It had been years since Beacon Hills had snow, let alone snow on Christmas. The town was at a higher elevation, so despite being in a warmer state like California, they still managed to get some of the white fluff occasionally. This Christmas was like magic. Weird things had been going on in Beacon Hills the past year, but somehow, when the cold settle in, and the ground started to blanket, the town underwent another transformation. It felt like a real holiday, despite all of the murders that had been looming over the small town. With all of the schools released for the winter holidays, kids littered the streets. Building snowmen, sledding, having snowball fights. It was like something out of a movie. But the biggest thing that Stiles Stilinski cared about was that it was cold.
It was the first time he'd ever put snow chains on his jeep. That had been a bit of an experience. His dad had ended up doing it for him. Scott was off, being oblivious, and happy, with Isaac. Oh, they weren't dating, no. They were just hanging out, as friends. You know, friends that make eyes at each other, and generate enough UST to power a factory of fan girls for a year. It was infuriating.
Okay, not really, but it did suck.
Ever since the Kanima had been resolved, and Scott had been dumped by Allison, his wolfy friends were slowly getting closer and closer.
"What the… C'mon!" Rolling his window down, Stiles leaned out to yell at the cars ahead of him. "COME ON! IT'S JUST SNOW, NOT SHARDS OF GLASS YOU IDIOTS!" He called out exasperated, leaning back in with a sigh as he swiped the wetness from his skin, hurrying to get his window up again. He was 4 cars away from the traffic like, and people were driving like snails. Honking his horn a couple times, the teen was exasperated. "I might as well turn my car off and wait, Jesus Christ… This isn't even anything compared to the hills…" Trailing off, Stiles' eyes flickered to the snow-capped tree tops on the hills that surrounded the town. Their namesake. There had to be about a foot of snow up there, in the woods that he and his friends spent entirely too much time in. Around the Hale property.
"No! Dammit! You are not going to think about that asshole and his furry white butt shivering all alone in that half charred mansion that has like, no insulation or means of heat…." Driving through the 4 way stop as he spoke to himself, Stiles huffed, already knowing what was going to happen.
After an hour of intense arguing with himself, and furious packing, the hyper kid was pulling up to the picturesque house. For a moment, he sat there, staring at the remains of what had to have been an amazingly beautiful home, when it was still intact. He could almost imagine it whole, and full of life. Derek had once said that a large number of his family had lived there. Kids, adults, aunts and uncles, cousins, him… He tried really hard to not feel bad for Derek. The guy was an asshole. Sure, he had a circumstance to excuse it, but that wasn't any excuse!
Okay that made no sense. Whatever.
Sighing, Stiles finally wrapped his scar around his neck and the bottom of his face, shoving his door open before grabbing the large, overstuffed garbage bag, and backpack. "Stupid…. Freakin…werewolf jerk… "He grumbled, his breath chilling the fabric of his scarf, against his face, defeating the purpose. "He owes me… SO big…" Knee deep in snow, Stiles shut his jeep and locked it, dragging the bags with him as he cut a path through the snow, up to the front door of the Hale mansion. "COMING IN, SOURWOLF! I HOPE YOU'RE DECENT, AND GRATEFUL!" He hollered into the house once he'd shoved open the door, tossing the bags inside before shaking off on the porch, and stepping in, as well. For a moment, it was quiet. Looking around, Stiles sighed, his shoulders dropping a bit.
"Or you could be not home. That totally works out too." He snapped quietly at thin air.
"What are you doing here, Stiles?" Jumping, the teen boy had been in the process of turning back around, to head out to his jeep and leave, when Dereks voice cut through the air. Stiles swung back around, mouth open as if poised to answer, but lacking any words.
