A/N -So I've decided to write this instead of doing my very important AP Biology homework. I guess it's because I'm listening to Breaking Benjamin's album and I'm feeling sort of rebellious. Anyway, I've been dying to write more for this, and have been trying to contain myself so I'm not updating every hour xD Hope you guys like this, and let me know what you think of Harken!

Chapter Three?

"Sorry about them." Emily smiles at me. We're sitting in weather beaten lawn chairs on her small back porch, sipping black coffee out of warm mugs, and talking about La Push. They had a school I was already enrolled in, as well as Harken. He wouldn't like that very much, but I didn't say anything to Emily about it. How would she react when she was called to the office on the very first day because of his temper? I would have to have a talk with him.

"I live with Harken, nothing can surprise me." I tell her with a smile, and her eyes light up as she appraises me, as if in a 'you have no idea' sort of way. I smile wider.

"He doesn't seem so bad. Very handsome, nice smile." She drawls out her words like a school girl, nudging me with her elbow. I roll my eyes.

"Don't make me throw up. He's nice looking and all, I'll give you that." I nod a bit to her. I could feel myself blushing and I couldn't even figure out why. Harken was my brother, and nothing more. But when people said things like that it just got all the butterflies in my stomach going.

I wasn't attracted to guys, or girls either for that matter. Not that I would mind much either way. Harken says I just haven't met the right person yet, which seems about right. When I meet the right person, I'll know.

"You know, you really should meet all the guys. Just in case." She's saying, squinting at me, like she expects something from me. I quirk a brow at her, and nod. All of these guys seemed crush worthy, that was for sure, but none of them really did much for me, not that I'd talked to any of them yet. "I'll invite them for dinner." She announces.

"Not that they need inviting." Sam grins, looking out at us through the screen on the back door.

"You seem to like them, though." I observe out loud. Even though they complained of the boys pushing boundaries, and being too intrusive, they didn't seem to mind much about it. They seemed to like it, if anything.

"They're our kids, in a way." Emily was saying, than glances at me. "But not the same as having our own of course." She adds quickly, as if I'd be offended. I liked the idea of a big family.

"I should go change for dinner than." I excuse myself and head up to the room where Harken was unpacking his things and mine. All of these people, their whole family, it seemed close knit, and comforting, and I had this overwhelming feeling that I was missing out. I wouldn't be here long, only about two years, until I turned eighteen, I wouldn't get the chance to get so close to them. When I turned eighteen, there would be no reason for me to stick around.

"I don't like it here." Harken tells me right away, as I take a seat on the edge of his bed.

"Because those guys are taller and buffer than you?" I deadpan sarcastically, but he scowls and jams more clothes into his drawers.

"They're not that much bigger." He grumbles, and shuts the drawer sharply, before deflating onto the bed.

"Emily invited them all over for dinner. And we're enrolled in La Push High. No fights this time." I demand all at once. He just glances at me and smiles.

"Would I fight on the first day?" He asks innocently, "Really, I mean do you know me at all?" He rolls his eyes. I whack him to let him know that he really wasn't funny before jetting myself up to find something suitable to wear. "We might as well sell them our souls too."