Hermione Malfoy

Chapter 14: Accidents

Please don't hate me. I feel horrible, I actually feel like the worst person on this website. I left this story undone for so long and it wasn't supposed to be like that. But i've had a very tough couple of months. I have this thing called Hypochondria and well it took over me. I am constitenly worried I have a brain tumor, or cancer. Even if I don't. That's what Hypochondria is. It made me kinda depressed and now I'm getting better, I try not to think about it. But from time to time I get anxiety attacks and it's aweful.
I love you all and here's an update. And if you forgot what happened last chapter in "jealousy" was that Draco got jealous when Hermione's old best friends turned out to be two boys, on their trip to Canada. So there's something to refresh your minds.

Disclaimer: I don't own this god damn thing, except the plot!

Draco's POV

Wow, as I'm looking around the great hall I can't help but be completely happy for the very first time. Everything is just going perfectly. It really is.

My thoughts were intruppted by Pansy's annoying voice, "Drakie, let me go refill your pumpkin juice." She purred into my ear. I was disgusted but I replied with a nod, anything for her to go away!
I went back to my thoughts but it didn't go too far as the clingy pug face came back too soon for my liking. I didn't over think taking the pumpkin juice and chugging it all down. I suddenly felt something tingling in my stomach and I looked up to pansy smirking. Of course! She's spiked my drink. I wanted to tell someone but it was too late as I lost all my thoughts. The last thing I remember is Hermione.

Hermione's POV

Where was Draco today? I haven't seen him since last night. I looked around the great hall but I could only spot a confused looking Blaise. I finished off my lunch and took off to the heads common room.
"Caput Draconis" I whispered and the door slowly opened letting me into the beautiful common room.
I looked around the room and Draco was nowhere to be seen so I decided to checking his room before heading to my next class, which was potions, Draco's favorite. I doubt he'll miss that.
I slowly walked up the stairs and opened the door to find Pansy Parkinson the pug face inches away from Draco's mouth! My eyes widened and I felt tears well up in my eyes. It was clear as to what was supposed to happen next.
"Draco, how dare you cheat on me after all we've been through?" I shouted at him, they broke apart and Draco, instead of looking sorry just smirked. I was completly baffeled.
"I never liked you Mudblood, rather than "love" whatever that means. I'm with Pansy now so just go back to wherever you came from. Your filth isn't needed here."
My heart stopped for a moment and tears clouded my vision. I turned around and ran down the stairs, I heard someone behind me, and hoping it was Draco I stopped for a second. But only to feel someone push me hard on my back, I let out a small scream, but suddenly everything went black.

Pansy's POV

It had to be done, finally the mudblood is dead, fingers crossed I pushed her hard enough. And Draco is mine, even though I added a little potion to his pumpkin juice it was nothing like Amortentia, it was just a potion in which makes you act opposite to how you feel.
This Draco is whom I love, and he loves me back. The right Draco who is against all sorts of filthy mudbloods. Especially that Granger.
I don't think anyone saw me, thank merlin. Otherwise they'd be making me space in Azkaban. We wouldn't want that now, would we.

Draco's POV

I blinked as the sunrays hit my eyes. I seem to have misplaced a whole day because last thing I remember is eating lunch with Blaise thinking to myself. I wonder if I got drunk or something. I don't seem to understand what's happening. Slowly I sat up from my bed and stretched my arms to hear someone say, "Ow, Draco be careful. You hit me right in the face."
It took me a second to realise who's voice that was. Pansy. It all came back to me now. Last night! She spiked my drink, what happened? I hope nothing because as I looked at myself, I was completley naked except for only a pair of boxers covering me. I quickly jumped out of the bed looking at her with wide eyes.
"Parkinson what the fuck did you do?!" I screamed.
Only she just smirked at me, "Drakie, I just did what was necesarry."
Oh no, the mad girl finally did somehing. "Pansy... Don't tell me you did what I think you did."
"Oh and what do you think I did?" Her eyes glistening with evil.
"You tell me Parkinson." I honestly have no clue as to what happened last night. But I don't even want to know.
"Oh it wasn't Amortentia if that's what you think. I just gave you a potion I had found in knockturn alley last year. It makes you act opposite of how you really would. But I know you acted just like you should. And now that the mudblood is out of the picture. We could finally be together." All I heard was potion and mudblood, it was enough for me to know that she did something terrible to my Hermione.
"Don't you dare call her a mudblood Parkinson. And what do you mean by 'she's out of the picture'?" I screamed again.
"Oh, well she saw us in action last night. And if you're telling me not to call her a mudblood you should've seen yourself last night." My heart stopped. I put on pants, a t-shirt and got ready to find Hermione.
"There's no use Draco. I got rid of her."
"What. Do you mean?" I asked looking at her murderously.
"Let's just say you'll be finding her in the hospital wing."
Shit. Holy fucking shit. Pansy went too far, way fucking too far.
"Listen you fucking pug face, if Hermione is hurt in any way. You're fucking dead." And then I ran out of the common room as fast as I could to the hospital wing.

