At the bottom there will be descriptions of each territory and race

Only thee

Born with the blood of three

Can destroy all evil

And restore harmony

When I was a child my grandfather would tell my brother and I stories of his days in the King's Militia and the battles he fought in the Great Antecian Expansion. He would tell us how valiant he fought with his fellow soldiers, and how they conquered the elven forces, taking control of the Ylirit's seaports, and helping create the great kingdom of Antecia that it is today.

His eyes would light up as he talked about how the silver armor of the soldiers gleamed in the sunlight as they charged into Ylirit. The sound of marching and of horses neighing accompanied with their battle horns and drums completely inspired each soldier. Each one loyal and unquestioning. Serving for their king and nation.

My older brother and I would always play and re-enact his stories. We wanted to grow up and become soldiers just like he had, instead of being a rural country farmer in a village with barely a hundred people.

When my grandfather died, his military service enabled him to be buried in the Champion's Crypt. A cemetery exclusively for only the strongest of men who have served. It was in Antecia's capital, Baehlin, right by the royal castle.

My mother and father packed up our wagon and the whole Williams family made the eight day trip it would take to reach the capital for the funeral. Even though I was sad about my grandfather dying, I remember looking around the city in awe. Everything was so beautiful and shining. It was the most magnificent thing I'd ever seen.

My grandfather had the proper military burial, including a band of soldiers in their shining armor. It was all so grand. My grandfather was respected like a hero. Treated like a hero in life and death.

I knew I wanted to be just like him. When I was old enough I wanted to join the King's Militia along with my older brother. I wanted to be a hero.

I still do.

But things don't always work out.

From a young age, I've always been a sick, weak child; constantly becoming ill and bed ridden, usually at weeks at a time.

I was also useless as a worker for our family's farm. I wasn't strong enough to go out into the fields or do any heavy lifting. All I could do was feed the chickens and collect the eggs. Help my mother with the house-work.

My mother and father always worried for me. When I was born the midwife who delivered me told my parents I was a very weak child. She said she would be surprised if I lived past the first year.

But here I am. 16 years later and I'm still alive. Still weak and small and sick, and nowhere near my dream of becoming a knight.

My older brother, Matthew, is 18 now. He's so strong and fit. He would be the perfect soldier.

Today he leaves our tiny village to travel to Baehlin where he will begin his training. I will miss hi terribly when he goes, for I know it will be months before I see him again. All we will have will be letters an I am a terrible writer.

"Alfred, come down here please! You're brother will be leaving soon!" My mother calls from downstairs. I am upstairs in the small loft that my brother and I called a room.

I didn't want to go down to Matthew off. I knew I would end up crying and I wanted to be strong.

"Alfred, get down here now!" My father orders, trying to be strict. I want to laugh. My father is one of the kindest men anyone could ever meet. They must really want me down there to see Matthew off. I sigh and get up from my bed; I really hope I don't cry.

"Coming." I call out meekly. My scrawny legs carried my even scrawnier body down the stairs. I could see my mother and father standing there with my brother, his satchel packed with the few things he'd be able to bring. His violet eyes see me, and he smiles.

"Thought you could avoid saying goodbye to me, ey?" Matthew teases in his soft voice. I roll my eyes and avoid his gaze. Come on, Alfred, don't cry!

"I was just imagining how nice it would be to finally have the room all to myself," I say, putting on a happy face. If my brother sees me cry… He'd probably put off leaving to make sure I'd be ok without him. He's very kind and selfless like that, always putting my needs, as well as other people's, ahead of his. He cares more about others than himself, and that's why he'll be a great soldier. He will be hero. My brother will be able to achieve what I cannot.

So I can't let him see me cry, because Antecia deserves more men like him to serve in the military.

"Yeah, well don't get too used to it, alright. You'll be joining me in the army barracks in just a few years. I'm sure of it," Matthew says smiling. My brother. The only one who still believes I could be a hero.

