Refer to chapter one for disclaimer!

Hinata paced the elevator frantically. Her family was having a Christmas banquet and Hiashi wanted to meet her boss. She could almost see the clash between the two in her head. Hiashi was strict, by the book, unyielding (in cases that didn't involve Icha Icha), and very cold to newcomers. Kitsune was the opposite; he was easy-going, completely unpredictable, also unyielding in his decisions, and very warm hearted if the previous night was anything to go by.

If things went south, she didn't know if Tsunade could stop Kitsune or her father from ripping each other a new one.

As the elevator doors opened, she was greeted with the sight of 3 women sitting with the Demon Hunter. The first woman wore a pure white kimono with small golden stars on it. Her hair was long and black, contrasting enormously with her ice blue eyes. The woman next to her wore a similar kimono, but was pitch black with small silver skulls on it. Her hair and eyes were a very dark violet and blood red respectively. The third and final woman was clad in a vibrant leaf green and earth brown kimono with leaves held up by the wind. Her hair was a deep brown and her eyes were emerald green. All of the women seemed to glow with an ethereal radiance. Kitsune looked up from the card game they were playing. "Hinata! What are you doing here?"

"Father wanted me to invite you to our Christmas banquet." Hinata replied uneasily. "I didn't know that you had company."

The white haired woman punched Kitsune on the arm. "Are you going to introduce us?"

"Oh right, Hinata allow me to introduce Kami, Shinigami or Yami, and Tozi." Kitsune pointed at each in turn. All three waved at the shocked Hyuuga girl whose mouth had hit the floor with a loud 'clack'. "I met them during 2 different missions that crossed their domains. I told them that my home is open if they wanted to get away from the paperwork of godhood and to visit at least once a year. Same to you, if you need a place of refuge for anything, come here."

Hinata fainted.

Kitsune sweatdropped. "I honestly thought that I informed her that there are freaky things in this occupation."

"You did." Kami sipped some tea delicately. "She fainted at the fact that you know us."

Hinata bolted upright and began to bow profusely. "Kitsune-san, show some respect to them! Kami-sama, Yami-sama, and Tozi-sama, I apologize for my employer's lack of social skills."

All three goddesses laughed uproariously. "We know of his lack of skills." Kami explained gently, motioning for her to join them. "When I first met him, he was searching for a bracelet made of demon silver. Very cursed, and very dangerous. First thing he said to me was, 'Holy shit, you're a woman. I owe Trish-nee-chan 500 ryo now'." The goddess of life giggled at his assistant's reaction. "He stopped by after finding it and told me that his home was open if I wanted a break. He left muttering about stupid nee-chans and getting even with a certain half-devil."

"My turn!" Tozi exclaimed, causing Hinata to sweatdrop at her antics. "He accidently came across my private hot springs when he was racing a pack of hell lupines. I just so happened to be in there at the time. He spotted me and immediately stopped the race and made everyone turn around and leave while I bathed. I noticed them, and followed him after finishing. He apologized profusely and constantly asked for me to not turn him into a tree or an animal, and added that if I did, to at least turn him into a fox." Kitsune shrugged at the curious glare from Hinata and placed 2 cards down and drawing the same amount. "I explained that there was nothing to be concerned about. He was estactic and proceeded to hunt the hell lupines down for some trashy comments about me. He made me the same offer as Kami-chan and I accepted."

Yami looked up from her cards. "My turn? He was tracking the hell lupines Tozi-chan mentioned and came across my domain. He took one look at me and said, 'You should look that way when you are summoned. You'll kill the male targets just by letting them get a glimpse of you'." Hinata was staring daggers at the devil hunter now. "I told him that I would think about it. He stopped by after killing the entire pack and proceeded to offer me the same deal. I agreed and threatened to kill him if he told anyone what he told me. He turned and said one thing. 'My dear, you have had countless chances to take me. You never took them. I am a warrior. I'm not afraid of you. Cowards run from you, I will shake your hand and ask you how your day was. If I do die in battle, I'm bringing all of the enemies around me with. No one should die alone, so I'll take as many of the bastards I can with me'. I was actually stunned." Hinata looked at Kitsune with a little bit of awe and shock apparent on her face. "Full house."