"Iiiiii… Ah…. Heh…" Smiling and rubbing at his red nose, he shuffled his feet a bit. "Ho ho ho? I come… bearing gifts?" He tried at last, feeling the lameness of his finish, and sighing. A hand came up to smooth down his knit cap on the top of his head. Stiles had been pointedly looking everything BUT Derek, until the silence became too much, and he let out an exasperated sigh. When the teens coppery eyes turned onto Derek at last, he took note that the wolf was fully dressed. Jeans, shoes, presumably underwear-no stop thinking about his underwear dammit!- a sweater, and his leather jacket. His nose was a little red from the cold too though. Immediately, Stiles felt some of his exasperation seep out of his bone, looking at the confused, almost wary expression on the Alpha's face.
"What are you doing here?" Derek reiterated, stalking forward a few steps. Swallowing and opening his mouth, Stiles finally started to move again, in his token jittery way.
"I-I might have been a little worried about the big bad wolf up here in the cold all one and stuff so I brought some blankets and candles and firewood and stuff. The wood's still out in my jeep, but there's blankets and candles and some food and stuff in that bag. I wasn't sure if you'd be stocked and prepared for tonight, so… yeah…. I know it's stupid, and you probably don't want help from some stupid kid like me, but dammit I'm doin' it anyway so just…. Suck it up and say thanks!" Wow, that had turned into something other than what he'd wanted to say. How hard was it to say, 'I was worried, I brought you some stuff.' Apparently too hard. Because now Stiles was standing there, in silence again, shaking a leg as he chewed on his tongue. Silence again.
"Alright, well… Merry Christmas." He said finally, turning and opening the door to head out. He wasn't even on the porch when Dereks figure breezed past him, heading to the car. Opening the trunk himself, the mysterious werewolf started pulling out bundles of firewood, pausing for only a moment to look at the boy who was gaping at him.
"Are you gonna help me or what?" He asked, raising his eyebrows, as he carried in 2 bundles per arm.
"Wha- Oh! Yeah! Y-yeah sure!" Scrambling through the snow to his jeep, Stiles grabbed two more bundles, trudging back up towards the house. By the time he got inside with his load, Derek had been in, and out again for the last 4 bundles.
"I shut your jeep. Close the door and come help me start a fire." Derek ordered as he stomped the snow off of his boots, and stalked inside. Stiles swallowed hard, glancing back at the heavy, grey clouds. They were obviously in for another big storm tonight.
"I hope it holds off till later…." He muttered quietly, before kicking the snow off of his own shoes, trying to imitate Derek. He only ended up kicking the floorboards too hard, and cursing as he nudged the door shut behind him, looking around. "I love how you've decorated for the holidays. Very Ebenezer Scrooge. Maybe I should hire you next season to do my place up too." God why can't you just shut up Stiles! He thought to himself, sighing as he walked in down the hallway, through the door that Derek had come through earlier when he'd first arrived. It was a part of the Hale mansion he'd never been inside of before. Looking around curiously, and swallowing thickly, he could almost hear the horror music in his ear.
Pausing in the hallway, he looked around, confused and about to call out for Derek, to ask where he'd gone, when he heard boots shuffling in the room directly to his right. Opening the door, Stiles looked in, relieved to see Derek, and not some creepy monster lurking. That was the last thing they needed today. Stepping into the room, Stiles was actually surprised. It seemed like this room had hardly been touched by the fire. The windows were intact. It was probably the warmest room in the whole house, honestly. That wasn't saying much, though. At the moment at least.
"What is this room?" The boy asked as he finally walked in, taking to fill the silence as he went over to deposit the wood bundles onto the stack of the ones Derek had brought in with him.
"It was the library." The Alpha replied. At first, Stiles did a double take, surprised that the man actually had answered him. Normally Derek answered no one's question, except Scotts after the kid had screamed it at him a few times.
"Oh, that's cool. No books though. Not much of a library." He replied, glancing around as he rubbed his hands together to warm them. He could hear that familiar heavy exhale, and immediately the mental image of Dereks nostrils flaring just a bit with the action popped into his head.
"There used to be, smartass. " He replied, stalking over to the fireplace. There were some charred embers in the hearth, but it had been a while since they had been burned, so Derek used a fresh piece of would to stamp them down and break them, making room for him to build up a new fire. A lighter appeared from his pocket. "Hand me one of those newspapers."
