Chapter One

Disclaimer: No I don't own Transformers Prime nor am I a writer on the show. For if I was a writer you would see more of Wheeljack, the Lambo twins and Hound. I do however own my OC.

Nicholas Wolfwood smiled as he left Baily's Jewelers. In his hand there was a little black box. Popping it open he smiled looking at the diamond ring nestled in the white fabric. This small gold ring would change his life and luck forever. He and his girlfriend Millie had been dating for nearly five years now he had the courage and the ring to propose.

The princess cut diamond sparkled up at him and his smile grew. "A princess for my princess." He said snapping the box shut just as someone bumped into him. As Nick fell his grip on the box loosed until it slipped from his grasp.

"No." He shouted as it went towards the street.

A slim hand snatched the box from midair and pulled it back away from the road. Nick looked up at a hooded figure. The navy hood dipped low obscuring the face and hung two sizes too big for the wearer. Tattered blue jeans were tucked securely into the top of worn out military boots. Examining the box the figure cracked it open and whistled.

"Someone's got a busy day." The voice was slightly husky and course as the person closed the box then extended a hand to Nick leaning down. He looked up at the hand. It was long and slender. "Come on." The hand waved him up. "Let me help ya."

Taking the hand he was lifted to his feet. Now standing he looked at the person. Crystal blue eyes with long lashes were watching him intently while he scanned the face. Well-kept red hair framed the face in almost a heart shape. It was clear to Nick now that it was a girl. A teenager, she couldn't be any older than his sister and she was 16.

"Sorry about that I was distracted." She said swiping down her hood and dropping a set of headphones to rest around her neck.

Nick nodded still at a loss for words. The only flaw he saw was a scar that ran from the bottom of her right eyebrow to the middle of her right cheek. They stood there until the girl started to fidget. She rubbed the back of her neck nervously and grins holding up the ring box.

"She must be some girl." She said waving the box in front of his face.

He snapped out of it taking the box from her hand. "Um yeah, and I love her very much." Adding that last part Nick blushed.

"Well good luck, man." She said patting his shoulder before taking off adjusting her backpack.

Nick made his two block walk back to his office. Approaching the door he reached for his key card that was in his wallet. Pausing he found his back pocket empty. He checked the other. It too was empty. He found the same of his front pockets. Once more he checked his back pocket. He came to the realization and his shoulders slumped.

She robbed him.


"Thanks for Lunch Mr. and soon to be Mrs. Wolfwood." Em said looking at the license in her hand. She would return the wallet, just a little lighter on cash. Setting the wallet to the side she looked at the lunch she ordered. It was small but it contained what she needed to get though the day. Em had learned while running that junk food and high sugar was only a quick fix. Em was looking at her meal when the waitress came by again.

"Anything else I can get ya Hun?" She asked pausing to look at the teen.

Em looked up at the woman and smiled softly. "No thanks. I'm good." The waitress nodded and walked on. Em glanced away out the side window when she noticed her sketch book poking out the top of her bag. Digging it out she quickly flipped though the tattered pages to a drawing of a red robotic face. "Actually," Turning around to hang over the back of the booth she held up the drawing to the restaurant. "I'm kinda lookin for a car with this insignia," She tilted her head. "or a person," Then she grinned strangely "well anythin with this insignia will do."

It was quiet for a moment as people turned to look more at her then the sketch. Slowly people went back to their lunches ignoring her all together. Em turned back to her table with a growl. Tossing the book to the table she pouted at her food. All she wanted was a little corporation. It's not like she was asking them to hand over their first born or anything like that.

"Slaggin New Yorkers." She snarled low taking a bite savagely from her sandwich.

"You know complaining about people from New York while in said city is not a good idea."

Em looked up at a man leaning on her booth looking down at her with a smug grin. It was too late to play it off. She was mad and now any one foolish enough to tempt her anger would pay.

"Yeah?" She growled her mouth full of food. "If they didn't all have the holier-than-thou attitude then I wouldn't say anythin." Snapping her eyes shut she looked away.

