H-hi. *fidgets* Thank you for my first two reviewers, Turnabout Writer and Atroquinine Deadly! *confetti*
I'll try my best to improve for you guys! 3
Oh and, this is the second prologue, which is basically the first prologue, but with Ema's POV. Lots of things are different from the former, I just wanted to give you guys an idea of how I portray Ema with her thoughts and actions. I have this compelling feeling to re-do prologue 1, since this is a bit longer and I was more comfortable at writing Ema. Perhaps I lack some male perception, but I'll try to learn more! So please, bear with me a little for my incompetence ;w;
And regarding the releases, I'll probably update as much as I can, but not on a consistent basis since the second semester's coming up and I felt the semestral break flew by at the speed of light T3T I might update fast or slow or both (how, I have no idea). But I WILL finish this! After all, you can't be a great writer if you don't have any experience, ja? XDD
Without any further ado, onwards with the story~!
"Whoa, that looks scary,"
I watched the plane lift off from the ground. What if I was riding there? I think I'd go dizzy the moment the plane moves. My sister said I'll be studying in France after I finish high school, I wonder how will I even last in that ride…?
Ah—hi there. My name's Ema Skye! I'm sixteen years old, a high school student and an aspiring forensic scientist. We're here at the airport waiting for my sister, Lana Skye, from her trip to England. It's been a week since she left and I've missed her so much. You see, our parents passed on when I was a kid. We don't have any relatives to hold on to, so we only have each other to fend for ourselves. Lana became my mom and my dad at the same time; she works as the chief prosecutor here in the area. My sister has always been so cheerful despite the situation, and I really love her for that.
So even with a week without her, I miss her so much.
But seriously—she rides that… thing? That huge hunk of a metal death trap? I honestly can't imagine myself surviving a ride without freaking out or throwing up or both. I took out my notebook and stared at the modern marvel once more, vaguely remembering what I've read about physics and estimating figures to give me an idea of the kinematic energy behind all this.
I watched a plane that's starting to move and observed it, anticipating for the take off—the one scary part of the ride. The part with the wheels started to lift, I looked at the machine and saw the whole thing actually hovering up the air and gradually start to fly. Ah! Bernoulli's Principle, I see! In that case,
"Ah, so this is how planes take off! Computing for the air pressure and possible turbulences one might experience in the ride, I expect scientifically speaking... that I'll be throwing up more than seven times in the ride,"
Damn, quite a lot. I've never been good at long transportation. I've had my share of motion sickness from that one motorcycle ride when I was in middle school. Since then, I've never been so keen on speedy and lengthy movement I'm not very familiar with.
Sighing, I put my notebook back and turned around. I've had enough with these things. Lana, what's taking you so long?
It was then I noticed someone looking towards my direction. It was a guy… perhaps around my age? He had unusual platinum blonde hair and tan skin. He was wearing a black dress shirt that's two or three buttons open, black cargo pants and, um… are those combat boots? I also noticed earrings, rings, and a necklace with a 'G' on it. Kind of reminds you of a pimp. Weird. And not to mention gaudy. Weird AND gaudy. And the excessive jewelry doesn't help bring down the gaudiness meter either. But that 'G' necklace looks cool. Actually, he looks cool overall.
What is he doing here, anyway? What is HE doing staring at me? I looked behind me and see nothing totally interesting, so logically speaking; he must be really looking at me! Do I have something on my face? Anything that's strikingly odd?
Dunno what came to me, but I found myself talking towards him. He didn't seem to flinch and he still kept looking at me.
I awkwardly blurted out an "Um,"
Real smooth, Ema. He ignored me. Well, I didn't really say anything,
"Uhh… sir?" I think he's too young to be called 'sir'. Reaaaal flawless.
"E-excuse me…" No response.
"Err…" Err isn't exactly a legit response. Genius, Ema.
"D-do you need something from me…?" No, really? Can't I think of a better inquiry? I'm making it sound like he's being creepy or something.
Actually, he is.
That's it, I'll be more direct! I took three full strides in his direction and crouched down in front of his sitting figure, "S-sir…?"
Achievement unlocked: snapped the weird-and-gaudy-but-pretty-cool guy out of it.
But then again, when I think about it, the way I got his attention was a bit too much. I practically shoved my face right in front of him with some sort of idiotic expression on my face. Hey, I can't help it. Based from his reaction he was actually spacing out, logically speaking.
"Ah—My apologies fraulein. I seemed to be a little distracted and spaced out. Can I help you?" I watched him stumble around from the way he said it. Also, I kind of detect a different accent… and hold on. What's a 'froy-layn'? It sounded kind of delicious.
"My name's not f-froy-layn! I thought you're the one who needed something from me," It really would help if I'm not stumbling around my words like him.
"It's nothing, really. Pardon me for that. I was just waiting for my brother, I just happened to look around the area for anything interesting" what.
Interesting, eh? Oh. Figures, I'm wearing a frickin' lab coat. Maybe he thought I was a doctor or something, heh. "Interesting? Me? It's the lab coat, isn't it?"