I look up at him and smile. I feel my eyes become watery and I quickly wipe them on my sleeve. I can hear my mother cooing 'aws' at my sentimental display.

"You're right, I'll be joining you soon…" I trail off. "I'll miss you, Matthew."

Matthew smiles and pulls me into a hug. I wrap my arms around him as tight as I possibly can.

"I'll miss you too, Al," He says. "Take care of Mom and Dad, ok? I promise to write you every week."

I smile, nodding and I feel a tear escape and pull away.

"Alright, I will." I see Matthew smile and he goes to hug and kiss our mother again. Matthew had already gone around the village this morning, saying goodbye to all his friends and his girlfriend, Emma. Now there was no one left to say goodbye to.

"Well, I should get going now if I want to reach Galbayn by nightfall," Matthew says hesitantly. I can tell he's not ready to leave. That he's anxious and a bit nervous. Matthew has always been shy, he's never liked meeting people and now he's leaving everything and everyone he knows. I can only imagine the butterflies in his stomach.

Mother nods, already crying. My father seems sad as well, but he's better at keeping a strong façade.

"Bye." I say, smiling at him. All three of us watch him as he walks out our door. We follow him out, waving goodbye to Matthew as he rides off on his brown horse, Darrow. We just stand there silently watching Matthew ride off until he gets smaller and smaller, eventually becoming just a speck before finally vanishing from our sight. I feel more tears coming down my face.

Dammit… I didn't want to cry.

Matthew has been gone for over a month now and we have yet to hear from him. Not one letter. Father says not to worry. He says that Matthew is probably just busy with his training and hasn't had the time yet. I hope he's right.

Since Matthew left, father's had to hire another hand to pick up the extra work now that Matthew's gone. I obviously can't be much help since I can barely lift a bag of grain and I still get very ill quite often.

The new hand is very tall, very big and very quiet. I don't think I've heard him say a whole sentence since my father hired him.

His name is Ludwig. No last name.

"Hello, Ludwig! How's the work going?" I ask smiling brightly. I love meeting people and making friends. As Matthew says, talking is my best skill.

"Fine," Ludwig says gruffly as he hauls two bags of grain over his shoulders to feed the cows.

"Really? That's great! I just got back from my apprenticeship at the tailors. Man, do I have butter fingers! I keep stabbing my fingers with the needles. Padget gets mad because I keep bleeding on the linens! His face gets so red! I swear it's redder than an apple!" I laugh as I recall my master Padget's angry face from earlier today when I had pricked my finger and got little red stains all over this white shirt I was mending.

"Ah, I see," Is all Ludwig says in return. He seems a bit irritated, but I can't imagine why. Maybe he woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning or something.

"Well, I should go see if my mother needs any help inside. I'll see you later." I say, leaving Ludwig to his work as I head inside. I find my mother scrubbing the floor, she looks up and greets me with a smile.

"Any letters from Matthew?" I ask hopefully. She sighs and shakes her head.

"No… honestly, I don't know what's happening. This isn't like Matthew… We should've heard from him by now."

I completely agree with my mother, but I can't let myself worry too much. Matthew always said I was a worrywart…

"He hasn't even written to Emma…." I comment as I lean against the wall. Mother sighs again.

"I'm sure everything's fine," She says, but she doesn't seem sure at all. I decide to change the subject.

"So, did you need any help? Any errands to run, chores to do?" I ask, pushing myself off the wall. Mother doesn't even have to think or hesitate. She always has work to do.

"Take the laundry down from the line and fold it? It's supposed to rain later today. And after that, if you could stop by the blacksmith and pick up those new horseshoes for Gilda?" She says. I smile and go to grab the wicker basket.

"No problem, I'm on it," I say, going out the back to where the clothes and linen were hanging. I see my father there; he's collecting eggs from the chickens. He sees me and smiles and waves me over.

