Secret Life of a Special Agent


Tony gave a slight nod, "I want you in here with me. We'll figure everything out later but right now I'm tired and cold, and my husband should be warming me up."

He shimmied under the blankets to lie on his back looking up at the ceiling. Not long after he felt the bed move and felt a hesitant hand make its way to his chest. Waiting and holding his breath Seeley couldn't help but smile when he felt Tony's head gently fall on his chest, a light breathe tickle his chest. Tony snuggled in further to the heat Seeley's body was giving off leading his arm to wrap around Tony. Seeley leaned down and kissed the soft hair on Tony's head like he had done a million times, but this time it was different; it felt like so much more. It was a promise to be faithful, a promise to always be there and a promise to never mess up again.

"Mmm g'night." A sleepy Tony breathed out.

"Goodnight Babe."

And with that they both fell asleep with the hope of tomorrow, of the future; their future together. Seeley chuckled lightly at Tony's usual remark.


3 months later

"Boys you better be ready, we have to leave soon!" Tony yelled up the stairs as he was putting his sons' toys away.

When he was done he looked around to be sure everything was done he jumped at the feeling of two strong arms around his waist and smiled when he felt lips on his neck. He backed into the strong body, reveling in the heat of the familiar body. Leaning his head back he smiled looking up into the eyes he loved, and laughed as he was being kissed gently but passionately.

"Ewwy," came a joking voice and three little giggles.

The two men reluctantly pulled apart to look at the three smiling faces. Tony felt a deep chuckle going through the man hugging him close and couldn't help but laugh along.

"Oh you boys think that's funny? Well you know what else is funny? The tickle monster getting you!" With that Tony took after the boys who let out high pitched squeals and ran away laughing.

When all was done Tony was lying down on the living room floor with his three boys who were all tired.

"You guys look comfy." A voice said from the doorway.

"DADDY!" All three little boys yelled as they jumped up and almost tackled Seeley who just laughed.

Seeley had two boys in his arms and one hanging on his leg as he made his way over to Tony who had still yet to get up from lying down. Seeley smiled his heart-warming smile that only Tony ever saw.

"You better get up too, we're going to be late."

"Yea, yea, yea I'm up."

Tony walked over to Seeley and hugged him while the boys grabbed their bags. They all piled into the SUV to go for a ride.

As they pulled up to the two storied house the boys were practically bouncing up and down with excitement. The vehicle had just been put into park as the boys opened the door and ran over to the front door right as it was opening. A smiling woman opened the door and held her arms open, which the boys took full advantage of as they launched themselves at her.

"Hey be careful boys. You don't need to bulldoze everyone down." Tony yelled as he shut the door and was grabbed around the waist by Seeley.

"Oh they're no problem at all. I miss having kids around playing." The woman laughed.

"Alright come on boys, into the house and put your bags in your rooms."

"Okay Uncle Jefwo." Travis answered as he followed behind his older brothers to the upstairs bedrooms.

"Hey Tony, Seeley." Gibbs said as he saw them and put his arm around the woman.

"Hi boss and of course hello to the beautiful Alice, how are you?"

"Oh still such the charmer. I'm very well, how are you?" Alice answered laughing at Tony's usual remarks.

"I'm very well also. Thank you two so much for taking them for the weekend. We really need to get away after the whole Temperance fiasco."

"Hey don't worry about it, we don't mind at all and we love spending time with the kids. So you two better get going before you miss your plane. Have fun in Italy." Gibbs spoke up. He had become more talkative since meeting Alice, who he met shortly after he got over the unrequited love of Tony. Gibbs discovered that he was happy when ever Alice was around and he had started smiling more. They had started dating for a month until they both realized that they didn't want to wait for the next step when they loved each other so much. They had waited around for the special someone for years and they weren't about to pass up on that love that they had lived so long without. They had moved in together and haven't looked back since.

"Thanks you two. So you have our numbers and the hotel number where we're staying. And you know what the boys like and don't-"

"Tony we know all of this stuff so don't worry we have everything under control." Gibbs said with a slight smile at his agent's protectiveness and worry over his sons.

"I know you do its not that it's just, we haven't been gone this long away from them and I'm nervous." Tony said while looking down but gave a slight smile when Seeley gave his hand a squeeze and moved in closer to him.

"Alright well you two better get going. Boys get down here before your parents leave!" Gibbs yelled up the steps and not long after they all heard little feet puttering down the steps.

After long hugs, big kisses and plenty of 'I love you's Tony and Seeley drove to the air port.


Entering the hotel by the water Tony couldn't help but look around in wonder at being back in Italy one of the many places he counted as home. After traveling to Italy almost every summer as a child and during college Tony had grown fondly attached to the place.

The trip marked their fresh start and the new beginning they were taking together. They were planning on renewing their vows and do it in front of their friends and family, unlike when they were younger.

After much investigating, it was discovered that Temperance had lied not only to Booth but also her ex-boyfriend. The baby was not Booth's but an old boyfriend who she had a fling with. Her obsession for Booth became too much for her to handle and wanted a way to make sure he would be with her. A bug thing she had not anticipated on was Booth having a husband and a family. Tony did not rest until he found out the truth of the whole accusation of Booth being the father. When confronted over the fact of paternity something snapped and she charged after Tony and was arrested and was tested for her level of sanity. The results were that it was in her best interest to go to a facility for further help.

Tony and Seeley were both glad that she was out of their life and they didn't have to worry anymore about the lies or the woman and her baby. They could just forgive and forget and get back to their lives and kids.

Seeley walked behind Tony and took him in his arms. They stood by the large window and watched the sun go down over the water and watched the boats dock and sway in the water. Nothing could top that romantic and relaxing moment for them.

Tony shivered as he felt the first kiss to his neck and moved it to the side to be more accommodating. It soon escalated as hands were moving all over his body and little nips were sending sparks down his spine straight to his groin. Turing around Tony seized Seeley's mouth in a passionate and searing kiss. Seeley pulled him until they were almost crushed together. Tony stepped back until they were against a wall and hooked his leg behind Seeley's back, grinding their hips together. Booth growled low in his throat at the onslaught of everything Tony and what he was doing. He picked Tony up and Tony wrapped his legs around Seeley's hips as Seeley began to walk. Tony couldn't help but laugh as he was thrown onto the bed but stopped as Seeley made his way on top of him.

After multiple rounds of getting reacquainted, Seeley and Tony lay cuddled together on their bed. Seeley couldn't think of a better moment then this. Looking down at the man who was using his chest as a pillow Seeley couldn't help but feel an immense love for the man who was his soul mate, best friend and father of his children. Hearing and feeling the constant rise and fall of his lover's chest soothed him to a restful sleep with hopes for the future running through his head. He knew they would overcome everything and come out closer than ever before.

The End