"E-err, ja." I thought 'Err' isn't exactly a legit response? Well, he did say yes, I think.
But my question stands, what's a 'froy-layn'?
Well, whatever. "Well if you must know, I am aspiring to be a scientist" I huffed and flashed a smirk in his direction. Haughty little me, eh?
"Noble and inspiring, fraulein. I admire women like you," eh? Not… weird? My classmates have always found it odd to have a science nut in the class, thus branded a nerd. But noble and inspiring… I can't help but smile. Perhaps the biggest smile I've given to anyone today.
"Thanks!" the guy gave me a surprised look and smiled back.
"So, what brings you here?" hm. Well, he's pretty nice.
"Well, logically speaking… I'm here to wait for my sister. She's coming home from Europe," speaking of Europe, I've been observing his accent of his since a while ago. Perhaps it's…
"And you," I paused, "I take it that you are of German heritage, yes?"
He deadpanned and grinned, "Ja, fraulein. Impressive observation,"
"Scientifically speaking, it's not that impressive. You just happened to mix in German in your speech. Not to mention you don't look like you're from here either," I lied. I still have no idea what language 'froy-layn' is, nor its meaning. Besides, I became familiar with the accent because of a certain prosecutor friend of my sister who carries a whip. Pretty scary.
He laughed a little; I take it that I was right "I think you'd make a great scientist, fraulein,"
What the heck do I respond to tha—AH! Sis! A wild Lana appeared! Awesome timing!
"A-anyway! I have to go! See you around!" I turned on my heel and faced towards Lana. I honestly don't know how to respond to him. I didn't even bother to bid the guy farewell properly. Ema Skye, full-fledged genius of grace and tactfulness.
Before I could run away from the awkwardness, he stood up and looked at me. Damn, he's tall, "Already? I see… In that case, Auf wiedersehen, fraulein!" he grinned and waved at me.
With that, I walked—no, ran towards Lana and basically glomped at her. I don't know what the heck just happened, but boy, I feel weird and my face is warm.
"H-hey! It's not like I was gone for a year or something. Did you miss me that much?" the half-strangled Lana cried.
I instantly let go, "I'm sorry, it's just—"
"Nah, no worries. Shall we head home now? I still have lots of work to do today"
Eh? Didn't she just arrive here? What's up with the hurrying? "Excuse me, what? You're still going to work? But you just arrived from England for work! Can't that wait until tomorrow when you've rested?"
She chuckled, "I'm afraid not. But hey, you could lighten my workload by bringing this tea set to the orphanage. Would save me a lot of time," she smirked at me.
"Nice try, but fine. I guess I can drop by and say hi to the kids" Ah yes, I'm a sucker for my sister.
She gave a light-hearted laugh and patted me on the head, "Haha, good girl! In return, I'll take you out to dinner tonight. Just be home before 8, okay?"
"Okaaaaay," with that, we walked out of the airport and hailed a cab. I dropped off near the orphanage and Lana handed me the tea set. I see the taxi off and went straight the orphanage. The caretaker for the orphanage was the one who took care of me while Lana was studying herself off during her time in Law school, so she was kind of our second father.
"Chase! Hey, old geezer! I have something for ya from Lana!" I barged into the orphanage. Upon entrance, I was greeted by lots of kids of various ages. Some of them are toddlers and some are already in elementary school.
"Ema! Play with us!"
"Emaaaaaa! Tutor me in math!"
"Ema! Teach me that trick about static electricity again!"
"Ema, come play dolls with us!"
Amidst of all the chaos, the caretaker showed up. That guy with messy orange hair with hair clips is called Chase. He also wears a purple apron of all things. Well, not exactly a snide remark if it's coming from a girl in high school who wears a lab coat all the time.
"Hey, Ema. Lana's back already?" This is Chase, the 35 year-old caretaker. You could tell by his lazy tone and lanky posture. But he's a good guy; he took care of me when Lana isn't around. Despite becoming a legit geezer in a matter of time, he's a hit with the ladies; old and young alike.
"Yup! But she went straight to work after she arrived. Here, a present from her," I handed out the tea set to Chase.
"Busy as always," he yawned, "By the way,"
"Hm?" I raised my brow at him.
"Could you look for Jim? I can't seem to find him, the last time I saw the kid was when he asked my permission to walk Peachy out,"
"Who's Peachy?" I tilted my head to the side from hearing an unfamiliar name.
"A dog he picked up yesterday,"
"Oh. I see… have you ever tried, I dunno, actually looking for Jim?"
"Excuse me?"
"Knowing how much of a lazy old guy you are, how should I know if you could still walk outside without a nearby chair for more than five steps; so, did you really look for Jim?"
"What—of course I have, you cheeky little nerd!" his arms reached for my hair and messed it up.
"Hey, stop that!" he then started to tickle me in the neck—AH darn, no!
"AAAAAHHHH—! OKAY, OKAY! I give! I'll look for Jim!"