"Alfred, can you head back into town and pick up Gilda's horse shoes?" He asks once I'm in earshot. I smile.

"Mother already asked me. Its no problem," Father nods.

"So uh, any word from Matthew? I've been out in the field all day."

I sigh. Father may act strong, but he's just as worried as mother and I that we haven't heard from Matthew. I shake my head.

"No, not yet," I say. He nods.

"Right, well, I should get these eggs inside to your mother," He starts to head inside and calls over his shoulder. "Don't forget those horseshoes."

I nod even though I know he can't see me and start taking things down, folding the shirts and cloths. It's a bit difficult with the wind, but its not too bad.

I can see grey clouds in the distance. It will probably already be raining before I get back from the blacksmith.

I make quick work of the laundry, taking it down and folding it into the basket. Before I know it, my little chore is all done and I'm taking it inside to Mother.

"I'm off to the blacksmith's," I call out, heading out the door. I can see Father and Ludwig working on getting our animals inside the barn so they don't have to be out in the rain. I wave but they don't see me and I continue on my way, walking as fast as I can to get to 'town.'

Town is what we refer the center of the village to. That's where the shops are, like the blacksmith, the tailor, the butcher and bakers. But it's nowhere near to an actual town. There's barely a hundred people in our village. And we only have one tavern.

I really want to get out of here.

The blacksmith, Lars, is all right I guess, but he's very solemn and quiet. He and Ludwig would probably get along very well. He's also the older brother of Matthew's girlfriend, Emma.

I go into the smithy, but I don't see anyone around. That's not so unusual though. Lars often disappears to smoke strange things. I'm not really sure what they are, but whatever it is, they sure do make him act weird.

"Anyone here?" I call out. A blonde head pops out of the back. Its Emma. I smile and go over to her.

"Hello Alfred. How is everything? Have you heard anything from Matthew yet?" She asks. God, why must everyone ask me about Matthew.

"Not yet," I say. She visibly deflates before plastering on a pretty smile.

"Well, I'm sure we'll hear from him soon," She says brightly. I smile, I liked Emma, she was always optimistic like me and didn't mind my ramblings.

"So, I bet you're here for Gilda's new horseshoes, right?" She asks as she goes behind the counter to grab the metal horseshoes.

"How'd you know?" I joke. She gives a laugh as she hands me the horseshoes and I hand her the coins needed to pay.

Before she can say anything, Lars enters. He's very stoic looking, but his eyes look a bit hazy and red. Emma sighs and gives him a look.

"Have you been…" She looks at me and back to her older brother and does some gesture that I can't see. "… You know what, again?" Lars rolls his dilated eyes. I think I have a feeling of what he was doing.

"Piss off, Emma." Lars says stoically. He looks over at me.

"And how're you, chicken legs?" He asks me. Now its my turn to roll my eyes. I hate it when he calls me that. Just because I'm scrawny.

"I think I'm going to go. It smells a bit smokey in here," I say pointedly at Lars. He glares and ignores me, going off to start working. I look over at Emma.

"I'll let you know if Matthew sends any letters," I say and she smiles gratefully. She puts her hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you, Alfred. You're a good guy, just like your brother," As she says this, a crack of thunder sounds. I look out the shops window and see that it's started to rain. I make a face and Emma looks at me.

"Do you want to wait out the rain here?" She offers. I shake my head.

"No, that's ok. I should be fine, thanks though, Emma," She nods, but still seems a bit worried.

"If you're sure… I know how easily you can get sick," Emma says. I smile at her.

"I'll be fine."

"Stop pestering, chicken legs. He's not a baby any more," Lars says irritably as he busies himself around his shop. Emma sighs and smiles.

"Alright then. I'll see you around, Alfred," She says, waving to me as I take the horseshoes, and exit the shop, giving her a goodbye smile.

"Bye," I say as I step into the rain. It's pretty heavy so I pick up the pace and run to get home as fast as I can.