"Damn, three of a kind." Kami.

"Dang it, Shini-chan! Straight flush." Tozi.

"Kitsune, what's your cards?" Shinigami asked the masked man.

"Royal flush." He said, revealing the Ace, King, Queen, Jack, and Ten of Diamonds.

Kami and Shinigami groaned while Tozi looked ecstatic. "I am never playing Texas hold'em with you ever again." The goddess of death hissed at him as he gathered up the cards. "I'll have that location for you in a few days."

"What did you bet?" Hinata asked with a growing suspicion in her mind.

"I asked Shinigami-chan if she could find the location of a certain tomb. She said that I would have to beat her in a card game. Kami-chan was the same, but I was looking for a weapon that an old associate of Dante's."

"The Hyuuga clan has what you are looking for." Kami told him as they stood from the table.

"Ok, thanks." Kitsune nodded at the goddess. "Tozi, on the other hand, made a bet that if she lost, I would accompany her during the entire first day of spring everywhere she went. I did try to lose, but I needed information. I had to bet the secret of defeating paperwork but I only bet the secret to Kami and Yami." He shrugged, missing the lustful look in the goddess of nature's eyes. "Eh, life throws us curveballs all the time."

"I'll see you then, stud." Tozi winked at him before disappearing in a swirl of leaves and water.

"Show-off." Kami and Shinigami growled at the empty spot Tozi had occupied.

"Any who, thank you all for visiting and have fun with the strongest demon in the universe! And Kami-chan, please remember those two." Kitsune smiled cheekily before wearing a sad expression.

"I will get that secret." Shinigami scowled as she stepped into the shadows and disappeared.

"Until next time," Kami smiled softly as she faded into the light.

Hinata turned to him with a slight disapproving look on her face. "What else have you bet?"

"I have always bet that secret, and they bet tidbits of information that I need. I haven't lost a game yet." Kitsune walked into his bedroom as he took of his muscle shirt and pulled out a black one. "Now, what time do you want me over?"

"Oh, around 5."

"Alright, I'll see you there." She gave him a soft smile before the elevator doors closed.

Kitsune shook his head. "What's up, Kami?"

The goddess appeared out of the light of the over head lights and answered. "How long until you tell them? All of us can tell that it is tearing you up."

"I don't know. I already died to them once. Coming back would make some of them happy, but you know the risks with demon hunting. I don't want to put them through that."

"Sometimes the risks are worth it. They are not defenseless. They all are strong. Hinata especially. I smell Lucia's blood in her." With that, Kami left.

Kitsune just gathered his things and checked to see if anything was missing. 'I agree with you, Kami, but I left to protect them. I can't do that if they are pulled in.'

Hinata stood in the banquet hall as the guests filtered in with Hiashi. Waving at Shino and Team Gai, she began to wonder where Kitsune was.

A side branch member approached her father. "Lord Hiashi, there is a man at the gate with a kitsune mask. We have informed him of our policy of weapons in the compound, but he has refused adamantly to remove said objects."

"Also your guards suck at catching small changes on people and really need to relax." The trio turned to see Kitsune sitting by the branch member behind them. "I mean seriously, they didn't notice a flea riding on Neji?"


"Oops, my company is here. I'll be back." He did a poor impression of what seemed to a famous movie quote before running away cackling madly as the branch guards pursued him.

"That...was your boss?" Hiashi inquired to his eldest daughter.

"Hai." She murmured as a light blush appeared. He just had to embarrass her with his antics.

"Hello, Hinata-chan." Everyone's favorite/least favorite mutt slipped up beside her. "Will you allow me to sit by you this banquet?"