"You just had to be so clever on me, eh?" ARGH STOOOOP
"Aw c'mon—hahahaha, I'll go look for Jim, really—AAAHHH not there!"
"I won't emphasize about your laziness and your age—AAAAHH STOOOP! HAHAHA— I'm sorry, I giiiiive! I won't—haha, tease you anymore—haha—so stooooop!" and then he did. This guy knows torture.
"Good, I'll see you later then" then Chase just walked away with me clutching on my stomach and still trying to catch my breath.
I bid the kids goodbye and stepped out from the orphanage. Walking the dog, eh? Logically speaking, the possible places he could be might be the park, downtown, or by Gourdy Lake—which technically, is also a park. I chose the first option and headed straight there.
I walked through the park entrance and the most strikingly noticeable thing was the big fountain that situated at the center of the park. Oh, and there he is, sitting at the edge of the fountain, but not a dog in sight.
"Jim, hey!" I called him out, he looked up, but he looked sad.
"Hi, Ema…" oh dear.
"Jim…! What's the matter?"
"Peachy—she…" Jim started whimpering.
"Peachy, your new dog?" he nodded.
"S-she's…" he started to tear up. Oh no, oh no, oh no—
"Yes…?" I inched closer and put my hands on his shoulders
"Peachy is…" oh god,
"PEACHY IS GONE! WAAAAAAAH!" he started to wail! Calm down, Ema. Calmly fix the situation,
"Sshh, it's fine!" I hugged Jim and rubbed his back.
I then faced Jim straight on, "Stop crying, or else we wouldn't find Peachy!"
"*sniff* b-but… *whimper*"
"Don't worry, I'll find Peachy for you! So calm down for now, please?" I smiled at him softly, hopefully making him stop crying.
"…okay." Phew! So far so good, Ema! Now for the difficult part…
"So what exactly does your dog look like?"
"*sniff* p-peachy is a hairy brown dog," I took my notebook and wrote it down. But only having those characteristics is a bit vague…
Oh, this might help! "I see, might I know Peachy's dog breed?"
"Bread? *sniffle* Peachy's not a pastry!" nice Ema, expect an 8 year old kid to know what breed an animal is.
"Ah—I meant what sort of dog is Peachy? A poodle? Labrador? A German Shepard?" Please, let him at least know that!
"Oh, umm… *sniff* she's a Terrier," thank goodness!
Hold on, I have no clue what sort of distinction a Terrier has. Argh, Ema!
I guess that'll make do! I'll somehow find that out and hopefully find Peachy, "Aw darn, I wonder what a Terrier looks like… anyway! I'll look for your dog, kiddo! Go home and wait for me, okay?"
"Y-yes! Thank you so much, Ema!" with that, Jim ran back to the orphanage. But damn, where do I start…?
"So, the fraulein scientist is called Ema?" ah! That froy-layn word again!
I turned around to find the same person I met at the airport, "Huh—oh, it's the German guy from the airport, erm…?" might as well know his name.
"Klavier. Just call me that, fraulein," Right. Klavier. Odd name, better write it in my handy-dandy notebook! "I can't help but overhear your conversation with that boy; I believe you're looking for a brown terrier named 'Peachy', correct?"
Aww shoot, he heard that? "Y-yeah, I suppose you also heard the part that I don't know how a terrier looks like," it's a little embarrassing to have someone see get frustrated…
"I did." He paused, "Though I happened to be aware of how said dog looks like," wait, what?
I then looked at Klavier straight on, "I may be able to be of assistance to you, fraulein."
"R-really? Then could you tell me—"
"Nein, perhaps it would be better if I come with you in looking for Peachy, of course, if fraulein scientist wouldn't mind…" No way, this guy's too nice!
"What, are you sure? I can't possibly bother you…"
But then again, that's a little suspicious. A total stranger offering a little girl some help, that is. It looks as though he read my mind and paused for a moment before an idea bulb flashed above his head "In that case, I propose a deal,"
I knew it! Please let it be easy! "I'm listening,"
"How about I help you look for Peachy, in return, you shall tour me around town. I suppose you live in this town, ja?"
Eh, that's it! Easy as pi! "That I do. Is that it?"
"Ja! So do we have a deal?" he lifted his hand for a handshake
Well, why not? Since he seems nice, then, "Deal!"
With that, our quest to find Peachy the Terrier starts.
Though I still don't know what the heck a 'froy-layn' is.
HEEEEYAAAAA. I kind of noticed after re-reading the prologue 1 for the nth time, I forgot something... I DIDN'T HAVE KLAVIER EXPLAIN WHAT FRAULEIN IS- AAAAAAAAAHHHH!
So yes, sorry for the conflicting details uwu I'll try to be more careful next time.
The next release should be the chapter proper, so no more prologues! (no, really? You don't saaay.)
Imma bribe y'all with cookies for review. Don't judge me. *places warm plate of chocolate chip cookies*
Don't like chocolate? Here. *places jar of pudding here*
jk. Reviews are much appreciated! 3 *still places more treats at nearby table*