As I run through the town, the dirt roads become muddy and I slip a couple times. The slick ground slows me down a bit since I don't want to fall into the mud if I slip again.

The rain is soaking me to the bone. I really should have taken Emma up on her offer and waited in the blacksmith until the rain let up. It's so cold and I start to shiver a bit. Hopefully I won't get sick.

I see my home coming up and I hurry to get inside. My mother has a fire going and I see Father and Ludwig at the table where dinner is about to be served. It's not unusual for Ludwig to eat with us at meals.

Mother looks up at me at the sound of the door and she instantly comes over to me with a worried look.

"Oh Alfred, you're so wet and cold! Why didn't you wait for the rain to stop before coming home?" She frets, grabbing me shoulders and ushering me to sit by the fire.

I hear my father sigh.

"I hope you don't get sick, Alfred," He says softly, coming over to me and placing his big, warm jacket over my shoulders as I sneeze. I can see my mother and father exchange worried looks.

"Why don't you get some warms clothes on and dry your hair. Then you can come down for dinner, sound good?" My mother says kindly. I nod and leave the warmth of the fire and head upstairs. I throw a smile at Ludwig as I pass him and he nods politely.

As I climbed the stairs I can hear my parents' hushed words.

"I hope he's alright, we're so close to harvest, we don't have the time to waste on taking care of him," Mother says.

"Sometimes I wish he were more like Matthew," Father says.

I know they love me, but I also know I'm a burden to them.

There's still no word from Matthew, but it's only been a week since that day it rained. I've been bedridden. Coming down with a high fever and a cough.

I've felt very light headed and I have no appetite. I get dizzy when I stand.

I hate it when I get sick.

My father and Ludwig have been rather busy harvesting the crops from the fields. My mother cleaning and preparing them to sell. It's been very busy on our little farm and I wish I could actually be of use.

Instead I lay here all day, coughing and vomiting up any food I eat.

I mostly sleep through the day, sometimes I look through old books, but we don't own many books, so I go through them a lot.

I look to the side, there's a bowl of hot soup my mother just put there. It smells good, beef stew, my favorite. But I have no appetite for it. I turn away and try to sleep, but I can't stop coughing.

I eventually manage to fall asleep.

I wish I hadn't.

I'm shaken violently awake by my mother. She's frantic and terrified.

"M-mom! What's wrong?!" I ask, my voice sore from coughing as I sit up in my bed. I see out my window, it's dark it must be the middle of the night, but that's not what catches my eye. In the distance where the town is supposed to be, all I can see are bright orange flames.

"Alfred, the village is under attack, you need to get up!" She says pulling me out of my bed and throwing some clothes at me. I feel panic swell in me as I quickly pull on the pants she threw at me. She's grabbing a small satchel and starts throwing as much as she can fit into it. An old tarp me and Matthew used to use as a tent for camping, a couple blankets, a spare shirt, a dagger.

"Where's father? A-and Ludwig?" I ask frantically as I follow my mother down the stairs. She hurries to the pantry and starts packing breads, cheeses and apples into the satchel.

"You're father's helping to fight them off in town, I don't know where Ludwig is. Put your boots on now and grab a jacket!" She orders. I hurry to do what she says.

"Ok, but who's 'them?' Why are they attacking us? What are you doing?!" I ask as I slip into my boots, already feeling dizzy and I start coughing.

"I'm packing! You need to leave, take Gilda! There's enough food to last you three, maybe four days…" She trails off and heads to her and father's bedroom. I stumble after her, grabbing my jacket and throwing it on.

"Leave?! Where am I going? Are you coming with me?" I ask between coughing as my mother digs through her trunk.

"You've got to leave! You need to get to Varlera, you'll be safe there. Alfred," She pauses and turns to me, she's crying, why hadn't I noticed that earlier. "I'm not going with you," She finally says.

"Wh-what?! I-… I can't go on my own! I can't leave you!" I cry out dropping down next to her on my knees and holding on to her.