Hiashi chuckled at Kiba mentally. He really didn't know how to take a hint that Hinata was not interested as a fiery gleam appeared in his daughter's eyes. "Kiba-san, that place is reserved for my boss."

"Oh yeah?" Kiba snorted. "He probably isn't-"

Kitsune was running across the court yard as the guards surrounded him. He preformed a Kawarimi as the guards began to tackle him. Kiba disappeared from Hinata's side and reappeared in the mess of guards. Kitsune just sipped a glass of sake as the guards looked around in confusion. "Ah, Hiashi-san, it is a pleasure meeting you. Hinata hasn't mentioned you at all until today. Would you please call off your guards? I carry my weapons with me no matter what because of my job. I can keep up the chase as long as I find it entertaining, but I am willing to bet that that will weaken your defenses."

Hiashi nodded with a stony expression and walked over to the group of guards as Kitsune just fell to the floor laughing at Kiba's shocked expression before apologizing to Tsume and handing her a stack of bills for any damages made to Kiba's person. Shortly after wards, the banquet was in full swing when a Hyuuga councilman approached Kitsune, who hadn't left Hinata's side to protect her from Kiba's advances. "So, which clan do you hail from?"

"Does it really matter to you?" Kitsune's mask eyes narrowed. "More than likely you will just snort in a haughty manner and declare that your clan is far superior and my own is inferior." The man sputtered as the room grew quiet and his voice grew cold. "May I remind you that your clan was in a similar state before you joined Konoha. I managed to get in here by deceiving your eyes and even with your guards using said eyes could not catch me. You may be one of the most powerful clans in the elemental nations, but in my world, you are the equivalent of a genin."

"Respect your elders, boy!" the man nearly screamed.

"I do, but you. Are. Not. My. Elder." Kitsune hissed as he poked the elder as he said each word. "My elders are my sensei and Tsunade-sama. You are not either them."

"Hiashi, do something." Another council member hissed to the head near the fight that Hinata was edging away from.

"No. I want to see where this leads."

"Get out of this compound, boy!" the arguing elder bellowed.

"I was invited by Hinata and Hiashi. I will not leave unless they wish it." The elder turned to yell at the girl when there was a 'shing'. The elder ceased all movement as Rebellion appeared pointing directly at the man's Adam's apple and drew a gasp from the room. Kitsune's voice was as frosty as the underground chamber Cerberus took up residence in. "I would suggest standing down now. You and the rest of this clan's council are the cause of the majority of trouble in her life already. I'll be damned if I will let this go any further! I will not let you harm my assistant in any way, shape, or form!"

"And we will back him up." A new voice sounded from the outside of the room.

Everyone turned except for Kitsune and the elder. A tall man with a shock of white hair and electric blue eyes wearing a bright red trench coat stood just outside the door with a company of a blond woman with green eyes wearing a halter top with a lightning bolt pattern down the center, a brunette in a school girl outfit that fit her and heterochromic (Spelling?) eyes and a large tube slung across her back with a large blade at the end, a woman with dark blue hair and icy blue eyes in a long fur parka along with twin katanas strapped to her waist and a tall bronze-skinned and golden eyed man wearing only Chinese style pants (A/N: think Natsu's pants from Fairy Tail) with a pair of copper and silver gauntlets strapped to his arms. The white haired man stepped into the room and continued to where Kitsune was still glaring at the council man. "The second she accepted the job, she became one of us." The blonde woman shot at the man.

The bronze giant continued. "And if you fuck with one of us…"

The entire group including Kitsune said in a monotonous voice. "You fuck with all of us."

Kitsune sheathed Rebellion and led Hinata outside just as Kiba tried to snag her. The entire group let of a concentrated blast of killing intent at the quivering man before following. Hiashi nodded. "See? The situation was handled. No need for me to get involved." Hiashi vanished as the councilman next to him sputtered and attempted to tell him what to do.


