A couple of hours later.

"But is that not what the phrase Trick or Treat means? If you do not give me a treat I shall trick you in some way?" Teal'c asked innocently.

From the neighboring cell Jack rolled his eyes at the Jaffa. "No! That's just the way kids introduce themselves! They might soap windows or smash pumpkins! And it's kids, not grown-ups, who ask for candy. You scared that old man to death!"

Teal'c looked faintly contrite. "Then I shall have to apologize at the first opportunity. Even though he was disagreeable."

In fact, the old man had been totally horrible—saying trick-or-treaters were nothing but selfish brats, and almost bringing Cassie to tears with his scolding, before Teal'c stepped and threatened dire consequences. The old grouch had slammed the door and called the cops.

"If they ever let us out of jail," Jack muttered. He slouched back on the bunk in disgust.

After a few minutes, Teal'c spoke again. "Why did Dr. Fraiser not ask them to release us when she came to pick up Cassandra?"

"Well, if your friends had got your kid arrested by threatening to burn down an 85-year-old man's house—would you have wanted to let them loose again?" Jack demanded.

Of course the cops had not actually arrested Cassie. They'd simply called her mother and then entertained her and plied her with more candy until Fraiser had showed up. Jack had heard the desk sergeant flirting with Janet in the outer office. She hadn't seemed to mind, either. The sergeant's name was Rick, and she'd even accepted an invitation to lunch when she learned that his niece and Cassie were in the same class.

"So what about Robin Hood and the... uh, big guy?" Rick had asked Janet as she was getting ready to leave.

"What about them?" she'd asked indifferently.


"We have been in much worse prisons, O'Neill," Teal'c commented a while later. "I have been examining this cell, and I believe we can easily extricate ourselves..."

"Teal'c! Stop talking like that!" Jack interrupted. "They have mikes in these places! Don't even think about a jailbreak! We'll end up in Leavenworth!"

Teal'c raised an eyebrow. "Very well then. I shall attempt to get some rest." And he lay down and closed his eyes.

Shortly after that, the lights were turned down, and Jack settled himself as comfortably as possible on the narrow cot—which of course was much better than lots of off-world places he'd bunked. He fell asleep almost instantly.

He was awakened by the sound of laughter. Very familiar laughter. Aw, crap, he thought. Sure enough, when he rolled over and opened his eyes, there was Daniel standing outside the cell, almost doubled over with mirth. A police officer was unlocking the cell—he was even wearing a grin.

"It's not that funny," Jack snapped, getting to his feet.

"You're not standin' where I'm standin'. Trust me—this is hysterical!" Daniel sputtered, and went off again in gales.

The officer ushered them out of the cell, and things got even worse when they reached the outer office, where Carter was barely able to hold the pen and sign the release papers, as her giggles threatened to completely overcome her. Not only that, but beside the door stood two Air Force Security airmen with huge grins on their faces.

"Thought we might need help transporting the dangerous offenders," Carter guffawed.

Jack just snarled at her, and Teal'c even failed to look dignified.

"You sure you can handle these two?" the sergeant asked.

Carter gave Jack a look.

"Carter!" he snapped.

"Yes, sir," she replied, still smiling. "He's my commanding officer," she said to the sergeant. "We're good."

"Okay," he said doubtfully.

As they exited the police station, Jack heard the sergeant remark, "And that guy's a full bird colonel! What on earth is the Air Force coming to?"