"Mommy, I can't leave without you!" I say. I hear Mother sob and she pries me off her.

"Alfred, my baby, you need to go! I need to stay here in case you're father comes back. I'll be fine, I promise," She kisses my forehead. "I promise."

"B-but how am I supposed to get to Varlera?! I'm not a mage! They'll arrest me and-and escort me out of their territory and I'll be right back here I started!" None of this made sense, I couldn't go there. "A-and who's 'them?' Who's attacking us?" I ask again, realizing she still hadn't answered that question.

My mother ignores my question again and grabs a small jewelry box from her trunk and pulls out a pendant.

"Alfred, everything will be fine as long as you have this," She holds the pendant out for me to take it. It's on a bronze chain and the pendant is turquoise. There's a strange symbol on it made up of intricate circles. "This has the symbol of a mage family. Your mage family," She says.

"What? Wh-what are you talking about? You're not making sense!" I cry out, clutching the pendant.

"Alfred, you're one fourth mage. Your grandmother was a dormant mage from Varlera. Her maiden name was Jones. That's a very common surname in mage territory. As long as you tell anyone who comes across you that your name is Alfred Jones and wear that pendant, you'll be safe."

I start coughing again.

"No! I can't leave you here! I promised Matthew I'd take care of you! A-and what about Emma?!" I can barely lift a sack of grin. I'm weak, I can't survive on my own. "I can't do this on my own!"

"You have to Alfred! I'll be fine and so will Emma, Lars will protect her! All the other nearby villages are either under attacked or will be. The next closest place is Varlera. It's only a three-day journey on horse. So take Gilda and go! You can have a better life there! There's more opportunities, they have better physicians! You could be healthier and happier there! Go and build a new life and never look back, Alfred!" She hugs me close, so tight it hurts. She doesn't even care that I'm coughing on her and crying. She just holds me close.

"I love you, Alfred," She stands up, bringing me with her and lets go of me, thrusting the satchel into my arms. "Now go! Take Gilda and go!" I reluctantly nod and sling the bag over my shoulder and hug my mother one last time before going. I feel light headed and dizzy as I run out of the house, I can hear my mother calling behind me, shouting that she loves me and that I'll be fine. I find Gilda in the stable and let her out. There's no time to saddle her up, so I untie her and hoist myself up.

"Come on, Gilda," I say as we ride off and out of the barn, heading west towards the forest and away from the burning village. My soon to be burning home.

Its as I'm riding off that I realize I didn't get to say goodbye to my father. I didn't get to say goodbye to my friends. Not Emma, not my master Padget. Not even Lars.

I also realize that I still don't know who's attacking the village. Howerver my question is answered as a larger than life man, with deathly pale skin and dark, creepy armor and a giant sword. He snarls, flashing sharp rotted teeth at me as he swings his huge sword at me.

Gilda neighs, frightened and jumps back onto her hind legs, I yelp, losing my grip and fall off, landing on my back. I groan in pain and start coughing violently again.

I tremble, terrified as I look up at the man and inch away from him. I want to scream but I can't find my voice or even my breath.

I had only ever heard stories before… I never once in my thought I'd ever come face to face with an actual Haeritari.

The Hearitari. The most ruthless, barbaric race. All they do is rape and pillage and kill. They have no morals, no sense of good. They're monsters.

He laughs, but it sound more like a growl. He raises his sword and I know he plans to hack me up. I whimper and try to get up, but he knocks me back down and keeps me from moving by placing his heavy boot on my chest. It's suffocating and I can't breath.

Oh God… this is it… I'm… I'm going to die.

He raises his sword, ready to chop my head off. His eyes gleam with sadistic pleasure. I close my eyes. I hope he makes it quick.

I lie there waiting for my imminent doom, but it never comes. Suddenly the weight is off my chest. I open my eyes and look around and there's Ludwig, tackling the Haeritari warrior to the ground. The giant sword he was going to use to kill me on the ground as well.