Kitsune was bashing his head against the ground as the group looked on in mild amusement. Hinata was sitting on the porch with the brunette, the blonde, and the blue-nette sitting around her. She recognized Trish and Lady while assuming that the dark haired girl was Ryuuga. Dante was standing over the self punishing hunter and Ookami was sipping the largest mug of sake she had ever seen. Kitsune stood up. "My apologies, sensei. I thought that you didn't leave the city except for jobs?"

"I just wanted to check up on my student. What, aren't you happy to see me?" the white haired man whined.

Kitsune adjusted his mask and swept off the dirt on his jacket. "Of course I am. You however are, A) a lazy ass with huge debt problems, B) have tried to get me to gamble and help you pay it off. And C) You brought everyone here. That alone is enough to raise concern."

Ookami shook his head. "Your deduction skills never cease to amaze me."

"Only because you think in the box and think that I'm insane." Kitsune shot back. "I learned that when the whole world is insane on different levels. I accepted my insanity. Now, what's up?"

Lady looked sheepish. "We all have been attacked by hell prides and blades. The only one who hasn't been attacked is you. Ookami managed to see the elder demon summoning them. Some one is testing our abilities."

A chill swept through the night air, causing all of them excluding Hinata to stand or placed their hands on their weapons. "Hinata, get inside." Kitsune ordered. "Get everyone indoors." Hinata rushed around outside and managed to get inside the door nearest to the demon hunters as a barrier appeared. "We are sealing you inside. Nothing can get in or out. Try to keep people from watching." Kitsune explained as the others unsheathed their weapons.

"What's happening?" Hanabi came up. She froze when she saw the barrier.

An unearthly screech shattered the noise from the banquet. All of the enlisted shinobi attempted to leave but hit the barrier. As Hinata informed them what Kitsune had told her, the demons appeared.

There was hell prides (Hinata praised herself at remembering the name), blades (lizard like demons with shields and one set of really sharp claws), and enigmas (one eyed demons with 8 limbs, 2 legs, 3 arms and 3 bow staff like armaments) covering the normally pristine courtyard. The enigmas were standing along the roof tops as the hell prides and blades paced along the ground. A new demon stood next to the enigmas. He was covered in blood red and pitch black fur and a long bushy tail behind him. "Hello, the Devil Angels are-"


Everyone face faulted except for the group outside, who just sweat dropped while Dante laughed.

"Hey, it's true!" Dante shouted.

"Kill them! Kill them all!" the demon screamed, enraged by the insult.

Chaos ensued.

Kitsune threw Rebellion up into the air as Dante tossed him a o-katana in a dark royal blue sheathe. Pulling the blade from it's sheathe, he dove into the nearest group of blades and hell prides, sending body parts flying as he severed limbs. Ookami growled and howled at the moon before turning into his Hybrid form (A/N: Think Beast from Beauty and the beast, but more wolf like). His gauntlets flashed as claws popped out and covered his already deadly fingers. Lightning chakra buzzing around the claws, he began ripping blades and hell prides limb from limb all the while using the bodies as weapons and slamming them into the unforgiving earth. Ryuuga was elegantly dodging and slashing, moving almost as if she were water or wind. Hell prides slashed only to explode into sand while the blades' bodies dissolved into blood and earth. Lady and Trish were blasting away at the enigmas with their pistols and submachine guns. Dante was slashing with Rebellion and blasting with his twin pistols in the middle of the pack, cutting down blades and hell prides left and right, occasionally up too. Kiba had to cover his mouth to keep in his dinner from seeing the blood bath. Sure, he was used to mass slaughter, considering that was all that they did with bandit extermination missions. He was more of the slaughterer, not the witness. Hinata seemed to be the only one who could stomach it, but she was pale and breathing lightly. Lee was ranting on about Youth and challenging Kitsune or Ookami to a taijutsu match. Ten-ten and Neji were trying to calm Lee and not watch the bloody fight, seeing as a leg from a blade near Kitsune was sent flying and hit the barrier and erupted into flames after hitting it. Sasuke and Sakura were flinching in pity at each dying scream that was quickly silenced. After a few minutes, all of the summoned hell prides, blades and enigmas were dead or dying. The squirrel-like demon was quickly finished off.

