The lights are off

but you're not home

your mind

is not your own


As Beca tapped her space bar, she swapped the music from Florence + The Machine's cover of "Addicted to Love" and replaced it with the melody to Alex Clare's "Too Close." Quietly, jamming Beca fixed the levels and admired her handiwork. The songs melded together forming something entirely new and entirely awesome. She hoped.

These were her favorite moments. When she was working on her mixes she could lose herself completely. Until she felt a tap on her shoulder.

"It's for you," Kimmie Jin hissed.

"What?" Beca looked around confused.

Kimmie pointed to her ears.

"Huh?" Beca asked.

Kimmie just rolled her eyes and turned around.

"Oh!" Beca mumbled to herself, taking off her headphones.

"Becaw! Becaw!"

Beca sighed and strode over to the door. And wrenched it open to find Jesse holding a huge stack of DVDs.

"It's about time," Jesse said, walking right past her and settling down on her bed.

Beca stared at him, confused.

"Kimmie Jin," Jesse nodded at her roommate.

"I'm going to the library," Kimmie responded, grabbing her backpack and leaving abruptly.

"Well, she knows how to make an exit," Jesse quipped.

"What are you doing here?" Beca asked him, off put by his presence in her room.

"Your movie education," Jesse replied as if it were obvious "You're in dire need of one."

"And you're the one who's going to give it to me?" Beca teased.

"It's a tough job, but someone's gotta do it. And I like to think I have what it takes." Jesse said, seriously.

Beca suppressed a laugh. Refusing to give him the satisfaction.

"But I have homework..." Beca attempted to get herself out of it.

"That you actually plan on doing?" Jesse asked, eyebrows raised.

"Not exactly," she conceded.

"Then come on," Jesse patted the spot beside him on the bed, "I brought snacks."

Beca searched for another way out of it.

"I don't know. After the riff off A ca-tensions have never been higher," she walked over to her bed "wouldn't this be a betrayal? Watching movies with the enemy?"

Jesse leant in.

"I won't tell if you don't," he grinned.

Beca, resigned, rolled her eyes and sat down next to him.

"What's first on the list?" she asked.

"Glad you asked. I thought I'd try something newer with you. You say you always get bored during movies. I think I have one you can't help but be interested in." Jesse dug around in his backpack until he produced.

"Kick Ass?" Beca asked dubiously.

"Not a traditional classic. But definitely not boring. There's a twelve year old girl who swears like a sailor and cuts a guy's legs off."

"Spoilers," Beca can't help but laugh "I guess I can give this a shot."

Jesse smiles.

"Kiss?" he asks.

Beca, taken aback, stares at him in shock.

Jesse produces a handful of tiny chocolate candies.

"Jeez Mitchell, I'm not a floozy. You think you can just seduce me that easily."

"Shut up and play the movie," Beca mumbles grabbing the candy from his hands.