Pansy's POV

I need a new plan. One that will guarantee Draco to be mine. One where he has to be mine.
Draco thinks we slept together last night. Of course we didn't, I don't need to be pregnant. It will ruin my perfect body. Who needs a small whiny thing anyway. When you could live your life being free with all the money in the world.
Wait... What if I am "Pregnant". Being under a potion, you could easily forget protection.
I'm a genius.

Draco's POV

I was running as fast as I could. As I reached the hospital wing I suddenly stopped. Potter and the Weasel were standing there. Looking about ready to murder me.
I was in big trouble.
"Potter, Weasley." I nodded.
I started to walk past them, "Not so fast Malfoy. How dare you come walking in here like this isn't all your fault." Potter started.
"We warned you Ferret, if you hurt Hermione, we hurt you." Weasley finished.
"You don't understand. I can explain what happened!" I held up my hands up.
"Fine. Just because I feel sorry for you. After we're done you'll be destroyed. You have two minutes to explain." I flinched at his harsh tone.
"Ok, well yesterday at lunch Pansy Parkinson, a girl who is obsessed with me and my money. Spiked my drink, she gave me a potion that would make me act opposite as I normally would. Which is why I called her a mudblood, kissed Pansy and etc. This morning it all came back to me. Pansy did it so Hermione would get mad, then pushed her down the stairs as I gathered. Which brings me to the hospital wing." I quickly explained.
I looked up to see Potter and Weasley's mouths agape.
"W-well, that sounds truthful I guess." Potter started. I sighed in relief.
"Harry! What if he's lying?!" Oh great. The Weasel has got something to say.
"I know Ron, but I doubt he could come up with a lie as convincing as that. Even if he is a Slytherin. He can't be lying about such a thing. Plus, remember when Pansy threw herself at you to get Hermione mad? She's mad." Potter finally understood what I mean.
"Alright fine, go on then."
I nodded my thanks to Potter and walked into the hospital wing.
I spotted Madame Pomfrey tending to Hermione on one of the hospital beds. My heart broke into two, she looked so broken. Not physically, but emotionally. I just hope she gives me a second chance.
Slowly I walked over to her bed and her eyes looked at me, but not the soft brown loving eyes. But the evil, puffy red eyes that made my stomach sink.
"Hermione?" I asked in a low whisper.
"Get, away from me." She growled.
"I know you're upset but-"
"Upset? Upset? How dare you, I walked in on you planting a kiss on that slut Parkinson!" I flinched, "And then, you call me a mudblood! Telling me you never even liked me rather than love!" I said that? Wow, I hate myself right now, and that's pretty surprising because I'm known to be cocky.
"Yes that all happened, but let me explain-" I started, but yet again cut off.
"I don't need an explanation Malfoy, just get out of this room, this school and get out of my life." She didn't scream this time. She whispered looking heartbroken.
She needed time to heal, emotionally and physically. I turned my heel around and stalked off. Only hearing a faint sob coming from Hermione. I wanted to run over there and comfort her, tell her I love her and make her feel better.
But she needs time.

So that's it for now. I'll try posting another chapter in the next two days because I want to get this story going again. I think I'll be having twenty-two chapters for this story. There is a lot of drama coming their way though so review on what you think is going to happen. And follow the stories to be alerted of the following chapters.

I love you all.