Ludwig punches his helmet off, his hands going to strangle him, the large, pale beast of a man struggles under Ludwig's strong grip and it doesn't take long for him to pass out. Ludwig gets off and grabs the sword and doesn't even hesitate to press the think blade into the Haertitari's chest, effectively killing him.

I gasp and look up at Ludwig in shock. I knew he was strong, but I had no idea he was that strong. He holds out his hand to me and I take it. He pulls me to my feet and I catch my breath.

"You alright?" He asks as he cleans the bloodied blade on the grass, meaning to keep it. He takes the sheath from the dead warrior's body and straps it to his back. I nod.

"Yes… I'm fine, thank you for saving my life," I say. Ludwig nods and without a word walks off. I watch him going over to Gilda, calming her down and getting on her, guiding her back over to me.

"What are you doing?" I ask confused. Why was he taking my horse?

"I don't know where you're going, but I am coming with you," He says stoically, offering his hand to me to pull me onto Gilda.

"Why?" I always thought Ludwig hated me. Why would he want to join me?

"There's nothing left for me here and if you go alone, you'll probably die." He says. And he's right. So I grab the satchel from off the ground and take his hand. He effortlessly pulls me up onto Gilda's back in front of him.

"Where are we going?" He asks.

"Varlera," I say. He nods and doesn't say anything and instead kicks Gilda into a gallop and we ride off, heading towards the forest that acts as the boarder between Antecia and Varlera.

I hold onto Gilda's mane and I turn my head to the side as I cough. I feel so dizzy… so lightheaded. I feel like I'm going to pass out.

It gets harder and harder to keep my eyes open and my body alert. I feel myself becoming limp, leaning back against Ludwig's broad chest. Everything gets darker and darker and I finally feel myself go unconscious.

Antecia – The human territory. The largest territory and greatest population. The humans put most of their resources into their militia. Most humans in Antecia are either farmers in the villages or soldiers in the military. The noble humans live in the cities and work as merchants, holy-man/women, or as representatives in the villages.

Antecia is ruled by either a king or queen of royal blood. They are very involved in trading andassociating themselves in other territories' political problems.

Varlera – The Magi territory. While not everyone in Varlera can practice magic or possess the ability, they all have pure magi blood and the trait, whether it be dominant or recessive in them. Varlera generally doesn't let none magi in the territory. Any non-magi people are arrested and either put into the slave labor if deamed able enough to work or imprisoned/killed if they pose as a threat or escorted out of the territory if they are not threats or not viewed as useful for work. Varlera doesn't associate with the other regions politically ad any contact is strictly for trade. They declare neutrality in any potential wars or conflicts unless they deem one side to be a threat to them. If so, then they offer aid to the other side.

Varlera's ruler is refered to as the Grand Diviner and a council of elder mages. They decide everything. The Grand Diviner is chosen by the council of elders from a group of apprentices who are taken from young ages to be trained under the current Grand Diviner. The apprentices not chosen become the future council members.

Haeritari – This territory is occupied by the Haeritans. A race of human-like beings. They are gifted with incredible strength and combative skills. They are e very barbaric race. They act on impulse and know no morals.

They are very tribal and their leader, the Chief is the strongest warrior. In their culture, whichever warrior is strong enough to defeat the chief, (kill him in battle) they become the new chief.

Ylirit – The elfish territory. The elfish territory used to be very large and expanded all over the lands. Their main territory used to be along the seaside areas, where they were the main control of the sea ports. However that territory was taken by Antecian forces. Now the elves live up in the mountains and forest areas.

The elves celebrate no type of god's, but instead their ancestors. The leader of the elves is chosen through a ceremony in which they believe their ancestor's point to who should lead. It is typically someone very wise and in touch with their heritage and the lands around them. The elves are very peaceful, but they have a fierce army of archers and they are the best hunters.