Stiles spun around to search for the papers Derek was talking about, doing a full 360 before he saw them, and grabbed a stack, carrying them over. Using them for tinder, the wolf used his lighter to light up a few clumps of crumpled up newspaper, setting them in amidst the fresh, dry wood. The floo on the chimney was broken, permanently open, so he didn't have to worry about that. After a few moments, the fire finally caught, and was starting to grow. There was visible relief on Dereks face. And for another long moment, there was silence.
"Okay then… Well… I'm gonna go, so you have yourself a nice evening, enjoy the snow, keep warm and all that stuff…."
"What?" Stiles ramble was cut short by Dereks blunt voice. It didn't have its normal curt edge, which was what caused his double take, initially. Sighing, Derek stood up from where he'd knelt by the fireplace, looking down at Stiles.
"I said, thank you. You didn't have to do any of this. I was braced for an uncomfortable night. But this will help a lot. I don't really understand why you decided to do this, since all I ever do is threaten to kill you, but… I appreciate it." Stiles was speechless, for a moment, before finally, he let out a half-chuckle, and shook his head.
"You don't ALWAYS threaten to kill me. Sometimes you save me. There was that one time, you know… Ah… Honestly, I don't think you're all that bad of a guy. If you tell anyone I said that I'll deny it though. I mean, you're just a little rough around the edges which is completely understandable. You've kinda had a shitty life so far, what with the fire, and you crazed uncle, and your sister and the Kanima, Jesus how many times did you get paralyzed? Not to mention the fact that I almost drowned you one, and you know, I really could have left you at the bottom of that pool but I figured why waste a perfectly good Alph-"
"Do you know how to just be quiet and say, you're welcome?" Derek asked. It wasn't as much of an insult, as it was an honest question. There was a look of awe on the mans face. "I mean, seriously… I don't think I've ever met anyone who talks as much as you do. And what are you doing now?" In the middle of Stiles rant, his body had gone onto auto pilot, falling to the undeniable urge to move, and do something. So he'd opened up the two big garbage bag of things he'd brought with him, unloading it. There were maybe 10 candles, a plastic bag of food, and three thick, warm looking blankets.
"I'm unpacking the stuff I brought. Is there a problem with that?" Stiles asked incredulously. Derek shook his head, walking over to take the blankets, setting them onto the large, over stuff leather couch. It was an old piece of furniture, and covered up with a sheet at the moment. But it was definitely big enough for a large guy like Derek to sleep on.
"This is a lot of stuff…" He said quietly. The Alpha wolf felt humbled. Honestly, since Laura had been murdered, he'd been dreading this Christmas. It'd be his first one alone. Truly alone. At first, he'd counted on at least Isaac being around, but Scott had invited Isaac to spend the holidays at his place. They'd become pretty tight friends. Derek knew that even though he'd been the one to change Isaac, Scott was the one Isaac wanted to follow. None of his pack was here, and he felt the staggering weight of it. "Am I a bad Alpha?" He asked quietly, not realizing he'd said it out loud.
"What?" Stiles asked, leaning in as if to hear better.
"Huh? Oh… Nothing, sorry. I was talking to myself." Derek covered quickly, straightening up as if nothing had transpired. "This should get me through the rest of this storm." He announced.
Staring at Derek, Stiles frowned a little, examining the mans face. After a moment, he decided that he couldn't leave yet. Walking over to the fireplace, Stiles knelt down next to it, warming his hands.
"…What are you doing?" Derek asked. His previous statement had been a pretty obvious dismissal. "Aren't you going to leave?"
"Uhhh rude." The teen replied, glancing over at Derek. "I'm warming up before you so ungraciously shove me back out into the snow, to brave a treacherous drive down the hill to go back into town. You know, I probably risked my life coming up here to see you." A half second pause. "Hey, where did you park your car? It's probably not a good idea to leave it out under so much snow."
