Author's Note

Hello everyone. It has been 4 years since I barely updated "Live", but that doesn't mean that I'm discontinuing it. I've actually started writing the next chapter. Work and studying for an exam literally got me drained. Therefore, bear with me as I work on chapter 5, but I can give you a preview of what to expect.


The boy changed and he became more violent. He almost murdered Luxiere and grinned as if he was satisfied with his actions. And Hojo. Looking at him smiling with excitement sickens me. I don't know how long I have to keep this up; performing experiments on the poor boy. After the infantrymen escorted Cloud out of the Training Room, I asked Hojo as to why we were doing this to Cloud. However, Hojo glared at me and told me that Cloud has an appointment for his injection after his next mission. What the hell? Why is he letting Cloud suffer? To make matters worse, he never answered my question before and I demand an answer.

*Next Scene*

"Cloud!" Zack screamed in horror, watching the monstrous snake dragging Cloud in its coils into the murky water. He tried to go after them, but the poison from its bite caused his muscles to burn making him collapse in pain. He cursed himself for not brining any potions or healing material to heal his wound, but he has to save Cloud before it's too late.