Don't kill me because it is taking so long! I have much greater access to Microsoft word, but I'm trying to make my next chapter at least 6500 words long. My biggest problem is, for some weird reason, I can't type but about 250-500 words at a time, or my mind starts drifting. THAT, is something I hate, for I'm just as much, if not more, into this story than everything else ever since I got the idea! I even put some of my best hobbies on the back burner! My goal is to reach 10,000 words and to have it up by the end of March. My Graduation is coming up, which is also throwing my groove off with all the studying I'm having to do, so I'm only about 1200 words in to the next chapter. Really sorry for the long wait, but like I've said, what, 15 times, that I will complete it!