"I… My car's fine I have it parked somewhere safe. Do you not have snow chains on your jeep?" For a moment, Derek really was concerned. Stiles jeep wasn't exactly in its best shape. Stiles looked insulted.
"Of course I have snow chains. I'm not stupid. And despite hanging around you and your wolf-butt friends, I don't have a death wish, you know!"
"Really? Could have fooled me. For a regular human, you sure have a shitty survival instinct." Derek replied, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Um, excuse you! I have a perfect survival instinct. It's always going off, telling me to run. I'm just… a rebel. I don't like being told what to do." Derek let out a bark of a laugh.
"That's one thing we can agree on. You suck at taking direction, and following the rules. I don't envy your father." Normally, that would have gotten a sarcastic quip right back without pause. But the comment about his father hit home. Stiles had lied to his father so much, nearly cost him his job… Licking his lips quietly, and lowering his head, the teen nodded.
"Yeah… I don't either." He muttered, before clearing his throat and standing up, deciding he was warm enough. "Okay. I'm gonna head out before it starts snowing again. Are you gonna be here alone? Boyd and Erika aren't coming around?" Derek just looked at the fire, his hands in his pockets. His face was impassive.
"They're spending the holidays with their families, as they should. I'm an adult, Stiles. I'll be fine here on my own." For another tense moment, those words lingered, and Stiles nodded, and turned.
"See ya later, then. Don't turn into a wolfcicle. "
Heading out to the front door, alone, Stiles bundled himself back up, bracing himself as he opened the front door. Or rather, he unlatched it, and a hard gust of wind slammed it open, right into his face. Crying out and staggering backwards, cursing, Stiles was holding his now bloodied nose, blinking through the tears of pain. "Fuck!" He gasped out, looking out the front door. It was like a full blown blizzard outside. He could hardly see his jeep through the thick snow falling, whipping around in the hard wind.
"Why do I smell blo-Shit! Stiles!" Derek rushed over to where Stiles was doubled over, trying to wave him off. Derek first jumped forward to close the front door, latching it against the storm that had kicked up out of seemingly nowhere.
"I'm bine! I swear. It's okay." Stiles gasped out gently. The bigger man grabbed his shoulders, making him stand upright, to look over his face. There was blood streaming down from his bright red nose, tears in his eyes. The sight pulled a growl out of Derek's throat. He dragged Stiles with him into the kitchen of the house. It was still mostly in tact as well, with plywood patched over the vulnerable spots. Grabbing a few paper towels, he carefully dabbed at Stiles face until the blood was gone.
"Whads da diagnosis, doc?" Stiles asked, breathing through his mouth.
"Well… I don't think it's broken. At least not a clean break. It might be fractured, but it's still straight."
"Oh dank gob. I wud 'cared I wud gonna loode all by goob look." Stiles managed to get out with a cheesy grin, being careful to not breathe through his nose.
Derek grabbed a few more paper towels, guiding Stiles back to the library, which was finally starting to get warm and toasty. "I don't think you're going anywhere, Stiles. Not with the weather like this. I mean, you could try to call someone with a snow mobile to come and get you, but it's going to be dark soon, and it's just not safe."
"Oh ban… by dad id gonna be doooo bidded at be." He groaned, in his now nasally voice. Pulling out his cell phone. "Dank gob…" He had no service, but he had his 4G. Stiles shot off an email to his dad, explaining that he was snowed in at his friends, and was safe, but he wouldn't be home till the next morning, if the weather cleared up. He added in that he didn't have any cell service, but he had some internet, if the other needed to try and contact him.
Holding the paper towel to his nose, Stiles watched Derek, who was sulking near the fire. "Dorry bor ruining your robantic ebening alone." The other male actually chuckled a little bit at that. Glancing over at Stiles, Derek sighed. The boy was shivering, still. This didn't surprise him. Wolves ran hotter than regular humans. Walking over, Derek pulled the scarf off of Stiles, and his jacket too, before draping one of the blankets that had been warming by the fire over him.
