His heroic and stupid antics always got them into trouble. And the human was no different.
They had been heading out to the location received in Optimus's message when an Autobot signal popped up for a moment on their scanners. It was there and gone in the beat of a spark but Sideswipe had slammed on his brakes insisting that they check it out. Sunstreaker would have agreed with his twin if there scanners hadn't been giving false signals and scans ever since that they had landed on Earth. The water in the air and the damage from reentry had messed with their circuits. Sideswipe refused to see reason and turned back towards the city. Sunstreaker had no choice but to follow.
"He couldn't just leave it alone. Couldn't just forget about it and keep on track." Sunstreaker grumbled as he looked out over the city. They had avoided the cities so they could move faster but the moment they entered he had felt an unnerving in his spark. It strangely reminded him of the poorer sections of the city-states on Cyberton. That was when the signal popped up again but this time it was Cons, two of them chasing a lower frequency signal.
They had come upon their location in time to see the human girl push herself off the railing. Sideswipe had been the hero. He executed his holoform program and ran to catch her. That one stupid move had swept them up into taking a human with them. The Cons had persuaded them for a short time but they had lost them.
Sunstreaker looked at shop in front of him. He had wandered a few stores down from the hair salon. If she was going to continue to ride in him the human need different clothing.
"You can look now, Hunny." The stylist said turning the chair around.
Em opened her eyes to see her hair was clean and short. It had been cut into a semi-short bob with razored edges. She smiled. It was the first time she had been able to get her hair cut. She really didn't need it. It was almost like her hair never grew but it was nice to had it done. Leaning a little closer she smiled slightly getting up.
"I look so different." Em mumbled playing with the ends of her hair.
"You look very pretty." The woman said smiling.
"But you need a change of clothes."
Em snapped her head around to see Sunstreaker holding a bag out to her. She cautiously took the bag and looked inside. Blinking back surprise Em looked up at Sunstreaker. He didn't smile but at least he didn't glare at her. "May I use your restroom?" She asked the stylist.
"Of course." The woman said nodding before showing her to the bathroom.
A/N: Well there we go another chapter. I know it is again short but there is a reason for it. So we have basically reached the mid-way point in the story. This collection of short chapters are mid-point there are about two or three more about this size and then we should return to regular chapters. I actually wanted to take a moment to thank everyone that has reviewed, followed and or favorited this story. I know it has taken a while to get this far and again I thank you for being patient with me and my well…for lack of better words slowness. So Please leave a review and Good Reading!
Shout out to the reviewers;
MarshallAlexandraAnderson: Yeah *laughs nervously* that was kinda the point of this story. It actually started out with me just playing around with the backgrounds and kinda evolved into something else entirely.