Answer the Call

A/N So, here is my first story. I hope you read it entirely and enjoy it. I request that you review it when you finished. Flames will be fed to my hellhound. Suggestions and requests are welcome. Updates will be spontaneous and whatnot. Now, I guess I'll let you just get on with it.

Prologue: Hear My Cry

Small forms were huddle close together, shivering and moving as close as possible for more warmth on the cold stone floors.

It was a beautiful day; hundreds of families were in the Alley today for some fun today with everyone there, unaware of the danger to their children lurking in many of the shadows.

The oldest held the youngest in their arms, trying to comfort them as they shook with silent sobs.

Luna Lovegood

A young blonde girl strayed from her parents' side as they look through a book shop, following an animal that only she could see only to vanish beneath a cloak of invisibility and restrained by the dirty arms of a large man.

The scent of blood filled the air from the older ones and a couple of the younger ones who had tried to defy their captors.

Percy, Fred, George, Ron, and Ginny Weasley

Five young red headed children slipped from their parents, giggling at their little escape into a dark alley that their parents had told them not to go into only to be cornered by a foul ugly man and roped together.

A door farther down the hallway to the room the children creaked open, drawing whimpers from many of the children as the older and braver ones bit the inside of their lips worryingly.

Neville Longbottom

A shy boy tumbled onto the ground and into an alley after tripping over a raised brick only to be caught by a man dressed in many rags and a crazed glint in his eyes making the boy whimper and cry but his mouth was quickly covered and he was vanished as well.

The footsteps and evil chuckles of the men who had taken them all echoed down to them causing the children to pull back farther into the corners, the older ones placing themselves before the younger ones.

Blaise Zabini and Draco Malfoy

A young black boy and a pale blonde boy giggled silently as they snuck back into the dark alley out of the shop where their parents were trading with the owner to get rid of the dark artifacts in their homes only for both boys to release muffled squeals as grubby hands covered their mouths and dragged them into the shadows as the owner of the hands cackled evilly and then dragged them away from their comfortable lives along with five other children.

The footsteps and laughter along with some of the men speculating on what to do with them came closer and closer to the place they were held.

Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan

A black boy ran into an Irish boy and both made quick friends before running off giggling towards the ice cream shop they had spotted earlier only to get caught beneath a cloak and dragged into an alley where a couple other children were gagged and tied like they soon were.

As the men crept closer, a young girl whimpered and began to whisper small prayers of someone finding them and saving them with a few of the other younger children joining in with her whispered prayers as the older grasped each other's hands and squeezed them in reassurance.

Cedric Diggory

A young brown haired boy of only about 8 slipped from his parents, his eyes wide in wonder to explore this exciting place only to be drawn into a small alley by a strange noise only to let loose a muffled scream when he spotted more children only gagged and bound with frightened tears in their eyes with him soon joining them as a man beneath a cloak captured him as well.

A young green eyed boy remembered a feeling of when he had truly wished for something, it happened and thus screwed his eyes shut tight and clasped the hands of two children next to him and began to wish desperately for someone to come and rescue all of them from this hell.

Susan Bones

A young girl smiled happily as she trailed behind her aunt who had taken a break from work to hang out just with her only for a cloak to suddenly drop over her and a hand grab her arms roughly behind her back as another hand covered her mouth before she was dragged into a small side alley and bound before being thrown next to a couple other children before a dizzying sensation came over them as a hook captured them behind their navels only to land hard upon cold stone.

Another child with red hair asked the boy what he was doing and he whispered what had happened to him when he wished before and several children recognizing accidental magic with a semblance of control began to copy the boy as the men came closer and closer for their daily "play" time.

Harry Potter and Hermione Granger

A small green eyed boy whimpered as his aunt dropped him off before an old looking pub that his uncle and cousin couldn't see before driving off but soon he met a bushy haired girl who could also see the pub but had gotten separated from her parents and so they both entered it only to get pulled beneath a table and under a cloak before dragged up the stairs and into a room with several other bound and gagged children before they joined them in the corner as well.

Their prayers and wishes grew more and more desperate as the men came closer and closer, obviously coming as slowly as possible to increase the fear factor, and suddenly, they could feel something powerful stirring beneath their prayers and wishes which grew to new heights with this slight answer.

Adrian Pucey

In a dark alley a young brown haired boy of about 7 slipped out of a shop where his parents were to follow two other boys that he had seen slip out and followed them into an alley just a few minutes after them only to be captured and bound as well before they were all portkeyed away.

A goddess stirred from her sleep in a sea of green as multiple voices of young children with the power to call upon the power of where she slept cried out to her for help, their voices filled with panic and pain.

Cho Chang

A young Asian girl skipped after a cute young boy she had seen slip from his own parents and into an alley only for her own scream to be muffled by a second man as she was also bound and tossed next to the boy she had been following.

As the men came closer, a green glow began to grow around them starting from the green eyed boy and then red haired girl sitting next to him as the being that heard their pleas began to pay attention to them.