"Bundle up, kid." He ordered, plopping down onto the other side of the couch. Stiles looked at Derek in confusion, his mouth gaping open to breathe more easily. It took him a moment to obey, but he did pull the blankets tighter around him, curling his legs up onto the couch as well after he'd kicked off his shoes. For almost an hour of silence, something Derek thought impossible considering his current company, Stiles curled up on his phone, emailing with his dad to assure him that he was okay, and NOT getting into trouble. A great deal of that time was spent convincing the Sheriff to not come looking for him. Derek broke the silence, though, by getting up to put some more wood on the fire, before coming back to the couch.
"You're not a bad alpha." Stiles said, out of the blue, finally, looking over at his companion. It seemed the swelling in his nasal passage had gone down enough for him to talk normally, at least. Derek glanced over, a dangerous glower on his expression.
"Who asked you?"
"Well, technically you did, early. You thought I didn't hear, but I did. I just didn't know how to answer it. But I've been thinking about it… and no, you're not a bad alpha. You're just a bad people person." Derek scoffed at that, looked away as he shook his head.
"Thanks, for that. Very heart warming." Derek snapped at him a little.
"No, Derek, listen." Stiles leaned forward, actively engaged now as his mind turned at its usual million thoughts a minute speed. "You've been alone for so long, focused on anger, and vengeance, and survival that you just…. Don't handle people well. And it scares them. I've known you long enough now to know that you're not ACTUALLY going to kill me, when you threaten to, most of the time at least." That last part was added in when the dark wolf gave a growl of warning. "I get it. You're dangerous. Everyone knows that. But, because you make it number one fact to the world that you're dangerous, and not to be fucked with, are you surprised that people are freakin' terrified of you? I read something, somewhere, for school probably…. Some old guy said, basically, that to be a leader, you have to be loved, as equally as you are respected. Last time I checked, you don't really give people much to love, with how closed off you are. I mean… no one knows a thing about you, except what we learn in near death situations." Taking a deep breath, Stiles leaned back and let his shoulders sag. No matter what happened now, he had it off of his chest.
Silently, Derek seemed to take it in, a mix of conflicted emotions on his face. It was a long time before he finally exhaled and dropped his head back to lean against the couch, staring up at the ceiling. It looked like he was searching for something to say. Tentatively, Stiles opened his mouth again.
"You can't treat everyone like they're strangers, knowing everything about them, but not giving anything back, and expect them to flock to you. It's too one-sided. If you want a pack, you have to open up." He said in a softer voice. He hadn't realized that this was such a tender subject for Derek. The guy seemed so hard all the time, never letting anything affect his cold exterior, that he almost believed for a while that Derek didn't care what the pack thought of him. He was starting to realize how wrong he was.
"I…." The werewolf breathed out, hesitating. Stiles eyes watched his protruding Adams apple as he swallowed. Shifting, the leather couch beneath them creaked a little. Stiles had scooted a little closer.
"I'm not going anywhere, big guy. So talk to me. Holding in all that crap is gonna drive you crazy, just like it did for Peter. You know, years in paralytic shock, festering, making him this insane psycho killing wolf? It'll affect your inner wolf, won't it? So come on. I'll sign a non-disclosure agreement if that's what you're worried about."
"Do you ever shut up?" Derek snapped, looking over at the boy, not even bothering to raise his head from the back of the couch. Realizing he'd done it again, snapping angrily without thinking, Derek sighed and rubbed a hand over his scruffy jaw, scratching at his chin a little bit before dropping it back down to his lap. His eyes redirected to the ceiling. "I've been alone for a really long time, Stiles. Since the Kate torched this place and killed my family, the only person I trusted was Laura. And she's dead now too. It's a little hard to open up and let people in when everyone I do that for, ever, dies. I've been trying. Especially with Scott. And look at how far that's gotten me! He doesn't trust me at all."
"No, I think he does trust you a little bit. He just doesn't realize it. I mean, you did save his life back when Allisons mom went all psycho-bitch and tried to kill him. We all spend so much time trying to save each other, that no one realizes we're actually friends. I'll admit… I hated you at first. A lot. Because I thought you were a murderer. And, you had this habit of threatening to kill me, you know. But… I really don't think you're that bad. You've saved me a few times too, and I appreciate that, man. I do."