Sitting on the rocks and on the porch, wounds could be seen covering the group. Ryuuga sported dark bruises and her outfit was cut up on some areas; Ookami had broken scythes and claws on him and occasionally roared in pain as Kitsune, who one of the more injured members, was pulling out the remains; Kitsune actually had numerous cuts on himself, some showing bone. At Hinata's request for the more uneasy members, he crushed a green star and all of his wounds healed up faster than Choji at an all-you-can-eat buffet. Trish and Lady had minor cuts and scrapes while Dante was walking around with 2 scythes sticking out of his back. As ANBU showed up with Tsunade, the Devil Angels went off to the side with Hinata to wait for Tsunade or Cat to come over and talk to them. After cleaning the grass, Tsunade approached them. "Kitsune, you are going to be the death of me." The busty blonde sighed.

"Nah, the paperwork will be." Kitsune quipped.

"Are you going to tell the secret to defeating it to her?" Ryuuga asked from the tree she was lounging in.

Kitsune was gone with Tsunade chasing after him while demanding that he tell her the secret. "Psst, what's the secret?" Hinata asked quietly.

"Shadow clones."

Later, in Hiashi's office

Hiashi sat behind his desk looking at his fidgeting elder daughter. "Kitsune is a rather curious fellow, don't you think?"

"Hai, father."

"Hinata, what is my rule when you are addressing me in my study or room?"

"I mean, hai oto-san."

"That's better. I must say, I rather like him."


"You thought differently?"

Hinata blushed lightly. "In all honesty, hai. He is the complete opposite of you except in your stubbornness. I actually thought that it would be you having an argument with him instead of with one of the elders."

Hiashi chuckled. "True, but I would not insult him. Poke at him, certainly. But to outright try and put him down? Those days are behind me. Now, one final thing before I dismiss you." He pulled out a medium sized box. "Your kaa-san told me to give these to you when I felt that you are ready." Hinata looked at the older man with wide eyes. "I feel that you are, and am giving this to you now."

Hinata opened the box to find 2 ornately crafted daggers. Twin diamonds sat on the hilt of the blades as she inspected them. "Otou-san, I thought kaa-san didn't leave anything to me."

"She did. It was those daggers. She called them something, but I forgot. You can name them now though. You can even use them in combat."

She thought for a moment and said, "…I'll call them Purity."

Hiashi raised an eyebrow. "You're naming them as a set?"

"Hai. It feels more right doing it that way." Standing, she bowed. "Thank you otou-san."

Kitsune shook his head as he stood under the shower. Everyone was staying with him in his home. He was the last to shower off the aches and pains from the earlier battle. He pulled off his mask and soaked his blond head. That battle was the largest battle the Elemental Devil Triad had ever faced and one of the harder ones to fight for the older ones. Thankfully there weren't any really young children at the banquet. He picked up the soap and began to lather himself. Kami mentioned that Hinata had Devil blood in her. Dante never mentioned Lucia, and when asked would only say that she fought alongside him for a while before deciding to leave that life for a more peaceful one. Hinata could be a descendant, but there was only one way to prove it.

Rinsing himself off, he stepped out of the shower and wrapped his towel around his waist. That elder really riled him up. The demons helped him relieve his anger from the argument. Slapping his hands to his cheeks to wake himself up, his gaze lingered on the 6 whisker marks on his face. He really should tell them what really happened. He left his bathroom, pulled on his pajama bottoms and climbed into his bed. He would worry about it tomorrow.

Kyuu: I have only gotten feed back from one person about rewriting The Hidden village of Dragons. Please let me know and as always, read and review!

Ja ne!