Author's Note: I finally got an idea for a multi-chapter story! I hope you enjoy it!
Disclaimer: I must not tell lies! I'm not J.K. Rowling, and I do not own any part of Harry Potter.
Ron Weasley jumped at the sound of his name. He turned toward the door to see his wife, Hermione, standing there.
"What are you doing?" she asked. Her gaze traveled down to the half-packed suitcase on the floor. She gasped, tears rapidly gathering in her eyes. "You're – you're leaving me!"
Ron suddenly realized how suspicious his actions seemed. "No!" he exclaimed. "No, Hermione! I'd never leave you!"
"Then what are you doing?" Hermione repeated. She tried to blink back her tears, but one managed to escape. Ron gently brushed it away with his thumb.
"I have to go on an Auror mission. We think we've discovered a small group of Death Eaters that went into hiding after Voldemort's defeat and was never caught."
"I'll come with you," Hermione said immediately.
"No, 'Mione. It could be dangerous," Ron said.
"So? I've faced danger before," Hermione argued.
"Yes, but I have Auror training now."
"Are you trying to say you don't think I have sufficient skills?"
"Of course not! Just… please stay behind. For me," Ron pleaded.
"I want to come, Ron!" Hermione said stubbornly.
"Hermione, you don't understand how hard this is for me! Obviously when we were looking for the Horcruxes I couldn't expect you to leave Harry, but I still hated being with you in those risky situations. I don't think you need to get involved this time. I'd never forgive myself if you came along and something happened to you because I would know that I could have avoided it."
"Well, I feel the same way!" Hermione said. "I'd be worried sick about you the entire time you were gone."
"Harry's going too. I'll always be with him. And we work really well together, you know. We'll be fine."
That didn't help much, Hermione thought. Not only was her husband chasing Death Eaters, but now her best friend was too?
"How long will you be gone?" she asked.
"I don't know exactly, but it won't be long," Ron answered.
Hermione bit her lip. Ron was clearly just as determined to make her stay as she was to go along with him. She supposed she could remain behind just this once.
"Okay. I'll stay," she said reluctantly.
Ron hugged her and gave her a kiss. "Good."
Hermione sat alone at a booth in the Leaky Cauldron, absentmindedly stirring a glass of butterbeer. She was so deep in thought that she was startled to hear a voice call her name. "Hey, Hermione!"
She looked up to see Neville Longbottom standing by her table. "Hi, Neville."
Neville studied her for a few seconds. "I was coming to see Hannah, but you look like you have a lot on your mind."
"Is it that obvious?" Hermione said.
"For one thing, you're stirring your drink with a fork," Neville said with a grin. Hermione blushed and took the fork out of her butterbeer as Neville slid onto the bench opposite her. "Want to talk about it?" he asked once he was settled.
"Neville, is there something wrong with me?" Hermione blurted out.
"Are you sure you want me to answer that?" Neville said. Hermione glared at him, and he quickly held up his hands in mock surrender. "Sorry, sorry! I was joking! Honestly, though, there's nothing wrong with you, at least not that I've seen."
"But Ron's going away for a while to track down some Death Eaters who are on the loose and I'm letting him go without me. We haven't been separated since… Well, let's just say it's been a long time," Hermione said.
"That's all right," Neville said. "Ron can take care of himself. He's a strong fighter."
"Yes, but my mind can't help thinking of every possible thing that could go wrong. I've come up with dozens of what-ifs, ranging from 'What if he never comes back?' to 'What if he forgets to brush his teeth?' It's ridiculous."
Neville looked Hermione straight in the eye. "Look, I've known you and Ron for many years now. And I know that Ron loves you very much. You're one of the most important people if not the most important person in his life. So I believe I can say with confidence that he will do everything in his power to come home to you alive and well."
Hermione sighed. "You're right. I guess I'm overreacting. Thanks, Neville."
"Anytime," Neville said. "If you ever need to talk to me, I'll be here."
Despite Neville's reassurance, the day when Ron was leaving came much too soon for Hermione. She watched as he checked his suitcase one final time.
"You'll write to me, won't you?" she asked.
"Absolutely! I'll send you a letter every day if you want me to," Ron said. He kissed Hermione on the forehead and then realized her eyes were watery. "Why are you crying?" he said tenderly.
"I get it. You choose him."
Hermione was stunned by Ron's words. She couldn't believe he thought that was why she was staying behind. Didn't he know she was doing this because Harry was her friend, not because she was interested in him romantically?
"Ron, no – please – come back, come back!" she called as Ron walked out of the tent. She hastily removed the Shield Charm she'd created between Harry and Ron and ran after him.
The rain poured from the sky, mixing with the tears streaming down her face. "Ron!" she yelled.
Ron spun around to face her, his expression a mixture of anger and hurt. "I said I get it, Hermione!" he said forcefully.
His tone of voice almost shocked Hermione into silence. "But you don't get it!" she managed to say. "There's a difference between loving someone and being in love with someone. I love Harry. I'm in love with you." She took a step closer to Ron. "You don't have to do this," she whispered.
"Yes, I do. Trust me," Ron said. "This is better for all of us."
"Don't say that! You promised you'd never leave Harry!" Hermione said. "You promised you'd never leave me."
"That was when we started," Ron said. "But things change."
"Ron, please…" Hermione began, but Ron shook his head.
"You don't need to explain," he said. "I understand. You don't need me anymore."
"Ron," Hermione said again, but he was already Disapparating, twisting away from her, leaving her standing alone in the downpour.
The memory flashed through Hermione's mind, but she quickly forced a smile. "No reason," she said. "You know how emotional I can get."
"Okay, if you're sure," Ron said uncertainly. He gave her another kiss, pressing his lips to hers. Hermione savored the moment, embracing Ron tightly. Maybe if she refused to let go, then he would have to stay.
Ron broke away and lifted Hermione's arms off of himself. "I love you," he said softly.
"I love you, too," Hermione replied. "I'll miss you."
"Not as much as I'll miss you," Ron said. He kissed her once more and then picked up his suitcase, preparing to leave. "I'll be back before you know it," he promised.
Hermione closed her eyes. She didn't want to watch him leave. She heard the loud crack that meant Ron had Disapparated, but even then she kept her eyes firmly shut. Perhaps she could trick herself into thinking that it was only a dream.