More silence. But this time, it was Derek who broke it. Leaning his head up again, the Alpha raised his hand to rub the back of his neck a little. "So… What do you suggest I do? I can't just call a pack meeting, sit down, cry and pour out my heart and soul to the others. Number One: I wouldn't do that ever, and Two: They'd think I had completely lost it."
Stiles rubbed his hands together and leaned in. Finally, a project; something to direct his attention to.
"Well, for starters, you can stop threatening to kill people so much. That's typically a turn off when making friends. Also, you need to not let things stress you out so much. When you get stressed, you yell at people a lot. I don't think your little fledgling wolves understand that you don't hate them, and that you don't think they're idiots. Well, maybe you do think they're idiots, but you shouldn't. They're teenagers, who up until this last year, their biggest problems were totally normal bullshit. Not dealing with supernatural mass murderers. It's a lot to deal with. I mean… I'm coping pretty well because this is like a movie nerds paradise. I don't dig all the killing and gore I've seen, and being paralyzed and beaten up and… yeah, all that stuff…. But I dunno, I guess I'm just weird when it comes to this stuff. I've always wanted something cool to happen to me. And even though it's not happening to me, it's happening to my best friend, and around me, and it just makes me feel like I'm a part of something bigger you know? … What was I talking about?" Stiles paused, taking a deep breathing, and staring at the exasperated expression on Dereks face. "Oh! Right! Being a Good Alpha 101. Sorry. I got off track."
"You think?" Derek quipped, shaking his head and looking away. Was he really taking advice from this spastic little kid? Well… okay, he wasn't a little kid. But he was irritating as hell. Not as irritating as he used to be, though. When they'd first met, there were a few times he'd really wanted to kill him. Now, he had no urge to do that at all. In fact, the idea of Stiles dying made him bristle. He knew he was starting to consider this weird, scrawny human as part of his pack.
"Get off my case, man. I can't help it. Anyway…. There's no reason some sulking, grumpy, sexy wolf man like yourself can't relax a little, and just…. Try to be more understanding. You were a kid once, dealing with being a werewolf and a teen, weren't you? You can live out the rest of your life being angry at everything, but that's only gonna end up with you being alone. If you want to build a family, a pack, and have real friends again, you gotta find something else to anchor yourself to."
"You think I'm sexy?" Derek asked with a half of a smirk flickering across his lips, glancing over to Stiles.
"OHMYGOD-Really? Out of all of that awesome Dr. Phil shit I just unloaded on you, that's what you picked up?" Stiles exclaimed, rolling his eyes, and strangling at the air. "You're impossible, you sourwolf." Derek actually chuckled a little bit at that, sighing as he sobered from that rare moment of fun.
"I get it, Stiles. 'Change your ways, Ebenezer, or there will be a price to pay.' Right?" Stiles nodded, before shaking his head. It was a travesty to have all of his quality counseling reduced to a quote from a book. "But, really? Do you think I'm sexy?" Derek pressed, actually looking a little curious under his joking tone. Stiles swallowed, before licking his lips.
"What, are you gay or something? Is that why you won't bang Erika? Yes, she told me she has the hots for you but you totally shot her down."
"Does it matter if I'm gay or not? I asked YOU if you thought I was sexy."
"Wow, how are we even talking about this right now? Just a minute ago it was 'boo hoo I have no friends' and now you want to know if I, in particular' dig your chiseled, rugged, manly man, quiet but deadly get up?"
"Is that a yes?" Derek could tell Stiles was getting flustered, by the pink in his cheeks, and his elevated heartbeat. Stiles stared at Derek in disbelief for a long moment, before he huffed, and looked away.
"Jesus ChristYES whatever, fine, I think you're sexy. Anyone would have to be blind to think you weren't!" Stiles exclaimed with a frown. For some reason, that was really satisfying to hear for the older man.
