I hope this final installment is worth the wait you dear readers have suffered. Special thanks to ree923, The-Little-Devil-With-Halo, Little Sweetness, wondergirl329, Avaine, and Navidasti. May your lives bring you much happiness.


A success! As she exited the change room Sarah received abundant praise from the director and fellow cast on her performance as Engel from 'Streetwise Heaven'. Six months of preparation had led to that evening's opening show. The biggest blunder had occurred when one of the jittery actors had forgotten half their lines forcing Sarah to improvise. In the end, however, the performance had prompted a standing ovation, the script writer joking that they should just let Sarah act all the parts. After an hour of celebrating the woman bid her companions an early evening, the flushed and tired actress crossing the street from the bar to the bus stop. Jimmy, one of her actor-friends yelled an invitation to her about a party at his house. Grinning she shouted back a polite decline. The creaky blue and white bus pulled up alongside and she waved to her theater group as she sat, the bus pulling carefully onto the narrow street.

Fifteen minutes later she was unlocking the door to her small apartment and climbing the moldy stairs. A cream-walled corridor opened onto a large red living room and lime-green kitchen. Yet again she sighed over certain people's lack of taste. Fixing a quick supper to the sound of Celtic fiddle Sarah changed into a pair of comfortable jeans and loose flannel shirt. Pictures of her family greeted her on the mantle as she ate but even with their friendly faces her home seemed lonely. To her left stood a full length mirror angled against the wall for costume-fitting. Pausing mid-bite she leant forward, taunted by the glimpse of a purple and navy cloak swishing across its reflective surface. Her previously felt exhilaration fled and in rushed a heaviness that reminded her how tired she was. I should take a vacation. I'm not doing myself any favours working like this. Thirty-year-old women certainly weren't supposed to be getting grey hair. Plucking another stray strand from her dense hair (Engel's character required lush curls) Sarah picked up the red and black bound book lying across from her.

Jareth. What's happening these days? How are Celbri and Byaon? Still causing trouble I presume. And the goblins, expecting their feasts every evening and parties late into the night? A reminiscent smile crossed her tense lips. I miss you all. Lost in reverie she failed to notice the mirror ripple and a short figure step from its depths.

"For pity's sake Sarah!"

Jerking upright the startled youngling saw none other than her dwarf companion Hoggle.

"How did you get here?"

"Through the easiest door o' course. If you're so curious why not come and answer those questions yourself."

"Did Jareth send you?" Pushing out of her chair she bent down to face him, her keen eyes catching the defensive straightening of his shoulders.

"Of course not! I don't follow his orders anymore, just like you said!"

Smiling she gave him a warm hug. "Sorry Hoggle, I guess I'm a little strung these days."

"Then you should definitely come and visit! Jareth's been going out of his head. You left at quite a time I must say."

"Oh dear what's, oh don't tell me, I'll come right away!" Taking his hand they stepped as one through the shimmering surface of the innocent-looking mirror.

The castle's aged walls greeted her as they touched down. The drapes she'd hung years ago still sparkled merrily against the depressing drab. I'm glad he hasn't taken those down. Skipping ahead of Hoggle she found Jareth's presence and traced it to the courtyard beside the GoblinCity. As she and her companion entered the sanctuary a frequent daydream was brought to life.

"Sarah!" Celbri jumped to her feet, spilling tea all over her plain ivory dress. "Oh darf!" With a flick of her hand she quickly cleaned herself.

Even as she ran to give her elf friend a hug she locked eyes with the handsome man who had risen gracefully from the bench next to her. Letting Celbri be the one to pull away first Sarah waited as the man drew up before her, her heart beating breathlessly despite their numerous encounters.

"You didn't-"

"Hoggle sensed me reminiscing." Pleasure lit her features, melting away all the strain of the previous life. "He said you were having troubles."

"Oh, is that all." No further words permeated the atmosphere as their lips and hands explored bodies they'd almost forgotten.

"Well, I feel I should leave them alone but." Celbri's motherly smile blossomed as she skillfully avoided looking at the two beings, still hopelessly in love after so many mortal years.

"So, how have things been princess? You look as old as usual." The king asked, his smile maintaining the hint of desire even as he moved farther away from her.

"Fine, fine, I've been overworked."

"And what happened to your Goblin Realm responsibilities?" Celbri's arms crossed defiantly. "Wrapped up in mortal affairs."

"Hey, where are the kids anyway?" An arm around her waist welcomed her into a place she had almost forgotten, her place at Jareth's side.

"In the gardens, they've almost got the whole damn thing memorized."

"Want me to mind-call them?" Jareth's voice was rough and attractive.

"Yes, please. And it's my turn two weeks from now."

"Are you staying until then?"

"Yes, I think I will."

"Good, the Kingdom does so go amiss when you're away; I can barely manage on my own you know." His smirk caused both her irritation and pulse to jump.

"What a silly Goblin you are."

Shrieks caught her ears and they all turned to see two children come tearing around a far corner of the maze garden. The first had long dark hair tied back in a long braid, a round soft face making the gender easily mistaken. As Jareth had stated at the boy's fifteenth elfin year the child named Byaon would win the heart of any to take his fancy. Now twelve mortal years he displayed all the grace and kindness of his mother and thankfully none of his father's fatal flaws. Garbed in a green tunic and brown work pants he was the leader in an apparent game of tag.

His pursuer was a slim but sturdy girl, around seven mortal years. Her dress of silver and black was knee high allowing for plenty of free movement. A handsome face sported brown eyes with gold circles at their centers. The hair tucked behind her ears in two tight buns was night-black with streaks of sunlight blond. When she caught sight of a new figure amongst the adults her bright features lit up.

"Mother!" And Sarah was hugging the daughter she'd missed almost more than her Goblin husband.

"Sarena, tormenting this poor boy again?"

The child's grin dripped with mischievousness. "Let's just say it's mutual. Staying long?"

"At least for dinner." After a piercing look from her significant other Sarah continued. "Yes, I plan on at least a week of relaxation."

"Oh you should see the stuff dad's been dealing with. A right mmmess."

"Dinner would be a good place to talk this over at I'd say loves." Celbri put in.

'Yes let us forget business for the moment and simply be." Taking the hand of her daughter and husband Sarah gazed toward the peaks of their castle. What a world - to have a cell phone, a kingdom and a loving family in the same life. I must be truly blessed. Full of smiles and laughter the group wandered back through the ever-present twists and mysteries of the Labyrinth.

A very heartfelt thank you to all of my readers for their patience and dedication to this story. I hope it's been entertaining.