The man laughed and sat down in her booth placing his coffee cup on the table. Em was shocked. He laughed at her. No one laughed at her. Swallowing her food she went to retort about it and froze. The man had removed his hat and was balancing his chin on his laced fingers. A sly smile played across his lips bringing a shine to green eyes.

"You are a hard kid to keep up with Emma Allmand." He said speaking each word clearly and carefully.

"Still tryin to catch me Watterson?"

"Don't think there is a trying when I have you trapped."

They quieted as the same blond waitress walked over refilling Em's water and Watterson's coffee while setting down a plate full of fried eggs, butter and syrup coated pancakes with a side of bacon and another of greasy home fries. She grimaced as he started to eat.

"No wonder ya have a hard time keepin up." She pointed to his food with her fork. "That stuff will kill ya."

He looked up at her and smiled even wider. "I didn't know you cared." Em scoffed and turned her head away crossing her arms.

"I do not."

They had been at this game for as nearly as long as she had been running. She was hiding from the rain under an over pass off some major highway when she saw his car pull to the side. He strolled up the hill with an umbrella and a smile. Em trusted him at first because he knew. He knew about it all and was there to get her. The only thing that made her run was the car. The colors were wrong. Ever sense Watterson had been a few steps behind her.

She watched him eat for a moment before commenting. "Don't the cons feed their pets?" He shot her a glare. She shrugged. "Hey, I'm just sayin." Em propped her head in her hand and ran a finger across her scar. "Megs must be breathin down your neck to make you grumpy."

"Something like that." Watterson said putting down his fork mindlessly rubbing his neck. He looked up and made it a point to look her in the eyes. "Ever wonder why the bots haven't been looking for you?"

Pain etched across Em's bored features exactly what he wanted. "Nope not one bit."

"And why is that?"

"Didn't ya hear?" She placed both hands palm flat on the table. Her eyes flicked to the side and grin split her face. "I'm dead." She pushed into the table and her legs came up. Changing direction Em pushed herself back over her seat and into the next booth. Watterson cursed and grabbed for her only to get stuck in the booth. She snagged her backpack before her boots hit the table.

Shouts erupted from the diners as Em ran across the tables running their meals. A gleeful laugh twisted out of her chest and rang though the air. She leapt over onto the main counter and over it to the floor. Glancing back she could see the Watterson had finally wiggled himself from the booth. She kissed her two fingers and flicked them towards him before disappearing into the kitchen.

Ignoring the shouts of the cook she fled to the backdoor. Slamming into it she stumbled in the alley behind it. The door slammed the wall then back to its latched position. Making sure her bag was zipped she secured it to her person and glanced around.

Watterson slammed open the back door stopping in his tracks. He growled deep in his throat. Pain registered at the annoyance to his throat pushing it away her looked around. There was no sign of Em she was gone. "Slag it to the Pit!" he yelled slamming his free hand to the brick wall. A purple car pulled into the front of the alley. Placing his gun in his holster he headed towards the car.

Em sat back as Watterson got into the car. She pulled off her bag and laid flat against the gravel roof. Her heart was racing and she could feel her hands shaking. It had been too close. Fingers digging into the gravel she sat up pulling her knees up to her chest. She was no match if… Em shook her head not if but when. When Watterson got his hand on her she wouldn't be able to do anything.

She rested her head on her knees as she held them close. Sure she had basic defensive skills but nothing more. Em could run and hide but she was getting tired. Six years of constant moving, watching over her shoulder and looking. Tears burned at her eyes as the thoughts of the Autobots pulled at her mind. Grabbing her bag she searched for something.

Em pulled a cloth from the bag it was wrapped around something. Carefully she unwrapped the thinning black and purple fabric. Plastic crinkled under her fingers and she opened a new Ziploc bag. Gently she raised a stuffed wolf pup from the bag.

It had once had a stark white belly and a light gray back. Yet over the years it had gotten dirty and stained. Tears spilled over her eyes and Em wrapped herself around the small toy. Memories were the only thing she could hold onto and this pup brought back so many. Em let her system relax in the sun as she began to feel tired.

A/N : So what did ya think of the first chapter? Any bashing not combined with constructive criticism will be handled by my muse Luna, which will then be promptly fed to my dragon Visha.