"I'm not gay, by the way." Derek said finally. Stiles blinked a little, still covered in a blotchy red blush.
"I don't like labels. I don't consider myself gay. I just don't care about it I guess. I don't date women because I don't trust them anymore. Last time I did, I got pretty royally fucked over, don't you think?" The teen couldn't help but nod quietly, in agreement. What did a guy say to that?
Sniffing a little, and wincing, Stiles reached up, tenderly touching his already bruising nose.
"But you like guys too?" He asked carefully, glancing over with a bit of an anxious expression. This wasn't the type of thing he talked with Scott about really. He'd tried a couple times, but Scott didn't see relationships other than his own. He'd have tried talking to Danny about it, if he was closer to the guy. Thinking about Derek like that was making his blush even worse.
"It'd take the guy, but I'm not opposed to it, I guess." The other man replied quietly, having a deceptively calm façade. "Why do you care?" Derek asked suddenly, looking the obviously bothered boy over. Stiles coughed a little, more of a nervous tick than anything. He shrugged too.
"Just curious, I guess… There's not many guys that like other guys in Beacon Hills. I mean, there's Danny, but he doesn't really like me, like… at all, so I can't just go and talk to him about this kinda stuff I guess." He said gently. "Scott doesn't get it. He can't comprehend anything other than Allison half of the time. Though I guess he and Isaac are getting pretty close, but we both know Scott is clueless. My dad… He told me straight up that I'm not gay, and I guess I'm not because I still feel funny below the belt when I think about Lydia, but that's never going to happen. Not after the stuff with Jackson." Sagging dejectedly against the sheet covered couch cushions, Stiles gave a whine. "Can't we have another monster to fight? It gives me an excuse to not have a love life."
Derek watched Stiles, feeling for the boy, a little. He had only been teasing him before, but now it had come out. Stiles was like him. Silently, he reached out and rested his hand on the others scalp. He only just noticed that the teen was starting to let his hair grow a little, letting it get shaggy. He'd probably shave it again soon. The thought made Derek frown. Ruffling the soft brown strands just a little, he sighed quietly. "I'd rather not have to run around trying to save your butt all the time. You're so human it hurts." He replied, leaving his hand there. Stiles kept his eyes closed, having a mini spaz attack in his head about the casual touch he was getting from the wolf.
"That's half of my appeal though. Being soft and fragile, right? The other half is all of my wit and humor." He managed to joke weakly, chuckling a bit, but holding still. He didn't want to dislodge the hand on his hair just yet.
"…Yeah, I guess it is." Derek actually answered, surprising his younger companion. Looking up, the smaller brunette hesitated.
"Do you think I'm attractive?" He asked, almost biting back the words. Scott had never answered him, and there was a very good chance that Derek wouldn't either. There was a reigning uncomfortable silence, as Derek studied Stiles face.
For a moment, the Alpha wondered if he'd actually ever looked at Stiles before. He had a thin, angular face. On him, thin worked. It was a fine line between skinny, and gaunt, and sometimes it almost seemed like the sheriff's son teetered on that edge. Derek assumed he had a high metabolism, though. He did play lacrosse, and he was always so hyper he practically vibrated… But still, he focused on really looking at the teen. He had dark, long lashes, and very fair skin, brown spots standing out against the ivory flesh in stark contrast. His hair was a very dark brown, but his eyes were a much lighter shade of umber that was actually very pretty in the low firelight. What light had been coming in through the heavy clouds outside had long since waned into the twilight hours, leaving them with nothing but the gold of the crackling flames not far away. His upturned nose was swollen and bruised, but oddly, that didn't detract from his face at all. Not with the long line of his lips just below. He could still see, and smell, the tint of red blood there, where it had dried a while ago.
The rest of Stiles was what Derek would call lanky. He was thin, gangly, and a bit awkward. Rather suddenly, he felt the urge to see what the boy looked like under his clothes. Swallowing it back, he looked back up to those expectant eyes, hanging on the edge of the question he'd asked.
"Yes. I do."