The sun shone bright above Berk and a gentle breeze blew over the island when several seagulls started screeching to the ocean. The weather was much too mild for the summer days that normally happened here but Astrid didn't notice. She stood excited at the shore and eagerly watched the horizon. There, far, far away, a small dark dot had appeared and now approached slowly nearer and nearer, with direct course to where she was standing. Right above that dark dot another appeared, swirling and gliding in the sky above the other.

It wasn't long before Astrid could actually make out the big Viking ship with its huge sails and its impressive dragon head at the prow. With increasing heart she recognized the black thing in the air as one certain black, wide winged, long tailed dragon undoubtedly with the most incredible green eyes and the softest snout she ever had felt.

A moment later the black beast landed in front of her, immediately dashing towards the waiting girl, just to greet her jumping around and rubbing his snout at her hands. Overjoyed she embraced the overgrown pet just to get one of his gummy smiles. How long it has been since she had touched this little monster!

While cuddling the dragon she nearly missed the arriving of the ship right in front of her. Fortunately such a big ship couldn't land on a shore without making any sound. Astrid realized it just in time and let go from Toothless, who also turned around to watch the arrival of his human.

With pounding heart the girl stared at the ship as a plank was laid out as gangway. Here he came! Just a few more seconds and she would have him back. Her Hiccup! She nearly ran over.

Finally she couldn't bear it any longer. With grand strides she rushed to the ship, only to see the first person appearing at the higher end of the plank. Toothless jumped happily after her.

Her heart flipped when she saw the first glint of brown hair, a color she would recognize anywhere, no matter how long not seen.

When he stepped on the gangway a big smile spread over her face - the biggest grin within the last two years - just because of seeing him. Her heart was in her throat, beating even stronger when he suddenly turned and reached out for another hand from the ship. Seeing this Astrids heart missed a beat.

With growing panic she saw him guiding a very pretty red haired girl, not much younger than herself along the way to the ground, making sure that she wouldn't fall. It was clearly visible that she was pregnant.

Astrid could only stand and stare. She couldn't move – not even breathing!

When Hiccup and the girl – woman! – reached the shore it was the first time he turned around to face the island – and the first time he saw her. The grin on his face grew even wider. "Astrid!"

Astrid gulped. She wanted to disappear instantly!

But Hiccup and the woman by his side, clinging to his arm, just came nearer and nearer till they stood right in front of her. His happy grin unbroken.

"Astrid, may I introduce you to my wife? We are going to have a baby in a few weeks."

That's when she passed out.


With a jolt she sat upright in her bed.

Panting she looked hysterically all around her dark room just to see a startled Stormfly hopping through the room and right to her human. Worried the dragon first checked her with a quick glance, then started to rub her head against Astrid's sweat bathed body, forcing her to react as sign that she was okay.

Still carried away by the nightmare she managed comfort Stormfly by patting her beak, even slung her arms around the dragons head, hoping to regain her steadiness as fast as possible.

It was a dream.

It was just a very bad dream...

Hello and Welcome to my last crime scene. XD

My English is very poor, but i learned it's the idea that counts. ;P So please don't be gentle but fair.

Yeah... what to say? Additional to my other obsessions a new one hit me. I started to read the "Overdose" here on and found two chapters, i wished to be longer or more detailed.

While I don't have somebody to bother to write a story for me, I had to do it myself... ö.ö So here it is.

I really hope you like it. *prays*


Next Part: Finally he's back.