Lee Jordan

A young black boy with his hair in dreadlocks slipped away from his parents in the crowd entering and exiting the alley and headed up the stairs before a sound in a room drew his attention and he entered it only to be caught and bound like the other children he now noticed in a corner of the room and was tossed next to a bushy haired girl and green eyed boy.

A glow spread farther and farther, especially to the children who they all knew may not make it due to the injuries the men had caused them and with how cold it was in their prison.

Anthony Goldstein and Michael Corner

A golden haired boy and a dark brown haired boy bumped into each other before giggling and running up the stairs of the Inn to explore while their parents continued eating only for a sound that sounded much like a muffled scream caught their attention and they crept into a room with the door ajar only to be caught just like the boy before them and tossed onto the other side of the boy and girl.

Warmth like they had never felt before spread across them as the glow grew brighter and finally caught the attention of their captors drawing alarmed cries from the men.

Justin Finch-Fletchley

A young boy sniffled as he looked around for his parents who he had gotten separated from only for an out of place pub to catch his attention and enter, heading up the stairs when a strange sound caught his attention only to be captured before he could scream when he spotted terrified bound children only for him to join them just as bound and then all connected by a single long piece of rope and ported away when a hook caught behind their navels and landing on hard stone floor along with two other groups of children.

The children all connected hands and wished harder and harder to be free from their torture and hurts and to live as the green glow spread and what looked like to be green pyre flies appeared around them.

Cormac McLaggen and Zacharias Smith

Two boys giggled and ran off, sneaking away from their parents at an ice cream parlor in the alley where they had met only to be caught beneath a cloak by a man and tossed into a side alley with many other children after being bound and gagged like the others before the men connected them all with a rope and they vanished with a hook catching behind their navels and transporting them away to land on cold stone next to two other groups of children.

Then, the light reached its max, so bright that it was nearly white and with a flash, the children vanished leaving only a bunch of pyre flies that separated and flew away.

For several weeks, the children were locked away in this unknown location and were tortured and made fun of along with told of how their parents would never find them and no one would find them and how they would be sold to be slaves to Muggle's for their powers to be used for whatever their future owner would want and the children lived in terror but took comfort in that they were not alone and were together for as long as they could be as the men never separated them from the first room they had been dropped in though many times the older ones had tried to run away only to be hurt very badly by the men and none of them tried again, all now knowing that they would be stuck here with no hope for rescue and sold away as slaves.

The children, when they head no sound of the men again opened their eyes only to find themselves in a giant expanse of black and standing upon a sea of green threads and little dots of light. Miraculously, all of their injuries were gone and they didn't feel cold or hungry anymore. Exchanging looks of joy, the children cheered and hugged each other before a voice of a woman brought their attention to Her.

"Hello children, I am the Goddess Minerva." She spoke, immediately catching the children's attention.

She was tall and very beautiful with pale skin, long golden hair, and soft hazel eyes and dressed in gold and white armor. A golden white glow around Her held the children in awe.

"Your prayers called Me to you and so I am here to answer them. I am afraid that all of you were already near death and thus all I could do was pull your souls here to the lifestream. However, I can give you a second chance at life far into the future of this planet. Life will be very different and yet similar to your past lives, but you will not have the memories you have now. I ask you to take this chance for I see thousands of years into the future a great calamity will befall the planet and if I send you to when it will begin to affect the planet, you will all have a chance to stop this calamity and save this world." She continued now that She had their attention, but Her words filled the children with sadness but what She said after that brought hope.

"Will… Will we ever be able to go home?" Spoke up a young girl with red hair and freckles.

The woman's eyes softened.

"If a chance ever arises, I will allow you to return to your time after the calamity has been taken care of. I will also return all of your memories to you and explain what has happened in your absence and a few other things you will need to know." She conceded.

The children shared smiles and then all turned to her with hope in their eyes and resolve in their hearts.

"We will do as you ask, Goddess Minerva." replied the eldest of the group, a boy of about 9 as the others nodded in agreement.

"Thank you, children. I wish you good luck with your paths and hope you all meet again." She smiled softly back to the children and before waving Her hand over them causing them to all vanish in a flash of light, allowing Her to return to Her sleep until She was needed again.

Meanwhile, in the British communities, both magical and non-magical, panic ensues as twenty-two children are found missing and one that will not be noticed he is missing until his eleventh birthday…

A/N So, here is my first story. I hope you enjoy it. However, I will warn you now, I am not good at updates on a schedule and thus this will only be updated whenever I either complete a chapter or feel like it. Another note is that all flames will be fed to my pet hell hound. Either way, I hope you enjoy this story and suggestions or request for the story are always welcome with open arms. Side note: the first chapter is already almost complete. Thus concludes my author's note with a plead to review since you have now finished reading (or at least I hope you did) and to either favorite, follow, or both my story.

Have a Goddess Blessed Day!